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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7791434 No.7791434 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get cooking /ck/

>> No.7791450
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Yum yum yum

>> No.7791451
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GO ON....

>> No.7791456

I am have the disappoint. Chicken wings? Tsk, tsk.

>> No.7791468

>11 dollars for wings
they used to sell them 2 dollars for 4 pounds

>> No.7791470


>> No.7791471
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They're a delicacy
It smells so nice.

>> No.7791475

Publix master race

>> No.7791498

>paying $2.69/lb for any part of a chicken

fuck, I can buy fully cooked tendies for just a bit more

>> No.7791510


next time you do them put them in the oven

oven at 400
foil covered pan - sprayed with pam
wings skin-side up
bake them for like 50 minutes, no flipping

the skin comes out just as crispy as fried and the meat is a little dryer, takes up the sauce more easily

you would think they would be over done but they're not. sometimes I leave them in longer (~1hr) to get them even crispier

>> No.7791512

I am monitoring this thread. Just so I can see what you do for a sauce.

>> No.7791514

That's a ridiculous price.
They're $1.49 for 2lbs here in Shitpostia, granted they're loose and not nicely packed like yours.

>> No.7791518
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first batch done

>> No.7791526
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Only 99c at Megameats.

>> No.7791530

Damn those look perfect

>> No.7791546

>for wings
That ain't master race, son.

>> No.7791548

Toss them in corn starch with a little bit of sugar and whatever other seasonings first. Super crispy and a good seasoning base for sauces.

>> No.7791564
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2nd batch done. It's about sauce time.

>> No.7791567


>> No.7791572
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The sauce is the boss

>> No.7791584

what happened to your thumb..

>> No.7791586
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Yum yum yum in my tum tum tum

>> No.7791592

What is going in that?

>> No.7791602
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Dropped equipment on it at work

>he isn't a sauce purist

Third batch done and final batch in

>> No.7791605
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>ruining perfectly good meat with a bottle of high fructose corn syrup

>> No.7791609

That's it. One of these days I'm going to do a cook along of my own wings.
While I appreciate the attempt at OC, OP is making some very mediocre wings.

>> No.7791613

Why wait, Mr. Cuisine?

>> No.7791615

Because I have other dinner plans, doofus.

>> No.7791616


Appreciate the simple things, anon

>> No.7791626

>not killing, plucking , gutting , cutting a chicken
And you call yourself a wing guy.

>> No.7791629
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Wing time

>> No.7791636

>a chicken
4 wings fills you up, big guy?
ask your stepdad to make some more

>> No.7791638
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You paid $11 for basically 50g of chicken meat?

>> No.7791640

Where you from anon? I love publix

North fl btw

We got the same deep fryer

>> No.7791642

did you even season them? no salt, no pepper? fucking god, i dont know what im supposed to think here.

>> No.7791645


Stfu weeaboo

>> No.7791646

4.12 lb is 1868g

>> No.7791649

minus skin and bone u got 50g of meat

work on your reading comprehension u fuckin millenial

>> No.7791652

I agree. The wings are fried very well, but bottled sauce ruins the thread.

>> No.7791653

>Not coating them in sauce and throwing them back in the fryer and then coating them again.
>No butter, no seasoning.
>faggot fondue dip setup.

I hate you.

>> No.7791659

Publix has always been overpriced from what I remember.

>> No.7791660

They're an iphone user. What did you expect. Of course they like bland things.

>> No.7791676

>just poured sauce in a pan
I am scared.

>> No.7791685

You're such a faggot

it's just easier to take pictures while you're cooking with a phone

Where's your thread with pictures taken with your mom's Nikon

>> No.7791697

>your mom's Nikon
i laughed. i know i only use my iphone for pics when im cooking, i aint sending no pics for some restaurants website so why the fuck am i gonna get my pro camera out?

>> No.7791711
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God damn that was good

I'll explain why this is the god tier way in a second

>> No.7791713


don't listen to this nigger, fried wings are objectively superior.

>> No.7791716


>bottled wang sauce

you fucked up son.

>> No.7791718

>didn't eat all the celery

>> No.7791721

Why would you use that kind of plates
Why would anybody use that unless it's for a kid's birthday party or a picnic

>> No.7791724

Nah, 4 pounds of wings is about 1.33 pounds of meat.

>> No.7791730
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Agreed. I mean don't get me wrong oven baking is fine, but you can't fuck with deep fried.

>> No.7791735

honestly they don't look brown enough

>> No.7791740

>god tier
>eating from a paper plate

>> No.7791773

Maybe you should be more specific with what you are writing.
'Basically' is the what you typed and you assume we should know you mean to exclude the bone and skin?
Also, the skin is edible. So don't throw it out next time since you are so concerned with money.

50g of meat of out total 1868g is only 2.7%. So if you want to be so specific, even with your generalized vocabulary, your first comment was fucking retarded.

Also, millennials were born starting in 1982, they're 34 this year at the most. Are you saying I'm young or old by calling me that? Remember, specifics are the key to not sounding like a fuckwit.

>> No.7791776

>ITT: OP makes some tasty wings, all the rest of the shitter NEETs bitch because all they can do is put Hot Pockets in the microwave

>> No.7791778
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>I am have the disappoint.

