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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 255 KB, 1000x1000, rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7825196 No.7825196 [Reply] [Original]

Why do all of these new age diets say rice (white or brown) is unhealthy when asians have some of the lowest obesity rates as well as longest life spans?

>> No.7825204

The fda is trying to get you to eat poisoned bread instead. However poisoned rice is common too.

>> No.7825208

Why does it seem as though /ck/ has had some generic rice thread with that same OP image pretty much non-stop over the past few months?

>> No.7825217

No idea, this is my third time ever posting on /ck/

How the fuck do they poison rice?

>> No.7825221

Because a lot of people who eat "rice" eat fried rice or somesuch that obviously skews the entire nutritional equation.

>> No.7825225

You'd be skinny too if you made shoes at gunpoint for 80 hours per week

>> No.7825229

it's not a problem if you eat it at the same amounts, compared to most other stuff it fills you up pretty fast but if you're already used to making a ton of food then eating it in 5 minutes you're going to get really fat on rice

>> No.7825232



>> No.7825238

"Enriched" is not a meme.
It is illegal to process all wheat in the US without adding synthetic chemicals. Rice is getting hit too.

>> No.7825244

because rice is unhealthy and it's super easy to overeat.

a cup of rice is 200 calories. if you do the standard rice + 2 sides at panda express, they'll shovel 3 cups of rice and 1000 calories worth of chicken.

right off the bat that's like 1600 calories.

>> No.7825251

Because Asians don't only eat white rice.

>> No.7825262

If fried chicken and grape koolaid are so unhealthy why are all the black people I see so swole and scary looking

>> No.7825264
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>> No.7825273
File: 92 KB, 320x314, IMG_201606179_072227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can not be removed from your body once ingested
>will eventually cause liver failure
>let's put it in every wheat product in the US by law
>arrest those who refuse

I know you guys hate me, but these aren't my words on the left here.

>> No.7825292

Is this FDA shit real? How/why?

>> No.7825302

This. One uncooked cup of rice is 700 calories. It's easy to make that much not knowing how many calories you're getting.

It's also pretty devoid of nutrition.

Nothing really wrong with it, though. If you're eating a balanced diet and control intake.

>> No.7825310

Reliance on outdated scientific studies
General government corruption

>> No.7825311

Genetics. They were bred to be good laborers, then that whole "emancipation" nonsense happened and here we are.

>> No.7825315

I don't know how they passed it, but it's law.
Fda shills will literally tell you that synthetic government made vitamins are essential to your health.

Why put them in every single product, recommend them with a pyramid, then make laws forcing their use?
Those articles clearly say that they are biocumulative and damaging.

The best part? The part of the wheat seed that is removed by law already contains b vitamins, natural and safe ones, but the government forces people to get rid of them and readd shipments of unsafe synthetic vitamins.

Looking for a video for you.

>> No.7825316


How is that so? I make rice at home in a rice cooker and 1 cup is enough for 2 portions. It's only a three cup machine. I'm pretty sure you dont get an entire rice cooker of rice at panda express.


I've switched to a mainly rice diet at home since marrying an Asian, and I've lost weight. Most home cooked meals are a small amount of fish or meat, vegetables, and like a small ish bowl of rice. Boxed lunches for work are generally the same with vegetables, rice balls and meat or fish.

I get it's possible to over eat but who is doing it and how?

>> No.7825320

They literally force synthetic chemicals into every such product? No exceptions?
What the fuck...

>> No.7825321

Hey, amerifriends. Is there a way to get organic rice in the US?

>> No.7825324

it started with good intentions like a lot of safely and regulatory bodies

>> No.7825326

You can just buy imported rice. Like basmati or sushi or whatever.

>> No.7825331

Buy rice direct from the Asian markets.

Fuck the FDA.

>> No.7825332

Source that the added vitamins are unsafe

>> No.7825334

New aged diets are based on processed vegetable oils or as I like to call them the slippery jew with all the enrichments you goyim need.
All you have to do to not be fat is to eat a normal amount of food not made in America

>> No.7825340

I can't find the video but they remove all of the vitamin laden parts, keep the plainest part, and readd the synthetic versions of the original vitamins.

Yes it's law. Every wheat product and most rice.
If you can find unenriched wheat in the US, especially spaghetti (which cooks and tastes 10x better) then JUMP. IT IS RARE AS FUCK.

