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7803730 No.7803730 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else here hate American sushi? Like, they add so much shit and it pretty much ruins the point of sushi. The worst part is many sushi places almost only serve this type of sushi. It's hard to find places that serve simple Maki rolls or nigiri where I live.

>> No.7803732

I find it highly amusing that americans bother with the ginger.

>> No.7803755

Americans don't like sushi, so we have perfected it to taste like something else.

It's what we do. But even though we do it best, all cultures do this

>Japs wah wah i dont like mashed potatoes, need french fry at kfc!
>Wahhh pepperoni weird, need hot dog and corn on pizza!

>> No.7803758

Hate is too strong a word, but I do not like goofy rolls with shit like cream cheese, sriracha sauce, mayo and avocado everywhere. I avoid places that focus on this kind of sushi.

>> No.7803767


Yeah, the highly seasoned rolls over-the-top rolls are a bit annoying IMHO. I call them "sushi for people who don't like sushi". I admit I do order them from time to time but I nearly always regret it halfway through because the seasoning is usually so strong that it dominates the fish.

That being said there are plenty of places which serve nigiri, sashimi, hand rolls, and so on.

>> No.7803796

Pro tip, most American "Sushi" (OP pic is an example) is actually Gimbap, the Korean equivalent. Try going to a place actually run by Japanese or one that tries to be authentic.

>> No.7803881

Totally agree, OP.
I pretty much only eat sashimi or chirashi nowadays. The rolls just have too much sauce and shit on them. I want to taste the fucking fish, thanks.
There are a couple of places near me that have a good selection of maki and inari, and those I like just fine.
But the fucking rolls like in your pic? Fuck that shit, disgusting.

>> No.7803885

>need french fry at kfc
yeah but what kfc doesn't have fries?

>> No.7803888

I don't think its bad, but I do dislike it because its very hard recently to find places that are serving normal sushi that is good. They buy lower quality junk fish and cover it up and when you just want a straight up maguro, salmon, or chu-toro it taste like crap

>> No.7803899

American KFC have mashed potatoes. French fries were brought into Japan because originally, the Japanese did not like mashed potatoes.

>> No.7803919

You can usually get sushi just fine, but they often drown em in mayo or azn bbq sauce, much like murrican cuisine.

>> No.7803951

KFC has always had potato wedges which is obviously what he was referring to

>> No.7803968



I don't like the texture-taste combination in avocado. It doesn't line up in my mind.

I used to not care about Avocado because you could easily avoid it but ever since mexico has been pushing avocado like crazy in the states every american tourist I meet always harps on about how avocado is the best shit in the world and literally looks at me in disgust when I say I don't really like it.

I hate avocados now. Gonna fucking chop down that tree in my yard one of these days.

>> No.7803971

The over spiced stuff is just a bit too much.

That said I love a good spider roll.

>the guy next to you dips his roll in soy sauce
>he flips it over and dips it again
>he leaves it in there to soak
>tfw his nasaly american accent pierces your ears when he starts exclaiming that shit's delicious.

>> No.7803988

I love them in Mexican food. Just not in sushi. Then again I'm not big on rolls in the first place so it isn't an issue for me.

Your pathological hatred for them is amusing, though.

>> No.7803996

I can understand a lot of the rolls that are created and why people like them. The exception is shit with stuff like cream cheese and mayo and other random ass stuff. Do people just throw random stuff together and call it sushi?

>> No.7804002


>> No.7804060

I don't mind avocado in some sushie but I fucking love avocado. I get what you mean though, I don't want avocado on fucking everything.

>> No.7804067

The ginger tastes great though

>> No.7804071

Mayo is the one weird non-Japanese sauce you'll ever actually find in Japanese sushi restaurants. Although usually they're the ones that are more family oriented

>> No.7804082

never saw a kfc with mashed potatoes desu... never was there when I travel in the USA

>> No.7804087

>avocado on fucking everything.
I don't really think this is a thing, though. I think it's just become more popular than it used to be as both Mexican food and veganism have increased in popularity across the country. A cafe can put avocado toast on the menu and suddenly they have a vegan breakfast item. Someone eats a delicious torta for the first time and realizes avocado works on sandwiches, and suddenly it becomes an option at sandwich shops.

But really the only situation where it seems like avocado goes on everything is bad sushi rolls.

>> No.7804092

How dare those baka gaijin! I can't believe they actually enjoy sushi differently than us. I bet they don't even have their own set of super-kawaii chopsticks to bring to the restaurant like we do.

>> No.7804141

Why lie, though?

