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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 989 KB, 750x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7810548 No.7810548 [Reply] [Original]

wut da fug

>> No.7810551

They've taken two foods that they know neets love, and combined them into one.

The only flaw in their plan is that the neets aren't going to crawl out of their basements to go out an buy them.

>> No.7810557

Mom will go get them for me, though.

>> No.7810559

You don't have enough GBP

>> No.7810561

desu you cant beat the whopper so this meme shit doesnt excite me.

>> No.7810567

Conflicting amounts of good idea/bad idea going on in my head.

I'd probably get them and feel terrible about myself afterwards, but incredibly joyful in the moment. Is it worth the shame?

>> No.7810572

>Is it worth the shame?

>> No.7810573

is this nug 'n' cheese?

>> No.7810575

Looks like regular deep fried mac n cheese that us then rolled in cheese powder.

>> No.7810595

>regular deep fried mac n cheese

Is...is that a thing? Like not just "deep fried mac n cheese" but it's done often enough that there's a concept of "regular" deep fried mac n cheese?

>> No.7811153

It's something people have been making. Cheetos as breading is surprisingly good.

>> No.7811157 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 1280x1280, very_nice_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7811161

so is it like those dorito loaded 7-eleven does

>> No.7811179

I've had it

>> No.7811184
File: 4 KB, 250x240, 1444824068707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost your GBP when mommy caught you smelling your hands after her foot rub

>> No.7811189

kek GBP is for good boys, when i want something i just kick and scream. It has been this way since dad left

>> No.7811269

Had it. It would be fine if not for the cheetos dust, makes it taste just awful. The cheeses don't mesh, which makes no fucking sense to me. It's the same cheese dust, but it just doesn't mix.

also the mac n cheese in mine was old, the cheese was starting to get thick and chalky.

>> No.7811301


so many fucking redditors on this god damn board

>> No.7811306

oh look more cancer

>> No.7811307

This whole website is Reddit now. It's awful but I've got nowhere else to go.

>> No.7811310

LMAO Burger King does it again. Why are they even still in business?

>> No.7811311

That's what it is.

>> No.7811334 [DELETED] 


>> No.7811343

If you keep being rude, my Mommy is going to put a clothespin on your pee pee too!

>> No.7811350

GBP originated on /r9k/ you autist.

>> No.7811358 [DELETED] 

What do you expect from a newfag trying to fit in

>> No.7811364

Now it belongs to Reddit, wait a week and so too will 'go 'za.

>> No.7811371 [DELETED] 

Why do you know so much about reddit hmm?

>> No.7811385

The review is in.

>> No.7811442
File: 752 KB, 180x240, 1405904852366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that retarded guy who reviews fast food and energy drinks

>> No.7811446
File: 53 KB, 586x441, 1441596038648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7811453

>le panders to reddit9k 4cuck suit mememan


>> No.7811457


>> No.7811489

As if it's any different than /r/4chan. /r9k/ is the most cancerous board on this site you fucking retarded faggot.

>> No.7811497

I had it. It's pretty good.

>> No.7811499


>> No.7811504

I began laughing at the video, but then i realized it wasnt supposed to be funny

>> No.7811716
File: 163 KB, 1058x705, keepgoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm sold.

I was also the first idiot to run out and buy doritos loaded, though, so I'm clearly very gimmick susceptible.

S-someone's gotta be right?

>> No.7813117

Looks disgusting.

>> No.7813146

>deep fried mac n cheese
highlight, right click, google, images. Shit's delicious but you know it's killing you just a bit faster

>> No.7813187

god how many chews for such a small bite.... what a gurl

>> No.7813226

Those fucking nails.

>> No.7813244

>that's a double 2

>> No.7813247
File: 66 KB, 475x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the picture makes me want to vomit. The concept is nice but when you have a 40 year old methhead ex-con with Cheeto fingers handing you your food. Jesus fucking christ. Let me off this ride. I'm done.

>> No.7813259

As long as you're having fun :3

>> No.7813281

That looks vile. If you eat these you are a human cockroach.

>> No.7813292


I ate this today, at first I thought this mac and cheeto shit will be bad but I felt compelled to satisfy the autistic neet inside of me.

It is strange but then the creamy texture of the cheese mixing with the cheetos just melts into a delicious combination.
It is very comforting.

>> No.7813305

Chicken fries and whoppers.

>> No.7813705

Neat. Unfortunately all the Burger Kings in my area are complete shit and will probably give me a cold soggy mess instead of the pictured product