>> No.7825341

I just buy imported Thai rice from the grocery. I live in an Asian-heavy area of America though, we have two Asian groceries in town.

>> No.7825342

I'm not American, that's why I'm so perplexed at this shit

>> No.7825346
File: 182 KB, 922x519, WP_20160627_02_47_50_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice + noodle is good for your health

>> No.7825349

Where are the vegetables? (The few green onions there hardly count)

>> No.7825352

Lol at DYELs hating rice.

>b-but it has so many calories!
That's a good thing you retards. Great source of carbs.
And if you aren't a 5'5" womanlet who doesn't lift or exercise at all you won't go over your TDEE with a few cups of rice.

Hit the gym if you're so worried.

>> No.7825353

You're all retards, why do you think the White man is privileged and not the Asian? Our food, and also our enriched rice, is superior to shitty chink rice

>> No.7825359



>remove natural b1 from wheat
>by law
>force all US companies to add your biocumulative, synthetic, liver damaging version to their wheat

>does not leave your body
>known to be toxic after long term use
>government makes sure you are forced to eat it every day

What do you not get?

"Energy drinks are bad for you guys!"
>energy drinks have the same exact shit your bread has

>> No.7825362

Eat away. Just stay the fuck away from my natural Asian rice. When your liver shuts down, I won't be able to help.

>> No.7825367

White Man Asian Rice is objectively the worst fucking coupling you see and it cucks little chinks like you into oblivion

>> No.7825369
File: 247 KB, 691x1039, WP_20160626_06_49_27_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7825372

What the fuck are you talking about? Is English even your first language?

>> No.7825374

All I ever eat is the rice from the asian markets, it taste alot different than the boil in a bag shit my parents use. Is this because of muh poisons, or because it is boil in a bag.

>> No.7825375


>a cup of rice is 200 calories
>a cup of rice is 700 calories

One of you is a retard.

>> No.7825382

Because it's a different kind of rice. I assume the bagged is par-cooked rice. Different texture. There are many varieties of rice beyond those two as well.

>> No.7825383
File: 646 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20160627_195611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boil in bag related. How yum can you get?

Unenriched shit does not foam up when you boil it, at all. Water stays clear, perfect rice, phenomenal spaghetti.

>> No.7825386

It's obviously because it's boil in a bag shit, these little chinks go on about how their rice is superior but who is the ones that colonized half the world hu? HUH?

>> No.7825394
File: 35 KB, 400x179, top-ramen-nutrition-facts-ingredients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When your ingredients should only say this:

Ingredients: Ramen Noodles - Whole wheat flour.

But they are actually a whole paragraph.

>> No.7825401


>US has problem with shitty nutritionally devoid food from post wwii era canning and processing fetish
>could just go back to eating fresh food
>nah, add a bunch of shit to it and mandate that by law so no one gets a choice

I want to kill all boomers who let this happen. Now the govt is so overgrown and unchecked something like this is the most inane they've done.

Only choice is to eat restricted diet, small amounts of a variety so no one poison gets enough dose to off you.

I pretty much disagree with all FDA regulations. There is nothing wrong with natural food. Milk from a cow, not a factory. Meat that hasn't been bleached literally, eggs that haven't had their protective coating washed off, fruit juice that isn't heated to a near boil forever (pasturized.) Cheese with live cultures. Actual food. I hate our fucking govt. Land of the free my ass, I can't even eat what I want when yuuropeens get the good stuff. Oh, but synthetic needless colorings in literally everything is just fine. Corrupt asswipes.


>> No.7825443

And food costs keep skyrocketing so at least 3/4 of the population is forced to eat it.

The stuff with less chemicals is far more pricy, the stuff that loopholed with "we're not making bread" is off the wall expensive.

Even I have to eat it every day of my life, for all meals. This is just reality. I hate on it more than anyone but I have to shut up and eat it or I simply die.

>> No.7825457

>I want to kill all boomers
What the fuck is with this insane hostility towards people in a different age group I see on 4chan

And out of curiosity are the people who rant about boomers the same as the ones who rant about millennials?

>> No.7825460


W-well, what food is safe? Fruit and veg... Or does the pesticide not wash off well? I know the soil they use is stripped of nutrients and artificially re-nutriented with petrol based fertilizer. And they pick it before it is ripe so it tastes like water, and by the time you buy it it's a week old.

