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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7814291 No.7814291 [Reply] [Original]

What's your food trigger, /ck/?
Mine is food that is supposed to be nice and crispy, but instead is soggy as fuck.
Fried chicken after you take it out of the fridge comes to mind. Really fucking pisses me off.

>> No.7814389

'chos with no 'eeze

>> No.7814410

Then they're not 'chos.

>> No.7814952

'chos with no 'penos

Makes me sad bros

>> No.7814957

When your 'chos have 'penos but no 'chovies

This is the source of my woes.

>> No.7814993

Whenever someone fucks up a food that I grew up with.

I'm Vietnamese so I grew up with Pho which are two pretty easy dishes to make but whenever some foreign chef tries to make Pho, I swear to fucking god, it's garbage. They use shitty ass noodles or undercooked noodles, broth isn't hot enough or doesn't taste right.

I've seen Pho on cooking shows and shit and they always seem to get it wrong.

It doesn't really upset me that I'm eating a crappier version of the dish, it upsets me if I'm eating with someone else and that's their first impression of a dish I love and I want to show them decent food.

>> No.7815000

'chos with no 'eans

>> No.7815009

Cheddar cheese on pizza

I mean really, what the fuck?

>> No.7815017

shuddup chink

>> No.7815023

I was going to tell you to commit suicide but then I checked em

>> No.7815035

'chos with no 'ole

>> No.7815047
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>Order a dish like Frutti Mare or Japanese Curry with friends
>theyve never had it before
>refuse to even try it and order some kind of pleb dish like chicken fingers or mac

>> No.7815054

the only acceptable arrangement is to kill them all

>> No.7815056

When I have to watch someone that I know eating a garbage food in the most white trash way possible. For example, when my old roommate used to eat spaghettios straight out of the can, or when my brother eats canned corn covered in ketchup. ugh.....

>> No.7815063

when the menu says "spicy" or "hot" but it's just mild

>> No.7815067
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Ruining good Espresso with fucking milk.

fuck hipster meme's

>> No.7815071

just axe for no melk.

>> No.7815118
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Let me green text an old argument
>Love whole fried calamari, delicious tentacles
>We all know what it tastes like
>Cue Justin
>Justin is a corn fed fuck im friends with due to similar interests
>Calamri comes and im chewing away and offer him some
>He shakes his head
>Ask him hes ever tried it
>He says he hasnt
>Eatinf the fucking free bread like some chud
>Tell him it just tastes like fried meat and to try some
>Adamantly refuses
>Gesture at him and use my octo-bites as a pointer while i explain that his reasons are bullshit
>Such as "Seafood contains mercury and arsenic"
>Main order comes
>He got Alfredo while I ordered Eggplant in a nice hearty marinara
>Offer him a slice
>Makes a childish poopy face and says he can see the chunks of tomato
>Angrily stare at him while i cut off chunk with my fork

God fucking damn it justin your 22 grow the fuck up

>> No.7815180

a girl i used to date only eats chicken nuggets/strips and plain hamburgers

she is VERY active on Yelp.
I hate her desu

>> No.7815184

Link her profile?

>> No.7815187

You sound like a massive fucking faggot who loses his shit the instant someone doesn't like something you do (that being exactly what happened)

>> No.7815192

>go to BK and order a BK stacker because they're back
>fuck it, pay up and get my stacker
>halfway to finishing my burger, they forgot to add bacon
>tfw too late to take it back
>tfw paid 7$ for a double cheeseburger meal with their "whopper sauce"
>go to jack in the box
>get my meal, everythings all good
>they drenched the salt in fries
Anyone else like their fires plain?

