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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 177 KB, 600x600, 95301131461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7814868 No.7814868 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite beer? Why?

I'll start with mine, Rogue Dead Guy Ale

>will put hair on your chest
>6.5% ABV
>doesn't have horrible hoppy taste like IPA'S do
>Not terribly expensive
>Not hard to find either.

>> No.7814872

>will put hair on your chest
that shit is sweet as fuck

>> No.7814874


>> No.7814875

Kingpin Double Red Ale is the best beer I have ever had and there are no close seconds either

>> No.7814876
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>> No.7814877


>> No.7814880

Fair enough

>> No.7814881
File: 26 KB, 200x214, 88088[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90 Shilling.
>Good cold or warm
>Dark and malty, while staying smooth and easy to drink
>Great amber color


>> No.7814905

My nigga!

>> No.7814914

This was the first beer I really enjoyed.
Even after drinking lots of different types of beer, I can't find a fault. It's perfect.

>> No.7814992
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also point the way by golden road and sculpin by ballast point

>> No.7814997

Dead Guy is pretty good, but I don't drink Rogue beer on principle.

>> No.7815002
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>>will put hair on your chest

Drink beer because it tastes good, not because it makes you feel like an adult or a man or some shit.

Fucking plebeians.

>> No.7815024
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For right now it's this, but for a long time I never really liked beer, and only recently started to enjoy it more. I need recs!

A family friend microbrewed a russian imperial stout that I loved, from there I've been told to try Old Rasputin and Dragon's Milk, any other suggestions?

>> No.7815028

Crabbies is alcoholic ginger beer. It's pretty good but not sure if it counts though

>> No.7815034

Can't quite decide between Samuel Smith oatmeal stout and Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar... why? Because they taste great

>> No.7815048

Victory Brewing has a pretty good imperial stout as well. Milk Stouts aren't quite as bitter but Left Hand's Nitro Milk Stout is also awesome. Also look into porters and scotch ales. Might help you identify what flavors you're really enjoying.

Favorites gotta be St. Bernardus Abt 12, Gulden Draak, and Rochefort 12. Those big bodied Belgians.

>> No.7815142

Rouge was my second not completely mainstreamed craft beer when I was like 22 that started me on my multi year craft beer adventure. I haven't had it since I was 22 because it's usually over $12 a 6 pack and it's not that great. Most of their other stuff seems like overpriced memeing. I'm a drunk so I like beers over 8% about. I'm not that far from lagunitas so I drink a lot of their stuff. I mostly like strong ales, I drink IPAs because they're everywhere but I like stouts and other strong ales better.

>> No.7815246

Faxe, Bavaria, Stella Artois from a can

>> No.7815311

Hop Rising Double IPA, but I like things that are bitter.

>> No.7815315

I love Samuel Smith organic chocolate stout need to get around to trying the oatmeal.

>> No.7815417

I have to agree, for what you pay with rogue you don't get much. Dead guy and a few others are good but they try too hard to make gimmicky beers now. It's a little sad.

Lagunitas has some really good stuff.

I live in Oregon and it's a beer wonderland here, although I'm hoping this hoppy IPA trend is finally reaching it's critical mass I'd like more variety.

>> No.7815487

san miguel lager.

>> No.7816000

Feral Hop Hog. Local boys making a damn fine beer

>> No.7816070

Rogue blows dude

>> No.7816574

Who /palemoonmasterrace/ here?

>> No.7816588

Coors Light, fairly inexpensive, I can drink about 8 and feel nice off it....not overly filling

>> No.7816672
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Honestly, I like a lot of beers and love trying new things and styles, but Old Rasputin is probably my overall favorite. It's just a really solid beer.

I've found myself avoiding stouts during the summer though, and am really liking Victory's Prima Pils and AleSmith's IPA.

Just picked up Founder's ReDANKulous for the first time, anyone know what I'm in for?

>> No.7816735

Why is Rogue so overpriced compared to other beer of its tier?

>> No.7816747

ever since i moved away from the east coast and away from victory/great lakes, i've been craving nothing but kirsch gose and chillwave

because it's an entry-level meme tier beer that ropes dilettantes into paying more for swill since they don't know any better

>> No.7816754

Because Rogue is more about marketing that actually making good beer.

>> No.7817101
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Found this sitting in the back of the local liquor store. Literally nectar of the gods.

>> No.7817158

Yeah old ales are still sort of a secret to most. I found some 2012 a year or 2 ago for like 10$ a pack. North coast rules

>> No.7817383

>tfw polish
>tfw getting some of those american beers would be expensive as fuck
well, so far the best were kernel's imperial stout and mikkeller's beer geek dessert, with polish smoked baltic porter imperum prunum on the third place

>> No.7817420

Do they have any craft beer in local liquor or grocery stores or do you have to go to specialty places?

>> No.7817494

depends on the city tbqh, but id say its pretty easy to get craft in a city with >30k people
and its getting better every month
homebrew is also pretty strong, i brew myself and know some good brewers, had some nice stuff (like jopenbier, 55 plato/1.262 SG)

>> No.7817506

Rogue is run by two psychopaths who treat employees like shit. Apparently their breweries are dirty as fuck. I don't drink rogue because it's a bad company.

>> No.7817561

$10 for a four-pack? Jesus, I paid $30 for two 4-packs.

>> No.7817583
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>> No.7817898
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Yeah, Old Stock is great.

Honestly, North Coast is just one of those breweries that are really solid all around.

Tried pic related tonight. Actually quite good. Nott too hoppy, and nice malts. Reminds me a bit of Dogfish's 90 min IPA.

