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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 625x469, bear1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7798375 No.7798375 [Reply] [Original]

what does bear taste like?

>> No.7798377

piss. i really wish it wasn't so

>> No.7798397

Living in alaska, I eat more bear than most. Alot of people don't like it. Very greasy, gamey. Great ground, as a burger or in some mac. It's seasonal, it tastes better depending on its diet of either berries or fish. I've only had black bear, I've heard there's an issue with eating grizzly because of how it buries it's food before eating, apparently parasites are really common.

>> No.7798525

North western Arkansan anon here. Bear is greasy and tastes kinda like a public trash can smells. I'm not a fan, but my whole family loves it. Note also, I've only ever had black bear.

>> No.7798589

Pretty much this. I grew up in Yukon and ate alot of wild meat. Thing is, most bears will eat whatever they can find, depending on the time of year. Usually by hunting season they're all fat and ready to go sleep for the winter. The meat is great when it's smoked and made into sausages or spiced and ground. Not really the kind of meat you would make into steaks or ribs or anything, although I have never had it that way.

>> No.7798733

not OP, but thank you for the answers, now i dont want to eat bear anymore.

>> No.7798743

Yeah bear sausage is pretty tasty

>> No.7798754


>> No.7798814

bitter and hoppy

>> No.7798820

Bear jerky is GOAT desu

>> No.7798825

What does pussy taste like?

>> No.7798897

From my experience, it's bitter and greasy. Rather gamey as well though I imagine the flavor may vary depending on what it eats. My only experience was having it in the form of a steak, which wasn't very good. Other anons seem to like it in the form of sausages or ground up tho.

>> No.7798905

That's really cool! Besides the name I don't really see the relevance to my post. Thanks so though!

>> No.7798942
File: 1.36 MB, 1600x1200, bottecchia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah,the lat few months ive been beack in whats called "trick kites" and I couldnt resist posting the vid as my first kite was the HQ Yukon xd

Have a free bump,Im as curious to what bear tastes like too


>> No.7798953

Bags of salty coin sand

>> No.7799056
File: 18 KB, 350x350, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beary Good!

>> No.7799376

5 hours old but
Ayy, it's pretty rare that I see someone from Yukon. Whitehorse?

When is bear in-season? Is it served in restaurants/pubs there?

Also, were there a lot of natives/native dialect?

I briefly studied Athapaskan languages (among some others) but I've never been to the area myself.

>> No.7799377


greasy... meat eaters always seem to be greasy.

>> No.7799403

Like your mother.

>> No.7799484

>5 hours old

Ayy it is a slow board, I always monitor threads I'm interested in.

Yes, I was born and raised up in Whitehorse. Have lived in BC for 10 years now though.

I'm not totally sure about hunting season up there, although I imagine it would be in the fall. No point in shooting a bear that just woke up from a 5 month nap lol.

I haven't seen bear served in restaurants, but you can definitely get moose and caribou/elk in some of the fancier local places. And fish is always local, or brought in from Alaska for things like halibut and crab.

And yes, there are alot of natives there. >Dialect
There is definitely strong native culture there but alot of it has been lost on the younger generations. Alcohol and drugs are rampant there and the youth (particularly natives) are always affected by it.

I highly recommend going if you ever get the chance.

>> No.7799488

Cool pic. Beer is usually hoppy in taste unless you drink domestic crap.

>> No.7799539

Aha, thanks. Pretty much everything.

I'm from Nfld and moose is sorta common back home. I'm mainland a few years now and miss the coasts, the mountains, etc. I digress. I'd like to do a west-coast trip sometime. I hear BC is ridiculously beautiful and that the eastern foods are typically better there than here. And the skiing! I'd like to make it out to Sima as a milestone.

Really, thank you for the elaboration. Made my night!

>> No.7799557

As I said, I highly recommend it! BC is amazing and Yukon is just as good with a lot less people lol! If you ever do get out this way, Skagway (AK) is only about 2 hours from Whitehorse and I definitely recommend checking that out. There is so much history out there, and the wildlife is incredible.

>> No.7799573

I think you have had one too many bears.

>> No.7799576

Thanks for the tip. I dig that stuff. I'll spend some time googling it for now. I hope to get out there within a few years.

Oh, I do have another question about Whitehorse/YK if you don't mind, aha. You mentioned that booze and drugs hit hard with the youth; is there a lot of poverty as well? Low-income jobs (though as a kid, I don't really expect you to be aware so much, I'm just asking incase you can give insight)? I imagine most northern (and native communities) have issues with those things.

>> No.7799592

In my experience it's alot different from city life. I'm not him, and I have more experience with places like kotzebue and bethel. Drugs are a huge problem, and natives are also huge alcoholics. Low income jobs are pretty common but then again most people up there fish and hunt for food so it offsets imo

>> No.7799594

>As a kid

I'm 29 anon.

There is of course poverty up there, just as there is anywhere else. The biggest problem is housing. It's bloody expensive to live up there, and a lot of younger people don't want to work. Most fast food jobs and even grocery store employees have been brought over on visas to work because the locals don't want to do those jobs. Maybe we can chat some on /travel/ more about this. I frequent hat board alot and were getting off topic here. Hope I answered your question. Take anon anon.

>> No.7799596


>> No.7799608

salty milk and bags of sand

>> No.7799625

Explains the bear & elk. We fish, but hunting is frowned upon back home. Roadkill is unfortunately common for the poor / small community folk.

Your perspective helps too.

My bad, I use the term loosely. But all good, thanks again.

>> No.7799644

install grindr/scruff and find out ;)

>> No.7799662

delete your 4chan account