>> No.7815193

When restaurants advertise habanero/ghost pepper containing food and it's like medium chicken wings hot

>> No.7815194


>> No.7815196
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Oh go fuck yourself you 'cho dipping faggot. When you scrunch your face up because the sauce isnt puried to a smooth mass or have to create random retarded reasons why you cant try an bite of calamari is blatant bullshit. Any time he wants to meet up for lunch, i always let him pick the place and he ALWAYS gets mundane child menu shit. Asian? Always sweet and sour chicken sauce on the side. Indian? Plain chicken meat on rice. Thai? Fucking sweet and sour chicken sauce on the side. HE NEVER TRIES ANYTHIIINNNGGGG

>> No.7815198


i hope this doesn't find its way back to me somehow

>> No.7815201

>I'm sorry, but no. The drinks were okay, but the food was awful, and we're not that hard to please. The queso was flavorless and the chips stale. The salad was old and kind of withered. And we almost never send food back, but the chicken quesadillas were absolutely inedible. They tasted the way a dirty drain smells. Thankfully, no signs of food poisoning, but we only took a bite.

You poor bastard

>> No.7815205

>I love Miller's Pub because of fond memories and good feelings
not the food

i've made terrible mistakes. kill me

>> No.7815206
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>The fried chicken was moist and succulent

>> No.7815212
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You unleashed my autism /ck/
>eating mcdouble
>bite something tiny and hard in the meat

>lemme take a fry anon ;^)

>when my friend takes one of my fucking red vines
>when the pizza you order has too much sauce on it, it kinda makes you gag
Fuck you to whoever likes chicago style pizza, city's pretty cool to visit but fuck your "pizza", if I wanted your pizza i could just get a hollowed out breaDbowl and fill it to the brim with sauce and a thin layer of cheese

>> No.7815216


>> No.7815217

>Cute interior, great for people watching
>My eggs were a little overcooked and my potatoes were a little undercooked

>> No.7815218

Shes fucking perfect for Justin

>Food is where Hoshun falls flat, which is really sad. The lunch deals and prices in general were good but the food...meh. Okay, the egg drop soup was pretty tasty. I liked that. The Thai iced tea was also good. But the chicken fried rice was just not good. The rice was kind of...I don't know. It didn't taste like fried rice. It was kind of gummy and overcooked. And the chicken tasted almost canned, too soft and flavorless. Some of my friends liked their food, but the sweet and sour chicken was not well received.

>> No.7815221

well, she's currently dating someone who cheated on her (not me) with a 40yo tranny (not me)

>> No.7815223

Oh shit her face. It's like the daughter of Willem Dafoe and the Grinch.

>> No.7815224

>sweet an sour not well received
what does she mean by this?

>> No.7815226

We really didn't have a single thing here that we really liked, and we were a party of 14. About 60% of us were legitimately unhappy with our food, and the other 40% were very unimpressed. The service wasn't that bad, though not great, and the ambiance was nice enough. It just...wasn't good. The pocket bread was flavorless, calamari overcooked, pizza too greasy, Alfredo had way too much Parmesan and not enough cream...the list goes on. Not good.

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.7815228

>red vines
Shit taste. You deserve to get your food stolen

>> No.7815231

yeah her face wasn't the best, but she used to have a great figure when i went out with her.
now she looks like someone who rates A LOT of restaurants on Yelp.

>> No.7815232

>and we were a party of 14
>14 food orders at once

Who the fuck does this?

>> No.7815233

What's the problem?

>> No.7815235


>> No.7815240

When food that's covered in molten toppings that congeal as they cool is served on some kind of paper

Like I ordered chili cheese fries to go from a local place and the cheese fused to the little paper basket and it started delaminating and the furries got covered in cheesy soggy paper bits

