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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7801283 No.7801283 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been called an expert on the grill... Did this yesterday

>> No.7801287

damn dude that's crowded as shit.

>> No.7801293
File: 24 KB, 263x309, 1424287769932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>untrimmed asparagus

>> No.7801294

>burns food
>is called an expert
You're surrounded by idiots.

>> No.7801296

>Did this yesterday
did what? fucked up your asparagus? yeah i see that

>> No.7801298

Yeah... But this was at the end when it was pretty much done... It was good

>> No.7801299

Mmm charred chicken

>> No.7801302


Did they enjoy the woody asparagus bottoms?

>> No.7801304

>my little baby boy is such a good chef!
>he should open up a restaurant some day!

>> No.7801305

Way too cluttered. Those peppers and wings ain't gonna cook evenly. And damnit trim your asparagus.

>> No.7801315

You guys are wild... It was the best food ever.. Someone said I should start a BBQ restaurant because I grill my own way which it great!

>> No.7801323

>so I've been called an attention whore on /ck/... Made this post today

>> No.7801327

You fags are just made because you can't grill like me THE KING OF GRILLING

>> No.7801331

more like the queen of grilling lmaoooooooo

>> No.7801332

I'm so sure ya'll saved this pic and use it as yours loooooolll

>> No.7801336

Lmaooooo fuuuuck youuuu

>> No.7801337


It would be pretty typical of BBQ King to buy that much food just for himself and his landwhale of a wife and then burn all of it, but he's probably stuck in a toilet at Chile's or something right now.

>> No.7801339


I printed out a small copy to keep in my wallet to show people.

>> No.7801352

Ya'll have to be white.. White people have no clue how to BBQ... The black marks adds style

>> No.7801372


>skips to next post immediately :)

>> No.7801388


As for myself, I can grill and smoke with the best of them, but yesterday, I royally fucked up father's day dinner on the grill. Even experts have bad days. I think I over-cleaned it prior to starting. So when I went to put the chicken wings on, they stuck (which has NEVER happened before), and from there it was downhill. I managed to rescue the wings and the corn (they were on at the same time), but then when I put on the sausage and zucchini (the zucchini was on the top shelf), the chicken bit that were stuck to the grill (which I had already tried to get off and thought I had gotten most of it) combined with the grease from the sausage to create FIRE FIRE FIRE. Burnt sausage and burnt zucchini. FUCK.....
It seems like shit like that always happens on a special occasion, too. When I grill on an average day, it always turns out perfect, but NO, not yesterday. At least the triple berry cobbler I made for dessert turned out perfect.

>> No.7801393

Ya'll is in the Oxford dictionary. It's a perfectly fine word to use, and a definitive regional language marker. You're not only a snob, but ignorant as well. Nothing worse than an ignorant snob.

>> No.7801401

>That top tray

Im not even trying to meme you here, it remembers me of some auschwitz documentary i saw a couple days ago

>> No.7801414

except a red dot indian.

>> No.7801420

Haha very creative.... The black adds style

>> No.7801422

>a definitive regional language marker

That's why I skipped it dindu

>> No.7801451
File: 165 KB, 800x584, lando_colt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The black adds style

The black ALWAYS adds style.

>> No.7801455


>> No.7801464

Those are premade burger patties, aren't they?

>> No.7801465

Turkey burgers

>> No.7801466

An expert would never use premade patties.

Yeah, they're premade.

>> No.7801467

damn, are you a dad or was cooking for your dad?

That cobbler sounds amazing, pictures?

>> No.7801481

It happens!

>> No.7801536

>Someone said I should start a BBQ restaurant because I grill my own way which it great!

remember to tell mommy thank you

>> No.7801547

>durr youre all wrong
look man, I'm not saying you didn't enjoy the food, but if you be grilling and some ho tells you you'd be great at BBQ because you're a magical grill then theyre retarded and you're dumb for believing them.

BBQ and Grilling are completely different.