>> No.7791793

Central FL friend

This is the best sauce I've ever had. It doesnt need anything else done to it.

Paper plates soak up the sauce some so it isnt just sitting on the plate getting cold. I have this down to a science trust me.

I use a small thermometer to make sure theyre fully cooked, and theyre always crispy enough. Might be the lighting

B-but i'm full

Thank you

So this is wing science. You see, this sauce is amazing, it doesn't need anything added to it.
>inb4 butter
What are you, some kind of fatty?

If you use paper plates, they soak up the sauce so it doesnt just sit in your plate getting all cold and getting on your wings when you set them down.

Now what I do is instead of mixng all the wings with the sauce, I set them to the side on their own covered plate as you can see in the earlier pictures. This keeps them hot and crispy. If you mix them all together with the sauce they get soggy and arent crispy at all. Also keeping the sauce directly in the pan it was warmed in keeps the sauce hotter longer.

So basically
>sauce in pan
>wings on own seperate plate
>use paper plates to soak up grease and extra sauce
>you now have god tier crispy wings and nice hot sauce that stay hotter and crispier longer

The fact no one else does this is surprising, I thought /ck/ would be wing enthusiasts

>> No.7791801

I would be a wing enthusiast if they cost half as much as they did in this area.

Give me like half an hour and I'll show you what my personal ideal of browning looks like on chicken thighs.

>> No.7791812

The problem isnt that the sauce needs something added to it.

The problem is that you've made an extremely lazy cook along thread.

A fucking chimp can fry wings and dump sauce on it.

>> No.7791814

that isn't in their wing sauce, though hydrogenated soybean oil is, which is worse.

>> No.7791827

>honestly believes that
What does it feel like to be an autist.

>> No.7791833

what he did wasnt that much more complicated than microwaving hot pockets.

>> No.7791839

Wing sauce is supposed to be literally hot sauce and butter. You on the other hand have used what is essentially cheap margarine and "hot sauce"

>> No.7791840
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>bottle of high fructose corn syrup
Try again you retarded dipshit

Your wings and your method look good to me OP. Going to try that sauce next time. Craving wings now

>> No.7791841

>0g of sugars

>> No.7791845

you might also note that it says 0g trans fat, but when you look at the ingredients it says "hydrogenated soybean oil"

>> No.7791846
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This is what I'm talking about.

You could probably achieve this with a higher oil temp but it might not be worth the hassle to you. Since I'm eating these plain with some salt, they need the flavor from the browning.

>> No.7791849


desu i've found the baking powder method makes wings pretty indistinguishable from frying

>> No.7791856

Awww you got me

>> No.7791858


Enjoy your trans fat sauce

>> No.7791868

Hydrogenation reduces the amount of trans fats in an oil.

>> No.7791875

hydrogenation is the definition of a trans fat.

>> No.7791877
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I take pictures with my phone too. It's just not an iphone. Go away normies.

>> No.7791882

what the heck am I looking at?
bananas, bacon, french toast, and syrup?
what's that fried thing?

>> No.7791888
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You should really make your own sauce. Judging by their Bbq sauce, I have a hard time thinking their wing sauce is any good.

>> No.7791889

That's chicken. This is some elvis themed dish I had recently at some gimic place where I live.
It was so fucking good though.
French toast with bananas and all that stuff that killed him.

>> No.7791896

whats you guys favorite wing sauce?

im a pretty big fan of the spicy garlic sauce lister here desu famalams http://www.blendtec.com/blog/buffalo-wild-wings-copycat-recipes/www

>> No.7791911

That looks plain af. It seems alright from looking at the ingredients, but it doesn't look like anything special.

>> No.7791976

I didn't even write the first post but this is an impressive display or autistic prowess

n if u didn't know what I meant by calling u a millennial then u are one

>> No.7791988

So like extreme chicken and waffles? Sounds really good anon.

>> No.7791999
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It really was. My friends don't always pick good places but this was a treat. Their eggs benedict was good too. I got to have a bite.

>> No.7792701

Back to your containment board faggot. Plenty of tendies and bad feelings to be had there.

>> No.7792721


you're basically a nigger

a true co/ck/-enthusiast would have battered the wings lightly

and did you know you can warm up plates in the oven?

>> No.7792749


I do mine similarly. Higher sugar marinades and sauces get good and sticky that way while still having crisp skin. Plus the meat is inherently greasy, so as long as you're paying attention, they stay moist. My sauce (applied halfway through cooking) is;

Soy sauce
Brown sugar
Red chili flakes
Cyanne powder
Lime juice

I finish with sesame oil and green onion.

>> No.7792803

>Didn't even post a picture of them before you ate them

What the fuck was the point of this thread

>> No.7793089
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>addition of hydrogen on double bonds, making them single bonds
>makes fats have more double bonds

>> No.7793140

>not liking chicken wings
Why do you even exist?

>> No.7793145

Is your deep fryer on a towel?
That's pretty smart actually, but how often do you have to change it?

>> No.7793147

>thinking anything can ruin good meat.
You sir, are an absolute pussy.

>> No.7793151
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>caring his much about what sort of plate OP is eating his $11 wings on

>> No.7793175

is this what /ck/ calls cooking?

Lmaoing at your life senpai