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7808441 No.7808441 [Reply] [Original]

Beer, wine, soda, water, I don't care. Post your beverage tonight.

Bought this today, barely tastes like beer but it's only a touch sweet and a little tart. Pretty nice honestly.

>> No.7808463

> Want to get beer at the supermarket
> I have a choice between six packs of mediocre stuff that'll last, or pricey 25 oz bottles that will maybe last two days

>> No.7808474

Do you not have any liquor stores nearby? My uni town had like 8 stores in a 5 mile radius.

>> No.7808478
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>> No.7808497

I haven't really looked around, but probably. It's a sizable city. From what I've read online though most places don't have the greatest selection, but I suppose I won't really know until I take a look myself. I think I have this weird aversion to liquor stores though due to most of the ones I've been to in my hometown being sketchy as hell.

>> No.7808503

Had a tall Pyramid with lunch, just had a 40 of Bud Light while playing vidya, now gonna sober up and go to an archery class with my roommate, then come home and have some wine with dinnner before bed.

>> No.7808509
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Pulled this out of the basement. Desert wine, not my thing. Meh

>> No.7808519


sonic diet cherry limeaid

>> No.7808520

Rt 44 cherry limeades are my weakness. I used to get those every couple of days during happy hour when I lived beside a Sonic.

>> No.7808528
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Saw this when out today. Had to buy some. Sharing it with my little munchkin while we watch cartoons.

>> No.7808543
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I barely remember, was there anything all that great about ecto-cooler? Wasn't it just...green Orange Juice?

>> No.7808563
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>Wasn't it just...green Orange Juice?
More or less, with tangerine in there as well.

Mostly grabbed it for the nostalgia factor. That, and it's an easy way for the kiddo to get her vitamin C.

>> No.7808622

Not drinking tonight. No. Tonight I inject heroin and eat pizza. Real pizza, not shifty 'go 'za meme pizza

>> No.7808629

Water with fresh lemon juice.

No booze till Friday.

>> No.7808632

mocha. it is good. anyone have tips about how to stir in the cocoa powder so that it doesn't initially form clumps that need to be broken up?

>> No.7808635

Picked up some Pierre Ferrand Ambre. Really surprisingly good for $34. Would've been a shame to get Remy/Courv/Hennessy instead.

Will be making Cointreau-heavy sidecars, because I'm classy af :^)

>> No.7808640

I'll give the kiddo some vitamin d if you know what I mean

>> No.7808643

Did you fuck her yet?

>> No.7808659

Pierre Ferrand is good shit. I got the Abel.

>> No.7808662

Considering opening a bottle of either nebbiolo or Rioja. Have to sleep earlier today than yesterday and I think it might be useful to sleep. Wouldn't want to partially waste a nice bottle though.

>> No.7808668


should made vodka ecto coolers

>> No.7808696

damn that's serious coin for that. PF's orange liqueur is fantastic as well.

>> No.7808782
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This meme garbage.
(It's actually really good)

>> No.7808787

Post feet

>> No.7808797

about to get down on some sweet sweet Franzia merlot

>> No.7808822
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>pic related

>> No.7809028
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Some slovenian orange tokai

I've never had orange wine. I'm not sure if I'm a fan, but we'll see. Definitely different

>> No.7809152

Do you live in 2001?
Most grocery stores have pretty good beer selections

>> No.7810532

Didn't say shit about the store having a bad selection.

>> No.7810568
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its 1030 am and i just woke up hungover and drove home from my buddy's house, drinking a cappucino from starbucks right now. I will open some Three Floyds bombers and Sierra Nevada twelve ouncers once noon hits.

here is some OC

>> No.7811200

how sweet i'm getting famous

>> No.7811219

Two bottles of this + juice to get it down

maybe i'll kill myself tonight, maybe not

we'll see hwat happens

>> No.7811248

Had the chance to visit the brewery a while back. Awesome food, awesome brews

>> No.7811259

this = some vodka

sorry already drunk

>> No.7811303

Good luck

>> No.7811348
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i am >>7810568

I live ~30 minutes from the brewery, was there a couple of weekends ago. That menu is awesome and honestly since I live so close and am able to get their beers quite easily I am usually there to drink their guest bottles. Their Icelandic Pants of the Dead sour that is currently making its rounds is a m a z i n g.

here's some more OC, an IPA brewed over coffee from Pipeworks -- insanely good

>> No.7811351

w h y
a r e
m y
p h o t o s
s i d e w a y s

>> No.7811396

Those lambics are way too sweet for me.

>> No.7811860

Pour in water first, pour pouder in as stiring, not dump in all at once, wala

>> No.7811868

Those Lindemans aren't too bad.

Very well balanced and not too sweet, and yet sweet enough to be able to taste the fruit.

That's be a good dessert brew.

>> No.7811870


I thought they would be, but found the Lindemans to be quite balanced.

>> No.7811949

Guiness Black Lager. I bought it because of the extra half a percent of ABV. It isn't bad, but not as good as Guiness.

>> No.7812055
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All I got tonight's water. Too lazy to go out into the freaking heat to get anything else.The new Brita pitcher I got's working great, though. My town has shit tier tasting water.