>> No.7804146

>mayo isn't weird

>> No.7804148

If I want to eat my kobe beef well done and dipped in ketchup, I should be able to
fuck your "etiquette"

>> No.7804150

Even the 13.99 buffet place in my town has nigiri, mostly so that you fill up on rice instead of expensive sashimi

They have quality issues though, I've gotten both excellent sashimi as well as some really sketchy stuff depending on the day I order it. Once i even returned my white tuna sushi because it was yellow and fishy tasting and the fish was literally flaking apart it was so dry

>> No.7804162

Japan loves mayo. Kewpie mayonnaise is super popular and they put mayonnaise on tons of shit like noodles, pizza, takoyaki, those cabbage pancake things, etc. Cream cheese I'll give you as being weird though.

>> No.7804167

>Japan loves mayo.
Weeaboo Generalization No.24456

>> No.7804194

>ruins the point of sushi
Fuck the point of sushi, if I'm not enjoying it then I don't care.

>> No.7804207

Why eat sushi then? If you don't enjoy a food why eat it?

>> No.7804229

exactly ... why should I lie?

>> No.7804233

>KFC no mash desu
>I suck cocks desu

>> No.7804347


As a man who loves jap style sushi I can state there is nothing wrong with changing things up to suit the tastes of your patrons. Anything against that is elitism.

French tourists exclaiming that red wine should be served at room temperature not realizing that room temperature is fucking 31 Celsius

>> No.7804372

Nope. Literally the most popular mass market instant noodle is yakisoba with mayo.

>> No.7804389

>The worst part is many sushi places almost only serve this type of sushi.

I'm as flyover as anyone here, and every sushi place I know will serve you fish on rice if you ask.

>> No.7804396

It's obviously a lie because OP is a faggot.

>> No.7804424

>there is nothing wrong with changing things up to suit the tastes of your patrons
This is inevitable if you want to stay in business. It's also how new traditions get started - a food arrives as an import and slowly gets made over to reflect local taste.

In that process it often becomes an entirely different thing. Chinese food has been in America so long that most of what you get at a takeout place bears no resemblance to any particular style of regional Chinese cooking. Italian American has gone pretty far afield of its Southern Italian origins. And we've been gleefully developing our own style of sushi rolls for decades.

When different takes on the same dish exist it's no surprise people might prefer one over another. I usually lean toward the source over the Americanized version not out of elitism, but because I'm not so into really heavy food, and that's what inevitably happens when a dish gets Americanized. Pizza is a perfect example. Neapolitan pizza is a light snack you can eat in lieu of a proper meal, whereas many American pizzas are simply delivery systems for cheese and greasy meat.

When the locals are hambeasts adapting dishes to the local taste means turning everything into a cheeseburger. I generally find I'm not a fan of that.

>> No.7804468
File: 46 KB, 445x383, roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has been made several times. Yes I think we all agree these types of rolls are not real "sushi"

It comes from flyover land where people are afraid to try "exotic" new things like eating raw fish. In a was it's a good thing though. It's a stepping stone on the way to trying real sushi. Your fat aunt Pam eats this shit and decides she likes "sushi" and eventually gathers the balls to try some real sushi. without this stepping stone a lot of people would write it off all together and never try new foods.

Overall these mayo slathered rolls end up being good for business and our food culture.

>> No.7804520

I don't understand how they eat them. I assume everyone's fat aunt Pam can't use chopsticks, and they're clearly too messy to be finger food.

>> No.7804552

Do you even know what gimbap is and how it's different from sushi?

>> No.7804553

a lot of these places have forks and also serve teriyaki dishes.

>> No.7804565


So use a knife and fork. What's the problem?

>> No.7804575

im a pleb who fucking loves shitty buffet sushi. never even had good sushi so i have no metric.

>> No.7804576


My queen. Might I suggest licking your fingers or wiping them on a paper towel after consuming the...ahem..."sushi"

>> No.7804758
File: 83 KB, 344x382, 1431725215205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think eating fish on rice is some near religious experience

Fucking weebs

>> No.7804778
File: 7 KB, 236x236, 20d99e6fe5d771d7e3fa13aef1591ec4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating at sushi place
>obese fucker near me gets served two sushi rolls containing at least a quarter pound of jalapeños, cream cheese, sriracha, avocado, and imitation crab
>dunks it in a pool of soy sauce for 10 seconds

>> No.7804829

The only one that's bad is the one with what looks like cream cheese on the end.

Can't tell what's on the opposite end, maybe eel or just seaweed paper sticking out with sesame and soy sauce? Either way looks perfectly fine and not overdone.

