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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7795569 No.7795569 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest /ck/, how much are ya eating in a day? We all know you're breaking 2k. Are you breaking 3000 calories friends?

>> No.7795582

2k on the button family

Lost 25 pounds since December.

>> No.7795587
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my TDEE is somewhere between 2800 and 3200
I was going at 1800 for a few weeks
today probably broke 3500

only god can judge me

>> No.7795588

there was a time in high school I ate 1700 and mostly healthy foods
was 155
now I eat so many chips
I just can't stop
I've gained 40 pounds since high school ended

>> No.7795592

lets see
breakfast was about 1 cup of mini wheats with whole milk, about 300 calories

lunch was butter chicken at a place called the noodle box, because of the rice I'd estimate 550 for the meal

dinner was a simple meat and cheese sandwhich and tomato soup, so about 700 calories

nah, didn't push 2k. and I'm still pretty big

>> No.7795594

>lunch was butter chicken at a place called the noodle box, because of the rice I'd estimate 550 for the meal
unless your portion was physically tiny, there's no way butter chicken was only 550 cals
ballpark estimate of anywhere from 750 to 1200

>> No.7795597

it was decently tiny, it was real butter chicken so it was a tomato base without butter or cream.

>> No.7795600

>it was real butter chicken so it was a tomato base without butter
maybe I'm just a pleb but what

>> No.7795605

it's called butter chicken but it usually doesn't actually include any extra butter besides what you use to cook the vegetables and meat. only western bastardizations do, some indian dished do include cream but this one didn't.

>> No.7795606
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>butter chicken
>without butter

>> No.7795607
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so it does fucking include butter you double dose idiot

>> No.7795610

ok but most recipes literally add a fucking ton of butter to it during cooking and make it sickeningly fatty. all that really differentiates the dish is the tomato base and the chicken, most indian dishes are cooked in ghee

>> No.7795634

Probably like 3200

>> No.7795728

I'm cutting back, mainly on the alcohol.

I just had cottage cheese on bread with lots of garlic and onion powder.

>> No.7796001

Roughly 700 kcal.

>> No.7796008

Same here! Primarily roasted vegetables, eggs, and rice.

>> No.7796015

i eat a lot of fast food so i'm fat.

270 pounds. my average daily meal is something like this:
breakfast: 3 chicken biscuits from mcdonalds
lunch: 2 homewreckers from moes or 1 homewrecker + something else
dinner: 2 t bone steaks and a side (usually macaroni and cheese or mashed potatoes)

>> No.7796016

are the two of you literal toddlers

>> No.7796019

I don't count, but today I had 1000 calories worth of Butterfingers and a home made hamburger with honey on it, so I probably exceeded 2k.

>> No.7796023

Short, sedentary and depressed adult here

>> No.7796024


I've lost 38 pounds

>> No.7796036

Used to be overweight eating like 3000 cals a day. Got tired of being fat and became pretty much anorexic, eating about 700-800 cals a day for about 2 months. Lost about 50-60 lbs. Decided to eat like a normal person (1800-2200) again now that I'm down to ~130 lbs. Feels good man.

>> No.7796039

I'm sorry to hear that anon

>> No.7796040

I'm maintaining 150lbs at 5'7", so no more than ~1933 calories per day.

Thing is I'm not all that certain since my dinner usually consists of homemade leftovers (roasts, fried rice) cooked in bulk, meant to be stretched for days.

>> No.7796057

averaging 2200 for past few weeks. i'm trying to eat at 1950, but i also started lifting again 10 weeks ago and don't count calories burned in my food log. so i guess i'm doing pretty good (i used to log 350-400 calories burned per 2 hour session before, but decided to stop tracking that because measuring calories burned is too hit and miss)

>> No.7796060

>i used to log 350-400 calories burned per 2 hour session before
that is waaaaaaaaaay too fucking high man

>> No.7796066

Sweet Jesus...

>> No.7796070

it's not that bad. i get to collect disability for obesity and i work at the mcdonalds so i get the chicken biscuits for cheap.

>> No.7796090

I eat out every single day multiple times and only weigh 95lbs with a height of 5'8". I probably eat way over 2000 calories.

>> No.7796091
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>> No.7796093

I don't need to count calories because I'm not a fatass.

>> No.7796098


i lift pretty heavy and at a pace where my heart rate doesn't fall below 130-140 bpm (including between sets). so i don't think my estimates were that far off. but i agree with you that the notion of measuring calories burned in strength training is an exercise in guessing more than anything

>> No.7796168
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I probably average 1700-2300. I am also losing weight somehow, so I doubt it reaches over 2 often, not that I feel like I'm eating less.

Fastest way to lose weight though? cut out all this shit. I love it but so help me god soybean oil is bad for you and mayo is deliciously high cal.

>> No.7796180

Why cut it out when you can just buy healthier ones? They make some with olive and canola oil mixes, and you can get in half the fat too.

>> No.7796254

> pretty mich anorexic
Did you develope an eating disorder or did you just become underweight? There's a massive difference.

>> No.7796258

I haven't been counting, my weight has remained the same for about the last 3 to 4 years, I'm in my early 30s and about 6" / 200lbs

Ive just given up smoking too which isn't supposed to be kind to your weight but we'll see

>> No.7796270

Most days I sit around 2200 but on some days I'll easily do like 5k+. 6", 290lb. Fat as fuck but I've been powerlifting for a almost 2 years now. I'm okay with being fat though, I'd rather be fat and strong and get to eat what I want and love food than be ripped and strong and have to deprive myself of delicious 'go 'za.

>> No.7796274

You do realize butter chicken is a british dish, right? It's a rather recent invention and that's why it's so much different than traditional indian food (also why it's not really indian). Butter chicken is super high in calories.

>> No.7796316

I try to aim at 2000-2500 after I found out my fat ass broke 200 LBS again.

Although in the last 24 hours I prolly consumed 5000 Kcal at the bare minimum though. My TDE is 3000 - 3500.

I wish I never started liking the taste of beer.