>> No.7817913

i saw it in 4 packs this year, pretty good

>> No.7817955

Don't know where else to ask this. It's kind of gross. But I notice that whenever I drink beer, there's this weird gooey stuff that comes out of my ass. Its like this slimy, yellow mucus like stuff. What is that? Is it a serious problem?

>> No.7818258

That is definitely a problem, not normal. See a doctor.

>> No.7818274
File: 114 KB, 800x600, paulaner-salvator-doppelbock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my jam. Two points and I'm happy. Three and its a goddamn party.

Mmmmm. Cheap too.

>> No.7818936

I really like IPA taste...

>> No.7818989

it just tastes good, it makes me want to drink it. if it wasn't alcoholic, I'd still buy it.

>> No.7819000

Good taste OP.

One of the best ales I've ever had.

>> No.7819018

you've been raped, m8

go to the police

>> No.7819033
File: 3.47 MB, 3000x4000, Ayinger-Jahrhundert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here my mans.

>> No.7819080

whats the 100 year like vs a standard weiss from ayinger?

>> No.7819112

I've only had that and their Oktoberfest.

It tastes like a pretty standard German beer though, just executed to perfection.

>> No.7819132

>My favourite beer is brewed by Rogue

lmao, simply lmao.

>> No.7819152

I'm not that experienced with beer, the only one that's made me say "damn, this is another level" was Chimay (the blue one). Really good.

>> No.7819216
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Currently pic related.

So god damn refreshing.

>> No.7819223

I had some old stock. It was loved

>> No.7819225

Rouge may be hit or miss (more on the miss) but Dead Guy isn't bad.

>> No.7819233

Try some Celebrator. You'll love it.

>> No.7819234
File: 45 KB, 390x368, lucky thur-teeeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been liking this lately.

>> No.7819249

>Rochefort 12

>> No.7819258

I don't drink beer. Vodka or GTFO.

>> No.7819481

In the summer I go for a Samuel Smith's Brown ale.

In the winter I offer Mission brewer's Dark Seas. Its a lovely Russian Imperial Stout from southern California. Deep black with a thick caramel head. Expensive as duck tho. Like $10 a bottle.

>> No.7819494
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>> No.7820192

Love this. Torpedo is my go to beer. I told myself I was gonna stop drinking for a year, I'm 8 months in and a Torpedo is gonna be the first beer I have.

>> No.7820204


>> No.7820489

I did not.

>> No.7820510

It's a pretty entertaining read.

>> No.7821039
File: 276 KB, 960x640, surly-furious-beer-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit right here familia
>perfect amount of fizz, doesnt tear up your throat
>super complex flavor
>not too bitter but just bitter enough
>decent alcohol content

tastes like a pilsner thats just been hopped to hell, lagunitas is way better.

>> No.7821351
File: 12 KB, 201x201, Spaten_optimator_left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything I want in a beer is very well balanced within a good Optimator. Tasty, sweet but robust and its not very citrusy. Above 8% ABV, dark but not syrupy, and refreshing as all hell no matter the season.

Fuck Panzers, this is the finest of German engineering

>> No.7821397
File: 405 KB, 1200x1600, Bell's Hopslam Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best beer I've ever had. It's pretty hard to come by though. I know the store that I bought it from had a two bottle limit for anyone who bought it.

>> No.7821401
File: 139 KB, 637x560, benthop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p tasty

>> No.7821436
File: 26 KB, 263x300, blue-moon-belgian-white-6pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not very experienced, I used to drink budweiser and think that was good beer, haha oh man. This is my favorite beer right now, its just so good!

>> No.7821439

where are you buying this at? id love to try it

>> No.7821484

Best beer I've ever had is Rochefort 10. But my favorite beer I can actually get without spending a small fortune is probably La Fin du Monde

>> No.7821503

I've been enjoying their table pilsner lately.

>> No.7821512
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>> No.7821601

Beer is beer to me. I've tried the expensive stuff and it was a nice treat I guess but way too expensive.

I drink Lucky Lager. It's cheap and tastes like shit, but it works.

I'm having some trouble putting them back at the moment though. Might start drinking wine instead so that I have less fluid to drink. Really bad acid reflux from it. Probably a symptom of drinking too often lately.

>> No.7821604

Budweiser in a bottle is my go to, but if I'm going to get a 6 pack of some good stuff I'd go with Goose Island's Honkers Ale.

>> No.7821687

Their pilsener and cold press ale are great

>> No.7821694
File: 240 KB, 350x515, Beer-and-Can-Template-Summer-Crush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling with the mn bros. This shit is great for fishing

>> No.7821699

yeah I'm not much of a beer drinker but I went to their taproom a few weeks ago and really liked that one

>> No.7821824


>> No.7821828

who /twinports/ here

>> No.7821838

fuck it I don't need friends
I'll just go to Superior and buy beer

>> No.7821877

we /oakdale/ ova here

>> No.7821963
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It's meh-tier here in Québec. They sell it 14$ for a 6 pack.

My top 5 brewer from Québec : 1)Dunham
2)Les trois mousquetaires
3) Dieu du ciel
4)Pit caribou / Le castor
5)Brasseur du monde

Glutenberg make an awesome IPA and their special edition are nice too.

If you like Belgian style, Charlevoix are your best bet.

>> No.7822011
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Sterni ist best...
"Alk soll baller und sonst nix, jeder der was anderes sagt ist ne homo"
but really after drinking it frequently for some time i really love the taste

>> No.7822071

>Not terribly expensive
This shit is $13 a six pack here. I like rogue but i hardly drink them unless I find it discounted on draft.

>> No.7822073


>> No.7822083
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It's pretty good.