>> No.7801562

you put meat on grill and wait until evenly cooked, an autist can do it

>> No.7801572
File: 136 KB, 919x720, 1404274537939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BBQ KING is back
As if this place could get any worse

>> No.7801574

You don't know shit lmaooooo this food could have won an award

>> No.7801578

Naw B not like me cuz

>> No.7801580

Who's that.. Your dad meowhahahaha

>> No.7801602

I was cooking for my dad. He doesn't cook at all, mom has always done it, but they're both old now, so I cook most holiday dinners.
I didn't take a picture of the cobbler (I should have, I guess), and I would take one for you now, but everyone ate it all! My dad ate the last of it for breakfast this morning, lol. Anyway, I made it with blueberries, raspberries, and marionberries, since they're all in season now. Served it with vanilla bean ice cream. It was pretty tasty, if I do say so myself.

>> No.7801742

shits burned yo

>> No.7801930

Was this the first time you've encountered asparagus, OP?

>> No.7801946

That chicken looks great. I love it a little charred.

Good job anon. I'd be happy to be your neighbour

>> No.7801972

Hahahaha i was going to say the same thing.

>> No.7802047

Grillin' for a crowd is never easy. Trying to get everything out at the same time and only got so much space. Looks good to me

>> No.7802085

>Grillin' for a crowd is never easy. Trying to get everything out at the same time and only got so much space. Looks good to me

Yup, plus, if anything doesn't come out right, yhou can always slather it in a Ketchup, Mayo, BBQ sauce or a mix of all three

>> No.7802090
File: 260 KB, 570x351, ASADO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that burned shit

Also, argentine asado master race

>> No.7802107


Is that bright red shit some kind of shellfish?

Sorry, anon, we've got someone with a shellfish allergy here. You're going to have to throw it all out and start over after sterilizing the grill.

>> No.7802141

>absolute murder
That's s rank for sure

>> No.7802153
File: 219 KB, 715x590, YOU HERETIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a argentine asado grill

>> No.7802186

>burnt wings
>dry burgers
>white asparagus ends
>whole chickens
>shit piled on top of each other

You're more retarded than that gif/webm of the dude who's making shitty fajitas on his grill. (Anyone post that?)

>> No.7802209

>You're more retarded than that gif/webm of the dude who's making shitty fajitas on his grill. (Anyone post that?)

please be a Ja/ck/ webm

>> No.7802228


I'm pretty sure he's referring to a Rick Bayless webum...

>> No.7802238

It's not, faget.

Not him either. It's some shitty home video.

>> No.7802274

>It's not, faget.

You don't like Ja/ck/ posts brah?

How does it make you feel that I've been forcing the Ja/ck/ and GoZa meme for years, and so delighted to have it finally catch on in /ck/ and the rest of the internet :)

5-8 hours a day during the week, 18 hours a day on the weekend....finally, the fruits of my labor have been shown :)

>> No.7802283

>american "barbecue"

>> No.7802290


Barbecue is American as fuck if it's anything, but the OP pic isn't barbecue...

>> No.7802292
File: 440 KB, 1080x1776, IMG_23252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck at grilling more than one thing at a time .. but at least I know it! (pic related, fucked this shit up entirely).

>> No.7802307



>> No.7802314

I'm also lazy. Cast iron grates though.

>> No.7802316
File: 916 KB, 245x285, 1394012187372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forcing go za for years
>shits only been around for months

>> No.7802336

no shit, I've been forcing it for years and it just finally gained traction

>> No.7802379

>>expert on the grill

cant even spatchcock chicken, get the fuck out

>> No.7802396

Screenshots with timestamps or it didn't happen

>> No.7802398

No it isn't.

>> No.7802431

Delicious carcinogens

>> No.7802587

are all of you retards who cant snap your asparagas?

>> No.7802611

You're not supposed to have to "snap" asparagus. You're supposed to cut off the ends before you cook it

Also throwing it directly on the grill raw like that is probably one of the worst ways to cook asparagus

>> No.7802617

That's pretty sad that you see this as an achievement

>> No.7802638

I'm convinced posts like yours are actually just mexicans trying to make Americans look retarded.