>> No.7796319

600-800 calories a day. I just stare at delicious foods all day, oh and I weight 120lbs

>> No.7796322

Considering my weight is healthy and has remained the same with little to no effort I'd say my calorie intake is in a normal 2000ish range.

>> No.7796361

my maintenance is at about 1850 but i've been eating 1200-1500 to lose weight

>> No.7796377

I don't believe you. Post name badge for proof.

>> No.7796378

if femanon

>> No.7796380

i eat tons but i'm /fit/ af so it's fine desu

>> No.7796383

/fit/ in a nutshell.

>> No.7796394

I'm 6'6" / 225 lbs. I eat well above 3000 kcals/day

>> No.7796401

Not so much these days. I was eating 3-4k a day with ease and gusto when I was younger but my appetite's diminished in my age. I'm working on getting in supreme shape right now so calories and sources of calories are controlled.

>> No.7796406

I consume lots of calories, mostly because alcohol though.

>> No.7796420

Ive had gastric bypass and I eat around 6-700 kcal a day.
Most of it protein.

>> No.7796424

I went from 235lbs to 165lbs by eating between 1200-1600 calories a day.
After a year and a half of being hungry all day every day (and still not getting a girl friend) I said fuck that shit.
I'm now 200lbs and eat what ever the fuck I want.

I dont think ill ever be happy with my weight or appearance so I may aswell be comfortable instead of having hunger pains all day.

>> No.7796436

I get around 800-1,5k in me a day and binge out at least once a week usually hitting 2,5k calories.

>> No.7796461

sometimes I eat 3000 calories, like yesterday, but then again yesterday I did over 15 miles.

>> No.7796466
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Are you female?

Are you sedentary?

Are you just a skeleton?

>> No.7796468

is chris-chan in that move>

>> No.7796472

Serious question.
How do you fit in the time to do a significant amount of exercise when you work a full time job + commute time?

>> No.7796478
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if you sit around 2200, you'd weight a lot less than 290 pounds. SOmething is not adding up here in this post, mang.

>> No.7796480

I don't count them but my estimate is about 1400-1600 a day

>> No.7796481
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Not OP, but I can answer.

I walk home from work, so I"m forced to get me exercise in.

>> No.7796490

Ahh, I think a 15 mile walk would take too long.
I refuse to cycle on principle (fucking hate cyclists) and I dont want to buy, and store a bike in my tiny apartment.

>> No.7796496

I eat under 1800 a day.

>> No.7796498

hmm, well then that's tough

>> No.7796499
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is this too much for one day

>> No.7796509 [DELETED] 

Same here except bike, I squeeze in about 1200 calories a day by commuting by bike

It ends up being a little more expensive than cagers might expect. Figure around $4k a year on bike related spending for a moderate scenario (nothing extravagant, no cutting edge tech that just came out this year, but not skimping on maintenance or quality). That doesn't include the extra loads of laundry and the gym membership to shower when I get to work, or the increased cost of 1200 calories a day, keeping in mind I only eat wholesome, high quality food. But it beats being stuck in a metal box, and the moral superiority is priceless

>> No.7796523

According to Google, one serving is 3 pieces and 270 calories, there's 11 servings in the bag. Using basic math, we can figure out that the entire bag is 2,970 calories. Unless you're like a bodybuilder, that is way too many calories in one day.

>> No.7796531

Re-read the post. Once a week I can easily break 5k which undoes all the loss I had over the past days. I only eat 2200 maybe 70% of the time, the other 30% I gorge myself on terrible foods like moms homemade 'go 'za.

>> No.7796536

Trying to lose weight so I eat 2k or less calories a day and always try to burn at least 700 calories a day, but there are days where I lose 1k calories day
So far I've lost 8 pounds in 4 weeks, which is okay but I know I can do better

Still not sure if I'm doing this right but there seems to be progress!

>> No.7796540

That's good! May I ask how tall you are and what your current weight is? 2k seems like a lot to me but I'm tiny :)

>> No.7796542

I have Moe's nearby my place anon, homewreckers are hella calories I've never been able to finish one at once. Two is goddamn impressive

>> No.7796545

>200 lbs

Jesus Christ, you're a fat little toad!

Haven't gone over 1700 cals/day in a year, down just over 130 lbs. Feels good to have difficulty finding clothes again for the right reasons.

>> No.7796549

what was your 700-800 calories daily plan anon?

>> No.7796553

Not that anon but I used to only eat 800 cals a day (most times less) and I always skipped breakfast and snacks, but had one big lunch/dinner. Usually a big salad with some protein and fruits, sometimes with a glass of milk. It's surprisingly easy to eat like that.

>> No.7796554

>Fat and strong

I used to delude myself with this when I hovered around 250, now I'm 160 and stronger than I've ever been. Velocity isn't strength.

>> No.7796556

I don't count but I weigh about 160lbs and have consistently weighed 160lbs for the past 6 years. I don't exercise at all, and I eat basically whatever the fuck I want, whenever I feel hungry -- but this comes with a warning to people who cry about

>m-muh metabolism

I don't like the taste of sugar or salt, and so I rarely if ever want to eat foods high in sugar or salt. When my body craves vegetables I give it vegetables. When my body craves meat I give it meat. When my body craves bread I give it bread. In return my body does not crave more than it needs and does not grow fat. That is the agreement we have.

>> No.7796561

Thanks! I'm 5 foot 4 inches, current weight is 217. My goal is to be under 200 lbs by the end of the summer. My overall goal is to be under 150 lbs at some point, but baby steps I found work better for me so it might take a bit longer haha

I imagine 2k for someone who is in a good weight range would be a lot yea

>> No.7796567

Depends on what you want to weigh. I'd say go for it. That's a lot of protein. Just cook them in the morning and have 2lbs for every meal. Grab some celery, broccoli and cauliflower and you got a pretty good balanced day.