Second one has that spicy mayo stuff on it which is kind gross but the roe is fine. I don't think most Americans like roe especially if they know what it is.

Last one is just avocado and soy sauce. No idea if japs really eat avocado but it kinda falls into the mayo and crease cheese category as it has similar consistency and creamy taste.

I prefer sashimi over everything, tuna being my favorite, but that platter looks pretty okay. I've seen much worse at the grocery store and some restaurants.

>> No.7805239

My favorite sushi roll doesn't even have fish in it so I can't really say anything against new and different recipes.

It is cucumber with cream cheese cress and rucola btw.

>> No.7805260

Pretty much the closest I'll get to this style of "sushi" is a Rainbow Roll or 911.

>> No.7805267

its hard to find good stuff. avacodos, nahhhhhh.
i just want rice, eel and seaweed.

>> No.7805269

>getting mad at what someone other than you enjoys

>> No.7805315

ITT: Sushi Nazi/Hipsters

>> No.7805319 [DELETED] 


No, I just hate America. It's the worst country on the planet after Japan.

>> No.7805905

>eating raw fish and rice is so important that other people aren't allowed to eat it in the way that they enjoy

this is truly autism

>> No.7806000

I currently work as a waiter at a sushi resturant in Atlanta, GA. It is one of the better places here with the fact that we actually do nigiri, sashimi, and temaki along with the american rolls.

Yeah, I hate the american rolls a lot. Mostly because the Atlanta Niggers can't stand anything that isn't fried and request everything to be flashfried or cooked completely.

>> No.7806007

What do you mean by bother? As in eating it at all or just looking at it while they eat there spicy mayo, eel sauce concoction.

>> No.7806011

What are you talking about? My Japanese friends always give me shit for not finishing all the ginger. Personally I only like eating it in between different types of sushi

>> No.7806014

kill yourself.

>> No.7806015

I have a local sushi place that is sort of Americanized but they don't have anything that I would liken to what you have in that picture. Or what I would call overdressed.

The most out of touch thing they do with it when compared to how it's done traditionally is have a few entries on the menu that are deep-fried.

At any rate if it's good, it's good and who gives a flying fuck?

>> No.7806016


Only if it's paired with an A&W. If it's a lone restaurant then no.

I think I've heard of it being paired with Long John Silvers and I don't know what the fuck they do there.

>> No.7806019


Yeah, and you would be from?

>> No.7806035

I like your basic California roll. It's simple and refreshing, and I think a positive contribution to world food culture. But stuff like in OP's pic I can't stand. Too much going on, doesn't look appetizing at all, and drenched in sauce. No thanks.

>> No.7806046


I certainly wouldn't do anything like that but it would only piss me off if he was ordering off the menu at a place that doesn't do that sort of shit. Which probably wouldn't happen anyways because they wouldn't have even half of the shit you mentioned.

>> No.7806057

I've never been a sushi restaurant in America that didn't have nigiri or maki rolls. Even when I wasn't living in a big city.

>> No.7806059


i can't stand all the shit they put on it. i just want places to leave the fish alone, i don't need some special wasabi aioli added to the tuna roll then deep fried

maybe it's to mask low quality fish, who knows

>> No.7806062

but it's yummy in my tum tum

>> No.7806065

It doesn't matter if you are in a fly over state. I live in the bay area and you find sushi places like this everywhere. Now to be fair i do go to these place cause most of the are dirt cheap go there with friends and drink cheap sake its a good time. Thats their selling point as the high in sushi places are expensive as fuck here.

>> No.7806070

>It's hard to find places that serve simple Maki rolls or nigiri where I live.
in literally any reasonably large city in the U.S you can get good sushi

>> No.7806095

Ausland has the franchise called GO that does good sushi. Taste fucking amazeballs, can't wait to go back to Sydney and try some legit sushi.

>> No.7806099

I'm from a first world country without a gun problem and where high fructose corn syrup is nothing but a meme

>> No.7806104

>Has never had good sushi

>> No.7806105


I suppose you could call my state (Montana) flyover when it comes to sushi but we actually have a national top-list sushi place in my small town. I don't know who runs it but it is actually very good. Odd thing is that unless you knew it was there you would have no idea it existed because it doesn't have any big signs or anything outside.

Then again, it's a pretty affluent area with a lot of very wealthy people.

>> No.7806110
File: 2 KB, 118x126, 1451103236233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Again, where?

I promise the boogeyman won't come and get you in the night.