Serve that shit in styrofoam goddamn

>> No.7815242

Maybe I just ordered the wrong thing, but my food wasn't good, and my boyfriend's wasn't much better. I had chicken fried rice. The rice was flavorless and kind of gummy, and it didn't taste fried. I liked the addition of the peas and a few other veggies to the mix, but the chicken tasted strange. It was made up of very small chunks, much of which was dark meat--which I do not like. It was a weird consistency and had very little flavor, almost...canned tasting? I have no idea. Boyfriend had sweet and sour chicken, and it was not what we expected. A box of fried chicken pieces (not fried like KFC/crispy, but almost the texture of a doughnut hole) and a big bowl of sweet and sour sauce was delivered to us. It tasted alright, but wasn't a home run. The highlight of the meal was the egg drop soup. It was tasty, had a strong eggy flavor but was not overwhelming. Plus, you could order crispy wonton strips for .25 cents more to top, which is a must-have. On the whole, the prices are great and the service is good, but for me, the food did not deliver what the reviews led me to expect. Oh well. I may be back to try again, in case I picked the wrong thing.


>> No.7815243
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>> No.7815249
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>and the furries

>> No.7815251

Oh my fucking lord

>The food: what should be the best part, but was sadly the worst. The eggs were utterly average. My pancakes weren't bad, but I elected to add pecans and chocolate chips (to the tune of almost 3 more dollars--the place is very overpriced), so that likely improved them. What was really disappointing were the "hash browns" and biscuits. Their hash browns were not hash browns in the real sense, nothing like the kind you would get at another establishment. They were like roasted potatoes, cut in cubes and cooked. They had very little seasoning and were tasteless and undercooked. Ketchup was necessary to make them edible. The biscuits, which so many raved about, were anemic. Very small and on the mushy side. They were neither flaky nor pillowy. They were the same consistency throughout, and also rather cold. So disappointing.

>> No.7815255

>egg drop soup
>fried rice (which happens to be gummy)
>sweet and sour chicken
I'm seeing a pattern here

>> No.7815256

please stop, it's reminding me of all the middle aged, soccer moms who ALWAYS asked if the popcorn is fresh. Of the people who always want their bread sticks FRESH even though I PREPARED SOME 5 fucking minutes ago and basically waste a batch of them, or the indian bitch who threw a tantrum when we ran out of sprite syrup, working in the food industry really gave me anger issues. Good god, why do people must be so bitchy and picky over the SLIGHTEST thing in their food? And they must tell their story on yelp as if they were writing their survival story of the holocaust in their attic

>> No.7815257


Shit that should say fries there are no anthropomorphic characters in this scenario t. Drunken 2am phoneposter

>> No.7815258


>> No.7815260

>even though i prepared some 5 fucking minutes ago

are you having trouble in teh food service industy, anon?
we're here for you. not now though, we need to trash my ex some more

>> No.7815261

>The meh: the food. Everyone I went with enjoyed what they got just fine, though nothing to rave about. Potato pancakes slightly undercooked and not crispy. I got strawberry and chocolate chip pancakes. The pancakes themselves were fine. A little heavy, not fluffy like I like but enjoyable. However, they were supposed to be served drizzled with chocolate chips and chocolate syrup, but they did not taste that strongly of chocolate, and the lack of syrup made them dry. I had to add extra syrup, which was fine really, just wanted more chocolate. The main problem with them was the strawberries--having worked in a shop where a lot of strawberries were chopped and served, I could easily tell that these strawberries had been chopped up a long time before they were put in the pancakes. They were mushy and faintly gray in color, and more sour than sweet. I tried to eat around them.

>A side note: the waiter who brought out our food bragged that it was brought out as it was cooked and therefore hot and fresh. My food wasn't cold, but it definitely was not hot.

The bad:

>1. The bathrooms were /gross/. One toilet did not flush and was...filled. The other toilet did not have toilet paper stocked. Lovely.

>2. The service. It was slow, slow, slow and as imperious as you'd expect from a place like this. My favorite disparaging thing she said to our table was, as she cleaned up our plates, "Wow, you girls put in some work!" Well, yes. We were hungry after traveling for over 8 hours without food. Would you rather we leave your organic, GMO-free, wheat flour, overpriced imported crap sitting on the plate so you can waste it by throwing it away? How environmentally friendly.