Beans maybe? How can they fuck up beans. Or hunted meat, but it's illegal to buy so you have to hunt or know someone. All the meat milk eggs and dairy were from animals pumped with hormones, gmo corn, and antibiotics...

Man I hate this country sometimes.

>> No.7825473


Don't most of the mandates around food such as mandatory pasteurization predate WWII and have more to do with the rise of industrialized food processing

Also how does washing the protective layering off of eggs have anything to do with them containing chemicals or anything dangerous
Inb4 salmonella just don't eat the shells

>> No.7825481

I would be most concerned about just trying to find unenriched spaghetti and rice, I try not to dig, but yes, the government is keen on killing people.

I like how a 5% solution of bleach comes out of everyone's faucet but no one bitches.

>> No.7825483


The boomers let the nation fall to wolves, to politicians who are corrupt and lie like a religion, and this became the norm, overlooked, and accepted long before I was old enough to understand. Now we inherit this mess. The politicians wipe their ass with the constitution, take away our rights, lie to us, commit treason, bribery, corruption, embezzlement, they make life harder and harder on the working class, they ally with our enemies and sell our nation out from under our feet. And boomers just went, yeah, that's fine, I got mine and fuck you. They were too busy watching TV and buying timeshares. They were the gatekeeper who fell asleep. Now we are so hopelessly deep in this mess it will take bloodshed to get out.

THAT is why I hate them. I dislike millennials but they're just young and stupid, so I can't blame them too much.

>> No.7825489


>I like how a 5% solution of bleach comes out of everyone's faucet but no one bitches.

I'm bitching right now because I have to use bottled fucking water for my sourdough starter or else the chlorine will kill all the yeast.

>> No.7825490

cooked rice and uncooked rice aren't the same you colossal idiot

>> No.7825495


>protective coating
>hurr whats dat dooo

The eggs go bad faster if you wash that off. But the US FDA thinks it's "hygienic" to remove. The eggs then need refrigeration whereas yuuro eggs are kept on countertop. Also increases salmonella because bad shit can get into eggs. Rather than admit they made a mistake, they stubbornly cling to their position, like with everything else. And we get a bunch of shitty laws and regs that do more harm than good.

>5% solution of bleach

There's chlorine and fluoride. Where do you get bleach from? I am also against these but fuck me if you can do anything about it. Even bottled water has it because bottled is just tap. Instead of letting people choose if they want fluoride water, they just mandate it for everyone. Land of freedom my ass. Papa govt knows best...

>> No.7825501

Because here in America theirs at least two cups of rice in a cup.

>> No.7825508
File: 459 KB, 1260x485, revolution.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows what the fuck is up.

Eviscerate the aristocracy.

>> No.7825509

>Instead of letting people choose if they want fluoride water, they just mandate it for everyone.
It's not mandated, idiot. If you don't want fluoride in your water go dig a well or move to a county without it.

>> No.7825510
File: 1.15 MB, 1125x1369, IMG_201605148_031145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's miserable for plants and animals.
Everyone's plants are going to get fucked up this year if they don't rely on the rai- oh wait the government is playing tic tac toe again.

Is there a worse time to be alive?

>> No.7825511

Are you ok?

>> No.7825526

Oh, you believe in chemtrails, it all makes sense now.

>> No.7825533

>government admits something
>I must be crazy

I will not have this argument with you.

>> No.7825554

I am well aware that removing the layering lower the eggs shelf life and gives the shells a higher rate of salmonella contamination
But you made it seem as tho removing the layer adds some kind of horrible chemical to the eggs

And I just asked a question but you feel the need to respond like an ass

Also again if you don't want salmonella don't eat the fuckig egg shells buddy

>> No.7825556

>chemtrail weirdo
done here

>> No.7825558

Food lobbyist want people to be fat and eat more.

Rice is filling, cheap, healthy, and full of fiber.

>> No.7825570

Nice try, US government.

Who do you know that can't simply look at the sky?

>> No.7825608


I think you should give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Some shit just came out that the govt admitted "chemtrails" aka dropping chemicals into the air by plane was an actual thing they do and haven't been telling anyone about. They said it was some inane shit, I forget. I used to feel the same as you guys, but now I'm open minded to chemtrails really being a thing. I mean, look at our govt. If they could they would.

