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File: 604 KB, 1275x1650, Tofurky-Artisan-Final-Sausage-sell-sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7815342 No.7815342 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite vegan convenience foods.

I'm kind of an expert on vegan convenience foods since I've been a vegan for 6 years and don't cook very often. But I still learn about new surprisingly vegan foods. Like I just learned a bunch of dippin' dots flavors are vegan and I had been depriving myself of them all these years just because I wasn't sure. " liberty ice, rainbow ice, watermelon ice, sour blue razz, strawberry sorbet (not the other sherbets, and not to be confused with the regular strawberry ice cream) and espresso dots are the vegan flavours, as per listed on their website."

Other new ones I found out about but are meh IMO: Burger King French toast sticks, some kind of dessert thing from KFC I don't even remember because I'll never be going there anyway.

Some of my favorites off the top of my head: Primal Strips, Oreos, Target brand chewy chocolate chip cookies (they're not that great honestly but they're cheap and satisfy my sweet tooth), CVS mini chocolate chip cookies, Lenny and Larry's vegan protein cookies (especially the birthday cake flavor); Taco Bell chalupa with beans instead of meat, side of red sauce, and no cheese or sour cream; black pepper and olive oil Triscuits, Amy's gluten free dairy free bean and rice burritos, Trader Joe's Japanese style fried rice.

>> No.7815352



Also, holy shit what's with the crappy processed food? I'm a "meat eater" and my diet is infinitely healthier than yours.

>> No.7815377

In the UK Oreos aren't vegan. In the U.S. they are. I'm from the U.S. Sorry for the confusion.

And this thread is about convenience foods. I mean I could list a ton of fruits and raw veggies and nuts but I'm assuming you guys already know about those.

>> No.7815399
File: 1.04 MB, 2592x1944, Amy's_lentil_vegetable_soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Amy's canned soups. Most are really low in salt too, which is nice. And they all have pull tops, which is also great because I hate opening cans.

>Burger King French toast sticks

You wouldn't think that would be vegan. Then again, I guess fast food places try to minimize costs wherever possible. I wonder where the egg flavour comes from, if it's there at all. Cause I've actually been kind of missing French toast.

>> No.7815414
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Why, if you are a vegan, would you want to eat something that masquerades as an animal product. Is this something that annoys people who live a vegan lifestyle based on their perceived immorality of eating animal flesh? I'm not trying to be a snarky ass-hole, I'm legitimately curious about this.

>> No.7815420


Trader Joe’s Mango Mango Mochi
A Japanese dessert that’s insanely delicious, mochi is traditionally made by wrapping ice cream in a glutinous rice wrapper. These rice bites feature mango sorbet and are tangy and slightly chewy, serving as a perfect dessert on a balmy night. The best part? A dollop of mango jam is hidden inside every piece for an added burst of summer’s bounty.

Trader Joe’s Marshmallows
We burst into tears of joy when we spotted these giant white pillowy puffs in the new-item section last month. Our thoughts immediately floated to the beach, sitting near a bonfire with a warm ocean breeze blowing by as we roast marshmallows on a stick before stuffing them between vegan graham crackers and slabs of dark chocolate.

Except I hate dark chocolate so I use semi-sweet chocolate chips melted with a little Earth Balance to make it "milky" and vegan.

>> No.7815423

Well, it's not real. It's a lump of tofu, no matter how you shape it and colour it. Is fictional violence immoral?

>> No.7815425

A little too tired for this at the moment but I'll summarize.

1. In my opinion, the vegan meat alternatives taste way fucking better than meat.
2. But that's irrelevant because the issue is how the animal products are created versus how the alternatives are created.
3. You can still like the taste of meat and go vegan for ethical or health reasons.
4. Vegan meat alternatives are a convenient addition to vegan meals, especially if you're not used to cooking purely vegan whole foods and just want to use the same recipes you already have and just use the alternative to the meat you would be using.


>> No.7815439
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This is now a bun thread

>> No.7815444
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>> No.7815447
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>> No.7815449

I would say that fictional violence is not immoral, but it just occurred to me that if I was against harvesting animal proteins, I might find someone marketing something to me as something that tasted like said animal a bit repulsive. I eat meat and I enjoy properly prepared tofu, but I think it is kind of silly to call a plant based product something that relates to animals.