>> No.7796572

That's because you're a baby bitch. I'd rather squat 5 plates and be fat than squat 5 plates and be ripped because if im fat I can go home and eat 2kg of hot wings rather than 1 chicken breast some rice and some broccoli

>> No.7796579 [DELETED] 
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Translation: I'm a lazy hamplanet and I know nothing about nutrition or training

You've never broken a sweat in your life, have you

>> No.7796585

>most indian dishes are cooked in ghee
lmao, yeah if you mean indian food marketed for fatass westerners.

>> No.7796593


If you're really that fucked on time, look into getting a standing desk with a treadmill so you can exercise while you shitpost.

Buying a used treadmill and some wood blocks to raise your current desk is also pretty easy and much cheaper than buying one of the premade treadmill desks.

>> No.7796596 [DELETED] 

>le all people from country X are le same maymay
I knew a lot of indians growing up, some families use a ton of ghee, some barely use it at all

The ghee families did seem to be hamplanets, but that could be because they were also the families where every meal there'd be a huge ass pile of buttered nan or paratha or roti or whatever, and they grubby fat kids would just heap those up and inhale them throughout the meal

>> No.7797411

that's chubby/fat, but not huge

>> No.7797417

>Six inches

Relative to height that man is a solar system.

>> No.7797419

>ITT: the delusional rantings of a fat fuck

Okay son

>> No.7797428

I usually only eat 2 meals, and both are usually around 800-900 calories

I'm at like 150 (5'10) now, used to be 135 in hs
I think it's been positive since I don't want to be a skeleton but I'm starting to be skinnyfat

usually eat pasta and sauce for it, or pancakes. Sometimes pizzas. Eggs. Stuff with milk. I have a pretty simple diet, full of starches

been trying to buy healthier stuff though on a rather small budget

>> No.7797431

you tell me

ive had

2 mackerel fillets
1 tuna salad
some olives
some fruit
a bag of bbq doritos

>> No.7797435

you aren't going to eat 1700cal/day forever, though

>> No.7797450

1300 a day max

4000 a day min

>> No.7797493

Yeah, once I hit my bf% goals, I'm going to taper back up to 2000 to 2200 per day.

>> No.7797504

sounds good. I'm on 2500 a day

>> No.7797515

I don't count calories. I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a small, junk-food laden lunch at work, and then binge on anything and everything from dinnertime until I go to bed.

Guess how much I weigh, I'm a 5'10" manlet

>> No.7797516

About 200. Not fun.
>live in first world country
>eat like ethiopian

Two days ago: nothing
Yesterday: a packet of ramen
Today: nothing

Just take note of how lucky you are.

>> No.7797528

>Be poor
>Buy expensive processed junk
Every time

>> No.7797530

20 cents is expensive?

>> No.7797541


>> No.7797546

>I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast,
cereal is like the worst food ever invented.

>> No.7797548

hiehgt and weight?

>> No.7797559


Nope. You're 35 pounds off.

>> No.7797564

There is no way a packet of Ramen is 200 calories. Usually they are ~500.

>> No.7797566
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if you do indeed live in a first world country your government has set in place provisions for you to be able to eat

there are food stamps, food kitchens, homeless shelters everywhere. You need to be proactive and get yourself in contact with them. Just being in need is enough. Also churches will connect you to places to help with this if they don't do food giveaways already.

You should also explain your situation to the churches and they will be able to help even just charitably. I know the pastor of my church would take you in his own house for a month if you had need of it. I would take someone in my own house for a month if they had need of it.

>> No.7797583

i'm a recovering fatass still trying to lose more weight but at 160 pounds i end up binge eating once a month and gain 15 pounds.

>> No.7797598

5'8 and 130ish lbs

first meal yesterday was pretty late ~2.30pm
a plate of lebanese chicken with rice and lentils, fattoush salad, hummus and pita bread.

Then ate a bowl of biryani at around 9pm, and a cereal bar at around 3 am.

started drinking beers at like 5pm so that probably counted for most calories.

>> No.7797599

Booze is my problem too. If I'm not drunk/hungover, I'll eat around 1500-1700 probably and be active every day. If I'm drinking, probably easily 4,000+ a day. My tolerance is stupid high latley. Hangover days, 2,500-4,000 depending on how lazy I am and how I feel. Only have drank once in the last 8 days though. I feel fucking amazing. Eating right, way more active, cooking a lot more and cooking really healthy. God damn I love booze though. Might go out and watch game 7 somewhere since I have no TV.

If I can cut 20-30 pounds I'll be pretty damn happy. Luckily I'm still strong and have quite a bit of muscle, so once the fat burns off I'll be in a good spot I think. Then I just have to maintain. Go /out/, it helps everything.

>> No.7797602

That's intense. I've got some weird behavior with food, maybe nothing clinical. I think I might just lack self-control. It comes in bouts though like you described. Don't think I've ever gained weight like that from it though. You ever talk to anybody about this sort of thing?

>> No.7797610

5'10" 135 est.

Guys I just found a whole carton of eggs I bought a couple days ago. I get to eat now.

>> No.7797614

Seeing an internist to find out if the raving hunger is hormonal or just me stuck with a very bad mindset.

>> No.7797619

Well I hope you find some answers man. Good that it sounds like you're on the right path though.

>> No.7797627

2-2.5k at an average. 6" and stuck at 250. Tried to work out and my weight still stays the same. Been chubby my whole life so I honestly don't care. Get to eat what I want when I want. The only thing hurting me is college life making me eat fast food or frozen tv dinners a lot more since I hate eating from a tupperware.

>> No.7797630
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You tell me, I'm not sure how many calories I'm eating.

1 whole avocado and arugula(lots) on whole grain bread sandwich.
1 1/2 cup steel cut OATZ with an apple and a banana stirred in with 2tsp preserves.

A baked butternut squash with about 2tsp butter spread on it with tasty paprika seasoning

A fuck off huge mixed green salad with tahini dressing and half a can of red beans, bell peppers, and mushrooms.

2-6oz of unroasted almonds.

*Interchangeable with either lunch or dinner*
A large-ish bowl of bean, mushroom, onion and dill soup

I miss pic related sometimes.