>> No.7825626

If you're talking about the St.Louis/Corpus Christi gassing back during the 40's that was different from chemtrails, and really doesn't help prove or disprove them.

>> No.7825629

They're just going to call it "geoengineering" even though it still involves dropping chemicals from a plane.

Watch. They will tell me I'm wrong while also disagreeing with themselves and telling me I'm right. It's backwards as fuck but hilarious.

>> No.7825638

Are you saying top ramen is unhealthy?

>> No.7825648

I was going to eat it for dinner anyways even though I was complaining about it. Poor life.

>> No.7825655

Is anyone fucking okay in this country? News cycles blast our downfall 24/7 and the public don't give a shit. For the last twenty years there have been repeated, armed skirmishes with federal forces. There is going to be a bloody war in this nation. Would you be okay?

>> No.7825661
File: 30 KB, 318x198, IMG_201606179_090538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch, I just called it a different word and the front page of Google happily tells me the reason for it.

How do you have a reason for doing something that isn't being done? Why would you?

Just call it a nicer word.

>> No.7825671

Next you faggots are going to be complaining about iodine in salt. It saved millions from the misery of goiter.

>> No.7825681

>To counteract global warming
Well this is it. They've gotten the ultimate excuse. We're saving the world, you dumb bigot, now drink your chemicals and breath our gas. You wouldn't want your descendants to be harmed. :^)

Holy shit I am glad I got as far away from the major cities as possible when I did.

>> No.7825682
File: 222 KB, 640x453, Young_theodore_kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> For the last twenty years there have been repeated, armed skirmishes with federal forces
Those are mostly crackpots like you who couldn't afford mental health care because it is stigmatized and also a barrier to obtaining a firearm which to some people would be an identity crisis worse than death itself

I mean let's be honest here, if you were happily married with a hot wife who loved you, a great job, and a few close friends with whom you shared a few (but not too many) common interests, you wouldn't fantasize about going to war with the Dept of Wildlife or whatever

On a related note, I correctly spelled "Kaczynski" when using google image search, so you are required to accept me as a fellow loony tunes. Can I be cool too?

>> No.7825686

Ramen guy here. I have iodized salt on the counter. We all know iodine is not a mystery chemical and it is also completely optional.
At one time it was by law, but redacted before long.
You don't think we'd be bitching about something that is ACTUALLY necessary?

>> No.7825706

Calories in, calories out. However, I have some simple armchair ideas.

Asian diets (as far as I know):
>food is often shallow fried when fried
>lotsa yams

>same as before, sans veggies, much more beef and MUCH larger portions

It's probably all portions, my man.

t. 190 lbs from 315 lbs Amerigun ex-fat

>> No.7825722


>> No.7825729

If you understood just how fast your happy marriage and great job could be yanked out from under you by faceless, soulless people it would drive you crazier than me. It is only by denying the inevitable collapse that said people can go on smiling and wearing their sweatshop clothes, blood diamonds, and eating their poisoned processed food.

You are SORELY mistaken if you think this is a fantasy. I want nothing more than a happy, safe country. It is all going down, though. You can already feel the heat from the flames, if you haven't numbed yourself.

>> No.7825734


>190 lbs

If you're above 15% body fat, you're still fat.

>> No.7825737

Did you think I was bragging or something? I'm not married, I'm lonely and sad

But I still have one foot in reality and that's enough for me to recognize crazy, and contextualize it

>> No.7825749

I'm 6'3''

>> No.7825761

What is so crazy about what I'm saying? I'm married. I have friends. Those have nothing to do with lying to yourself about the inevitable fate of, I want to emphasize this, EVERY EMPIRE THAT HAS EVER EXISTED. If you want to know the fate of our empire, you dont have to look any further than the past of Western empires. Greece, Rome, Ottomans...it always ends the same. Ironic that you brag about being grounded in reality while lying to yourself. What exactly do you think I'm advocating? I'm just trying to survive the coming storm, and protect the people and things I love.

>> No.7825767


Like I said.

You're doing great though! Keep up the good work!

>> No.7825772



>> No.7825774

There's no "coming storm", the collapse of the Roman Empire took hundreds of years and happened so gradually it was probably barely even recognized as a "collapse" by those who lived through it.