>> No.7815459

Part of me feels like it's relatable to non alcoholic beer, either just drink the real thing or do something different
But then you can also compare it to the whole why do lesbians use dildos if they don't want dick thing

>> No.7815461


My problem with vegetarian fake meat is the cost and the texture.

I wonder if it would be possible to take something like seitan, julienne it and then glue it back together. To get some meat like texture.

>> No.7815470

I think that if you think "meat alternatives taste way fucking better than meat" you are absolutely insane, that aside, I have to question your assertion that you can still enjoy the taste of meat. This is kind of strange to me, how can you denounce the harvest of animals yet admit the taste is good? Isn't using a substitute for meat the same as eating said meat,at least in spirit? I feel that your assertion that it is an issue with how animal products are created is a bit naive, you can easily acquire animal products that are responsibly harvested, so why not go that route if you want the flavor/texture. The whole thing strikes me as kind of delusional. Again, I am not trying to start some kind of shit posting war, I am open to criticism of my view points,

>> No.7815475

if an animal eats another animal is his poop vegan?

>> No.7815477

Maybe he's tasting with his morality and not his tongue but I also don't think it's gonna go against most vegan moral compasses to eat something fake as long as it's not really from an animal.. I get what you're saying though

>> No.7815480

Is cannibal shit vegan? *unzips katana*

>> No.7815937

I know meat eaters who mock me for being vegan who have freezers literally packed with Gardein because they think it tastes better than meat.... You either tried a bad meat alternative or are a disgusting creature who doesn't realize the superiority of clean plants. Meat alternatives lack all the disgusting qualities of meat: extreme animal abuse, environmental destruction, public and personal health risks, veins, gristle, feces, bone, slime, "juice", etc., etc.

Trying to insult vegans for eating meat alternatives is absolutely fucking retarded. And no it's not at all the same. This is the most retarded conversation I've ever had regarding veganism, even worse than "God put animals on Earth for us to eat them", and "plants feel pain too".

And no, acquiring animal products that are responsibly harvested is pure fucking fantasy, unless maybe you rescued a chicken who had a surplus of eggs but even then that's fucking gross because it came out of their asshole and is detrimental to health and doesn't even taste good IMO.

It's hilarious that meat eaters will call vegans delusional for coming up with alternatives to products people say they "can't live without" that lack the extreme animal abuse, human rights issues, environmental destruction, personal and public health risks, etc.

But if you call them an animal abuser they will say shit like "well it's not ME doing the abusing". Yeah motherfucker, you're just giving them money to severely abuse animals every fucking day of your life. Totally not your fault!


>> No.7815961

Hummus and pretzel thins.

Bagels with Trader Joe's vegan cream cheese or other vegan cream cheese.

>> No.7816158
File: 38 KB, 517x408, Vegan Taquitos -StarLite1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ate some of these with some Wholly Guacamole. (Not a big fan of Wholly Guacamole but the convenience factor is what made me buy them. Avocados go bad too quickly for me so I have to know for sure I'm going to eat them soon before I buy them. But these I can just toss in my fridge and wait for the day I need some guacamole.)

Pretty good. Would have been awesome with fresh home made guacamole but still pretty good. Also ate a nectarine earlier.

>> No.7816169

Need a hug?

>> No.7816184
File: 100 KB, 540x428, amy's chinese noodles and veggies in a cashew cream sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy's Chinese noodles and veggies in a cashew cream sauce. And a lot of other Amy's products are vegan and delicious. Their vegan Margherita pizza omg. Best frozen pizza ever. Then their gluten free tofu breakfast burrito and bean and rice burritos, their tofu scramble with hash browns, enchiladas, their chickenless noodle soup, etc. Mmmm.

>> No.7816196

The only vegan convenience food I'd bother with is Field Roast sausages, because they actually taste good.

>> No.7816199

But vegans don't deny that meat tastes good. I guess some people might associate the meat taste of the fake meat with the animal cruelty that goes on to obtain real meat, but I don't think most vegans do.

>> No.7816202

Amy's soups are fantastic if you add salt and some kind of fat. I use bacon fat. I don't mind opening cans because I only do it once or twice a month.

