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File: 69 KB, 500x500, brandpage-fireball-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7792965 No.7792965 [Reply] [Original]

So this is a meme liquor, right? I just don't get it.

>> No.7792969

Some people presumably think it's nice. I don't.

>> No.7792971
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>> No.7792973

it's just really easy to drink, so people that go to parties love it because they can get wasted

>> No.7793006


Jesus, what an atrocious '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''whiskey"""""""""""""

>> No.7793134


its amazing, I kill two 1.75 litre bottles per week

>> No.7793136

Its the perfect alcohol for doing shots with and isn't bad in a few mixed drinks.

>> No.7793141

lol here in Finland liquor stores needed to stop selling that and retract their supplies because it contains so much propylene glycol

>> No.7793143


>> No.7793149

its good with Dr Pepper but its not a whiskey technically because it has added flavoring in it.

>> No.7793152

its made by Canadians. just to say before anyone blames the US for it.

>> No.7793171

I'm glad it helped get a lot more cinnamon whisky on the shelves, but damn, it's so fucking syrupy.

>> No.7793196

I thought it was all right the first couple of times I shot it. But one night, I got too much of it and could barely bare the smell of cinnamon.
I avoid it now, and all sweet spirits. Actually all most pop and sweet juices. Not for me any more, now that I am an adult.

>> No.7793203

You know how women like to drink shit like whipped cream vodka? This is the same thing but for guys who want to say they're drinking whiskey but they're actually drinking a candy liqueur.

>> No.7793215

its a good shot drink

I went to a corporate party once, my coworkers and I decided to get a party but. The drive was only about 30 minutes but I got completely shitfaced on that stuff before we even got there. I think the party was good, honestly only remember bits and pieces of it.
there was an open bar so I was heavily drinking for about 12 hours straight

>> No.7793220
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Pour a shot of it into a hard cider and it's not a bad drink when you want to change it up from beer and whiskey.

So adult that you have to tell us you're adult, right? Did Scott Tenorman sell you his pubes?

>> No.7793226

>Pour a shot of it into a hard cider
>sweet + sweet syrup

If you want to change it up from beer and whiskey drink wine, or gin, or vodka, or rum, or brandy. Why would you drink an overly sweet artificially flavored liquor?

>> No.7793236

I wouldn't call ciders sweet a lot of the time
like oats, they have a sweetness but they aren't sweet on the palate

>> No.7793238
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>> No.7793248

It has to be. I liked it the first few times I had it but desu it's way too fucking sweet and I love sweet things. JD Honey is slightly less sweet and I can stand it more but too be honest just give me a nice neat scotch any day.

>> No.7793425

It's for strippers

>> No.7793446

No guy I know except high-schoolers drinks Fireball.
It's for trashy white girls trying to get drunk, same as candy flavored vodka and other shot that just tastes like sugar syrup.

>> No.7793556
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>could barely bare
good lord.

>> No.7793562

I don't understand how people like this, it's so gross desu

>> No.7793583

Its good for drinking games, or for people who don't drink hard liquor too often that want to "keep up".

I don't mind it but I only have it 2-3 times a years max

>> No.7793677

It's for girls that like spicy candy

My wife likes it

>> No.7793685

>it's just really easy to drink, so people that go to parties love it because they can get wasted

This, it's relatively cheap and goes down very easy with out needing a chaser......the taste isn't good at all, but the smoothness is why it's popular

>> No.7793785

So I am visiting the states this summer. I plan on bringing this back home, where they don't sell this. Is there any other popular liquor I should look out for and can't get in europe?

>> No.7793905

>wine, or gin, or vodka, or rum, or brandy

well i'm not a hipster faggot and i'm not about to buy a fedora so I don't need to worry about looking "classy" when I want to enjoy alcohol

>> No.7793934

>It's for girls

I very much agree anon. No respectful man would drink this sugary shit

>> No.7793937


>getting wasted
>off fireball

i drank a fifth to myself over the course of watching Tombstone and I remember everything that night.

fireball is shit

>> No.7793964

I can't stand the following artificial flavors:


therefore fireball is an abomination.

>> No.7794158

As far as I know it's common and easily found in any liquor store, but the US is big and that could vary from region to region.

>> No.7794217
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cheap as piss and gets the job done

>> No.7794269

>/ck/ acts all fancy and say they dislike it to seem sophisticated
>fine tasters actually love fireball
Oh /ck/, you so silly

>> No.7794286

This guy knows

>> No.7794311
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>being this much of a lightweight

>> No.7794315

No, alcohol is the perfect alcohol for doing shots with. Not some cinnamon schnapps

>> No.7794318

That is why it is called cinnamon whisky, shitlord.

>> No.7794320

I can't stomach it, but I guess I get the appeal.

>> No.7794457

Decent in certain mixed drinks and works pretty damn well to warm you up. That's how I use it.

>> No.7794623

Fucking gross bitch drink.

>> No.7795035

You either like cinnamon hearts or you hate cinnamon hearts. I think it's a fun meme.

>> No.7795042
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, sazerac-6-year-old-straight-rye-whiskey-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this stuff any good?
I just got a bottle for my dad, but I know jack shit about rye and just went on the recommendation of the guy at the liquor store

>> No.7795068

>meme this
>meme that

just end your pathetic life already

>> No.7795082

the cinnamon flavor masks the alcohol better than basically any mixer without diluting the alcohol. so if you don't mind cinnamon, it is 100% the best way to get drunk. if you don't like cinnamon, then you're better off using mixers.

or, you know, just drinking it straight like a fucking man

>> No.7795087


my nigga. definitely my drink of choice, smoother than basically any other liquor i've ever had

>> No.7795102

Wtf are you talking about those are just basic spirits you twit

>> No.7795110


>> No.7795652

Well I'm not sure I'd drink it (I get sleepy on mead. Mead), but I thought about cooking with it.