>> No.7822308
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this shit is my jam, tastes great and you dont have to drink a 6er to get a buzz

>> No.7822450
File: 354 KB, 1078x1440, Wild-Beer-Co.-Bliss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking this right now

not a fan

>> No.7822796
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lolol I went to buy some of this (samefag) and have no idea how to open remove the beer can
what do I do

>> No.7822861

You've failed the test.

>> No.7822883

I figured it out
dude I don't drink a lot

>> No.7822908

no one fails the 'go 'za test

>> No.7823033
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For cool desert nights, this hits the spot. Been drinking a bunch of it lately.

>> No.7823041
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Other than the Brexit, this is the greatest thing the British have made

>> No.7823227

Storm King is pretty good too

>> No.7823273
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>> No.7824365

Seconding old Rasputin, except I don't care if it's summer.

>> No.7824385
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OR is my go to choice about stouts.

If I am truly celebrating though I get this. This stuff is delicious and packs a hell of a punch at 14%.

>> No.7824396

The only regional beer I miss when I moved. The lager I really enjoy drinking.

>> No.7824416
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I know a lot of connoisseurs look down on Newcastle, but this stuff is near and dear to me and I try to drink it as rarely as possible to preserve it.

Seriously one sip and I go on a nostalgia trip through all the great times I've had while drinking the stuff.

>> No.7826290

Op you have great taste. I always get this whenever I can

>> No.7826374


This is damn good. A new favorite this summer.

>> No.7826493

The plebs still don't know about sour ales.

I like steel reserve and fin du monde.

>> No.7826630
File: 114 KB, 750x1050, orval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My great uncle had me stay in the Orval abbey for a month so I could stop being such a shithead. Man probably kept me from becoming a petty criminal and he's the one that got me to appreciate good beer. This or the Westmalle tripel are my GOAT beers.

>> No.7826672
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>> No.7826723
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I hate this brewery's artwork but they make some good chit.

>> No.7826737

Man, I like Guineas but ... fucking hell people are pretensions about it.

Bartenders scrap their fucking fingers across the foam.

"You can't have the first pint of the night, you have to wait till someone else has one so its fresh"

"The stuff in Ireland is so much better"

Fuck off, I just want something that tastes decent and makes me hate everything less for a little while.

>> No.7826849

My all-time favorite is Moralite by Dieu du Ciel.

Favorite stout is Ten FIDY by Oskar Blues.

My candidate for best beer in the world is Trappistes Rochefort 10.

Favorite refreshing beer is either Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier or Fruh Kolsch.

>> No.7826859


I watched Conan O'Brien visit the Guinness brewery, and the cunt he was talking to said it was bad manners to look at the glass. Look to the horizon, keep your elbow up, and pull the liquid through the foam.

Hate that shit. Attaching a bunch of contrived rituals to your beer does not make it any less subpar.

>> No.7826861

>>Not terribly expensive

I don't think so

>> No.7826873
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I could drink this endlessly all day

>> No.7827805
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>> No.7828823
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Wouldn't call it my favorite, but I really enjoyed it the one time I had it.

>> No.7829522

Oh shit, just moved to MN and tried this for first time yesterday. Really good stuff, not normally a fan of IPAs. Any other good Surly brews I should know of?

>> No.7829529 [DELETED] 

You should really just visit their brewpub in minneapolis, you can drink dozens of different brews and it's cheap as fuck.

I'm not even really into beer all that much (by 4chan autismo standards) and I was pretty impressed. If I had to live in flyover land, I'd take consolation in having places like that even if the selection of non-beer is pretty shit and you get beat up for liking organic arugula.

>> No.7829534

gr8 stuff. can get liter mugs of it at a bar near me

>> No.7829539

Flathead Cherry Ale, fresh batches made annually. Cherries are picked locally and all water in the brewing process comes from the mountain spings of Montana.

>> No.7829546

I've only seen their chocolate porter and orange wheat.

I really want to try this. Where do you live?

>> No.7829549

I actually went their with a buddy a couple weeks ago, but it was an hour before closing so only got to try a couple beers. Really awesome place. Tried Heathen Temple and Four, both really good. Wanna go back for a tour.

>> No.7829553
File: 136 KB, 350x350, Hoegaarden_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few better witbiers out there, but I haven't been able to find one nearly as cheap as Hoegaarden. Definitely been lookin.

>> No.7829555

my nigga

>> No.7829558 [DELETED] 


Hoegaarden isn't anything special, but god damn, now that it's 90 degrees out every day and 100% humidity I could rally go for one, especially in one of those glasses that's been chilled, and maybe even with a splash of freshly made lemonade thrown in.

>> No.7829561

It's an underrated Dogfish head beer. I half expected it to taste like shit, but was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.7829565

I have no idea why you east coast fucks cream yourselves so hard over this beer. It's decent, but it's basically a step up from miller/coors/bud.

>> No.7829571
File: 984 KB, 938x965, amber_bock_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have much here, but pic related is my favorite.

Anything you get outside of a liquor store here is 3.2% ABV, which works fine for me. Amber Bock is just the smoothest and best tasting for me. Granted, I grew up on Coors and Heineken.

>> No.7829578

Any fellow Scots here that could recommend some good beers? I'm starting to get a bit tired of the same old shit at my local.

>> No.7829585 [DELETED] 


>it's basically a step up from miller/coors/bud

Exactly. I think it's a combination of regional pride and a hipster thing that began with people ironically making a big deal out of shitty beers like PBR and Red Stripe. (It might have began earlier but those were the hipster beers back in the early aughts when I started college.)

>> No.7829587

That's probably why I love it so much. Living in a place where it's always hot as fuck.

>> No.7829599
File: 385 KB, 818x1280, cpmxber2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all these edgy American hipster beers?