>> No.7816203

Ohh, there are more vegan flavors than listed. "Rainbow Ice, Liberty Ice (red, white, and blue—perfect for Fourth of July festivities), Black Ice, Sour Blue Razz, Orange Ice, Blue Raspberry Ice, Lemon Ice, Lime Ice, Strawberry Ice, Mango-Pineapple Sorbet, and Strawberry Sorbet."

>> No.7816647


>> No.7816727
File: 40 KB, 644x514, an apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tofurky tastes like giving a rimjob to a strip of bean curd.
Pic related, and many other foods like it, are the best vegan convenience foods and not processed meat-alikes. Meat-alikes are just ghastly.

>> No.7818302

Anyone else have trouble getting enough iron?

There's some in my cereals, and there's like 50% in one of those Field Roast sausages, but I don't eat those all the time.

Even a whole package of frozen spinach barely has 25% of your daily iron.

This stuff is crazy hard to come by.

>> No.7818337


Have you tried tofurky's hot pocket rip off? I just tried the pepperoni and cheese/ham one yesterday and I was surprised how spot on they were. I normally don't like vegan cheese, the only one I like is Heidi Ho's nacho cheese.

Saute up some cubed tempeh with onion, beans and your favorite mexican spices, then make a quesadilla out of that, avocado, and heidi ho nacho cheese. Its choice.

>> No.7818344

No because it comes from an animal stupid

>> No.7818355
File: 34 KB, 624x351, _83014552_ironfish_closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use iron cookware its not rocket science

>> No.7818360

>Also, holy shit what's with the crappy processed food? I'm a "meat eater" and my diet is infinitely healthier than yours.

This is why the small minority of intelligent vegans hate vegans just as much as everyone else. For every person who eats vegan for health, heavily researches their diet and cooks a variety of balanced, whole food meals, there are nine people like OP who eat nothing but canned and frozen processed soy trash and thinks it makes them wonderful people because 'muh animals'.

>> No.7818365

Sunflower seeds.

>> No.7818381

There's nothing wrong with processed food.

or canned food.

or frozen food.

>> No.7818395

>he says while browsing the cooking board


Sure, you just have to eat 2.5 cups of them every day to meet your DRI.

>> No.7818414
File: 40 KB, 450x600, 1466290606361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing wrong with processed food.
Except its full of additives and sugars to make it taste good but offering far less nutritionally

>> No.7818448
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I don't think I understood the assignment.

>> No.7818484

Your body can handle a bit of salt a sugar. Tofurky's italian sausage have like 3g of sugar, some have less others have more.

It's a source of protein and fat, like regular sausages. It's actually better, they have double the protein and half the fat of regular sausages.

>> No.7818532

people dont go vegan cause they dont like the taste anymore. also its a lot more rational to mash some vegetables and grains together and bake it and season it to "taste like chicken" which doesnt has no real taste without seasoning anyways. plus as a vegan i dont eat fake chicken tenders going "mmm tastes like flesh" im tasting the savory seasonings and admiring the texture. plus we've pretty much all grown up eating meat and were familiar with and surrounded by it constantly and regardless of diet people are going to want whats familiar to them. also its used to entice people that eat meat to make the switch. theyre marketed as healthier (which they are) and taste even better most of the time so people can have what they love without the ridiculousness of the meat and dairy industry.

lol i know this is really long but yeah thats majority of the reasons as to why a vegan would eat faux meats. that being said i dont eat them too often maybe once ever 3 weeks.

>> No.7818697

I've had multiple meat eaters tell me it tastes exactly the same and the first time I fed Tofurky sandwiches to the children I care for they kept asking for more and ask specifically for that kind of sandwich again....

All it was was regular bread, Tofurky hickory smoked deli slices, and Just Mayo (vegan mayonnaise).

Maybe you should stop giving rimjobs so often so you can enjoy your food more.

>> No.7818711

I had like reverse issues. I was anemic as a meat eater and now that I'm vegan I have more than enough hemoglobin in my blood without supplementation. I'm guessing it's because I eat a lot of beans?

Also if you don't know, vitamin c helps with iron absorption so eat some oranges or something like that with your spinach.