>> No.7795665

>just drinking it straight like a fucking man
you're so fucking corny

>> No.7795671

>not diluted

>> No.7795679

Mix it with apple juice and a dash of lemon.

>> No.7795736


>> No.7795765

It's general mid shelf rye, nothing special but not bad at all either, get him scotch or a small batch bourbon next time

>> No.7795801
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>being proud of your problems with alcohol
Yeah dude wow you're really good at drinking! I wish I were as talented as you are!

>> No.7795917

I drank almost an entire handle of this stuff while playing a drinking game one night. I don't remember a ton of the night except for the part where I was puking my fucking soul out. I'm a relative heavyweight and have never thrown up before because of alcohol (though I have come close) but this shit opened me like a faucet. Even to this day, if I smell cinnamon, my stomach twists into a knot.

>> No.7796661

t. this year's homecoming queen

>> No.7797150

No. The "burn" is a meme. It's smooth and tastes better than most whiskeys so people who don't like can chug it and get hammered.

>> No.7797155

My nigga. I love 7 and 7's its my go to bottom shelf drink

>> No.7797181

I figure this explains at least 75% of its popularity

>at party
>drunk enough to decide fireball is a good idea
>two or three others open up a bottle
>we all do a shot
>they grimace, cough and wave their hands around
>don't feel a thing, just tastes sweet
>have another
>have another
>have another
>they've all calmed down and go "wheeuw, time for round two!"
>w/e, have another
>twenty minutes later go out and climb lampposts with strength and skill of chimpanzee

it's more palatable and easier to drink than jägermeister, which is largely what it supplanted. People drink it at parties but I don't think I've ever met anyone who drank it by themselves

>> No.7797391

>Pour a shot of it into a hard cider and it's not a bad drink when you want to change it up from beer and whiskey.
Angry Orchard hard cider + Fireball Whisky = Angry Balls. This is a real drink I saw in a restaurant once.

>> No.7797413

>mix sweet cider with sweet whiskey
disgusting, most cider is already sickeningly sweet

>> No.7798016

I drank it like water when I was younger. Now any cinnamon flavor makes me gag.

>> No.7798033

Jager is not palatable.
I was devastated the first time I tasted it.

>> No.7798037

it just tastes like licorice

>> No.7798052

Ex used to drink it.

Never understood the appeal myself.

>> No.7798054

So, non-palatable.

>> No.7798062

Precisely friend. Red licorice is just barely edible, black licorice tastes like ass.

>> No.7798166

I didn't like Jäger either but Sambuca was pretty good so I guess I don't hate all anise drinks.

>> No.7798652

It is. Try St.Elmos Fire if you want to feel like a man

>> No.7799052


I'm sorry you have diabetes Mr. American

>> No.7799058

It's shit liquor that college students buy to get drunk off regardless of how many times everyone in the room goes "wow i hate fireball."

>> No.7799122
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Some people don't drink very often. And when they do, they aren't looking to appreciate the art behind the alcohol, all that good stuff - they want to enjoy themselves.

Fireball is a syrupy, watered - down... whiskey? Either way, it has it's place. Mixed drinks with the Bad Ball, if done right, are actually comfy as hell.

But it is a meme drink, doesn't mean it's absolute shit. You just have the "YAAAAAAS BIIITCH, FIREBALL SHOTS" crowd, or similar. Like Jager, Bacardi and the like, it has a magnetism to douche types.

tl;dr yes

>> No.7799126

Is this the al/ck/ thread?

4 months sober! Still haven't been eating better and am pretty lazy, but I'll get to that eventually.

>> No.7799141

Hah, it's been years since I've graduated college, but every time before I take a shot of tequila with friends, all of us in some way say, "God damn it, I hate tequila"

>> No.7799151

It was a gateway drink for me. I don't drink it anymore but it got me interested in spirits.

>> No.7799174


But it's not. It's like drinking cough syrup and fireball candy in one.

OP, no fucking idea why people like this shit, it's a meme whisky that is fuck disgusting, my only guess is that women like it cause it has a lot of sugar so no bitter afterbite.

>> No.7799184

yes. It dethroned Jaguermister as the go to candy alcohol for dudebros.

>> No.7799189
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I drank a bottle of this shit at a party three years ago and crashed my car into a traffic light trying to get McDonalds.

I still went in the drive through with the front of my car all fucked up and got that double quarter pounder meal.

3/10 would not drink again.

>> No.7799195

Fuck off, jager tastes great. It's like spicy cola.

>> No.7799197

It's the epitome of "college fratboi hard liquor"

It's cheap garbage that gets skanks real zooted

>> No.7800140

I start feeling sick when I drink because of all the goddamn flavoring/sugar plus it tastes like shit

>> No.7801772

Kill yourself

>> No.7801973

Mix it with milk.

It's a happy drink.

>> No.7802385


nice meme post

>> No.7802957

the ones they sell in europe are a different recipe

>> No.7802962

Do they have a Fireball equivalent of a Jagerbomb? What are the kids calling it? I need to update my lingo so I won't look uncool when trying to pick up inexperienced teens.

>> No.7802982
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x720, bc661903-0792-4eb0-9e6f-e77c5fb182b0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So meme you didn't even know it was a meme.

>> No.7802987

That's a Christmas drink. It's more a seasonal thing than a meme.