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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7806977 No.7806977 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7806983

Anyone got the avocade knife through hand pic?

>> No.7806984

What am I supposed to be looking at?

>> No.7806987

How about you google "avocade knife through hand"

>> No.7806998

Did you know "avocado" is the mayan word for testicle?

>> No.7807333
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>> No.7807369
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>> No.7808379

did you know that its also the word for an overpriced good?

>> No.7808383

>88 cents is overpriced
where do you shop

>> No.7808386

Why didn't he pull it out?

>> No.7808389
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>Southern California Albertson's

>> No.7808401


didn't want to risk further damage? also probably stuck in there pretty good. wouldn't just slide out easy. probably best to leave it to the professional.

what I'm wondering is why they didn't get rid of the avocado, lol. it would have been pretty easy to slice off.

>> No.7808435

>why they didn't get rid of the avocad
Who do you mean by "they"?

>> No.7808436

>the pancakes haven't been posted yet

>> No.7808442

I would have just ripped the knife out

>> No.7808452

Removing the knife created possibility for further damage, plus whatever blood vessels were in contact with the blade would no longer have anything "capping it off," so to speak, and would increase bleeding

>> No.7808459

That's where you fucked up

>> No.7808471

It's not Mayan, it's the Nahuatl word for testicle.

>> No.7808483

That's a female hand look at how fat and chubby it is and the manicured nails. Also only females are stupid enough to do something like this. It also looks fake, like the knife is in between the fingers. It seems to be one of those serrated knifes used to cut your steak and thus it wouldn't be able to penetrate like that.

>> No.7808488

There's your problem white boi. They cost less even at the farmer's market (just wait until they're about to leave and want to get rid of their stock).

>> No.7808493
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Shit forgot my pic.

>> No.7808512

Mayans spoke Nahuatl, they came up with it.

>> No.7808516

It was smart to leave it in.

>> No.7808525

Mayans speak Mayan, Nahuatl is what the Aztecs spoke and its language family (Uto-Aztecan) spans from Nicaragua all the way to Canada.

>> No.7808558
File: 114 KB, 1016x764, 1374332769310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayans speak Mayan, Nahuatl is what the Aztecs spoke and its language family (Uto-Aztecan) spans from Nicaragua all the way to Canada.

>> No.7808566

Those aren't the same language though

Also mayans are still around, there are people in those areas who never learned spanish

>> No.7808583

I think it's fake as well. Look at the angle of the blade extending from the hilt, and then the angle of the blade under the hand. They are slightly mismatched.

>> No.7808588

The angle of her middle finger suggests that the blade is in between her middle and ring finger. If it had gone in that section between the fingers the natural instinct would be to contract the fingers not expand them further. However since it is a female I am very inclined to believe it is legit and that the dumb cunt was playing around and probably caught the edge of her palm.

>> No.7808621

>look at how fat and chubby it is
Those would be tits. Hangers, even.

>It also looks fake, like the knife is in between the fingers.
THAT is what makes you think it's fake?

The relative cleanliness of her hand, the color of the blood (look at her wrist, it's almost orange-red), and the lack of browning of the avocado flesh is far more suspicious. That said, I still don't think this is fake.

Clearly the blood is running down the knife as indicated by the droplet of blood on the tip. It's being diverted away from her hand. And lighting and cameras does things to color. Avocado will brown quickly, but if I had that kind of injury, I would be at the E.R. even quicker. I live just a few minutes from the hospital.

>> No.7808768

Christ dude even in Vermont I get Hass for $1 each

>> No.7808945
File: 1.94 MB, 1779x5000, コンビニにマンコが売っててワロタ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7809100
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post more butt foods

>> No.7810030
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>> No.7810144

If you are anywhere San Diego and cruising South on the "Avocado Hwy", otherwise known as I-15, just pull off any exit and a Mexican will greet you holding a bag of ten avocados for $5.00.

>> No.7810146
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>> No.7810150

Careful with that edge, buddy.