>> No.7818727

Dietary vegans are as annoying as meat eaters sometimes. Your post being a prime example. What someone does to their own body doesn't (usually) affect anyone else and you're pathetic for caring more about that than the animals being tortured and the environment being destroyed.

>> No.7819585

Sure, sure. I totally believe you go around asking multiple meat eaters to try tofurky just so you can get their opinion on how it compares to the real stuff.

>> No.7819961

Goes along nicely with the rest of their hypocrisy.

>> No.7820760

I like meat anon. I'm just not ok with how it's made.

>> No.7821056

why eat a dead animal when you can buy exactly the same but its not a dead animal?

>> No.7821086
File: 64 KB, 630x473, 1385254578533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people have friends.

>> No.7821298

Inarizushi if you have a legit sushi counter
definitely gyoza

>> No.7821318

oh and Miso soup!

>> No.7821893


why are they always making fake meat for vegans? why can't it be cucumber style taquitos? or carrot style taquitos?

>> No.7822186

Today I ate/drank:

Corn flakes with unsweetened organic non-gmo soy milk.

Vegan taquitos.

Juice Monster, punch flavor.

Gardein meatless meatloaf (gravy they included is disgusting IMO and I make way better gravy myself but the wheatloaf was pretty good and didn't need gravy anyway cause it was very moist and fatty). With a microwaved potato with Earth Balance and salt.

Double stuffed Oreos.

>> No.7822198



>> No.7822305

>Burger King

If you want to be ethical about your eating habits, don't give money to fucking fast food joints.

>> No.7822318

Stop drinking energy drinks. It will fuck with your heart.

>> No.7822344

I know I shouldn't but it makes me so much more productive when I drink one and I had a lot of work to do today.

>> No.7822566
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>Gardein meatless meatloaf

They look pretty good. Nobody caries anything but their chicken tendies around here. It blows.

>> No.7822663

why not ask customer service to order their kolaches, burgers, wings, or fish sticks cuz that shit's so goooooooooooooooooood

>> No.7822704

Ehh, that sounds pretty embarrassing.

What are kolaches? Google says it's a pastry, but I feel like you probably meant something else.

>> No.7822712
File: 57 KB, 610x323, gardein-pocket-meals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why you go to customer service; they take requests all the time....the only reason you have Gardein products in your store is because somebody requested it
lol the brand calls them "pocket meals"

>> No.7822781

Yeah they weren't bad. That sucks you only get chick'n tenders. They have so many good products like the chick'n sliders are awesome with some Just Mayo, tomato, and lettuce. Mmmm.

First product I wasn't satisfied with I tried a while ago though was their pepperoni pocket thing. I think I made it wrong though. The bready part didn't cook all the way through and it was too soft. They should have just gone with a standard hot pocket style pepperoni thing in my opinion but whatever.

>> No.7822790
File: 75 KB, 300x350, r1-EARTH-053_10oz_SpreadsCoconut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I was a vegan I cooked everything in coconut oil and this
definitely pan fry those bad boys in the Earth Balance margarine next time it's pretty nice

>> No.7823658


>> No.7823664

it's natural to eat meat
even deer eat meat

>> No.7823674

why do most vegan foods say gluten free on them? is it just for allergy reasons or is it because it is somehow more vegan? should I care about gluten if I'm vegan

>> No.7823684


because "gluten free" is advertising. It's not actually about the gluten content--after all, a person who was legitimately diagnosed by a doctor will have been taught what gluten is, what it's in, and how to check for it on the label.

Instead, it's marketing psychology. People have grown up seeing things marked "fat free" or "cholesterol free", and those things are considered bad to the sheeple. so when they see "gluten free" that triggers the same mental reaction: "oh, there's none of that bad stuff in here, I'd better buy it"

...and that's doubly true here, since many vegans are health nutjobs prone to falling for things like that.

>> No.7823705

>should I care about gluten if I'm vegan
Only if you have celiac disease

>> No.7823730

>taking the bait

>> No.7824125

>Why eat something non-processed when you can buy exactly the same just processed and contribute to destroying rain forest and 3-world economy

>> No.7824167

Junk food vegans and vegetarians are the worst people, desu. Just call yourself a carbitarian and spare the rest of us the embarrassment.