>> No.7797637
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>Are you breaking 3000 calories

Over two days, I've consumed the following:
>5 bratwurst
>3 large russet potatoes + bacon grease + butter + cream (mashed potatoes)
>4 ears of corn, roasted in butter
>1/2lb of smoked sausage
>one onion
>1 lb of broccoli
>1/2 lb of borracho bean
>12 Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA

Not how many calories that is, but it's probably a lot more than 2k.

I'm not even fat.

>> No.7797671

Yeah would be nice but even if I don't it's still better than weighing 400 pounds.

>> No.7797690

>tfw you're 6'2 200lb that lifts and does cardio
>can eat around 3k calories a day without worrying about weight gain
>tfw you eat 4 meals a day, each one equivalent to the lunch of an average man

If you like to eat, you should lift and exercise.

>> No.7797693

I'm 5'11 148lbs.
I eat 2 or 3 meals a day but I have no doubt most of my calories come from liquor.

>> No.7797881
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roughly how many kcal has a meal like this?

>> No.7797896

Tree fiddy

>> No.7797902

Around 1200

>> No.7797908

really? thats not as much as i thought. thanks

>> No.7797909

Don't listen to him. It's over 9000.

>> No.7797930

I'd actually say that's too high
given, the photo doesn't really have a frame of reference, but it looks like 700-900

>> No.7797933

meant for >>7797902

>> No.7798026
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I am anorexic.
My daily food intake is thusly

1 200g bag of Chili Heatwave Doritos, 1000 calories
Then I make myself vomit and go for a 10 mile bike ride

Then I come home and eat 1 avocado and 2 eggs.

Sometimes I eat the cheese doritos instead but usually I get even more disgusted with myself and ride my bike 20 miles to a large supermarket and punch bags of grated cheese for a further workout then ride home and skip the eggs,

I feel unhealthy

>> No.7798048

>and punch bags of grated cheese for a further workout

>> No.7798051

I easily break 4000cal a day. I'm completely out of control. I currently weigh 327, which is my highest ever.

>> No.7798068

327 pounds, that is.

>> No.7798076

How is your bike even alive?

>> No.7798102

I probably eat about 4k a day.

>> No.7798188

Is this a pasta? If not, sorry for seeming insensitive. Thusly isn't a world Alton.

>> No.7798295

1200-1600 is retarded. maybe instead of going full auschwitz mode diet you find your actual tdee and aim for that

>> No.7798299

once a week wouldn't do that. you're just shit at counting what you ACTUALLY eat. otherwise you wouldn't be 290 lbs

>> No.7798347

wtf guy You're gonna die no joke. I got diabetes and ballooned up to 343 from about 200 from much less food eaten each day than that. Now im down to 252 and no beetus to be seen but man, cut back dude you don;t wanna die a fat fuck

>> No.7798384

This. I work at a cemetery, those oversized caskets are no joke, and people will hate you for needing to be stuffed into one.

>> No.7798388

I live off two protein shakes (30g) and a small lunch, work out every day and work like a horse, yet I'm still skinnyfat. I must be secretly tapping into some fucking fat dimension.

>> No.7798422

My fat has been catching up with me. I have been blessed by skinny Buddha but must have forsaken him. I can see my belly, boobs, and love handles coming in

>> No.7798516

You feel bad about those doritos don't you anon?

I am cutting at 252 at about 1400 cals a day, sometimes I do more sometimes I do less, I'm a recovering fatass so sometimes the healthy eating gets boring so I'll get a burger or a bag of chips for a meal. I never go too much over my cut amount of 1400 but I still usually have to fast some the next day

>> No.7798520

Sounds like a typical case of caloric underestimation.

You're big because you eat more than you use.

>> No.7798531

Pretty relaxed with what I eat rn.

I typically fluctuate between 2200-2800 and 1200-1700. I keep tabs on my weight, and if it starts to climb I enforce restriction a bit more for a while. When it dips down I relax.

Works fairly well, as I never get burned out on bulk/cut cycle and I feel free to eat things I want.

5'10 130lb 8% bf with fairly minimal exercise (should really step that up) for reference.

>> No.7798852

Probably an average of 400 calories a day. Didn't even eat today

>> No.7798861

Actually I'm drinking whiskey and pink lemonade right now so that's some calories. I'm 6'1 so I need to eat better. I'll probably make something tonight

>> No.7798878

If I don't eat at all for a day or more and I drink whiskey it fucking slays me. You do this often? How do you manage it?

>> No.7798912

I have my goal set to 2500 a day, most days I go over slightly. My TDEE is 3600.

>> No.7798914
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>tfw too busy and too poor to afford food and 5 days out of the week only eat about 800 calories a day and filling your stomach with water.

I've lost 60lbs since February and now none of my clothes fit me.

>> No.7798918

Maybe 1700-2k

No joke

>> No.7798926

>tfw have gained 7lbs in two weeks since I went on antipsychotics

This sucks. I never used to worry about my weight. JUST fuck my shit up

>> No.7798932

I don't actually want to figure this out. It'd just depress me

>> No.7798944

That's pretty rad. How much water would you say you're drinking daily?

Why would anybody have thought it to be a joke? Isn't that pretty average caloric intake?

>> No.7798947

I get about 2500 but my diet is supposed to be anywhere from 3-4k.

The joys of having a fucked digestive tract

>> No.7798949

Caring about food long enough to eat a meal is a struggle sometimes. I Might be under 2k

>> No.7798970
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Fuck man. This is why cooking as a hobby sucks, you can't practice it or you'll get fat.

Unfortunately, I've practiced plenty.

>> No.7799306

to combat this I just double the calories of the fast food i eat in my fitness pal

>> No.7799310
File: 596 KB, 863x481, amerifats4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 24 6'2 and 240
>ever my gram gram is telling me I dont want to get too fat
>tfw cheap ass gym offering $7 a month and $7 to sign up

>> No.7799375

At that point, I was still in high school and it was during the summer and both my parents worked and expected me to make my own food or drive and get it. Instead I didn't eat anything and only ate dinner that they made. On top of that, I'd also run like 2 miles a day, so I pretty much burned like half a pound of fat a day, and that's on top of the absurd amount of water weight I was losing.