>> No.7815273

jesus, man. i spent years with this girl, and you're #triggering me

>> No.7815276

I used to work at target, in the cafe area, i made all the hot food and I had to share a kitchen with the starbucks next to my station, it was pretty nice for a while until People kept getting worse over time, the people before my shift never cleaned their mess up OR OR the people who closed didn't prepare any of the food for tomorrow or in fact clean their mess and it really set me back and got everyone pissed at me. I'm glad i left that shithole

>> No.7815277

You sure can pick em.

>> No.7815279
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>> No.7815281


>> No.7815282

i was a beta master in high-school...
I can't say i'm great now, but i'm not as bad


>> No.7815285
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>They were mushy and faintly gray in color
>faintly gray in color
>faintly gray in color
>faintly gray in color


>> No.7815287


>> No.7815290

nigger, what's going on in your head? i was the guy that dated her. i thought i made that evident.

>> No.7815291

Who would do this? Has this ever happened to someone?

>> No.7815295

Oh i thought they thought I was you or something

>> No.7815300

My x-wife would always want to go to expensive places and she'd always end up getting chicken fingers. Used to infuriate me to no end.

>> No.7815303

I suggest you read the rest of this thread, friendo.
my experiences have been shared plenty

>> No.7815305

>not wanting the breaded chicken tenderloin strips with a zesty honey mustard

>> No.7815312

>wanting to redeem your good boy points for tendies EVERY night
lol m8 lad, not even i do that

>> No.7815317
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Oh no anon you;re wrong, you see for the honey mustard, i must save my GBP for a few days to earn such a delicacy like that, or else i'm left with no sauce or god forbid ketchhp

>> No.7815321

>he's not a good enough boy to earn GBP for tendies and sauce every night
i bet you don't even love your mother

>> No.7815323
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You like ranch on your tendies, don't you faggot?

>> No.7815328

nope. :^)

>> No.7815348

No mother fucker your auto fill on your phone prioritized furries because you type that shit as often as I do.

>> No.7815357

yea, i'm sure she did buddy surrrree

>> No.7815454

Fucking THIS.
This happened to me today, actually. Went to a Thai place for a green curry, and their spice levels were 1-4, and on the menu it said "4 - real Thai hot". Well, I ordered a 4, because I LIKE my thai curries to actually be hot, and when it came, it was stupid mild. Barely any heat at all. I was pissed.

>> No.7815479


I feel like a lot of mom and pop or not chain ethnic restaurants do this on purpose for non ethnic people.

>the white boy says he wants it "hot"
>yeah right, crackers can handle heat. make it a mild and he will be happy

Im sure they get a ton of bitchy white people complain about shit being too spicy though so Im not crazy surprised.

>> No.7815557
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>sandwich bread that cuts behind your fucking teeth when you bit into it
>cartilage in ground meat
>Raisins in fucking cookies, or whole in savory dishes
>large chunks of tomato in sauce, or on sandwiches or that matter
>chicken grizzle from the breast meat
>broken yolks with eggs-over-easy
>bars with no draft beer
>anyone who orders chicken tenders at a restaurant
>any male who orders white wine at a restaurant

>> No.7815561

> thinking white wine is not an acceptable male drink
stay pleb

>> No.7815566


try not to suck too many dicks tonight you wiener

>> No.7815714

When people serve/ eat pasta with the sauce plonked on top rather than stirred in

>> No.7815716

his """"""friend"""""" didn't even bother to give different foods a try you fucking dip

>> No.7815989

>he eats his salt without fries

>> No.7816037

you sound like you have resentment towards white people

>> No.7816052

Hardboiled eggs in potato salad.

>> No.7816055

>They were like roasted potatoes, cut in cubes and cooked
So home fries. What a retard. Also gotta love
>have to put sugar on top of my sugar for it to be good
Please tell me this bitch is wildly over weight.