>> No.7824185

>contribute to destroying rain forest and 3-world economy

Except 3 world countries economy is based of agronomy you fucking retarded

>> No.7824217
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Are you insinuating that meat is better because it doesn't destroy the rainforest and it isn't processed? Because if so, lmao

I went hard on processed meat replacements myself when I went vegan initially. I feel like they're intended to help you transition into it. The last few months I've been putting a lot more effort into cooking up beans and tofu myself instead of fake ground beef or whatever. I just feel stupid for not switching sooner, it's way healthier, tastier and cheaper.

My favorite go-to lazy vegan meal are these potstickers they sell here in Canada, they're delish.

>> No.7824228

>Turkey breast - piece cut from dead turkey
>Tofurky meme - highly processed bean product, unrecognisable in taste and form from original bean
What is more processed, anon? :)

>> No.7824235

Beats me, I'm not a food worker. Didn't say a fake turkey breast isn't processed to fuck either, just that you can't really escape it either way unless you're killing the animals and digging up the veggies yourself. You do know what meat glue is, right?

>> No.7824245

>>not a food worker

But surely you can read an ingredient list, right?

When I buy meat there is only one ingredient: the meat. The only thing that's been done to it is that the animal was killed and then it was cut up.

compare that to the laundry list of ingredients (many of which are damn near unpronounceable) on a pack of "tofurkey"

>>meat glue
And just as I wouldn't buy processed junk like tofurkey, I wouldn't buy reconstituted meat either.

>> No.7824256

>I wouldn't buy reconstituted meat either
Not willingly.

Anyway, not sure what we're debating for since I personally don't buy fake meat anymore anyway.

>> No.7824264

>Anyway, not sure what we're debating for

Your claim that you didn't know which was more processed: tofurkey or a piece of turkey meat.

That was either outright bullshit, or you're one of the stupidest human beings to ever walk the earth.

>> No.7824266

Meat glue is used in processed products, anon, not clean cuts. If you buy a leg of lamb it hasn't been used as a jigsaw puzzle, it's just the leg of a dead lamb, bones and all.

>you can't really escape it either way unless you're killing the animals and digging up the veggies yourself.
A lot of people do this, you know. And even if you don't any foodie can befriend farmers and butchers these days. We have internet magic.

>> No.7824279

Or maybe vegan companies realize that a lot of meat alternatives are made primarily with gluten and they're advertising that there are vegan products that don't contain gluten for vegans with Celiac disease like me or people with Celiac disease interested in becoming vegan.

Unfortunately in my experiences kind of the opposite of what you're saying is true. Vegans I know (along with a ton of meat eaters) often post an article claiming that everyone who says they're intolerant to gluten isn't really based on a small study.

I used to be one of those people who said I was "intolerant to gluten" merely because my reactions were not severe enough for me to think I had Celiac disease and I just hate going to the doctor. But turns out I actually do have Celiac disease and all those years people were mocking me saying I was just following a fad. There are hundreds of possible symptoms of Celiac disease so I cringe every time people try to mock people who are avoiding gluten based on what they think their reactions to it are. At worst all these people are trying to do is figure out how to make themselves feel better but are wrong about what's causing them to feel bad - even doctors have a hard time figuring this out so it's retarded that people try to mock them for this.

Following low carb or Paleo diets on the other hand, yeah those people should be mocked because there's actual evidence for the harm of those diets that's easy to find if you actually research it at all. Trying to figure out different foods you personally react badly to is much more forgiving.

>> No.7824298

and being wrong is much more forgivable.*

>> No.7824303

>trying to do is figure out how to make themselves feel better

We mock people like you because of the uncertainty of you not having gone to the doctor.

Feel bad and suspect you might have a gluten issue? Nothing wrong with that. But go do the goddamn doctor and find out if the answer is yes or no.

The idiocy worthy of mocking is people refusing to actually go to the doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.

>> No.7824430 [DELETED] 

It's not a matter of idiocy if the only change it would give would be KNOWING that you have Celiac disease. But if you're already not eating gluten and feel much better then all you're really going to the doctor for is to not get mocked by retards like you, and to waste time and money.

>> No.7825698

Is this a troll? Please tell me this is a troll and you don't actually think faux meats destroy rain forest more than animal products do (as if they did at all).

Meat is way worse for your health and "processed" doesn't automatically mean something is bad for you besides, lol.

