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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 874 KB, 2155x2810, dryer cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7794548 No.7794548 [Reply] [Original]

I saw on a fabric softener commercial that dryers get hot enough to cook ribs... and that got me to thinking...

Have you ever tried cooking anything in your dryer /ck/ say like a rack of ribs?

>> No.7794603

No, that's silly.

>> No.7794725

why don't you ruin a $800 dryer and find out?

>> No.7794769

When I make oven ribs I sometimes do a bouquet garni using scented dryer sheets. I've also cooked on my car engine while on road trips. Cooking in the dryer just seems stupid, though.

>> No.7794782
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They make these racks to dry shoes.

These are your orders: Buy one and make ribs with it. Report back here with results next Saturday at 19:55 sharp.

>> No.7794790
File: 1.97 MB, 224x199, 1466100474555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook ribs in dryer
>dryer smells like ribs forever
>clothes smell like ribs
>people think you own a rib restaurant
>always want tips on how to make good ribs
>you don't know how to make ribs
>the dryer ribs were terrible
>you're a fraud
>people figure out
>get ostracized from your community for pretending to be a rib master
>have to live in the dessert of australia for the rest of your life
>feeding off of droppings from any animal you can find
>drinking water from little puddles
>slowly dying
>slowly rotting away
>one day it all goes black
>and as you die you mutter to yourself, the last words you will ever speak
>slowly, patiently
>you die

don't do it op

>> No.7794793

>classic maxresdefault.jpg

>> No.7794800
File: 54 KB, 361x417, 1408458420055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7794806


>> No.7794834

Double kek

Since when is /ck/ such a hotspot of comedy?

>> No.7794840

Since summer.

>> No.7794864

Admit it you saw this and were curious if you could do it with other appliances...

>> No.7794967


your mommy is going to skip your tendies

>> No.7795039

That's actually pretty fuckin' ingenious

>> No.7795944

Probably could make some good scrambled eggs in there, just throw em in with the shells on and all and send em on a tumble.

Why would that ruin it? People put snickers in their dryers for Chris's sake and those things are lunky, I mean you wear em on your feet and they don't ruin dryers.

>> No.7795949

ITT retards

>> No.7795953

I wonder hoe long it would take to cook a Thanksgiving Turkey in a dryer and if the Turkey is sturdy enough to sustain the tumble?

It would be cool if you could throw the Turkey and seasonings and all in the dryer and after setting it to dry for I would guess maybe 5 times? Thanksgiving is ready.

>> No.7795957
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listen to this wise sage for the love of god

>> No.7795958

I've cooked fish in a dishwasher.

>> No.7795959

>When I make oven ribs I sometimes do a bouquet garni using scented dryer sheets.
Is that safe I mean, I don't think you'res supposed to eat dryer sheets and alot of people eat their garnishes. Although a gay man once told me dryer sheets make excellent bug repellent and he was right, was so much better than spraying on that smelly ass shit.

>I've also cooked on my car engine while on road trips.

And is that safe? Won't you get engine oil and bug guts all over your food?

>> No.7795964

Didn't it taste soapy?

>> No.7796616

I wonder if you can cook pasta in the dryer or washer?