>> No.7816066

The kind that tastes more like honey or the kind that tastes more like mustard?

>> No.7816074

Not them, but I'm only part white. I went to a Mexican joint in soCal in January, and I asked for habanero wings and got pain dry as fuck wings. I'm part Filipino but it can be hard to tell just from looking at me, but still what the fuck.

>> No.7816081

I have a buddy like this, he only eats nuggets hashbrowns or steak when we go out.
He won't eat any kind of ground meat. Or any meat besides fried chicken or steak really.
He literally eats his spaghetti noodles dry with nothing but parmesan.

>> No.7816089

People trying to party in public. It's pretty common and my friends do it all the time. BUT they tip well and we're always considerate. Like last time it was my friends birthday but we didn't do the gift exchange inside the restaurant because it would've been inapprops.

>> No.7816090

>Eating fries with your salt
>sustaining yourself on anything other than salt and water
Fucking millenials.

>> No.7816093

Mac and cheese. It should be baked. Whenever I see stovetop shit or they don't bake it as a casserole I know that the place is fucking shit.

>> No.7816094

she's definitely not a healthy weight

>> No.7816097

Not realizing that baked mac n cheese is an entirely different dish
Than macaroni with cheese sauce.
That's like saying spaghetti or alfredo should always be baked.

>> No.7816101

Expensive trash served in "sit down" restaurants. When the food clearly arrived premade in a can, box or bag, and the only actual cooking going on in the kitchen is heating and assembling it on the plate. I don't want to pay for that ever, because if I wanted that I could buy prefab ifood in the supermarket and heat it up in a fucking microwave myself. If I'm paying to eat at a place with tables, servers and a kitchen I expect the food to all be cooked in that kitchen, not just reheated.

>> No.7816129

Who the fuck puts 'chovies on their 'chos? Are you 'tarded or something?

>> No.7816149


>> No.7816179

Raisins are great in anything.

>> No.7816190

>blood soaked into burger buns

I can hang with pretty much any other party foul when it comes to food but holy shit doest hat trigger me.

>be me working at steak n shake
>jerry's on the grill and I'm working the dress stations for dine in and drive thru
>It's fucking slammed so we're woring as quickly as possible
>jerry was a mac on the grill so I'd get my food in front of me hella quick and we were cranking shit out
"Hey, Jerry, I'm getting blood on these buns man. Let em sit a little longer before you dish em out."
>"Don't need to. The meat will keep cooking for 10 seconds after you pull em."

While this is true, it doesn't change the fact that they're being pulled TOO FUCKING SOON and they're getting blood on the fucking bread.

>eventually yell at him to get his shit together or I'm just gonna trash his orders until he gets it right
>he was manager, even.


>> No.7816191

but anon-kun, usually you need to try a food to know if you like it or not :^)

>> No.7816226

Everyone I get a cappuccino/latte, it just tastes like a glass of warm milk. No espresso flavor to be found

>> No.7816247 [DELETED] 

Blood is restricted to the circulatory system and does not flow through meat/muscle.
What you are likely seeing is myoglobin.

>> No.7816269

You seem more autistic than he does. Forcing food on a grown man?

>> No.7816283


Do you at least make your own with Pitzman's?

>> No.7816391

i bet you grin and bear that fish dish with your red wine just to not look like a woman
congrats you idiot

>> No.7816442


I mean, fuck picky eaters, but doing anything other than dropping the subject or light teasing is just asinine.

>> No.7816515

> And they must tell their story on yelp as if they were writing their survival story of the holocaust in their attic

OH FUCK ME, this.
When I read reviews on Yelp like this, I want to punch a baby. "I'm so traumatized because they didn't bring my water until AFTER I ordered!!! WAHHHHHHHH"
I write reviews on Yelp fairly frequently, but I used to be a professional food writer (not a critic), so I can write a review of a place without tearing them down for stupid shit. As a matter of fact, I won't even give less than a 3 star review of a place unless there was truly a serious issue or the place had changed in quality so much that it was undeniably true and noteworthy.