You've watched Red Dawn too many times. Try to make the best of your time on earth, it's fine to try to conserve, to try to minimize harm, but when your angst level gets you to the point where all you can think about is armed showdowns with US Postal Service employees, that's when it's time to seek help. It's the right thing to do, just because someone wears a uniform representing something you had a bad dream about doesn't make them inhuman.

>> No.7825775

What does this even mean? I'm not keen to your meme, friend.

>> No.7825796

You keep trying to trivialize what I'm saying. There isn't going to be an "armed showdown with the post office" you fucking condescending prick. Bad dreams? What the fuck are you even talking about? If you genuinely care enough to talk about this, maybe you could cut the fucking assumptions and haughty act? I've been in "mental health care". They load you up with meds that dont work and then shit on you for coping in the ways you've learned. Fucking ANGST? I am afraid. I'm not angry. There is nothing to be angry about. Just a lot to fear.

>> No.7825818

In my experience they usually work, it's just that you're not necessarily prepared for the side effects and they can make it seem like worse than the problem you're trying to treat.

Just look at it like a tool, a pill isn't going to fix your life, certainly not permanently, and not even in the short run on its own. It's just a way of manipulating the chemicals in your brain in such a way, and for such a length of time, as might be necessary to get through whatever crippling problems took you out of service. A fine knife won't make you a good cook, and the best chemicals we have today aren't going to make you a spiritually whole individual.

BTW, there's something very condescending about pretending you have unique insight into the future (within our lifetimes) of humanity, and that you're the only person with his eyes open in a sea of unthinking sheeple. So don't get indignant with me over this.

>> No.7825821

because asians can only afford to eat reasonable portions

>> No.7825832

Nothing they have ever given me is as effective as fucking weed, which is much cheaper, plentiful, and the side effects are so much more manageable. They of course hated that I wasn't on their chemicals, and demanded that I stop doing something that works and helps, and take their mystery drugs. I don't think the world is unthinking sheeple. I don't hate them for standing in the way of an oncoming train, I fear for them and I fear for myself because, if they can't see it coming, how can I know for sure I will? I'm not claiming to know the future. I'm telling you that, to me, it seems a inevitable as that on-coming train. I don't think I have special insight. I worry that I glimpsed something no one is supposed to see and it drives me crazy with anxiety.

>> No.7825841

We're all pretty much fucked in the long run, that much is clear to anyone except deluded futurists. At least everyone posting on this board will be dead by the time it's mad max stage in a significant fraction of the world, keeping in mind it already is in some places. We're looking at a multi hundred year decline, not a big bang and it's suddenly like where did the world go.

The thing is anyone who has the power to change it is in the hands of everyone who stands to profit from not changing it, so what can you do.

I know what I can do, and that's go to bed. Good night.

>> No.7825851

wheat is superior. rice has less protein, is not as nutritious, brown rice is nasty and contains arsenic. and white rice will clog you up like nothing else, which can cause roids or fissures and destroy your life.

>> No.7825881

Because theyre not NEETS and actually work for a living

>> No.7825887

>70+ years of poisoned food
>79.3 year life expectancy

Oh shit that means were all going to die in a few years

>> No.7826216


>I want to kill all boomers who let this happen.

My dads a boomer, and thinks mushy canned veggies are the bets tasting thing ever. Almost refuses to eat fresh vegies.

>> No.7826239

I am not familiar with this fad that rice is unhealthy.

>> No.7826287
File: 249 KB, 1475x785, Calories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comparison of Raw vs Cooked white rice
granulated sugar for reference

>> No.7828259
File: 6 KB, 219x230, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is all the cups different sizes. Do you have a mismatched set in the cupboard?

It makes my mind suspicious. Is this test being subtly manipulated by the food lobby?

>> No.7828337
File: 35 KB, 836x573, Peat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbs keep you slim, carbs are fuel, fat makes you fat and gives you heart disease and diabetes. Obesity, heart disease and diabetes exist in first-world nations where people consume low-carb high-fat diets with lots of animal products. These problems don't exist where people can only afford rice, plantains, corn, potatoes, but as many calories of it as they want. These are undeniable facts that make people uncomfortable even half a century since we first started understanding it.