Literally just eat 1 meal a day, doesn't even have to be super healthy, and if you get hungry, what I did was just chew gum or drink water as both of these will temporarily make your body feel as if you've eaten. Another tip is to brush your teeth and use mouth wash as having a clean mouth might prevent you from eating.

>> No.7799378

I didn't actually develop an eating disorder, hence why it was pretty easy for me to get back on track eating normally after losing all that weight. I said "pretty much anorexic" because my diet mimicked that of someone with an eating disorder.

>> No.7799433

That shit fucked me up. When none of the typical antidepressants didn't work, they tried mixing in antipsychotics too and that plus a 4 month hospital stay ended up causing me to gain 60lbs in 4 months even with swimming laps every day for an hour.

>> No.7799438

Why would you keep taking them if they were making you gain weight?

>> No.7799440

>why would you keep taking antidepressants if they make you gain weight?

im gonna go on a limb here and guess because anon has depression

>> No.7799447

Not even kidding, go to the gym five days a week, have a personal trainer, work with a dietician and my direct pcp, and am on a strict 1400 calorie diet, and I have gained 14 pounds in the last two months, currently putting me at 320 pounds.

No cheat days, and I do not break meal plans, nor do I ever eat fast food.

Thyroid and hormones are fine, and I'm apparently not even close to being a diabetic, something wrong with me /ck/

>> No.7799476

my right arm feels funny all the time

>> No.7799586

Yeah fuck that shit I gained 30kg over two months after getting prescribed risperdal and benzos.

>> No.7799716

Bulk coming to an end after 6 months of 3000+kcal a day, went from 80kg to 90kg at 16% body fat. Going to do a slow cut for maximum strenght gains at 2600 or less kcal per day until i'm around 10% bodyfat then bulk again.

>> No.7799718


1400 seems too low for someone at 320 pounds.

Try 1800-2000.

>> No.7799743

quit stoking your member all fucking day then.

>> No.7799744

1400-1500 every day no cheating.
down 170 lb's in about 10 months.

>> No.7799767

So go fuck yourself.

>implying you know how to estimate, you fucking idiot

>> No.7799777

You can, though. Stop making up pathetic excuses to be a balloon.

>> No.7799797

Are you weighing your food? Most people are incredibly bad at estimating correct portion sizes.

>> No.7799811

It is for what you get if you just saved you could spend a few quid on kilos and kilos of noodles

>> No.7799815

I've cut down recently I just eat enough so I'm mildly hungry all the time then sip some water
Still eat a good big meal everyday and some lighter dishes the rest of the time

>> No.7799832

800 as I'm a ex fat who relapsed

>> No.7799848

Nah but definitely 2k. As a woman, this keeps me fat.

>> No.7799865

About 5000 calories a day.

>> No.7799882

>Tried to work out and my weight still stays the same
For you to actually lose weight you gotta cut down on the food too.
Excersise + no diet can lead to only maintaining your weight
However Diet + No exercise and you can still lose weight (Very slowly)

>> No.7799932

I am right now losing weight like crazy. I learned that the fastest way to lose weight is to just cut carbs. It's like fucking magic. I also use a app where I write down how much I eat everyday. This helps me to not overdo it

>> No.7799943

1 cup raisin bran
half cup whole milk
a prune
23g of almonds
100g of kimchi

is my breakfast about 450 calories

>> No.7799957

I generally eat around 1800 a day, but I'm on a cut.

You fat sack of shit.

>> No.7800105

Sometimes I hit 1.8k since my friends invite me out to eat. Usually I aim for around 1k or less. It isn't hard since I forget to eat and end up usually eating only one meal a day.

>> No.7800118

Nigga I take adderall, I can't even touch 2000 calories in a day

>> No.7800126

I dunno probably around 4000. Drink too much beer

>> No.7800224

2000 is my limit but I rarely get there. Usually sit between 1500-1800. Still cutting season for me, down to 172 from 195 around Christmas.

>> No.7800321

Not that anon, but I don't have a choice. I'm schizophrenic. The difference between being on and off my meds is night and day for me. I try and exercise, I eat very little, but I've gained 7lbs already

Still, with the antipsychotics, I can go to college (in my junior year!) And even have relationships. I'm kinda stuck, but it's so much better not being convinced people are stalking me or the TV is convincing me that everything I do is poison.

>> No.7800331

It depends for me. If i'm cooking, then i barely get to the 2k calorie mark. But if it is one of those weeks that i don't have time for anything, it be atleast 3k or almost nothing.

I used to be fat, but now i'm just normal.

>> No.7800482

1 boiled egg and 8 beers since Sunday my wife left me and I have no appetite

>> No.7800760

2800 average which is maintaining around 10 kg overweight

What's the most you've eaten in one day anons? Just above 7000 kcal for me

>> No.7800836
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>nah, didn't push 2k
>nah, didn't push 2k
>nah, didn't push 2k

nigga, you had children's cereal, take-out, and a mega-salt bomb dinner, your ass is at at least at 2700, and lets not pretend you're not eating anything else today.

>> No.7800869
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4,500 yesterday nigga and I'm at 3,800 so far for today

>> No.7801064


Why did she leave you?

>> No.7801065

sometimes I hit 1k, usually veggie burgers, fish, fruit, salads

>> No.7801096

Usually ~3k but I started dieting a few days ago going 1500-1800. I'm actually really hungry right now not sure why I'm browsing /ck/

>> No.7801111

Probably only eat 1200 or less calories a day, which is apparently very low for my weight. I'm a 197lb guy at 5"11'. Always read that I should "be a skeleton" at that amount of calories, but that isn't true at all for me. Seems to be just the right amount of food it keep me just slightly heavier than my IBM which is 180lb.

>> No.7801134

1565 cut between traveling to and from work, gym and exercising when I can I'm pretty hungry.
4 egg omelette with a can of tuna in morning with coffee and squash.

Chicken ready meal plus can of beans/peas or discounted food when I get home.

78 kg
Was 110kg
Let this nightmare never end.