People just fucking suck, that's it.

>> No.7816877
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Not in my asshole they aren't

>> No.7816905

>Not realizing that baked mac n cheese is an entirely different dish
>Than macaroni with cheese sauce.

Everyone calls 'macaroni and cheese sauce' macaroni and cheese. If they called it macaroni and cheese sauce I would not even order it.

>> No.7816913

Not enough time, there was a huge sewage leak in my house and I had to find my cat.

>> No.7816975


Burger buns that are not toasted.
Processed cheese on anything.

>> No.7817429

On the package it says pasta noodles with cheese sauce you goof.
It doesn't matter what people Call it.

>> No.7817721


>> No.7817733

I'm Vietnamese as well. I don't really give a shit if they do.

But when Vietnamese people fuck up their own recipes, I get mad.

Example: http://www.eater.com/2013/12/11/6315645/seattle-chef-writes-defense-on-behalf-of-10-pho

Yeah, fuck this guy. You can make a hot dog with top quality hot dogs, but it doesn't mean it automatically is going to taste better.

>> No.7817739

Top quality ingredients I meant.

>> No.7817768

I have a lot of them, but my first trigger is when people show up to KFC and think "well this is a fast food restaurant and I pay their salary, so I can order whatever I want, and I don't have to get out of my shit ass Dodge Durango, and I can get it now"

Then they show up just after they have finished cleaning the fryer or have fired up a fresh batch...then you see them parked there ordering for their fat family of 6, expecting 30 pieces of chicken to be fresh-cooked and ready to go on their way home from their job taking calls at the real estate office, playing solitaire and telling them what their boss' cell phone number is. Because they have to feed their rotten 11, 13, and 16 year old boys while paying off their 19 year old daughter's college education. Gotta feed all these people I crapped out because I am brainless and think having babies is a real accomplishment.

But they can't wait 15 minutes for chicken fresh out of the fryer, the way it was meant to be. No.

People who don't understand that it takes time to create good fresh food. This is the genesis of Kitchen Nightmares. All those restaurants that shit out frozen foods from the microwave? It's because of the people who expect it now, but don't care about the quality. That triggers me. QED

>> No.7817798


Spicy food people sicken me. Let's just burn our taste buds so we can't taste any natural flavor at all! And make fun of people who like the natural flavor of meat and vegetables while we're at it!

You are the same as people who put ketchup on steak. You trigger me.

Asking for jalapenos on food is like asking for a blowjob while you're eating so you have a better experience. It doesn't make the food better, it just gives you a cheap thrill while something else good happens to you.

>> No.7818527

It's not blood you autistic sperg. That red fluid is about 90% water. Animals are absolutely drained of blood when they're slaughtered.

>> No.7818543

post a good recipe then

>> No.7818546

Beans in chilli

>> No.7818555

They mean the same thing

>> No.7818621


I don't like 'em plain, but most places definitely overdo it with the salt.

>> No.7818798

picky eaters,people with autistic meme diets,people who cannot eat mushrooms,horse meat or blood.

>> No.7818876

tomato that are all beat up and too squishy
sandy apples and pears
cereal making my mouth hurt. Every once in a while I grab a captain crunch and it's the worse when I cant even enjoy it because my mouth is fucked

>> No.7818888

People who ask for unsalted fries and salt packets
Drowning whatever food item it is in purely sauce (ranch and pizza, ketchup and fries, etc)
Boiling chicken for anything that isn't a soup
Pan frying steak
Going to a place specializing in something but ordering something else there, then complaining about it
Overuse of olive oil/ butter
Cooking eggs until they are brown
"You haven't had real _____ until you've tried this"

>> No.7819843

>>they drenched the salt in fries
just order plain salt next time then

>> No.7820190

When people eat like utter shit, constantly. I mean like large fast food meals 5/7 days of the week shit.
It's even worse when it's because they're stupid and lazy or if they talk about dieting.