>> No.7829625
File: 49 KB, 600x600, adnams-broadside-ale-beer-online-1299800471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT comin thru

>> No.7829638

I'll admit it's actually pretty good for what it is.

>> No.7829652
File: 733 KB, 1536x2048, Southbound-Shakedown-Street-can[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Georgia small-time represent

>> No.7829670
File: 396 KB, 1600x1200, Keira-Knightley-Desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans thinking their beer is better than Europe's, who have been brewing it thousands of years before their country was discovered

>> No.7829675

Natty ice

>> No.7829926

I actually went out and tried some because of this post. Not a fan, but glad I tried it.

>> No.7829946

Not true, Vikings and others were here thousands of years ago.

>> No.7829954

You jewropeans really don't try much, do you?

>> No.7829961

Kilkenny is one of my favorites.
Impossible to find in the states though

>> No.7829976

europeans have been brewing the EXACT SAME THING for thousands of years.
Americans have been taking all that experience, that knowledge, adding some science and making interesting things instead of the exact same fucking thing. AGAIN.

>> No.7830002

When you reach perfection, don't fuck with it.

There's a reason I can drink whatever the trend-of-the-month is from American craft brewers, appreciate it, and move on to the next, never feeling the need to revisit, but I will always come back, again and again, to my favorite Czech and German beers, and never feel like I'm missing out. I can always find an interesting beer in the American scene, sure, and there's often something new to dicover. A perfect beer, however, is sublime. You'll never tire of it.

>> No.7830014

nobody's reached perfection, you fucklechuck

>> No.7830016

Anyone that makes a Sriracha beer earns my permanent disdain.

>> No.7830024

I think you may have liver disease m8.

>> No.7830047
File: 129 KB, 600x537, 1d97df13701179.562771e9be24e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink the brewery in my tiny ass town, Wheelhouse Brewery

Delicious as fuck

>> No.7830058

Shit taste

>> No.7830072

i love bell's, everything i've had from them has been really enjoyable. my favorite from them is probably the lager of the lakes, or the winter white. haven't tried the hopslam but i'll be sure to give it a go if i ever run into it

>> No.7830089

i was in ireland and someone recommended kilkenny, had it IN KILKENNY and it tasted like straight vinegar. Smithwicks is miles better.

>> No.7830100
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This one right here is my favorite

>> No.7830175
File: 256 KB, 625x431, Firestone-Walker-Parabola-2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many favorites. Just gonna pick one at random.
I love ClownShoes stuff, their Luchador En Feugo is fantastic.

>> No.7830626

Anything by Deschutes is great.

My personal favorite is the black butte porter, followed by the summer ales.

>> No.7830652 [DELETED] 


I wouldn't say everything by Deschutes is great, but they're seriously underrated. Black Butte is certainly their best.

>> No.7830670
File: 258 KB, 960x640, heady-topper-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing i miss about new england

>> No.7830676
File: 983 KB, 1165x1600, Augustiner_Edelstoff_Glas_und_Flasche_0.5l_Mehrweg_mit_Tropfen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys have not experienced perfection yet.

then again, you guys aren't living in germany.

>> No.7830694 [DELETED] 


Damn, I did a New England road trip a few years ago, visiting a bunch of breweries along the way.

The plans got changed and we ended up going to Montreal for a few days instead of spending any time in Vermont. We drove back through Vermont but didn't have time to really go anywhere out of the way and Alchemist was the only brewery that we would have been able to stop at. Instead we did the retarded Ben and Jerry's tour and went to some random farm (it was kind of cool because it was the picturesque Vermont you see in postcards or The Trouble with Harry) and tried fresh milk for the first time (even though I hadn't drank milk in probably a decade, and didn't really like ice cream either), but at least I got a cool glass milk jug.

>> No.7830734

Any of them. Also that Fulton 300 that's out right now is really good too.

>> No.7830840

I will second it.

It is as cheap as the macros while tasting a step up. If you are not into the beer scene it is the closest you will come across a "specialty" [craft] beer.

It is also still (supposedly) completely American owned, if that gets you happy.

>> No.7830847

The closest I have ever felt toward an alcoholic loyalty is toward Clown Shoes. All their stuff is good.

But it is all expensive. I never think to myself "that was a reasonable [cheap]" choice the week after.

>> No.7830879
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Natural light

>> No.7831021

Clown shoes rules, but I hate bombers. Their hoppy feet black ipa is probably the best black ipa I've ever had. At least that one comes in 4 packs now.
Also had their billionaire barley wine aged in cognac barrels. Was great and pretty cozy.

>> No.7831315

Funky Buddha Key Lime Pie Berliner weisse is a top contender for my number one but it's special release and do it very rarely. Copperpoint has the B Rabbit which is an espresso stout on nitro that is so fucking creamy. Gosegetter by Banging Banjo is also very good but these are all local brews not bottled

>> No.7831318

Lefts hand Nitro stout is the best nitro canned/bottled beer I've had

>> No.7831324

Try hoegaarden it's very similar to blue moon but much more cloudy it's very good

>> No.7831348

Leffe's nothing amazing as far as Blondes go, but it's a solid choice.

>> No.7831736

If i want a macro, i drink Iron City, but for craft i like erie railbender

>> No.7831876
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double IPA

>> No.7831910
File: 78 KB, 640x512, Squatters-Hop-Rising-Double-IPA-6-Pack-Cans-Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comes in 15$ 12 packs now so I buy it a lot

>> No.7831929

>spending an extra $4 on environmentally friendly hipster caps

This will not catch on. Real men own scissors.

>> No.7831934

Also my favorite, I get it in the bottle. Taste better than Dogfish head 90 minute but it's cheaper.