>> No.7812080

why wouldn't you buy a real, unsweetened lambic? they're generally much better, i really recommend trying some
/fit/izen finishing my cut tomorrow, going to buy myself a nice beer, probably some belgian ale or an imperial stout

>> No.7812092

Only the black currant one seems to be good, the others I tried were much sweeter.

>> No.7812289

I just ordered on the phone some wine. I couldn't understand the types of red wine he had, so I just replaied with a name i could pronounce. This was "see-roh". As far as I know, this doesn't exist. What should I expect?

When it arrives in the next 30 minutes, I'll tell you guys what it is. But please tell me your guesses.

>> No.7812296

I should add, the reason I didn't understand was because he was indian.
>"I want red wine, barefoot brand
>Okay, "see roh".

Check website, there is no sirot or anything that sounds vaguely like it

>> No.7812303

Syrah. It's a dark fruity red wine indigenous to southern france but widely planted in the new world. If it was called out by the name syrah, it's either a new world style wine from france, or an actual new world wine. If it was french it would have gone by the appellation name since the varietal content would be "understood".

>> No.7812306

Oh, it's shiraz then. Which is actually the same grape but it even more strongly implies new world since it's only called that in the new world.

Since it's barefoot, it's going to be made from fourth-rate fruit, but thanks to modern technology the worst of the problems will be camouflaged using special techniques and additives. Still, I recommend putting it in the fridge for a bit before drinking it.

>> No.7812308

Oh shit. I couldn't tell if he said "21 dollars" or "210 dollars".

Fuck. This might be the most expensive wine I've ever had.

>> No.7812311

>$21 for barefoot
Jesus, is that for a crate or for a bottle?

>> No.7812315

2 bottles.

Is this guaranteed to be 210 now?

>> No.7812324

No, if that includes delivery charges then I guess $21 is not bad. That stuff is basically bum wine, but delivery isn't free I'm sure.

>> No.7812357

It was 36 with 10% tip and delivery. Shiraz.

>> No.7812367


It's almost impossible to find decent lambics elsewhere though.

>> No.7812375

Fuckin hell

I hope you at least get some pleasure out of it

>> No.7812549
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>> No.7812821

>the breuery
my nigga

they have some TOP tier sours, too bad their tasting room is so fucking packed all the goddamned time

>> No.7812916
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>> No.7812931
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This stuff is the truth! MEAD!

>> No.7812965

hopefully they are opening the sour-only tasting room soon

>> No.7812966
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>> No.7812991

bretty jealous. decent mead is hard to come by in ireland.

>> No.7813043

What is some good brit beer?

>> No.7813047

mead in general is hard to come by everywhere. this place makes crazy good mead , like all kinds and all of it is tasty. I don't know if they an ship international or not, might be worth asking

>> No.7813134

The last ounce of the Jack Daniels I got for Christmas

>> No.7813138


>> No.7813170
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Got some of this stuff, pretty fucking fruity compared to the Chupacabra but basically the perfect balance for me. I like it.

>> No.7813193


>> No.7813251

I vaguely rememebr posting here last night.

I drank 7 beers, and a bottle of wine. I don't remember anything after the first half of the bottle of wine. I lost my glasses and am absolutely blind. The wine glass I was drinking from is also missing. Who knows what I was doing! It could have been anything

>> No.7813619

Every time I went to Russian River I'd always get Damnation. Never did bother waiting in line for Younger, not to mention they were almost always so busy that my friends and I would just drink elsewhere. Regardless, good taste anon.

>> No.7814102

I'll be drinkin' Evan Williams on the rocks again tonight.... Enjoying my last few days of being a bum and on Monday I've gotta be super productive and get my shit together. Debating on going to the bar for a few beers first to get things goin. Maybe pick up some chick fil a? Indecision. A bit fuzzy/hungover from yesterday still.

>> No.7814676


Bought some lemon ginger tea from a local place because they were giving away coupons and I'm trying it out.

's okay. Following their instructions for brewing leaves it a lot weaker than I'm used to so I'm still tinkering with brewing for it.

>> No.7814710

Goslings black rum and ginger beer. Specifically old jamaican ginger beer. prefer the overpowering of ginger as it actually competes with the rum compared to most ginger beers.

>> No.7814716

skim milk and aspartame. soo good.

>> No.7814740

Staying at my parents house and this is the only beer they buy. Not too bad.

>> No.7814781

Tried mead earlier for the first time. I tried it at "cellar" temp, and it was fragrant but eh. Then I put it over ice with some lemon. Pretty tasty, now I'm drinking a variety pack I picked out from wine and wares. Banana bread ale and a coffee oatmeal stout so far.

>> No.7814794

Does it make sense to pour bottles of beer into a glass? or does that not improve the flavor in any real way?

>> No.7814795

yes, it allows for more vapors to enter your nose while drinking which improves your tasting ability

>> No.7814819

I have an Xtra large foam cup I got at circle k the other day that I keep filling with water because I'm still not used to living out here in arizona

>> No.7814836

Water. I'm tired of shitting pools of inky blackness.

God damn vodka

>> No.7814850
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I wish I had something stronger. I'm having a hard day.

>> No.7814925

Hug, i know how it is bro. Still trying to deal with hard days myself. Godspeed towards happiness.

>> No.7814944
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Pic relayed