I hope you're under 16 years old and there's hope for you once you become a more educated, logical adult. I said a lot of stupid shit when I was under 16 years old too. Keep working on your research skills and fact checking and one day maybe you'll even be vegan. :)

>> No.7825713

There are way more pollutants in turkey though. All the pollutants in the turkey's environment become concentrated in the fat. :)

And then there's this: http://theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/health

>> No.7825791
File: 166 KB, 800x560, Mapo-Tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck would you eat something that resembles meat instead of just eating meat?

you could also probably get much tastier vegan dishes by looking at indian, chinese, or mediterranean cuisine. i ate like a vegan almost every day when i lived in india for a year.

>> No.7825798

Dear god how many times do we have to go over this? Are you people fucking serious? It's not that fucking hard to understand.

And yeah, Indian food can be delicious. But so is fucking Tofurky..

>> No.7825820
File: 807 KB, 1632x1224, seitan-brisket-and-veg-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tofurky is shit-tier.

If you want an actual delicious thing, do a seitan roast.

>> No.7825848

That's right. People have friends. But once they start bringing up veganism all the time and pester all of them to try vegan alternative meat-alikes that taste like giving a rimjob to a sheet of bean curd and asking what they think of it, they don't have friends much longer.

>> No.7825975


I understand not liking feces but what is wrong with

>veins (I think you mean arteries)

You have to define which slime and juice because there are good and bad of those.

>> No.7826005

>is vegan
>supports abortion rights

>> No.7826505

> you don't actually think faux meats destroy rain forest
Huge areas of rainforest gets leveled to make room for soy fields

>Meat is way worse for your health
Only processed meat has been shown to give bad health effects

>"processed" doesn't automatically mean something is bad for you
How about you google how many rat hairs are allowed to be found in each loaf of bread before it's seen as an issue, or how many additives are allowed to be used because even though they are proven cancerous, they are 'safe' to use in minor amounts

Keep working on your research skills and fact checking and one day maybe you'll even sound rational :)

>> No.7826582


Most soy goes to feed livestock lol.

And no, it's not just processed meats you ignorant fuck. Learn not to make absolute statements on subjects you know nothing about. http://theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/health

And those things aren't a requirement for processed foods.

>> No.7826595

>Most soy goes to feed livestock lol.
Actually most soy makes fuel

>And no, it's not just processed meats you ignorant fuck
>Ignorant fuck
>Links tumblr

>those things aren't a requirement for processed foods.
But they are a result of industrial food processing, and unavoidable.


>> No.7826601

I thought most soy was used for oil and the must leftover used to feed livestock? There's very little waste in industrial agriculture because most biproducts of one industry or another find use either within that industry or in a tangentially related one, kind of like the historically symbiotic relationship between brewers, millers and bakers (milers make flour for bakers and the chafs, a biproduct of milling, were used by brewers whose yeast blooms, a biproduct of beer production, was used by bakers).

Basically, it could be both for fuel and for livestock. I don't think one is necessarily at the expense of the other.

>> No.7826619

Sensible post. Soy is so integrated in modern life that most products, from food and fuel to shampoos and plastic, all have soy biproducts in them.

>> No.7827606


Every product Tofurkey makes is fucking disgusting inedible trash. I'm convinced that Satan himself makes the sausages and people who like them are his emissaries bent on spreading chaos.

Kroger meatless products and field roast are for people who would like to eat food and not choke on petrified sawdust infused dog dicks

>> No.7827692


I actually really like the torfurkey stuff, especially the kielbasa.

You want some weird shit? Find your nearest Seventh Day Adventist grocery store. They have all sorts of dried/canned vegetarian/vegan products straight out of the 1970s that you'll never see anywhere else. Some area actually really good, and some of the canned hotdogs are just bizarre.

>> No.7828437

Can you hit me up with a good link for a seitan roast?

>> No.7828457

why not try the one he posted maybe..


>> No.7828663


That is, indeed, the one I like to make.

I usually skip the last couple brisket steps and just have it as a roast.

When I make the seitan, I like to add a quarter cup of pre-cooked black lentils to the dough. They really bring a lot of extra texture and flavor goodness.

>> No.7828887

>convenience foods
Do you want to be fat? Because that's how you get fat.