>be with group of friends, eating lunch
>npd fat chick is monologing about how she's going on a diet for a family get-together
>this goes on for an inordinate amount of time
>she finally pauses
>looks at me
>"Hey Anon, are you gonna eat those fries?"

>> No.7820221

>16+ year old picky eaters
>bits of egg shell
>annoying waiters
>gluten "allergy"

>> No.7820224

I always ask for unsalted fries so I get them fresh and not ones that have been sitting around for 20 minutes.

>> No.7820236

Even prior to the dank yamyams, terms like "guac" and "chicken parm" tend to rustle my jimmies

>> No.7820526
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Liver and other innards, holy shit how do people get that down the hatch without wanting to vomit?

>> No.7820548

i can't think of any food-related triggers. but i know that i make people upset when i ask for a fork at places that try to do chopsticks only.

>> No.7820605

>been sitting around for 20 minutes
Places that usually have people asking for unsalted fries have unsalted ones sitting around closer to that than regular fries. For the places that don't it's a pain in the ass when you need all of your fryers during a rush and someone wants no salt fries only to put salt on them

>> No.7820653

>buy in season ''''''exotic''''' fruits ie boyfriend has never tried them
>bought passion fruits and figs
>he refuses to eat them because they look like 'alien eggs'
>buy 20$ worth of various bite size desserts to sample
>he doesnt wanna try any
>won't try my drinking vinegar

Literally who doesnt like trying new food? He's stubborn about it. Doesn't eat his veggies either. I don't wanna think he's a manchild or anything but it gets on my nerves that I never get to cook new meals cause he won't wanna try them unless its meat based

>> No.7820850

As much as i agree with you, you've never butchered or trimmed larger cuts of meat if you think all of the blood is gone. Hell, even steaks can have blood leak out.

>> No.7820873

This. If your "friend" triggers you because he doesn't want to try new foods then you are the one with an issue.

>> No.7820890
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>order the satan's burning ring of annihilation hot pepper burger
>it's literally just a burger with banana pepper rings and some kind of frank's like sauce
>waitress walks by
>"haha, HOT enough for you? ;-)"

>> No.7820919

dude not everyone has your pussy taste buds

>> No.7820988

hi Justin

>> No.7820998

Yeah, and his views on spice are weird.
So what if we get capsaicin high? It still makes the food a better experience. I personally dont make fun of ppl for having less tolerance bc i was there once, but i also dont overdo it so i can keep enjoying my spicy foods the way they are tolerated atm

>> No.7821019

Different connotations

>> No.7821131
File: 145 KB, 849x565, Campbell-expands-Chunky-soup-offerings-for-NFL-season-as-strong-performance-continues-for-range.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get fucking enraged by any soup that isn't pureed. The word 'soup' literally comes from the Latin 'Saltanis Oich Unaris Puree' which means 'Food Blended'. SOUP does not have fucking chunks in. Soup with chunks has a name. Stew. Stew. Soup has to be pureed.

I will never eat anything described as a soup with chunks. I do not even dip bread into my soup because if the bread falls into the bowl I am then eating a stew.

Soup is soup. It is pure. When I eat soup I want to be able to slurp the soup. If I try to slurp a chunky soup I WILL CHOKE to fucking death. If I gave you a drink and you drank it and then choked on it it wouldn't be a drink it would be a CHUNKY DRINK. That isn't a drink just like thick soup isn't soup

If I order soup in a restaurant and it isn't a puree I make sure to take out every piece of food in the soup, then I place it onto a tissue and ask the waitress to have it blended. They often refuse so I often walk without paying.