>> No.7810151
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>> No.7810469


That's why you're not a doctor

>> No.7810527
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, 1465617767293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in mexico
>can walk down to the corner and get 4 of the biggest, creamiest, best avocados ever for the equivalent of $1

sucks that right now theres a shortfall, so growers are shipping up to 'murrica to take advantage of dem sweet prices. So the cost down here, 20km from where they're grown, has risen temporarily.

Still about 1/4 what id pay back in the US, so I dont really give a good god damn. I'm eating 2 a day in this motherfucker.

>> No.7810538

Protip, for when you inevitably utter the words "Hold my beer and watch this!": if you lacerate or impale yourself on something, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you attempt to remove whatever it is that is stuck in or through your body. You will cause more damage, you may not be able to remove the whole thing anyway, and you will gush blood (even more than you already are).

>> No.7811564

I tried the wacking the pit with the back of your knife
When I twisted it, it just broke the pit and didn't come out at all
I ended up just scooping it out with a spoon

>> No.7811773

I just put the avocado on the table and gently stab the tip of a knife into the pit and then twist. It doesn't take a full force stab so it's hard to miss.

>> No.7811777
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>> No.7811781

anyone got that vag sandwich roastie non roastie?

>> No.7811999
File: 1.42 MB, 809x897, Roasties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you hit it hard. As long as there is some grip by the knife on the pit then you should be able to remove it with a gentle twist.

Pic Related.
Somebody once told me
This board was full of roasties
I ain't the biggest flap on this page
She was looking kinda bad
With her pussy torn by Chad
to look like an Arby's sandwich

Well the flaps start flappin
and they don't stop floppin
Show them your beef
and the boners stop poppin
Didn't make sense to fuck roast beef
Makes duck calls when you hear them queef
What's it to you, don't be ass sore
Nothing's wrong with ditching a flap whore
The Arby's scares of all the guys
The wind makes their vagoos fly

Hey now, you're a roastie, it's nasty, go away
Hey now, you're a roastie, don't want your beef buffet
Innies pure as the snow
All whore roasties please go

It's a sick place, and they blame genetics
But Jamal really ruined your pussy aesthetics
But the white knights beg to differ
Looking at a hole that looks like roast beef dinner
The keks we bait, aren't getting it in
The innie virgins are free from sin
Their rage is on fire, how about yours?
That's the way I like it, FUCK ALL ROASTIE WHORES

Hey now, you're a roastie, it's nasty, go away
Hey now, you're a roastie, don't want your beef buffet
Innies pure as the snow
All whore roasties please go

>> No.7812051
File: 52 KB, 700x466, 46f2dc0c0011b9dcb939db95d1d938a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rip knife out
>muscle and tissue gets even more fucked up
>bleed to death even harder
There's a very good reason why combat knives have big-ass serrated teeth.

>> No.7813534

They're for cutting rope, idiot, close quarters combat with knives almost always leads to causalities for both sides because of the absolute retardation of knife fighting
Serration is terrible for knifeplay for the exact fucking reason that it gets caught and you have to yank it out and in that moment you lose your weapon and the other guy stabs the shit out of you repeatedly

>> No.7814233

>he actually believe this

>> No.7814235

Not an argument

>> No.7814239

If you know how to fight with a knife you'll stab them in a lethal or semi lethal place.

Your probably one of the uninformed masses who think you go for the stomach and upper abdomen in a knife fight

>> No.7814252
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>> No.7815346
File: 75 KB, 2508x1672, condom-banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7815350
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>> No.7815361

You'd be pulling the plug on your blood-tub.

>> No.7815402
File: 76 KB, 906x600, 1465770218448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pulling out is what killed steve irwin. With stabbings if you just yank shit out like a retard you will make somebody not doing well to start with bleed like a stuck pig

>> No.7815406

you are supposed to stab in the kidneys or throat right?

>> No.7815435
File: 85 KB, 839x769, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]