>> No.7828780


White rice, like any refined carb, is unhealthy. In some countries, such as Japan, very high sodium intake (e.g., associated with condiments used on or eaten with rice) may be linked to a heightened incidence of micro-strokes.

That said, brown rice in reasonable proportions is absolutely 'good for you'. It has a reduced relative risk with regard to diabetes, contains fiber, promotes satiety, etc.

>> No.7828812

>lemme tell you about this country I've never been to

>> No.7828822


>> No.7828830
File: 61 KB, 480x320, george-w-bush-painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calories are inherently unhealthy

>> No.7828832

That guy is not funny

>> No.7828837
File: 314 KB, 338x397, 1464878296067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7828839

asians also have gastric cancer rates over 4 times what americans and brits experience. just think about that.

i'm not saying rice is the culprit, nor that I know what causes that, just that asians have a significantly higher rate of gastric cancers.

>> No.7828843

Then add on top of all this the fat acceptance movement which tells people it's completely okay to be unhealthy and to buy from corporations which exploit not only the consumer's health, but employee health.

>> No.7828845

george bush was fucking hilarious what are you talking about? just look at that smile?

he responded to kanye's depiction of him naked in that recent video by saying "i'm in a lot better shape than that." the guy could have been a stand up comedian. same with obama.

>> No.7828848

You are going to die before the USA ends mate.

>> No.7828850
File: 32 KB, 474x384, 2016-01-25_14h53m38s_018_-a-truth-soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>europeans get all the good stuff
yea, they got it great over there.

>> No.7828852


This study is total shit.

They compared eating white rice 5 days a week to eating brown rice 2 days a week.

Not only that but they didn't control shit. They polled people about their lifestyles.

Guess what?!?!?!!? people that ate brown rice twice per week (and did all the fucking crazy healthy shit that brown rice people do) had less diabetese than fat fucks that ate white rice 5 times a week and watched netflix 18 hours a day.

This is the literally the worst study I've ever seen.

Your other study is about diabetic indians.. which i am not.. so i don't care.

>> No.7828853

>faceless, soulless people
robots aren't people

>> No.7828855


One would have to take such a large amount in that they couldnt get it by something like rice or whatever and it really only accumulates in people with shitty livers. If you have a shitty liver, there are many more things to be weary of over synthetic b1

>> No.7828856

don't act like you know what goes on over here.

>> No.7828863

>some calories are inherently unhealthy (10 calories of rat poison)

all calories over your daily calorie burn are inherently unhealthy because they make you fat and at higher risk for cardio vascular disease, diabetese, stroke, gout, hypertension - the list goes on and on.

>> No.7828873
File: 196 KB, 1450x880, chicagonola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather eat HFCS garbage and pay $39/lb for cheese that isn't made out of plastic, but at least there's no crime!
not so fast, cleetus

>> No.7828879

He also had a solid first pitch at the yankee game

>> No.7828882

I'm talking about the other fucker

>> No.7828883

those are black people hurting other black people. we are still segregated here in america, most people know not to go to certain parts of town. it's not like we're openly inviting millions of people who think women are property into our country, not even obama or hillary want to do that.

>$39/lb for cheese

most food here doesn't have that in it.

>> No.7828889

so stop eating when youre not hungry anymore instead of when all the food is gone.

>> No.7828911

The Asian Ghengis Kahn

>> No.7828922

>Own vast swathes of uninhabited desert, steppe, frozen wasteland and mountain
Very cool!

>> No.7828927
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>Eating rice

>> No.7828931

I love cities, so I'm glad I'm an alcoholic and frequent drug user so I get to die by my own hand

>> No.7829235
File: 155 KB, 1472x786, 100-grams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a 1 cup measuring cup and measure out one cup of sugar and weigh it then do the same with flour
the weight is different
here cooked and raw white rice at 100 grams and sugar at 100 grams for reference

>> No.7829303

The poor are overwhelmingly obese you dumbass

>> No.7829612

there's an non-organic rice? are you actually retarded or something?

>> No.7829651
File: 139 KB, 800x750, 1461019769456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carbs keep you slim, carbs are fuel, fat makes you fat and gives you heart disease and diabetes

>> No.7829654

>may be linked to a heightened incidence of micro-strokes.
Yeah it's totally not that shitloads of stress from literally every facet of their lives and the 80 hour work weeks.