>> No.7831935

It's cheaper senpai. 6 pack bottled is around 10, 12 pack in can is 15.

>> No.7831941

Are you retarded?

>> No.7831952

There is a pub that brews it's own beer literally 1 minute from my house. They sell this dark ale called Ruby Mild. 3 of them is enough to make you sleepy. They are the reason I am getting fat, nothing like my 3 rubies after work.

>> No.7831955

Those 3 rubies sometime turn into 10 though.

>> No.7831963
File: 358 KB, 759x500, Great-Raft-Upland-Come-What-Mayhaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really happy that the south is starting to timidly come forward with decent beers

pic related was definitely a high-tier american wild for me, and i've had a ton. bayou teche has a damn decent gose too.

>> No.7831981

Really? I don't dislike it I just don't feel it has a lot of flavor, definitely smooth with that nitro though. Still prefer Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout though.

>> No.7832024

Their Longboard Lager was one of my go to beers while living in the US. Along with Anchor Steam.

>> No.7832025

>no price difference
>nearly every canned beer uses them now
>this will not catch on
What did he mean by this?

>> No.7832070

>Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout
that's because you like bubbly sugar water, friend

>> No.7832086

Maybe, although Samuel Smiths isn't particularly sugary taste more like cocoa without sugar. I like IPAs though so it balances out.

>> No.7832100

I'm still to discover an authentic looking american beer, the labels look like garbage a lot of times

>> No.7832102

Bow valley strong lager.

7% abv. that's the only reason i Drink it. Tastes like ass but gets you drunk. I never drink for the taste. Beer tastes bad no matter what kind you get.

>> No.7832136

If you drink to get drunk, wouldn't wine be more cost effective?

>> No.7832139

My nigger
Orval tastes like sweet flowery angel pussy

>> No.7832144

Or spirits for that matter.

Also disagree with all beer being bad. There's some piss out there, but there's also some genuinely tasty stuff. You probably just haven't found the one for you.

>> No.7832158

ever since i had jai alai, i've been on a quest for more beers that taste like weed and are also within reach of my distribution area

other than humboldt brown for obvious reasons, i haven't been able to find another one yet

>> No.7832166

What does beer taste like?

>> No.7832173
File: 12 KB, 179x281, Feldschlößchen Maibock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what I'm in the mood for. In no real order:
Feldschlößchen Maibock
>recent addiction. damn good session beer.
Old Rasputin Stout
>objectively the best stout in the world, good in winter next to the fireplace.
Arrogant Bastard Ale
>Damn good ale. Hoppy enough to be stronger than most IPAs.
King Cobra
>I like malt liquor when I feel like a nig nog. Fuck off. Plus only like 2 bucks for a quart.
Miller High Life
>Go to shit macrobrew. Can't stand anything else but PBR and silver bullets.
Hoegaarden White Ale
>Great summer beer.

>> No.7832176

eh... heineken tastes and smells like bud

>> No.7832208

I tried some of that felshingalmorgin beer.
It was actually the worst beer I have ever had.
Even worse than the cheap shit you get in french petrol stations that has flavourings and colourings innit.

>> No.7832240

My stomach can't handle hard liquor at all.

>> No.7832244
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>> No.7832265

> felshingalmorgin

wut that?

>> No.7832275

Same. I think it's because I used to drink it on an empty stomach so much to get drunk fast. Dumb 20 year old shit.

>> No.7832278

What does your room look like?

Is it covered in cans and bottles?

>> No.7832290

Anchor Liberty Ale

>> No.7832349

And here's a faggot trying to make point. Go to another thread.

>> No.7832379

favorite widely available daily drinkers:
mango even keel
luponic distortion
santa cruz classic dot

favorite sippers:
speedway stout variants
bcbs variants (barleywine mostly)
firestone bourbon barrel aged beers

favorite beer of all time:
west ashley

>> No.7832571
File: 474 KB, 1140x495, Wicked-Weed-Medora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my favorite that i can buy on the shelf year round

>> No.7832577

that beer is awesome. i had a based dude send me one in a trade as an extra

>> No.7832589


Pretty much this. I really enjoy drinking as many different beers, but this one is one I think i'll always see as a timeless classic.

It annoys me sometimes hearing Americans say they don't drink it anymore because it's become too commercial, they should step back and see that it's still a damn good beer.

>> No.7832590
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>> No.7832604
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I highly recommend this one by them if you can find it. Delicious.

>> No.7832609

>even keel
>widely available

fucking uppity coasters i can't stand you assholes, thinking that your beers are everywhere

that and ghost in the machine are probably the only good beers louisiana will ever see

that and the freakish amount of cantillon hidden in new orleans

>> No.7832616

>freakish amount of cantillon hidden in new orleans
what the fug

i had a batch of envie from parish that was insane

>> No.7832617
File: 27 KB, 320x320, CPl_OCKWwAAGCFo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here. Omnipollo are one of the main reasons I'm taking a trip to Stockholm next year.

>> No.7832621

where do you live?

>> No.7832623


>> No.7832631
File: 69 KB, 680x510, 882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on brexit senpai

>> No.7832632

>speedway stout variants
shit nigga, ive had some hawaiian edition, it was great
polishfag here, just got myself one of those, going to drink it in a few days. feels good as it's been hyped up as fuck on our craft beer fb group

>> No.7832636

there is a lot of cantillon in new orleans if you know who to talk to

regularly distributed louisiana beers are something that i'll always give a hard pass, they're never good

>> No.7832640


I recently had the double barrel stuff too, the bottle is the same, but they have this picture stuck to it as a clear sticker.

Aged in Cognac and Islay Whiskey barrels. It smelt unreal and tasted great, but I wasn't too keen on the peaty edge the Islay barrel had given it.

