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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7789521 No.7789521 [Reply] [Original]

why don't i like seafood? what is wrong with me?

i love all different types of food, i love different meats and vegetables, but i can't even stand the scent of seafood, for the most part.

i am somewhat young, 23, but i have never liked it. i've tried all different types and it all makes me gag.

is this genetic or something?

>> No.7789526

I suffer from the same affliction. If I get a whiff of the ocean when the wind is right, I gag.

I've still tried a few pieces of fish while holding my nose, just to see, but I've always thrown up.

I'm not saying you shouldn't give new seafood dishes a shot as they present themselves, but I've never found anything I could stomach even being near, let alone eating.

>> No.7789537

White people: the thread.

>> No.7789544

it really sucks because it's such an integral part of so many different cultures' cuisine and i can't bring myself to even smell it either. i've tried crab, lobster, tuna, haddock, swordfish, shrimp, and most recently oysters. i've thrown up accidentally eating fish sticks that i thought was chicken twice, also.

why god. additionally, i'm from new england, so many people here covet seafood and there's an abundance of seafood restaurants. i can't eat near someone having fish cause the scent is so repulsive to me and would absolutely never eat something non-seafood from a place that primarily serves fish cause i know it's intermingled with it too much

>> No.7789551

>thinks white people hate seafood

ok, Pedro, enjoy your fried tilapia and zero global awareness

>> No.7789554

holy fuck, I live in New England, too

are you me?

>> No.7789557

oh shit o.o why are you up at 3:30?

>> No.7789558

just getting home from work

long shift at the getting sick everywhere cannery

>> No.7789561

You could try scallops. They have a very mild flavor.

Or try stuff heavily breaded and fried or otherwise overwhelmed with other flavors.

>> No.7789562
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maybe you havent had it prepared correctly?

>> No.7789576

Cause you're a child

>> No.7789596

Was the same with me, now i enjoy shellfish though. There is Just this nasty Taste to fish, and people always Just assume what you tastes was prepared wrong or not fresh, honestly - i belive the fish Taste is stronger for a few people like us.

>> No.7789612
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>> No.7789613

I actually like seafood but whenever dad makes paella with that Spanish seafood broth that someone brought him from a trip which is expensive and supposed to be really good I get the biggest urge to vomit, shit reeks of pier and tastes awful.
Worst thing is that he loves it and I pretend to like it so he thinks ks I love it too and every time we are celebrating something I have to stomach that shit

>> No.7789616

it makes me feel icky thinking that someone will eat that

>> No.7789632
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ahh snookums thats so adorable, you sure are picky.
now close those precious eyes and open your mouth wide open for me. fish is delish

>> No.7789670

More of this goddess

>> No.7789671

its a boy and he goes by warmfreshpaint and jerks off on camera on chaturbate.

>> No.7789696

You're probably frigid as well

>> No.7789701

Die, please.

>> No.7789713

how do you mean and by what line of reasoning

>> No.7789717

>raw fish blood
Enjoy aids

>> No.7789915

>posting this trap
Ruined my appetite desu

>> No.7789916

Try something more mild like fried shrimp or fish tacos

>> No.7789917

>if someone isn't a culturally deprived whitebread like me they must be either a poor black person or a poor mexican
The irony is that even if they were either of the latter two they'd still have more culture and more global awareness than whitebread over here

>> No.7789924
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t. buttblasted Pedro who thinks the extent of white people food is cereal and sloppy Joes.

>> No.7789930

I bet you wish you were white, don't you, honcho?

>> No.7789933

But that wouldn't be wrong
I'm half white half jap, literally the best of both worlds

>> No.7789945

Some of most fish consuming countries are white

>> No.7789962
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Sure just as some of the wheat consuming countries are asian, but let's be honest here: if you offer a white person anything with skin, fins, eyes, or bones, they'll do this:

>> No.7789975

>the best of both worlds
I'm glad you think that.

>> No.7789996


It's because you're a fussy bitch, enjoy your carbs and cheese pleb

>> No.7789997

You've never been to Northern Europe and Scandinavia.

>> No.7790001

Its not genetic you are just an idiot, I'm 23 now but until 21 literally couldn't stomach the taste or smell of seafood and would gag for example near a fish monger. Your pallet will evolve as you age even into adulthood, I now eat, and enjoy a few fish dishes, like cooking with some fish products and can tolerate fish around me. My best tip is to accept that objectively you are wrong and fish is actually good, if you eat it enough you will start to like it. And if you seek out legitimately good fish dishes you should enjoy them if you detach the mental baggage.

I was lucky in seafood in that I went to Japan for two months and decided to be a normal person and order widely and eat everything served, therefore consuming and enjoying seafood without realising it and also finding out seafood dishes which i actually enjoyed. Things like tempura prawns, calamari and crab cakes are great introductory dishes imo. I learnt some stuff there and now use seaweed, miso and dashi stuff in some of my cooking and I really feel like I'm building a tolerance to not just fish but also flavours associated with seafood which I think is really important to actually liking seafood cuisine.

Really just man-up a bit and eat it and if you hate it drink some water and laugh it off and try another time, if wanting to enjoy seafood is something you want to do then you are gonna have to suffer a bit first. That includes building tolerance, and finding bits you like. There isn't an easy way. Just be thankful that the only difficulty is eating a food you don't like.

>> No.7790004

Why, you don't have a passport, so no one else does either?

A 60 year old man living on the coast of Norway is not a typical representation of white people

Norwegian food is in fact a popular subject of jokes among whites in the US, it's simply taken for granted that fish is unappealing and frightening

>> No.7790008


I don't think you understand how AIDS works.

>> No.7790155
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>> No.7790217
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>> No.7790248

racism: the classic post.