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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7821428 No.7821428 [Reply] [Original]

>add a tablespoon of olive oil to my chickpea salad
>add a pinch of salt
>baby boomer mother goes ballistic, yelling about how I'm literally going to die from salt and olive oil
Why are baby boomers so retarded?

>> No.7821431

fuck how old are you

>> No.7821448

My parents are old as fuck

>> No.7821646

Olive oil can give you cancer if you don't kill off the enzymes. Use kosher salt if you must.

>> No.7821651
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>Use kosher salt if you must.

>> No.7821664
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>Olive oil can give you cancer if you don't kill off the enzymes.

>> No.7821669

what is stomach acid

>> No.7821672

This is what happens when you wait too long to have kids

Poor downie

He never had a chance

>> No.7821691

Well golly you sure do seem like a little bitch.

>> No.7821708

>he fell for the cancer meme
everything gives you cancer, anon

>> No.7821871

My dad does this shit too. Almost never eats carbs, won't eat gluten, even though he's not gluten intolerant, won't eat fatty meat, even though he looks like a skeleton.

Whenever I go over and cook for him, he won't let me add salt or sugar, I have to sneak it in when he's not looking, because how the fuck do I cook palatable food with no salt and/or sugar?

Shit pisses me off so much. Why the fuck does he even want me to cook for him if he won't eat like a normal human?

>> No.7821872

if he has functioning kidneys and no heart problems there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH EATING SALT

>> No.7821873

its the stuff in your stomach that gives you cancer if you dont decalcify your penis gland.

>> No.7821876

You're the one with a problem if you have to be adding sugar to everything. The salt part is bullshit for 99% of people, though.

>> No.7821882

Well no, I don't put sugar in everything, but some things require sugar, like if I'm making pulled pork or something, and he'll lose his shit if I put sugar in it.

>> No.7821885

shitstorm incoming. you brought up the satan of 2016 nutritional fads.

>> No.7821889

You can counter this by eating activated almonds.

>> No.7821891

he probably comes to /ck/ and trusts people here.

>> No.7821898

I already activated my almond thymus and always hypogolostimate my gluten so I'm good.

>> No.7821904

No, he's 70, I don't think he even uses the Internet outside of viewing links to videos of A,erica's go Talent or some shit that his golfing buddies send him.

>> No.7821910

Are you trying to imply that a person would go on the Internet and tell lies?

>> No.7821915

Are you making sure to only drink electrolysed vegan water?

>> No.7821920

Fair enough, I had misread your post. Your dad sounds like a dumb.

>> No.7821922

it's not exactly a lie if you honestly believe it's true that sugar is inherently bad.

>> No.7821929

No different than millennials women getting upset about gluten and GMOs

>> No.7821931

This whole "salt is devil belly button lint" meme needs to end.
Salt is one of the most important parts of any dish.
Cutting back on salt makes so many good meals shit.

Fucking people wanting easy catchall reasons for bad health

>> No.7821935

wait, salt is bad? I thought sugar was the demon ingredient?

>> No.7821946

Have you been living under a rock?

Salt is "bad for blood pressure" now.

Everything is fucking "reduced sodium" .

>> No.7821948

Sugar is legitimately bad, salt is not

>> No.7821950
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oh ok.

>> No.7821955

do you really think people would do that, just go online and tell lies

>> No.7821958

Your body is literally fueled by simple sugars, though. The problem is adding extra sugar to everything you eat.

>> No.7821964

Pretty much. We've never really gotten on amazingly, I mostly just see him for the occasional token visit out of obligation at this point, to be honest. He's not a bad guy, we're just such different people that we just don't really have anything to talk about anymore.

Exactly. Stupid people thing salt just makes shit salty. It's a flavor enhancer. If you don't have salt, you won't be able to taste many of your other ingredients. Try making tomato sauce without salt. It just tastes lime tomato, basically regardless of what else you put in it. Salt is 100% necessary for cooking.

>> No.7821966

I mean, I was trying to be a little original and switch up the wording, but that works too.

>> No.7821969

nah dude, sugar is bad, mkay? the sugar producers funded the isis guy that shot up those innocent people in orlando. eating sugar = supporting radical islamic terrorism.

you aren't a radical islamic terrorist, are you?

>> No.7821975

>Try making tomato sauce without salt. It just tastes lime tomato, basically regardless of what else you put in it. Salt is 100% necessary for cooking.
When I was starting out cooking, not having enough salt was one of my big problems.
Lots of recipes have "salt to taste" instead of a measurement.
I kept adding too little and ended up with dishes that tasted bland, too much like a collection of ingredients, instead of a proper combination

>> No.7821976

eating sugar will make your dick fly off.

>> No.7821977

This is it. A lot of companies add tons of sugar to their food because it's a cheap way to make it taste better. This results in people eating way more of it than they should, because they don't realize how much of it is in everything they eat.

Sugar, in and of itself, is fine. Eating way too much of it, like anything else, is bad.

>> No.7821979

That's true, I read it online somewhere.

>> No.7821982

What's wrong goy? Why haven't you gone paleo?

>> No.7821985

I read it here on /ck/.

>> No.7821987

Well yeah. The problem is women demonized fat in the 80s and 90s so companies replacing it with sugar which resulted in very bad things

>> No.7821988

Well there you go, it has to be true.

>> No.7822003

I had the same problem when I was younger. Could never figure out why my pasta sauces didn't taste like they did at restaurants. I tried adding more garlic, more onion, more various seasonings, cooking it different ways. Turned out I just needed more salt.

It really does make that big a difference.

>> No.7822019

I feel for you, man. My dad has BPD and is extremely difficult to be around. I visit him semi-regularly, but it feels like a chore every time. He recently convinced a girl to marry him somehow (probably the best thing to happen to him on years, she has infinite patience), but I don't think it's going to last very much longer. I won't be surprised if he commits suicide when they divorce, sadly.
The one thing we connect over is food. He loves to take me out to high-class restaurants so I can expand my palette. The fat fuck eats out for nearly every meal.

>> No.7822025
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>> No.7822029

Say that to my face not online and see what happens faget

>> No.7822038

I can't. keep hiding behind the internet, faggot.

>> No.7822050
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More like you're afraid of my giant biceps and manly physique.
Pic related, it's me.

>> No.7822052
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>> No.7822057

My dad's remarried as well, I actually like my stepmother a lot. We get along better than my dad and I do. They've been together 25 years now. She's pretty passive, though, so she pretty much goes along with whatever he does.

My dad just hates food. He doesn't even like it when I have a conversation about cooking with my stepmother. I was fat growing up, so I think he thinks I'm "obsessed" with food or some shit, and talking about food around him triggers him. I really am not sure why he hates food so much.

>> No.7822384

Tell her you'll make some with margarine instead just for her. For her health.