>> No.7801179

Since yesterday I've had 1 bowl of stirfry which included about half a chicken breast, cabbage, and broccoli. Then I had two scrambled eggs with two slices of cheddar cheese, like three big chewy quaker chocolate granola bars, chocolate milk, and i think I remember eating a small bag of chocolate covered cornflakes. I was high for the cornflakes and the chocolate granola bars, so I don't really remember when exactly I ate them, but I'm pretty sure they were last night. I'm probably going to go out right now and get myself a burrito from Willy's too. I only weigh like 110lbs and I'm 5'10, should I be eating more?

>> No.7801182

Fatfuck reporting in. 5'8 160. I drink about 4-5 Monsters/Rockstars a day, along with usually a fast food dinner. Although I'm within the healthy BMI I look fat as shit and have man tits without my shirt on. Skinnyfat I guess?

>> No.7801208

I once hit up 5 different food places on the way home from seeing a movie.
Chinese buffet must come close too.

>> No.7801219

Shitpost less. Ride my bike to work. Weekend activities. Who can't spare 30 min for a run before or after work a couple times a week? Take the stairs whenever possible. Friends with people that like to do stuff outside. Ride my bike on a trainer in front of the tv in winter. Push-up & sit-ups after I wake up, before I shower & eat.

Not having time is just an excuse because you're too lazy to make time & actually go do it.

>> No.7801301

Working on losing weight now, so I aim for 1500. Eat quite a bit less some days, though. Only ate about 800 so far today, and I probably won't eat any more.

Had a nice bowl of my delicious chili, made with extra-lean beef, lots of beans (shut the fuck up, I know. It adds bulk and fibre to increase satiety without a lot of calories), 12 kinds of chilis, lots of veggies. Amazingly tasty, not a ton of calories, fills you right up. Can't go wrong.

Lost about 20 pounds in the last couple months so far, and I'm not hungry or feeling deprived. I could keep doing this forever no problem.

>> No.7801311

You know one cup of rice before cooking has more than the 700 you claim to be eating alone, right?

>> No.7801317

I usually aim for 1200 calories or less a day.

>> No.7801340

Probably a few years back when I went to the carnival with my ex.

We had mini donuts, fudge, deep fried Oreos, a deep fried, bacon wrapped mars bar, ice cream, plus ribfest was there so we had a bunch of ribs, pulled pork, chicken, mashed potatoes, beans, plus a couple of frozen daiquiris.

Dunno how many calories it was, but it was a lot. Had to have been close to 10k.

>> No.7801430

Pro tip the best way to stave off hunger pangs is to drink loads of water and coffee.

>> No.7801434

She's a woman?

>> No.7801448

Former fat, usually eat about 1500 a day max

Been working out and I want to get big, how the fuck do I get more calories without eating fat people food? Drink more milk or some shit?

>> No.7801459

That's a big fucking computer man. Have you told /g/ about it?

>> No.7801487


She was a a manic depressive who couldn't handle the fact I had a better job she turned to ketamine I said its me or ket she left and got pregnant with some immigrant, the feels

>> No.7801492


>> No.7802066

Well that's fucked up. Sorry about your feels, but Jesus, you're so much better off.

>> No.7802155

>come in expecting screenshots of myfitnesspal with exact macro counts
>Remember I'm in /ck/

Lmao at all the 200+ fatties who think they're eating less than 2k per day.

And no, you're not a powerlifter.

>But muh stronglifts 5x5 and 4pl8 squat

You're fat, bro. It's like having huge breasts as a femanon, shit doesn't count if you're massively overweight.

I want to see pictures of all you.

>> No.7802166

I bet you unironically say bro irl.

>> No.7802416

Breaking 4k if you include my beer intake otherwise i eat about 1500

>> No.7802428

well milk is just fattening in general regardless of calories, remember it is baby formula and if you drink it daily it wont help, plus it raises estrogen so that could explain your gyno

>> No.7802451

:( come here and let me make you my hearty lentil potato soup!! i will even make rolls to go on the side

>> No.7802473

6'1 170lbs

I don't break 2k unless I eat out.

>> No.7802479

I eat a lot but I ride my bike a lot too, burn like 1,5kcal every ride

>> No.7802483

I've never bothered to count calories. Sounds really annoying.

Do you dirty measuring cups and spoons every meal, or just eyeball it?

>> No.7802494

Count methodically for a month or so, then just start eyeballing it. I keep my diet pretty basic for the most part, so it's easy.

>> No.7802519

I had 2 eggs today but had to feed the porch cat 2 eggs also. I can make it to July probably.

4 Tortillas
8 eggs
4 packets of ramen
2 cans of carrots
Pancake mix (my pans stick and ruin them, I can't make this powdery shit work)

That's it though. I would love to actually be able to not be in diabetic shock 15 hours a day.
Do not choose neet life. I did not have a choice, but I am going to die from it.

$8.50 A day I have for all life expenses.
I have not been able to get clothing or shoes in years. I look like a hobo.

I'll at least let you guys know when I am going to die. Doctors adamantly refused me a lupus diagnosis after observing every symptom of the disorder, so I give it 2 years and my organs fail inside me. Much longer if medical marijuana goes through, I might even see the age of 30. For now? Lay in bed writhing. All day. Every day.

Don't feel bad because that's the sooner you get a livestream of me dying on camera.

Note that people still die even while "enjoying" the communistic background system that is social security. Neet hate us gold because people don't realize what the word "sick" is.

>> No.7802531
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>> No.7802543
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what state do you live in anon?

>> No.7802554

The girls have no teeth and avidly drink mountain dew and rub Copenhagen wintergreen.
It's anyone's guess. Don't worry it will only take you three seconds.

>> No.7802557

you remind me of this one friend i made off tinder whos mom died

>> No.7802563

I'm guessing Tennessee or Kentucky?

>> No.7802580

My mom died in 2011 leaving me in a house mid purchase. Neighbors called the cops on me for burg thinking I broke into my house with a key from the front door on the main road.
Gun in face. Not wanting to discuss.