>> No.7832648
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Sorry, forgot the pic

>> No.7832655


The hawaiian edition is fucking amazing! Had that on draught for £5 for 1/3 of a pint.

Worth every penny.

>> No.7832657
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Recently tried pic related. Was pretty fucking good, especially at 3$ a pint. God bless the Germans.

>> No.7832661

yeah i also saw this, i dont think my wallet could survive that tho
btw if you're that britfag then im mirin kernels imperial stout, really well balanced

>> No.7832687
File: 23 KB, 320x320, e957639b00b830e3e7b530e82fc3c765_320x320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Kernal make some good solid beers. Had a Nelson Sauvin hopped Black IPA by them. Didn't think it would work but it really did

>> No.7832734

ive had 100ml for 19 zł (2 hours of work for typical student jobs)
but fuck that, it was worth it
and i heard vietnamese edition is even better
i just hope that after i come back from working abroad for the summer i'll have enough money for some of these beauties
but still, polish craft is good enough for day to day drinking

>> No.7832758

I've only had fou foune. possibly the best beer i've ever had. looking for lpf next

>> No.7832771
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Can't wait for the double launch of V4+5 but I heard they're going to be mostly bottle with only about 5 kegs of each made.

>> No.7832774

double-bock is underrated as a category. Every major German brand I've had is really good--Weihenstephaner's, Ayinger's.

Don't know if this is roughly correct, but d-bocks seems like they're on the opposite end of the "beer flavor spectrum" from IPAs--quite sweet and syrupy from maltiness.

>> No.7832789
File: 45 KB, 250x453, beer_334609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much dude. They're not heavily hopped. Although I have tried some DIPAs recently that have been quite syrupy with the maltiness.

Pic related

>> No.7832793

Doppel Bocks are also Lagers, forgot to mention.

>> No.7832953
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Super refreshing!

>> No.7833089
File: 435 KB, 420x533, Fastenbier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got to try a Rauch (smoked) beer. Surprisingly refreshing, the smoke was much heavier on the nose, and the taste included a nice hop bite I wasn't expecting. Next time I see these I'm trying all the different kinds.

>> No.7833338

One of my absolute favorites until the last inch or so; then all you taste is Saffron; although I've never had it in a glass so maybe I'll try it.

>> No.7833377
File: 2.42 MB, 2178x3873, 4handsaol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When its warm out side.. Urban Chestnut Zwickel
When winter finally comes around... 4Hands absence of light

>> No.7833446
File: 43 KB, 400x400, weiss-400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never gotten any of that famous spoilage from the green bottles? Always freaks me out.

Mine is pic related. I havent been drinking beer for too long but this one is just freaking amazing.

>> No.7833573

>want to seriously try newcastle
>always in a clear bottle
>always skunky
I know they have a canned version, just can't find it where I am.
It's a damn shame, the one time I did try it, I could tell there was a decent beer underneath the skunk and funk.

>> No.7833576

I'd go with either this or Weihenstephaner original. I just never get tired of them.

>> No.7833584

Weihenstephaner Dunkelweissen or heffeweissbier
Elysian - avatar jasmine ipa
Belmont brewing strawberry blonde

>> No.7833904
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I've drank a lot, but Westmalle's Dubbel, as the beer that got me into beer drinking always holds a special place in my heart. Gulden Draak or Tripel Karmeliet are probably my favorite Belgians after that.

Yuengling or Sam Adams for cheaper stuff.
Shock Top's Pretzel Wheat was surprisingly good to me for a novelty beer. Southern Tier does a lot of those too but every flavor is just WAY too damn sweet.
Leinenkugels aren't really good, but the Lemon and Cranberry/Ginger Shandies were surprisingly nice.
Hitachino Nest was a big surprise since most Japanese beers are garbage. Stick to the white or red though, Anbai sucks.
Honestly I don't even remember half of these, but I've only ever spit out one beer in my life (At a brewfest).
I keep saying i'll make a display board or magnets or something out of them, but eh. Someday.

Got a few more in my fridge not in there yet, Rodenbach classic, (actually drank it, didn't care for it), La Divine Double Blonde, Sam Smith Organic Lager, and Schneider Weisse Tap 6.

Alaska has a surprisingly good selection if you know where to look (And our breweries are good), but there remain things I'll likely never find up here, like Fuller's.

>> No.7834266

I can get even keel at gas stations in the midwest bro

>> No.7834316

try a rauchweizen, bruh
or a grodziskie/graetzen if its available near you
generally smoked beers are great

>> No.7834786
File: 64 KB, 680x1024, TripelKarmeliet_zps7a5955cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tripel Karmeliet
Oh shit, good taste spotted!

>> No.7834889

is this bait?

>> No.7834949

Does anyone actually like Brewdog and their 50 shades of IPA?

>> No.7834959 [DELETED] 

>most Japanese beers are garbage
not even a weeb but this is real shitposting

>> No.7834996

>most Japanese beers are garbage
not even a weeb but this is real shitposting

>> No.7835057

You by any chance learn anything about catholicism m80? Kind of pisses me off when people go on retreats to christian monasteries and come out "so peaceful and enlightened" in their vague bubbly way without even teying to learn squat about what the whole life was about.

>> No.7835058

It's not worth the price or effort. Newcastle is pretty shit

>> No.7835614
File: 97 KB, 470x470, images.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me, this is good

don't care what y'all think about rouge

>> No.7835626

daily reminder that freedomland wrecks europe at their own game consistently, yet again:



>> No.7835642

well to be fair, those are American websites little known in Europe

also the first website declares a European beer to be the best

>> No.7835654

Westwhatever is a meme. Fuck it.