Anyway, I make my favorite meat sub from scratch: fried garbanzo fritters. They're just like tendies. Crunchy protein-laden dippable garbage. Mmm. We call that a sometimes food.

Not really into tofu. It's okay in soup. I'd rather have kidney beans.

Meat alternatives are transitional. Don't know what to make for breakfast. No eggs or sausage?! Don't know what to make for lunch. No meat stacked Dagwood?! Don't know what to maker for dinner. No comfort food?! B-but how else am I gonna maintain my own gravity well.

If you don't know how to cook, don't become a vegan. Just don't. Stop. Delete your blog. Sell your Uggs. If you don't have a prescription, stop appropriating corrective eye-wear.

>> No.7828912

>Meat alternatives are transitional. Don't know what to make for breakfast. No eggs or sausage?! Don't know what to make for lunch. No meat stacked Dagwood?! Don't know what to maker for dinner. No comfort food?!
>B-but how else am I gonna maintain my own gravity well.
>B-but how else am I gonna maintain my own gravity well.
>B-but how else am I gonna maintain my own gravity well.
>B-but how else am I gonna maintain my own gravity well.


Op, I like boca burgers (grillers or grillers prime). The morning star patties are good when you need a change. costco sells gigantor packs of morning star chipotle black bean burgers that are good... but i don't think they are that healthy.

What our friend here said is correct though. one of the largest mistakes in trying to go veggie, is trying to sub the meat for something meat like. beans/peas are your friend. you will need to up your cooking game a lot to stay vegetarian. it is possible, but difficult to cook delicious vegetarian food.

I think the easiest way to go veggie is to just reduce intake. meat is everywhere and it is delicious. we should just be eating it more like once a week instead of every meal like most Americans.

>> No.7828928

I've been a vegetarian for as long as I can remember and I agree with the alternatives tasting better than the real thing. Some alternatives do suck though, you just have to try different brands until you find something you like. I've been trying to branch out to real meat and it's been pretty hard as the flavors and textures can be overpowering to the point where it can be disgusting. I tried eating a smoked sausage sometime recently and couldn't eat the whole thing, and it wasn't particularly big either. There was just something about the strong flavor and texture that I didn't agree with.

>> No.7830857

good ol 'cha

>> No.7830868


Those chipotle black bean burgers make my poop so smelly

>> No.7831801

Isn't miso made from fish?

>> No.7831815


No, miso is made from fermented soybeans.

Miso soup, however, contains dashi, and dashi is made from seaweed + fish.

>> No.7831826

Thanks mate

>> No.7831897

Vegan men are gay as fuck lmao

>> No.7831985


>> No.7831998

I hate pretty much all meat substitutes except seitan desu. None of them actually taste or feel like meat except that one. I greatly prefer vegetable dishes that are honest about what they are and make that the focus of the dish. I'd rather have Mexican beans and rice or ratatouille than tofurkey or whatever nonsense is hip right now.

>> No.7832018
File: 7 KB, 304x166, woody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Woody Harrelson is vegan.

>> No.7832694
File: 32 KB, 300x272, Almond-Cheese0-300x272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is decent.

>> No.7832736

You can't tell me he's never ordered a burger whilst high at a drive-thru

>> No.7832783

That stuff isn't vegan. It has casein. Sorry to break this to you if you're vegan. I fucking hate misleading "plant cheeses" like that. They shouldn't exist.

Also meat eater lady I work for bought that cheese thinking she could give it to me and I said I couldn't eat it because unfortunately it has milk protein in it, and she said I lucked out because it's horrible.

Confirmed meat eater approved vegan cheeses based off my experiences: Daiya for mac 'n' cheeze and quesadillas that kids love. Chao cayenne pepper cheeze, also best melted but can be eaten cold palatably. And Follow Your Heart Vegan Mozzarella baked and put under the broiler for pizzas and lasagna. Or in a home made vegan pepperoni pizza pocket.

And of course we can't forget the nut cheeses which generally taste the best and are healthiest for you and you can make yourself if you wanted to.

>> No.7832794

He's a passionate ethical vegan and there are plenty of vegan options at fast food places and burgers become disgusting after eating delicious vegan food for so long.

I believe he's also a raw vegan so even more unlikely.