I don't use any form of social media so it wasn't me.
TY/KY are close guesses but it's WV. Tri state, PA/OH area.

>> No.7802607

Let's see...
a bowl of some kashi bullshit cereal and milk, 450 calories maybe?
tea with a squirt of honey, 20 calories
5 pork chops (yes, seriously) 1000 calories
a couple of scoops of a mango salsa on the chops 50 calories
small bowl of shells and cheese 300 calories
a goddamn girl scout cookie candy bar 190 calories
smores klondike bar 260 calories

Sitting at 2270 right now. Once I eat that last klondike bar in the next couple of days and control myself enough to not eat those delicious girl scout cookie bars, I might be on a deficit. Drinking tea helps me keep my appetite down.

>> No.7802620

>shells and cheese
You must not say these types of things in front of me, the lust for Velveeta can not be quenched.

>> No.7802626

why not sell the house? is it unsaleable?

>> No.7802628
File: 34 KB, 250x345, MacCheese_WholeWheat_OrganicShellCheddar_FR___.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to disappoint, but it was this kind of organic bullshit. I'm shamefully a big fan of dry packet mac and cheese, but this stuff had relatively no flavor. Added some shredded parm and it was tolerable. Spoiler: I hate velveeta

>> No.7802650

Bank reclaimed. I moved somewhere nearby, had more problems, got my own house through father, someone smoked synthetic weed in it, gassed me out, gave me lifelong seizures, and got my house raided and quarantined last year. Was a sibling, and it was his house too.

I mean you can't have a life as bad as this unless you're reading fiction.

Now I hobo/church dependant but too sick to move on with life, no one wants to take the extra step to help me with doctor visits.

>> No.7802672

It is way too salty. I use less cheese/leave a tiny bit of water in it.
I've had that stuff before, it's shit.
The only reason to go Velveeta = The more you pay, the fewer synthetic wheat additives you have to eat. All of the """"VITAMINS"""" cause me extreme physical and mental anguish, probably an allergy but I can't afford to eat 100% non-fda poisoned food.
If they were essential, they wouldn't be in every single thing we eat, while other countries ban their use. It's obviously a conspiracy to kill people but there are like 3 people on earth that even talk about it, I am one.

>> No.7802725

hmm today

4 pieces of toast for breakfast, with butter (600)
Apple (80)
Granola Bar (170)
Yogurt and Oats with blueberries (250)
2 Buns (300)
Roast Veggies, Carrots and Zuichini (150)
1 cup Brown Rice (200)
Pork Chop (big, 8 oz, gotta get dat brotien) (300)

1850, and I did biceps and chest at the gym. But This past weekend was bad, and I am a working on it chub/fatty.

>> No.7802766
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pretty depressing malnourished-chan. i was born with an adrenal gland disorder that gave me seizures as a kid. did you at least punch your brother?

>> No.7802778

>Be honest /ck/, how much are ya eating in a day? We all know you're breaking 2k. Are you breaking 3000 calories friends?
3000? haha more like 5-6k

>> No.7802788

Just left. He probably got arrested anyways. Cops warned me about the warrant by some stroke of luck. I gave away my weed and walked about 300 miles in the next week, went across the country, found out I'm severely allergic to palm trees, have 800 seizures, fucktexas.jpg, and bussed back to an old area I lived in where the church has housed me 8 months.
Going to pass out, see you later.

>> No.7802801


>> No.7802812

I eat a ~3000 calorie meal every 36-48 hours, with rare snacking in between.

I think I'm doing alright.

>> No.7803049

Good luck, my boy.

>> No.7803056

>We all know you're breaking 2k.
Why the fuck wouldn't I? I need around 2,6k to maintain my weight and my BMI is right in the middle of the "normal weight" part.

>> No.7803059

~1500 per day. Been maintaining for about a year. Should probably drop down to 1100 and lose about 30 lbs.

>> No.7803067

poorfag here, i average less than 1.5k regularly. 1 meal a day and 1 cereal bar, no drink except water.

i balance it out be being so slothful that i loss very little weight

>> No.7803077

i barely make 1k a day, if that.
>Skip breakfast
>Often skip lunch, if i don't, its ramen or a sandwich. 200 kCal max.
>big and often only meal is water or milk and a meat based entree, total value not exceeding 700 kcal. It usually remains around 500.
I wake up every day with no energy and go to sleep without energy. I look like a skeleton and have no motivation to change.
5'8", 110 pounds, male. Living the dream.

>> No.7803099

Doing about 450-500ish a day

>> No.7803151

>weetbix breakfast loaded with sugar
>toasted sandwhich for morning smoko
>3 sandwiches for lunch
>maccas for afternoon smoko
>whatever for dinner
>pie and ice cream, or somthing really sweet for desert
>peanut butter sandwhiches x2 or 4 slices of toast with peanut butter for late night food
>always munching on nuts and biscuits and lollies

>still lanklet though

>> No.7803647

About 1700-1800, gotta loose those pounds, doing this for about 20-30 weeks to loose about 24 pounds to be at my perfect healthy weight

>> No.7805688

3500 tryin 2 cut

>> No.7805699

who else /bigguy/ here

>> No.7805705


Yogurt and Oats with blueberries (250)
Coffee w/ cream (50)
Coffee black x 2
Granola Bar (170)
Apple (80)
Sandwich [mayo, 3 slices turkey bacon, cucumber] (350)
Sandwich [mayo, cheese, 4 oz pork] (500)

Total 1400 and did leg day, so I will probably have a snack later.

>> No.7805716
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>Ramen 200kcal
kek, double that (plus depending on the brand)

Also, go to the grocery and buy a tub of peanut butter and don't come back until you have eaten the whole thing.

pic related, nigga u need to spend time with ur grandma

>> No.7805718

>Keeping track of what you've been eating

>> No.7805730
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>> No.7805750

>not not
I bet you shop at Whole Foods

>> No.7805773

Been eating 1200 or less for about two weeks. Losing weight, kinda grumpy, shits are comfortable at least.