>> No.7835663

>judge the quality of a country's beer by an American website where almost only American rate
>they still lose to European

ayy lmao

America really is a piece of shit

>> No.7835684

I don't really care. I'm just sick of seeing trappists being praised like they're anything special. They taste like over carbonated raisin water and I'd take any other belgian or german beer over them.

>> No.7835697

to be fair trappist suck

my favorite beers are american

>> No.7835768

Rogue does a couple really solid beers. They have decent stouts and porters.

The issue is they put out a bunch of shitty meme beers and their shit is overpriced.

>> No.7835781
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Bombers are just such a ripoff, and unless you're drinking with a friend, way too much. It really is a shame, since a lot of awesome beers only come as one.

It's why I'm so happy pic related comes in pints now. I hope more breweries start doing this.

>> No.7836149
File: 743 KB, 594x567, omnipollo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had this lads, holy shit, the best one ive ever had so far

>yurop vs murrica shitposting

>> No.7836272
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they got bought out by Coors but hot damn this is a good beer. Hopefully with that buy out money they decide to make this in 4packs or 6packs.

They've dropped the price of most of their beers, but yeah their stouts coming in 4pack cans is amazing.

>> No.7836351
File: 124 KB, 1280x1280, bells_twoheartedale12oz__68324.1351096333.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. So refreshing when ice cold.

>> No.7836359

I dont like it. I dont like dry, bitter ales that dont have some kind of sweet scent.

But I'd still say its better than most

>> No.7836363


Ah, I'm not as special of a snowflake as I thought.

>> No.7836368

I love the kindof citrus-y aftertaste.

>> No.7836375

But it does have a sweet fruity scent. I don't find it bitter at all either. It's really well balanced

>> No.7836383

>Americans independently discovered how to brew beer when the country was founded

>> No.7836394
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as adventurous as some of the others here, but I'll be damned if this isn't the most balanced beer I've ever tasted. Nice almost chocolatey taste without that IPA meme hoppiness.

>> No.7836401
File: 76 KB, 333x500, Br.-Sterkens-Hoogstraten-Belgian-Porter-e1398293542740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is my jam.

Also it has one of the best bottles around.

>> No.7836404
File: 61 KB, 800x600, dogfish-head-indian-brown-ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non thumbnailed image

>> No.7836412

This right here is a good ale. I love the crispness of it.

>> No.7836416
File: 26 KB, 320x320, 5a15fa3d890d1469439c9d6edc2cfdcc_320x320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this until Lidl recently decided to stop selling it, the miserable cunts. fuck their shit

>> No.7836434

I'm a sucker for cool ass bottles.

>> No.7836438

Don't have a single favorite, but Texian Charlie Foxtrot is a good standby. An "Imperial Berliner Weisse" whatever the fuck that is. Medium brown sour beer that's pleasantly malty but hella tart.

>> No.7836447
File: 99 KB, 586x293, 586x293BeerHere-VelveteenHabit2-crRobinShepard02052015[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ale Asylum makes some terrific beers. They're still fairly local but since they started canning Hoppalicious they're getting more nation wide recognition

>> No.7836483

Ale asylum rules. I get that or tyranena when I cross the border

>> No.7836490

What's a tasty beer with high abv%?

Don't drink too much beer and don't really know much about microbrews and such. A Yuengling after some outside work is refreshing af, and that's fine for me.

>> No.7836505

I sneak in extra booze with fruit beers. Founders sells rubeaus in 12 packs and you can easily throw a shot of vodka in that shit.

>> No.7836607

almost no beer was good until THIS decade so i don't really know what you're getting at

>> No.7836718

no, but hop slam is bells best beer

>> No.7837010
File: 54 KB, 600x338, LawyersGunsMoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love stouts, porters, and barleywines. Pic related is a tremendous barleywine that I am always searching for.

>> No.7837180

Yeah, my local place sold the 4 pack for the same the bomber goes for. They haven't updated their prices yet.

I honestly like Evil Twin a lot.

>> No.7837205
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>> No.7837220

How much do yo uspend on beer?

I spent 500 dollars in the past two weeks. I fe el so much shame right now.

>> No.7837257

How/why? There's no way you're drinking that much. Are you impulse buying/storing?

I generally spend $45 and it last me two weeks.

>> No.7837294

I spend 40 dollars per time I buy nad it last me a day. I drink somewhere around 20 beers a day. I live in Canada so tax is a big factor.

>> No.7837301

> I drink somewhere around 20 beers a day.
You are an alcoholic and should seek help.

It's not helping your wallet either.

>> No.7837438

20 a day? Are you morbidly obese?

>> No.7837447

Patrician taste right here

>> No.7837710

yeah thats the entire point. being there made me realize that I had to grow up and be serious about living a disciplined, respectful existence (while also occasionally enjoying myself), otherwise I was pissing away the infinite blessings of life. I'm a regular churchgoer now and I owe it to my time there, my great-uncle's tutelage especially.

I get what you mean about people talking about "finding themselves" after taking a vacation, but this wasn't some weekend retreat, but rather a solid month and a half of meditation with some hardcore Catholic monks. You cant exactly be in that environment and not learn about the religion, or get some respect for those guys. While I wouldn't consider becoming a monk myself I've gone back a number of times to pray and thank the monks that are still around from when I was there.

>> No.7837724

This man knows my heart.

>> No.7837866

The rumors about the head brewer pissing and spitting in the brew tanks sounds way more scary to me than the memes desu famsenpai

>> No.7838883

I didn't even know about that. That's awful.

I just remember seeing the beer they claim is made from the brewers beard yeast, and deciding to never buy from them again.

>> No.7840590

rogue is a meme

>> No.7840607

>3) Dieu du ciel
is this a low ranking, or are there just many good quebecoise breweries?