>> No.7802648

That or Canadians because they're eternally butthurt

>> No.7803261

You're not supposed to do anything as its BBQ and not fine dining.
Also, not trimming the ends wont affect the taste, you can just eat the tender bits and throw the rest away.

>> No.7803274

Why would someone lie on the Internet?

>> No.7803285

I unironically like burnt food, not too burnt, though.

>> No.7803290

Says the guy who probably hasn't forced a single meme, hahaha, I laugh at you.

>> No.7803317

I'd eat any of it except the asparagus, it would have taken three seconds to trim the bottoms off
that was just a lazy move

>> No.7803329

you guys are being douche nozzles
A little char (which it fucking is) on the bbq is absolutely fine i for one prefer it.
Looks great
I'd appreciate this as a friend if you made me bbq
Nice job op.

>> No.7803345

I appreciate a BBQ as much as the next guy but a lot of that food is burnt.

>> No.7803349

Looks very good. Would eat 11/10. Very nice job , you indeed are an expert.

>> No.7803483

Thank you for the people that says it's good...all you fuckers would have ate it with no question...and the asparagus gets trimmed after..makes no difference.... I'm eating leftovers right now... Mhmmmm so Fucking good!!!!!!!

>> No.7803497


looks burnt

>> No.7803514

>Cooking with charcoal and not propane

It's like you want to taste the heat, and not the meat

>> No.7803525
File: 177 KB, 1841x3595, Stairs_POV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga I made stairs

>> No.7803551
File: 42 KB, 376x490, madmen77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're cooking, I'm eating

looks tasty, broheim

>> No.7803938

Is this entire thread endless shitposting or OP samefagging?

>> No.7803967


Ok enjoy your burnt meat. Hope you don't get cancer from all that carbon

>> No.7803985

Looks pretty gud OP!
Top row is a little too "charred" but apart from that, impressive space management

>> No.7804013

>an expert on the grill
charred to fuck

>> No.7804017


>> No.7804033
File: 132 KB, 786x442, OPfeelthebern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been called an expert on the grill
>all the meat is burnt and overcooked
>cooks untrimmed asparagus
>expert on the grill

typical /ck/

>> No.7804449

it's like someone makes a joke to a guy they just met and the guy says "WOW ARE YOU A STAND UP COMEDIAN? YOU SHOULD BE!"

people have such... a low base knowledge about things that anyone with slightly more knowledge on a subject becomes a fucking expert.

Congrats, you know more about grilling than people who know nothing about grilling and those people have inflated your ego to the point you think you can stand and bang with professional chefs. Spoiler: You can't.

>> No.7804612

You Fucking FAG.. I didn't even read all the shit you just wrote... Like seriously who does that? Life without a girlfriend eh?

>> No.7804791
File: 3.81 MB, 3086x1423, 20160226_174912-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it all looks edible, but whoever told you that you are an expert is either
>full of shit
>was not at this particular get together

Most of it looks under-seasoned and over-cooked. You tried, though. With practice you might learn not to crowd the grill.

Now take a look at what quality grilling really looks like, bro. And by bro I mean never my bro, faggot

>> No.7804816
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>> No.7804832
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>> No.7804840
File: 3.62 MB, 2736x1827, 20160226_182527-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You taking notes, OP? You should be

>> No.7804842

Quality my ass...

>layer of coals is sparse and uneven
>pepper on the steak is likely to burn. Salt only, add pepper later

>browning from contact with the grill bars only, not between them (probably from the sparse arrangement of coals

...at least your grill has a decent grate on it and not that thin wire crap.

