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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 150 KB, 594x376, mcdonalds-drive-thru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7793812 No.7793812 [Reply] [Original]

So I had a hankering for some McDonalds and pulling into the lot, I saw one drive-thru lane had two cars in it and the other only had one minivan, (a clear warning sign I failed to recognize...) only to discover to my dismay, that it was a soccer mom and her brood of ADD-addled spawn.

>> No.7793816
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Sure enough, as I pulled in behind her I overheard some of her order, which went on for multiple volumes;

“Umm… and can I get a large Diet Coke.”
“Is that all?”
*hours of silence*
“Uhh… and can I get… a small fries.”
“Does that complete your order?”
“Does that complete your order?”
*hours of silence*
“Hurr… and can I get a Chicken McLugnuts.”
“How many piece order?”
*hours of silence*
“Durr… a 6-piece
“Any sauce wth that?”
*hours of silence*

Etc. ad infinitum.

>> No.7793818
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It must have gone on for a good hour at least, while I was sweating my ass off in my car waiting, until she _finally_ completed her bazillion item order.

Meanwhile, hundreds of cars had pulled in and place orders at the other drive-thru lane and went on their merry way, while I sat there literally being tortured in the 89* heat by this fat ass, (judging by her Sasquatch-sized arm…) who is too stupid to go into the fucking restaurant when making a huge ass order and instead, holds up everybody else in the drive-thru!

There should be a $10 maximum limit on drive-thru orders and if you need more food then that, get off your ass and go INTO THE RESTAURANT!

At least they made her pull forward to the dumbass spot while they no doubt spit on her food.

>> No.7793821

Nice blog m8 how do i share on fb?

>> No.7793826
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Thanks, feel free to repost on other forums if you'd like.

>> No.7793845

>There should be a $10 maximum limit on drive-thru orders and if you need more food then that, get off your ass and go INTO THE RESTAURANT!

I've been saying this for years, more or less. My thinking is it should be limited to two combos with drinks per vehicle. If you need to make a special request like "no onions" or "extra lettuce, please" then go inside and order.

Two people living alone without children is extremely common these days. They've got disposable income, and it doesn't always make the most sense to cook for two. Fast food should really be geared towards these kinds of consumers. For instance, I take home food to my wife and her boyfriend all the time. I can place my order, pay for my food, and drop it off at their house before it gets cold. It's very convenient.

>> No.7793850

Gonna guess that dude came from above that wall.

>> No.7793866
File: 11 KB, 177x229, 1449619822171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>america is so fat they need two drive through lanes just to fit all the tubby bastards that pull up

>> No.7793882

>If you need to make a special request like "no onions" or "extra lettuce, please" then go inside and order.

See, now there you fucked up. It takes a whole, what? Two seconds to say that? Customizing your order doesn't really take any time, and at most only takes them 30 seconds to punch a whole meal in.

>> No.7793891

Agree to disagree. They're not your personal chef. If you need to be a snowflake, then go inside. Your order should be as simple as "#1, coke, #4, dr. pepper".

>> No.7793917
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Fetching food for wife and her boyfriend...

>> No.7793927


>> No.7793929
File: 147 KB, 533x800, soccer mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can place my order, pay for my food, and drop it off at their house before it gets cold. It's very convenient.

Exactly! The entire raison d'être of drive-thrus are SPEED and CONVENIENCE, both of which are lost (to every other customer…) when some Hillary voting soccer mom is ordering for the entire Walton family clan!

>> No.7793949
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>> No.7793955

They could add another number, ya know.

>> No.7793961

Oh god, all the loads I've shot to her. No idea why I find her attractive, because she's not my type at all.

>> No.7793962

Ordering "no onions" makes you a special snowflake now? Get the fuck over yourself. Sometimes you gotta wait an extra thirty seconds. Deal with it.

>> No.7793966

>Sometimes you gotta wait an extra thirty seconds
Well then it's not fast food, now is it?

>> No.7795787
File: 50 KB, 400x295, nopieforme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, fast food is for instant gratification, amirite? Why didn't they serve nuggets when the customer wanted them? This is a major corporate scandal.

>> No.7796188

>There should be a $10 maximum limit on drive-thru orders and if you need more food then that, get off your ass and go INTO THE RESTAURANT!

and no special fucking orders... no individualized burgers for the nigspawn, no replacements, fuck the happy meal toys - your fat kid gets whatever is thrown in the bag. fuck you drive through.

>> No.7796324

I've had that same thought while waiting behind some car full of families. I'm just trying to get something quick on my lunch break and these retards take 15 minutes looking at the menu that hasn't changed in years to figure out what they want and all of it needs some custom change made to it.
And then when they finally do get their food they sit at the window for 5 more minutes checking to make sure everything is correct instead of just parking in the parking lot to check it.

>> No.7796344

>hasn't changed in ten years
Where the hell do you live where fast food menus don't change constantly? I don't eat out at fast food places often, but when I do, which is about three to four times each year, it's because I want to try some new menu item.

The rest of your post I can agree with.
While I don't normally get upset about waiting, being at a standstill in a car is, for some reason, incredibly irksome to all people, myself included. To avoid being so annoyed, I've decided to park the car and hobble my way into the place each future visit.