>> No.7840629

anyone else from san diego? The breweries around here are fucking amazing

>> No.7840640
File: 2.00 MB, 2221x2160, TBGPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for winter so I can buy it again. Rich and made with locally made premium chocolate and 8.7% without bitterness like IPAs

>> No.7840660


I was born in San Diego and lived there until I was 3.

Since then I've lived in pretty much every corner of the US and have come to the conclusion that, while some regions have a stronger brewing culture than others, there is amazing beer being made pretty much everywhere in the country.

>> No.7840669

just had a bottle of that stuff, based on seeing your post
I would give it a 6.5/10, it was alright but nothing spectacular, too sweet for my taste and completely lacking in hops to balance that sweetness out.

>> No.7840678
File: 20 KB, 252x378, 11451000_is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Innis & Gunn is a good one, matured in bourbon casks. If you like whisky, this is a good complimentary beer to your whisky.

>> No.7840749
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Anyone else?

>> No.7840756


>complains about being hopped to hell
>recommends lagunitas

>> No.7840778
File: 32 KB, 250x466, beer_474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I support equal pay, no matter the gender :^)

>> No.7840793

That was way too Jewy

>> No.7841428
File: 631 KB, 750x1112, 20160701_202323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we have 150-ish microbreweries in Québec.

>> No.7842670

I like light beers like heineken and corona. I've only been drinking a couple of years so i haven't had everything. but I have had a lot of local IPAs and other things too. I also like guiness. IPAs are good at getting you drunk but i don't want to do anything after i have a few of those.

>> No.7842735

As an alcoholic I am always tickled when I learn how to further it without it costing more.

>> No.7843137

Ommegang rare vos
But I do love dead guy ale

>> No.7843141


>alcoholic worried about price
>buying glass 12 pack bottle fruity beers

pick one

life hack - go to the liquor store, go to the vodka section, bend down to the bottom shelf and find the cheapest plastic half gallon

>> No.7843212

Theyre 12 pack cans

>> No.7843220

To be fair, lagunitas actually balances their beer pretty decent for a West coast brewery

>> No.7843228

I would have been stoked to buy packs of 16 oz cans of AB awhile ago. Now there are so many local options I couldn't care less

>> No.7843434

>Buy Guiness
>Pour Kahlua/Bailey's in Guiness

Or any Sweet/Milk stout to be honest.

>> No.7843527

>who have been brewing it thousands of years before their country was discovered
Lady and gentlemen, we have ourselves a DANGLING PARTICIPLE.

Apparently the Europe was brewing before the country of Europe was discovered.

>> No.7843573
File: 30 KB, 650x650, 06785-burnett_scherryvodka175l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will agree that my pic is the best way. But I simply cannot always do that. I crave beer. So rather then drop 10 - 15 for a strong 4 pack, pay 50% less for a more mild 6 / 12 pack and then pay for a handle vodka. I pay far less then a fancy beer but it tastes just as strong while still feeling a bit like beer. Plus I have plenty of vodka for the next drinking session.

It is a niche. But it works for me.

>> No.7843577


>egypt was brewing beers in BC days
>obviously they have the best beer on earth

being bad at something for a long time doesn't make you special anon

>> No.7843581


with a high tolerance unless you are funneling beers you are probably wasting time

>> No.7843583
File: 30 KB, 620x349, lebowski-main[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite what I was looking for. Paying for even a generic Kahlua/ Bailey's wipes out any savings. I would rather go all out for a proper stout. If you are not going to add cheap vodka it is not worth it.

However, I will say those liquors make great mixed drinks. The white Russian will always be my favorite.

>> No.7843594

Fair is fair. It is not for everyone. I am not arrogant enough to assume I am not always right. But I will say at least for me it is a decent way to add an extra 50% abv for your beer if you crave it.

>> No.7843635

>However, I will say those liquors make great mixed drinks. The white Russian will always be my favorite.
Good taste, anon. And Irish Car Bomb isn't bad either.

Victory's Kirsch Gose and other fruit beers can take cheap vodka. Most others probably can't.

>> No.7843827

I personally think their chocolate stout is better than their oatmeal, but all their shit is really top notch. Just downed a taddy porter a few minutes ago, shit was cash.

>> No.7843829

Go belgian nigger, they know how to make some smooth sweet shit that'll fuck you up good. Rochefort is my shit, dawg.

>> No.7843842

IPAs are for children.

>> No.7843844

Imperial Stouts.

They can get very high ABV and taste like coffee/chocolate/etc...

>> No.7843851

IPAs are for chainsmoking hipsters who can barely taste anything anymore and think anything they can taste should taste like a pine cone rolled in talcum powder, because lel beer isn't supposed to taste good.

>> No.7843890
File: 53 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have that much experience with beer (american underage), but I drank there a couple times on vacation and was blown away
do they distribute, or do you live in mtl?

>> No.7844117
File: 36 KB, 709x765, Happy-Frog-Meme-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IPAs will never fuck off

>> No.7844730
File: 39 KB, 500x213, brasserie-dunham-leos-early-breakfast-ipa-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't live in Montréal but I live relatively close to it.

Dieu du ciel is a big microbrewery here, you can go to their pub at Montréal. I went there yesterday and I drank "Tête de corbeau" in cask. It was great.

People who just whine about IPA are manchildren who post banana on /b/. Waaaaaaahhhh someone is drinking something I don't like waaaaahhhh

>> No.7844769

No its not

>> No.7844841


IPA fans really think this

>> No.7844844


>can't enjoy a beer whom most prominent flavor component is found in almost any beer ever

I bet you eat fish sticks and tendies every single night you pasty fuck