>> No.7821146
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>> No.7821156
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>> No.7821157

you need to calm down with your soup obsession, nigga

>> No.7821195


When someone goes on a shooting rampage at Campbell's Inc I'll know why before the manifesto comes out

>> No.7821244

salad soup...

like that shit that has green salad leaves and and get this: an omelette. yes, a fuckin omelette in a soup.

everytime my mom made it i secretly wished she would die.

>> No.7821434

Doesn't change the fact that it's fucking disgusting

>> No.7821443

For women maybe.

>> No.7821554

Autism level over 9000

>> No.7821716

I'd slap his shit and tell him to grow the fuck up.
But you could try to ease him into it more by not immediately going for exotic stuff.

>> No.7821743
File: 92 KB, 554x416, shrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love mushroom soup with BIG CHUNKS of mushroom in it. I'm going to call it a soup and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Deal with it nerd.

>> No.7821875
File: 148 KB, 300x300, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl says she hates black tea because it's too bitter
>ask her how long she'd steep it
>"oh i just left it and came back in ten minutes or so, i don't think it matters"

>> No.7821900

Fuck off

What ruins tater salad are dill pickles

>> No.7821921

>people who cut up spaghetti
>people who put ketchup on everything (e.g. dipping steak into ketchup)
>people who cover their food in ketchup (when it's appropriate) instead of having a blob on the side and dipping each bite in it
>the term "guac"

>> No.7821927

Cook new shit anyway and if he doesn't want to eat it, he can go to McDonald's or something.

>> No.7822100
File: 27 KB, 123x163, 1437003616115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at pub with friends
>I tell everyone that I'm going to order nachos
>"oh no anon that's so unhealthy for you"
>I tell them they don't have to eat it
>the nachos come
>notice their eyes are all glued to the plate of nachos and to the pieces of nachos I'm holding
Stop looking at my food you dummies.

>> No.7822134

chinese food with inedible peppers in it that i have to dig and search for in a dark restaurant before i can eat the food

soup with whole shrimp still having the shell on, how the fuck am i supposed to eat this shit.

>> No.7822141

when you order a plate of tendies and the honey mustard provided has too much honey in it making it too sweet ruining the entire meal.

>> No.7822161
File: 288 KB, 563x600, 1434831329214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who add salt and pepper before trying the food
>People who are too fucking pussy to try shit like tripe, tongue, liver, and other offal
>People who don't eat vegetables
>Adding ketchup to eggs
>Italian-American food as a cuisine (literally everything is pasta + tomato sauce + cheese)
>Chili with no beans
>Flour tortillas in a non-burrito context
>"Asian" restaurants that have two or more different cuisines on the same menu (Thai + Japanese fusion why?)
>Corn in salad or soups
>Shittons of butter and salt on popcorn
>Hershey's chocolate anything
>Asking for a fork at a place that gives out chopsticks

just fuck my shit up pham

>> No.7822220

>(literally everything is pasta + tomato sauce + cheese)
Dumb JUSTposter.

>> No.7822638

pretty gross, desu

>> No.7822643

>a girl I dated actually prefers orange pekoe over earl grey

>> No.7822655

Eat the shell of a cooked prawn you fucking retard

God such a cunt

>> No.7823464

>Adding ketchup to eggs
Scrambled eggs with a little ketchup is great.

>> No.7824290

I hate you all

>> No.7824317

I'm allergic to raw fruit so any time I see any kind fruit arrangement it triggers me because I know I can't eat it without dying

>> No.7824325
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Boiled ribs. why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.7824515

Salty food

I grew up with a shitty abusive trailer mother who only knew how to cook meat by boiling it in a pot with a huge amount of powder chicken broth and carrots and potatoes and then she'd throw tablespoons of salt on top of the broth that was already salted

I used to get so pissed off when once in a blue moon my dad would bring home some giant 20-30+ dollar prime rib roast and she'd chuck it in a pot of salty chicken water and boil it for ten hours until it was completely destroyed and then get mad at us when we didn't like it