>> No.7804853
File: 3.62 MB, 2081x1784, 20160417_132947-1-1-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804906

Looks like a shit i took once

>> No.7804908

Looks like a shit i took once after eating taco bell

>> No.7804913

Has burnt marks... But looks good... Nothing wrong with burnt marks like OP

>> No.7804917

I don't know why you posted that pic OP food looks way better.... learn to compete before you try and bash loool

>> No.7804958



I might have sauced the meat a little more, the contents look a little dry.

Almost everything that touches my grill has been marinated. And I pour some marinade on the meat occasionally throughout the cooking process.

I like anything I eat off the grill to have some moisture.

>> No.7805066

Well hello there, OP!

>> No.7805113

Summer fag alert

>> No.7805140
File: 177 KB, 1600x1200, P1014378[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Salt only, add pepper later

are you trolling or do you not know how spices work

>> No.7805156

half of that is burned you mongoloid

>> No.7805189

There's only like 2 pieces up top of burned chicken, the rest is perfectly edible.

>> No.7805191

it's all still on the flame and being burnt further. none of those sausages are edible.

>> No.7805208

Faaack you.. This is the best way to grill

>> No.7805231

I'm assuming you usually cook smaller meals and don't do it professionally. That being said, great job. Would eat while double-fisting some cold beers on a hot day. Cooking that much food with the variety you have is hard. I bet your smaller meals are bomb.

>> No.7805300

>You're not supposed to do anything as its BBQ

It's not BBQ, it's a fucking grill. And since when does BBQ or grilling mean "no preparation"?

>> No.7805348

>Someone said I should start a BBQ restaurant
Can't tell if b8

>> No.7805401

I feel that feel

>> No.7805402

why are most of those so fucking charred?
who exactly called you an expert?

>> No.7805484

You're not "supposed" to do anything, its only BBQ, homeslice.

>> No.7805495

>who exactly called you an expert?
Probably his mom.

>> No.7805529

just peel the bottom with a peeler. It takes 2 minutes and then you can eat it all enjoyably you fucking ape.

>> No.7805602

nice 'go'BQ

>> No.7805622

lol speak your shit somewhere else tyrone

>> No.7805626

>t this was at the end when it was pretty much done

Veg goes on the grill first. They can take the heat best. Your veg isn't even beginning to cook and you think its done? LOL. Also thats a shit load of food and none of it looks particularly done right. Jack of all trades, master of none.

>> No.7805640

>Jack of all trades, master of none
Though oftentimes better than master of one.

>> No.7805701

BBQ was most notably started by rich French hunters who traveled to Haiti/Dominican Republic to hunt wild boars, which were very prevalent in that area.
They were taught how to cook them on a buccan, a wooden pit. This was called barbacoa, then BBQ.
Later sailors who traveled the same routes/areas and attacked trade vessels where called buccaneers.

Fancy French hunters made BBQ mainstream, not Bubba-Joe and Lou-Ann. Keep that shit as fancy as you fucking can.

>> No.7806174

can you drop another onto my plate please, i'll pay you?

>> No.7806204

nigga chop the bottoms off your asparagus you lazy mongoloid

>> No.7806282
File: 157 KB, 960x960, 1439653459738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not supposed to do anything as its BBQ and not fine dining

wow What a fucking pleb

>> No.7806313

Cross contamination and overcooking is all I see

>> No.7807072


>> No.7807132

Those grill marks are shit. Lay it down diagonal and rotate after several minutes. Should be seeing diamonds.

>> No.7807789

>So I've been called an expert on the grill

Expert on the dick more likely...Chad

>> No.7807804

>autism speaks

>> No.7807815

grilling its easy as fuck . show me the seasoning plus technique then we talk

>> No.7807914

You don't seem to understand how apostrophes and contractions work.

>> No.7808255

The original states that jack of all trades is better iirc

>> No.7808417

Your whole argument is rubbish.
If a fancy person has a scat fetish, does that make eating poop fancy?

>> No.7808430

Found the autist that serves deconstructed hamburgers and thrice cooked fries

>> No.7808447

Looks good and nice that vegetables are being included. Something like leek scapes could probably work on there too.