>> No.7796354

What about your wife's son?

>> No.7796389

The next car pulling up at the end like everything is normal.

>> No.7798414

>10$ minimum
>not a 1:30min maximum order time
I often eat more than 10$ because I work more than most people. I know exactly what I want.

>> No.7798433
File: 422 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20160619_203931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory RFID chips literally doubled all line lengths here.
Talk about a step backwards. It takes 45 seconds per card to swipe, they are easily trackable and if someone steals it they have all your money.
America really holds up to the "Americans are retarded" meme huh?

I wrap mine in foil to deter tracking/hacking. Someone in town has already begun pocket scanning 6 days after the change. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.7798445

can you post a clearer picture? I cant tell what it is

>> No.7798459

It takes a little longer because your information is encrypted, not sent in plain-text like the old magnetic strip.

>Someone in town has already begun pocket scanning 6 days after the change
Which is useless because
1. You're still required to enter a PIN for authorization
2. The information is encrypted so it can't be stolen

>> No.7798468

He likes his car how he likes his ice.

>> No.7798471

No you can walk to the register and spend without a pin. Trust me.
Just the ATM requires a pin.

I'm not trying to /x/ it up but it's well known that these chips can track your movements.
>inb4 you make fun of me for wrapping it in foil

>> No.7798477

The worst are those drivethrus that block the adjacent main roads and fatasses STILL sit in line blocking traffic. I swear to god people who go through the drivethru deserve all the scorn in the world.

>> No.7798500
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>> No.7798518

They're sometimes necessary, like when you want to get some dank calories but don't want to change out of your pajamas.

>> No.7798547
File: 55 KB, 500x389, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u avin a giggle there m8?

Not everyone is a forever alone faggot.

literally one persons meal at mcdicks can be 7$ multiply that by 2 and thats already over your retarded limit

tldr you are a dipshit

>> No.7800258


>> No.7800340

The problem with a limit is that at McD's, you could spend $15 and that could be either a dozen burgers or two value meals. It won't help.

I do find special orders offensive, though. I like occasional fast food as much as the next guy, but it annoys the shit of me when people eat that garbage but oh god... don't you dare put a pickle on my burger.

It's kind of like sniffing different piles of dogshit to determine which dogshit has the least offensive odor. You're sniffing dogshit, you lost already.

>> No.7800355

Kek fuck you, I'm a costumer as much as you. The world isn't designed for your comfort and corporate will always favour bigger spender's

>> No.7800368

They should have used this as a commercial

>> No.7800372

No, pickups.

>> No.7800378

My sides.

>> No.7800397

>There should be a $10 maximum limit on drive-thru orders and if you need more food then that, get off your ass and go INTO THE RESTAURANT!

Have you ever worked at fast food resturant? They would be hell, I've worked at two, one with and one without a drive-thru, and a drive-thru is a plus for you as a worker. Without a drive-thru the inside would be a fucking mad house with no where to sit or stand

>> No.7802687
File: 11 KB, 480x480, barney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wife and her boyfriend


>> No.7803139

>Sometimes you gotta wait an extra thirty seconds. Deal with it.

I'm working part time after school at fast food place and it really changed my view on fast food workers

Orders pop up on screen for the kitchen and you are expected to make them under 2 minutes, 3 at most. After that amount, the order on screen gets removed in order to keep the average times down.
During lunch rush or dinner, when you need to make like 60+ burgers among other food, it's rather difficult to keep track of what goes where with so many stations, and getting orders with "specialties" like "extra this" or "no that" or "cut in half/fourths" can mess up the flow and bring up times, which people aren't going to wait 5 minutes for fast food.

Also the people doing drinks and shit, who actually bag the food are idiots and most of the time it's their fault you get the wrong order.

>> No.7803172

That's the chip on an EMV card, not RFID.
An RFID chip and antenna is embedded in the card, not exposed like that.

>> No.7803173

>who actually bag the food are idiots
This this this this.
The people who were literally too retarded to do anything else were stuck either taking money for drive-thru, or bagging food and handing it out for front counter.
They'd fuck up half the orders, which meant we had to make twice as much food to replace it, which increased our times and put everybody in a bad mood, which hurts efficiency even more.

>> No.7803180

You are retarded only like 10% of cards with chips lack needing a pin or signature.
>source i'm a walmart cashier

>> No.7803241

Learn to read dude.

Where are you getting ten years from?

>> No.7805033

>There should be a $10 maximum limit on drive-thru orders

Really this. I know the food's getting more expensive, so that's barely is like 2 value meals anymore, but honestly the drive-thru is for busy people on a lunch break and can't afford the time to go inside. But then you'll get that one special bitch who's order is $10.25 and will get denied service then run to the news station and make a national issue out of it.

>> No.7805078

>busy people on a lunch break and can't afford the time to go inside

If you're that super busy wouldn't it make more sense to bring a bag lunch to work with you and eat it there?

Also, I've found that many times actually going into the restaurant is faster than the drive-thru if there is a long queue out there.

>> No.7805114

I use drive through and then eat in the restaurant because you get your food quicker