>> No.7806122

Montana is totally fly over but vastly underrated. I love Montana then again I love me so nature. Supply and demand tho. If you got a bunch of people wanting high in sushi. Someone will do it.

>> No.7806139


I don't think of it as flyover because we have a big tourist industry. I mean, how do you "flyover" a place that's so often bombarded with tourists?

When it comes to food we actually rate pretty high. It's nowhere near the depravity that the mid-west reaches. We just don't have any large cities for people to splooge a load over.

>> No.7806155

Somewhere in the world where we use celcius and kilometres

>> No.7806167


Somewhere in the world that's paranoid to all fuck apparently.

>HURRR somewhere that doesn't eat dem cheesbugas and fraunch fraws you faget

>> No.7806178

Yes, correct

>> No.7806182

Jesus you're such a bitch. Must be from some shitty country like Greece

>> No.7806188


I'd play trivia round with you but I'm already pretty sure by your behavior where you're from. It also wouldn't help because you're not going to be honest anyways.

>> No.7806197


I'd name it (it's one or the other) but I know these two countries only too well. It doesn't matter if you hit it on the button, he's going to deny it anyways.

I honestly think /ck/ should have flags. It's a board that has such a problem with international nonsense. Twat doesn't even know whether I'm American or not.

>> No.7806615

Tell me where I'm from then

>> No.7806619

So I've definitely seen sushi in Japan that looks the same and is the same.
Why are you some neet weeabo fag about it?

>> No.7806883

Is that really the reason why? Canadian KFC's have french fries, but I don't think Canadians generally dislike mashed potatoes.

>> No.7807585

Wait wtf?
Mashed potatoes and gravy are like one of the prime staples of KFC, how the fuck can you never had seen a KFC with mashed potatoes and gravy? Jesus boy you are missing out.

>> No.7807607
File: 1.75 MB, 4096x2304, IMG_20160504_221918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sushi chef here. I've had people come in and ask for the dumbest fucking tempura and over sauced monstrosities, but I don't give a shit as long as they pay me and tip well. Sushi just means "with rice" so it's pretty open to interpretation. If you're going to bitch about it to an autistic level, go live in Japan and only eat at Jiro's.

>> No.7807612

A lot of the time this window dressing is to mask the inferior quality or freshness of the fish being used.

>> No.7807630

Choose one.

>> No.7807646


What the fuck is that furthest thing?

>> No.7807653

OP here, dunno anon, it's just a random image I found on Google.

>> No.7807747

Why would you impersonate me

>> No.7807750

Well, what is it then?

>> No.7807763
File: 64 KB, 550x290, 1_30122010_145645_sushi1ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got another problem here in Chile. Sushi is very popular and potentially cheap, but because we're used to eating big portions, rolls are massive. Otherwise, they are just normal.

If we wanted something experimental, we just have to look for a joint that serves shit like that. Seriously, there's sushi everywhere here.

>> No.7807771

Anything that is a roll is an american version of sushi.

>> No.7807802

Baked potato

>> No.7807809

Nice rainbow

>> No.7808021

Nigiri is far and away more popular than maki but both are definitely Japanese.

>> No.7808036
File: 159 KB, 858x1200, maki4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serve more maki!

>> No.7808042

I would eat the ginger alone
Avocados ruin my sushi rolls

>> No.7808063

I love American sushi, but I also love traditional sushi; just depends what I'm in the mood for.

>> No.7808080

underrated post

>> No.7808491

I didn't eat sushi for the entire year I spent in the US

american sushi is way too weird for me

>> No.7808517


gimbap is its own thing. it's got pretty specific ingredients. rice rolled with misc ingredients in seaweed is in both japan and korea.

>> No.7808568
File: 38 KB, 560x260, fish_flesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating nothing but sashimi with a heavy emphasis on the super-white
>the chef gets my vibes and tosses down some course sea salt on that shit so I can avoid the cheap soy
>everything works out when I get my extra ginger for the non super-white.

feels good living in metropolitan KY with fat stacks. Nobody ever gets fucking sushi so the chef is excited whenever anyone actually just wants sashimi. Even if I am giving it a robe of ginger he still goes out of his way to give me everything quickly just so he can keep himself from destroying his art just a bit longer.

>> No.7808665

I went back to my hometown a while ago and visited a sushi place. One thing that really shocks you is how big (diameter wise) the roll can be. You can barely fit the pieces in your mouth. Also, everything seemed to be slathered in spicy mayo (I do like though).

>> No.7808715

I think you're reading way to deep into this pretend relationship

>> No.7808741