>> No.7805793
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my last 7 days of eating , pretty high in some places i shouldn't of got that high

>> No.7805799

I eat more than anyone I know. People comment on it. Because I'm 30 years old and too skinny, yet eat huge meals. I guess I like it, I mean the jealousy somehow grants some feeling of it being a positive thing. And people keep saying "I remember when I could eat like that! But if I did that now I'd (insert weight gain comments)". And I'm always there thinking "yeah? when was that?", because nothing is changing. I understand I look 22 years old, but I'm not, so when exactly is this big change supposed to happen where I start gaining weight? I've seen other skinny "old" guys, and I'm pretty sure I'm just stuck as one of them.

>> No.7805861

nigga im not even in the US

>> No.7805977

maybe around 1800? I have a bad soda habit I'm trying to kick. I dont get how folks can eat a fuck ton of food. I get tired of eating quickly. I find it hard to hit 2k a day cause I dont like to snack really

>> No.7805981
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You are literally a cancer. You aren't a fucking powerlifter your just a fat fuck that probably can't even bench bodyweight. Fuck you. People like you are the reason nobody takes powerlifting seriously.

>> No.7805982

I don't eat more than 2k.

>> No.7805989

People just have no self control and snack and gorge themselves on everything.

They also eat a bunch of greasy fatty foods which isn't good.

>> No.7806004

probably hit 1900 today, made a tuna melt for breakfast/lunch, had some celery, peanut butter and a couple carrots for a snack, then 3 small pieces of thin crust Greek pizza for dinner

>> No.7806027

like ~1000...i just can't eat very much. i'm not even sure if i've ever reached 2k in a day.

>> No.7806048

digital scale

>> No.7806252

Well I just came from the Alki thread I had three quesadillas today with some Mexican cheese on corn tortillas, so idk let me guess like 600 to 700 calories so far for a 24h span, being a drunk helps cut weight.

>> No.7806302

What's ur height? Treat urself to a yummy slice of pizza!!!

>> No.7806309

Alcohol has a shit load of calories in it m8

>> No.7806314

Not when you drunk vodka or gin. Fuck you senpai BTW I'm at a bar right now so I'm beligerant

>> No.7806428

You don't drink a lot if alcohol isn't a factor in your weight problems, regardless of the medium. A shot of clear liquor has ~100 calories, 16 of those plus your meal for the day and suddenly you're over your set calorie limit. While still hungry too

>> No.7806526


holy shit, shots of liqour are 100 calories?

>> No.7806813

This. As a legit drinker... this.

Most say 85-100 cal. Vodka i guess is the "low" one. it's negligible thought. but yea, 1.5 oz. of liquor is 85-110 cals depending on what your drinking. If you're an experienced drinker, that shit racks up freakishly quickly

>> No.7807088

As much as I've appetite for.

>> No.7807106

Dieting on 1600cal max a day for the last 3 weeks
Lost 5 kilo so far

started at the upper end of normal weight and I'm planning to get to the lower end sooner or later

>> No.7807142
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Cut is going well. Started around 15%bf so I don't have a ton to lose. Would like to get down to 165 but have a SF/Sonoma trip coming up in 3 weeks

>> No.7807344

You have a tapeworm?

>> No.7807364

About 1k a day because I'm fatass. Hard to lose weight while I'm not exercising though. 14 hour days don't make exercise easy. Can't wait to go back to school and have time to lift and bike.

>> No.7807512

Sure you fucking fag but let me just add I've vern drink NH for a month or more and I am cutting weight all my close fit and I'm slimming nigga fuck everyone idk how I'm doing it but I'm losing weight

>> No.7807514

Call 911, I think you just had a seizure.

>> No.7807721

I'm at the coffee shop really yeah I spazzed !!!!!!

>> No.7808480

Having a tapeworm doesn't come with the solitary symptom of simply being skinny, jackass

>> No.7808496

Probably 1500 calories. I snack throughout the day and have a large dinner. 5'8" ~120 lbs male. I'm more concerned that I'm not eating enough vegetables than about my daily calories.

>> No.7808515

I'm finally working on my weight after a few half-baked health scares. Essentially I'm cutting out crap and soda before diabeetus gets me

>> No.7808713

You need calories and protein to build muscle, you nerd.

>> No.7808734

144-300 calories for breakfast (100g Greek yogurt, Soyjoy)

500-600 calories at lunch (kitsune soba, salad, 60g of fried chicken)

Around 600kcal at dinner (300g chicken breast, salad, more vegetables)

Sometimes I eat rice or potatoes, or change up and cook something nice.

This is my fallback for notimegottaeatfucklife.

168 Cm, 87.5 Kg and falling

>> No.7808751

My TDEE should be around 2400, and I'm maintaining my weight right now, so probably about that much give or take a couple hundred calories for some sporadic exercise and/or a more/less efficient metabolism. Though for the latter the difference would likley be completley negligible, myself included.

>> No.7808766

less than 1k from food
maybe 300 from tea and stuff
and several hundred from vodka every other day

>> No.7808785

today i ate:

1 bacon whopper
1 bacon double cheeseburger
1 carbmaster yogurt
100g baby spinach

ran 50 mins 5 miles

>> No.7808832

I currently weigh a normal weight, but when I was fat a year ago I was probably easily breaking 3-4k a day. Could've been more with all the snacking I did.

>> No.7808904

Go to the gym after work, or wake up earlier and hit the gym before work. For the first two weeks it'll be rough, but once you get over that hurdle it'll feel like the natural thing to do. Oh and if you have a physically intensive job just lift a bit lighter.

>> No.7809126

I was struggling to eat 700-1200 calories a day. Of course I was drinking 1200 calories of booze a day.

Now that I'm sober, my appetite almost immediately picked up. I feel like I've eaten way too much today, but I'm only at 1200 or so right now. I might eat some meat and crackers or something before I go to bed though.

>> No.7809181

From what? that's pretty impressive.

>> No.7809190

Pound of pasta with ketchup, and half a bottle of cheap brandy.

>> No.7809205

900 cal per day

I'm on a ketosis diet