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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7797474 No.7797474 [Reply] [Original]

How was the food at your college dining hall, /ck/?

>> No.7797482

Really cheap and way better than expected. The servings are also pretty big for the price paid.

>> No.7797498
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Really good, actually. They had decent pizza, a nice salad bar, a bunch of good stuff. I'd eat pizza every day, and cake like twice a week. Somehow I lost 20 pounds my first semester there.

>mfw people told me about gaining the "freshman 15"

>> No.7797503

>They had decent pizza
The benefits of being educated outside of America, where were you?

>> No.7797524

Not bad, though it gets old after awhile. I end up eating a lot of cereal and pizza (the pizza is good actually). There's also a dining hall that serves themed food, like Japanese food or different types of grilled cheese. That's my favorite place to eat, most of the tastiest dishes come from there.

>> No.7797525


Most US colleges have amazing dining halls, dumbshit. I studied abroad in France for a year the the food was terrible in comparison.

>> No.7797526

It was pretty good but a lot of it was immensely unhealthy. Outside the salad bar at least.
I usually just ate the pizza and burgers.
The ice cream was pretty good too but they always put out shit flavors and rarely any of the really good ones like rum raisin.

Same here, though if not for the amount of walking uphill I had to do to get to classes, I would have probably gained weight.

>> No.7797554

garbage. I'm surprised I'm still alive.

>> No.7797556

boarding school in ireland...
in 2 years there they served salad like 10 times, which was basically just shredded in entirety (tomatoes, saladcores everything shredded whole) and no dressing. The rest was basically inedible and explained why all the kids in the school had horrible skin. We went on to eating noodles cooked in the kettle most days with some sort of sauce or pesto

>> No.7797570



>> No.7797574

I worked as a cook in the kitchen/catering service in my Uni and it was actually quite good. The funny thing is that all the students hated it. They all thought shit like Mcdonalds or Subway was better than what we made.

I'll never forget on Thanksgiving we made a huge dinner for the res students (the only people still at the school during the holidays) that consisted of entirely fresh, hand picked ingredients that were very high quality. I could hear one of the students complain that the Turkey tasted like it was processed and made him him sick the next day. This fucking nigger. I wanted to grab him and tell him it's because his diets consists of 99% junk food that he can't tell what an actual home-cooked Turkey tastes like.

Most of the students would rather eat the frozen hamburger patties we get by the box full rather than the stuff we make every day fresh in the kitchen for lunch and dinner.

After working that job I lost any respect I had for any fellow students opinion on what was good food or not.

>> No.7797575

>if not for the amount of walking uphill I had to do to get to classes, I would have probably gained weight.

Me too, to be honest. Not having a car is probably what did it. But I like to think that cake was magical.

>> No.7797576
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Protip: You weren't eating decent pizza.
(Not that you'd fucking know what that is)

>> No.7797584

My university's old mensa was really cool. The food came preportioned on a tablet via conveyor belt from the floor below. We also got a healthy dose of asbestos everytime we ate there, so that part of the building is getting scrapped.
The food itself was pretty good, especially for the price. Each meal cost 2,30 € and sometimes there was a half rotissery chicken with fries, a sauce, coleslaw and a dessert for that price. I didn't have to eat anything else all day. There was also something called "seconds", a small bowl of rice or noodles with sauce or something like that, for 20 cents.
Then we got a new mensa and everything changed.

>> No.7797604

Pretty fucking bad. There was an Einstein's on campus that I ate at everyday instead of the shit they served in the cafeteria. Only problem is, now I can't look at Einstein's without vomiting because I ate it every day for 4 years.

>> No.7797618

I had an Einstein's on campus too, their breakfast sandwiches are great

>> No.7797624

What the hell is Einstein's?

>> No.7797625

Pretty bad
in fact just about everything is bad
I blame sodexo making the most soulless junk possible

>> No.7797632

Breakfast/Lunch place that serves bagels, sandwiches, soups.

>> No.7797634
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You guys remember?

What about cafeteria stuffed crust pizza?


>> No.7797638
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Never forget.

I'm literally going to barf just seeing these things.

>> No.7797639

I'm >>7797574 and I worked for sodexo. But of course every one is run differently it's not a corporate menu or anything. Our food was very high quality.

>> No.7797640

Is that a pic of schaffer?

>> No.7797652

They were pretty good tbqh

>> No.7797669

Then why were there piles of pink sawdust laying everywhere on Friday?

>> No.7797746

I don't get it

>> No.7797767


Cafeteria buffet style, all really good, fresh delicious vegetables twice a day for lunch and dinner, omelets made to order for breakfast.

Overall 7/10, I didn't like their stupid time-slot restrictions. Buy a muffin on my meal plans at 10:30, can't get lunch at 12:00 - have to wait until 4:30 for the next time slot.

>> No.7797779

>they called those maxi sticks where I'm from and they smelled like moldy cum

>> No.7797789


>> No.7797797

lol, what a fucking faggot

>> No.7797803
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They called these "Tuna Mountain Climbers."
I loved them.

>> No.7797804

kill yourself

>> No.7797817

Idk about that one. My college supposedly had one of the best rated dinning halls in the SUNY system and it still sucked

>> No.7797873

I wanted to share my university canteen's weekly menu with you guys, but the English language option only translates the weekdays. Here's the link anyway. Feel free to run it through google translate and r8.

>> No.7797900

>Then why were there piles of pink sawdust laying everywhere on Friday?
If this is a new meme I love it

>> No.7797906
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The school I went to doesn't have a full online menu, but here's today's specials. (FF apparently means farm to fork, and wasn't a thing when I was going there.) There was maybe 4 different stations with different themes each serving a couple different dishes every meal, in addition to a full grill with pretty much anything you could want on a grill or flat-top, including full short-order breakfast options, and a really nice salad bar.

The prices were much lower if you had a meal plan.

>> No.7797910

I went to two universities in the US. One, the food at the caf was fairly average, but the eating club I joined had much nicer food.

The other I went to was in the middle of Amish country and the dining services were run by Amish/Mennonite women, so lots of home-cookin' sorts of food. I like that stuff best of all, way better than the fancy-pants eating clubs at the other school.

>> No.7798147

Gonna be frank here:

I always thought the food was okay (Although I was content to eat the same thing every day, trying something different if I wasn't in the mood for what I normally wanted), but my friends rarely seemed happy about it.

I think it's simply because they ate there all the time, but then, I did too. My parents, grandparents, and sister came up for a family weekend the university had, and everyone enjoyed the food they put out, which was the same selection they normally have since it was the same dining hall and they weren't going to exclude people who weren't "privileged" enough to have their parents or whoever come up.

So in short: I think the food was decent, but may have gotten monotonous to eat since anything that wasn't "simple" like pizza, burgers, etc. could be made poorly or whatever. I never had that experience, but my friends seemed to.

>> No.7798167

it was pretty average

they had carribean food one semester and that was great, but the rest of the time I just got chicken, broccoli and a sweet potato

>> No.7798340

the pizza at the u was terrible

>> No.7798394

Chartwells unfortunately

>> No.7798470


>It was pretty good but a lot of it was immensely unhealthy. Outside the salad bar at least.

Pretty much how my college's union cafeteria was. The place that served wraps there could be relatively healthy if you wanted it to be though.