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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7819907 No.7819907 [Reply] [Original]

This pisses me off

>> No.7819946

lmfao thanks for that OP

I love all the "subtle" hints but not as much as the pointless panache like if he doesn't square the bread with the griddle it won't brown right.

>> No.7819957

>american cuisine

>> No.7819975

I thought this movie stunk. the food parts were annoying but the movie was just fucking lame in its own right. the "small guy makes it big" plot should've made it a sure fire feel good movie but it really missd the mark for me, idk why

maybe because jon favreau fucking sucked/his character was weirdly unlikeable

>> No.7819991


What irritates me the most about this is not the fact that he looks like a big fag making a grilled cheese, spreading the bread around is actually the best way to get a good even coating on a grilled cheese, but the fact that the bread and cheese itself just look like supermarket shit.

That bread just looks sad and the cheese is something you'd find pre sliced at a deli counter.

>> No.7820000

>louis ck hunches over a grilled cheese

>> No.7820001

>pre sliced at a deli counter.
no problem with that
i'm getting mine at publix and they slice it in front of my eyes

>> No.7820006

I think it's to hammer in the message that he's obsessed even with simplistic dishes?
everything IS actually wrong with that. go eat real cheese you fagboi

>> No.7820027

wow, I would have guessed it was a daytime soap drama.

>> No.7820039


which is fine for an average plebeian like you, but for this movie to be about him being a chef, he should be using better bread and cheese.

>> No.7820041

But anon, real cheese is a pain in the ass to upkeep. That's why nobody serves cheese plates. Real wheels store poorly, unless strictly temperature controlled, and are quite expensive.

>> No.7820045
File: 104 KB, 706x706, 1460593649280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you going to get one of their chicken tendy subs with extra oil and vinegar senpai?

>> No.7820047

you hate grilled cheese?

>> No.7820049

too bad, this is one place where you shouldn't compromise.

>> No.7820050

no wonder americans are all fat and cancer ridden.

look a that bright yellow, plastic-looking "cheese"

that doesnt look like food

>> No.7820053


if a chef cant control his cheese inventory then hes fucking up hard, I got 5 cheeses in my fridge at this very moment

>> No.7820057

>have god tier hips
>ruin it with fake tits
This is unacceptable.

>> No.7820093
File: 71 KB, 567x800, 1441891561038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wide hips and flat chest is a god tier combo.

>> No.7820103

you're right.

>> No.7820131

I think this scene is an "everyman" scene. We can all go home and do exactly this for our children. It's about caring about the meals you provide to your children.

>> No.7820158

>there are people who not only think it's ok to raise kids on this kind of crap, but actually have affection for it because it's how they were raised themselves
Jesus, this post made me depressed

That's enough 4chan for me today

>> No.7820164

>you're not allowed to eat foods I don't like

>> No.7820166

good taste

>> No.7820169

What's the problem?

>> No.7820170
File: 209 KB, 401x301, me irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "it's australian shitpost power hour mates, c'mon in!" thread again

>> No.7820312
File: 36 KB, 328x300, coon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that all European nations are sold Kraft cheese or an equivalent product

And Australia's is called Coon Cheese

>> No.7820320

yeah. it's strange, I've never seen anyone buy it.

>> No.7820335

She's shaped like a nigger. No thanks.

>> No.7820426

dumb weeaboo

>> No.7820438

Shit movies piss me off too

>> No.7820442

What? Kraft singles are sold here, as are other brands of processed plastic-like cheese.

Coon cheese is its own brand of cheese, and is solid blocks of real cheese, not plastic stuff like Kraft.

I buy Coon every now and again, it's decent.

>> No.7820471

So much autism ITT.

Europoors must have really sad lives if seeing someone use "cheese" always triggers them this hard.

>> No.7820507

Coon Cheese is just American cheese, it's even named after an American

>> No.7820513

African american*

>> No.7820544

Do you think that they had to do any retakes because he screwed up?
Also, this looks like a very poor copy of an Asian movie/show cooking scene.

>> No.7820563

Why are you greasing both faces of the sandwitch, this defiles the point of having bread.
Just use an iron if you want it toasted.

>> No.7820589

>that quick spatula lift at the end

ahahahahaha this is fucking gold