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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7821816 No.7821816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>eating at a restaurant
>waitstaff loudly sings happy birthday to a customer
>everyone stops and stares

Fucking Christ. Make it stop

>> No.7821820

>classic image.jpg

don't you know the song by now? you should know when it's going to stop. let people have their fun.

>> No.7821841


I bet your wife's son loves the singing

>> No.7821852
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 477732678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend's birthday
>take him to Joe's Crab Shack (he chose it)
>neither of us have ever been before
>sit down
>order dinner
>suddenly lights go out
>disco balls come on
>loud music (workin' at the car wash)
>employees half-ass dance to the music for a minute or two
>literally nobody is into it
>awkward for everybody in the restaurant
>repeats every 10 minutes throughout our meal


>> No.7821858

my wife doesn't have a son, but her daughter loves it. especially if they do a rap version.

>> No.7821860

I had an ex who did that shit to me once. I went out to dinner with her on my birthday, told her specifically not to tell the waitstaff it was my birthday so they wouldn't come over and sing a stupid song or have me wear some silly hat or whatever. I just wanted to have a peaceful birthday dinner with her and then go home and get laid. So of course she tells them and that's exactly what they do.

I sat there and refused to put on the fucking hat and just waited for them to finish and fuck off.

I dropped her off at home after dinner and didn't talk to her for about a week.

>> No.7821863

I've never been to that place, but that sounds a lot like what it looks like goes on in Jonny rockets. they have one next to the movie theater at the mall near me, it's pretty entertaining while i'm standing in line to get tickets.

>> No.7821883
File: 68 KB, 800x531, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lunch at pic related
>owned by Jimmy Buffett
>every time the "cheeseburger in paradise" song comes on, all servers sing loudly
>bartender stands on bar and waves towel.

I just wanted to have lunch.

>> No.7822136

dumb reddit memespouter

>> No.7822142


I heard nothing but bad reviews of this place and wonder why the fuck it's still open.

>> No.7822286

Is that why she's your ex now?