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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 253 KB, 1500x1088, indomie-goreng-special-85g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7786266 No.7786266 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any better instant noodles than these?

>> No.7786286


Nong Shim.

>> No.7786288

yea na

>> No.7786290

The beef version of that is better for starters.

For value its easily the best noodle pack, i quite like yakisoba so in terms of non-ramen instant noodles i'd put behind a good tray yakisoba but ahead of the cheap packs

>> No.7786291
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kung fu, nigga

>> No.7786309
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The jumbo packs are goat, perfect serving size.
I wish they would sell them here

>> No.7786314


My nig.

>> No.7786327

shout us a 10 pack you rich fuck

>> No.7786344

I had no idea that jumbo were a thing!
I need some
I prefer the BBQ chicken flavour

>> No.7786356

That's an old photo, it's in the bank now soz

I've never seen them for sale here but I always bring a heap back when I go to indo

>> No.7786363

maaaan I can eat a five pack of the bbq chicken flavour like its nothing

>> No.7786369

That amount of salt can't be good kek

>> No.7786371

don't even give a fuck

>> No.7786402

indo mie is so super tip top for price point my man.

>> No.7786409
File: 179 KB, 800x950, random-noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes. These are my go to, but Indomie will always hold a place in my heart.

>> No.7786433

how much was in the tin? atleast 100?

>> No.7786483

About $23 in total, I had just counted it and put all the gold on the top, there's a shitload of silver shrapnel underneath.

>> No.7786489


>> No.7786524

that would buy a fair bit of mi goreng m8

>> No.7786528

I'm sure it would, but I'd prefer to spend it on a rack of lamb or some scotch fillet steaks

Indomie is for a snack when I'm hung over and feeling like a lazy cunt

>> No.7786541

absolutely not

>> No.7786544
File: 119 KB, 800x800, nissin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the best I've found where I'm at. Sapporro original flavor is pretty good too.

>> No.7786546

i hope you dont like mint on your lamb. that shit is vile

>> No.7786573

No, fuck mint and the horse it rode in on.

>> No.7786578

thats good to hear. it makes me rage when someone has a nice peace of lamb and then smears it with mint jelly

>> No.7786588

Rosemary and thyme on the other hand. When I was growing up we had a bottle of "mint sauce" that was always brought out when we ate lamb, everyone in my family except me would eat it.

Lamb is tasty af without that shit

>> No.7786626
File: 132 KB, 838x495, mi-susu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing that could beat an Indomie is an indomie with milk

>> No.7786629

Mama is nice and spicy

>> No.7786634

how do you use rosemary and thyme in a leg of lamb for example? im ashamed to say ive never used them before. a week ago i cooked a leg of lamb and i thought about stabbing it and shoving a clove of garlic in.

>> No.7786648

Kind of unrelated but how should I cook shrimp for putting into ramen

>> No.7786656


However you want. Grill them. Steam them. Saute them. Or just toss 'em in raw and let them cook in the heat of the broth.

>> No.7786661


Just toss the herbs in the roasting pan with the lamb.

> a clove of garlic in

Just one?

>> No.7786676

I like ramen noodles but hate the watery salty broth from Nissan or maruchan so I just drain the water after boiling the ramen, leaving just enough to add my own soup base, turmeric, garlic and onion powder, and paprika.
I mix it up and left with basically dry but flavored ramen.
What kind of seasonings do you recommend I try?

>> No.7786860


My nigga

>> No.7788692
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>> No.7788737

I tried it for the first time recently and it was literally the worst /ck/ endorsed food item I'd ever had.

I mean, /ck/ talks a lot about fast food and fast food items, but if I actually went out and bought one of them I wouldn't expect anything other than shitty fast food. There are all sorts of instant noodles, some much better than others, but this Indo Mie shit was absolute garbage. I'll take Nongshim or a dozen other brands any day of the week.

>> No.7788746

question, did you drain the noodles completely and eat them 'dry'?
if not you did it wrong

>> No.7788750

>mint jelly
there's your problem
try real mint sauce and not some radioactive green shit from masterfoods

>> No.7788751

Ah, the Chinese take on the classic 'go 'za!

>> No.7788812


Yes, I followed the directions on the package.

It's a tiny portion of sub-par noodles coated with mediocre oil/chili paste that goes cold 30 seconds after it's on the plate. I wouldn't try it again, but have a second package in a different flavor that I need to eat, but will most likely just wait till I'm drunk.

>> No.7788818

this is miles ahead of every other instant ramen I've tried

>> No.7788900

Indomie. It's not supposed to be made in a soup. You cook the noodles then drain then add the spice packet/kecap manis/sambal and top with the fried onions.

>> No.7789291
File: 46 KB, 480x400, fire fuckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these as good as everyone says they are?

>> No.7789299

It's not bad. Nowhere near as spicy as everyone said they were. It's fucking retarded that youtubers eating them as a "challenge".

>> No.7789305

yes those actually have a nice taste behind the spiciness, it's really not that spicy either. Youtube fags exaggerate it to try and get views. If you are new to spicy food then ok maybe it will be hot but it's nothing a shot of milk can't fix.

>> No.7789306

I figured. I watched someone's video on it and they said they were pretty tasty besides the spice, so I figured I'd give them a go. What's the flavor like, besides spicy?

>> No.7789307

chicken, and it does a better job of portraying the chicken flavor than any other instant noodles i've had.

>> No.7789312
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Personal favorite

>> No.7789343

I tried these and they were shit

>> No.7789346

Right? So damn salty.

>> No.7789352

>peeled open red dot money box

>> No.7789490
File: 705 KB, 1374x391, noodles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Several.

>> No.7789623

I opened it with a can opener, how else am I supposed to get the money out when it's full?

It's from the reject shop btw, I'd never stoop as low as the price choppers

>> No.7789697

tfw i cant handle spicy food

>> No.7789758

Jap detected.

>> No.7789838

>artificial pork flavor

>> No.7789895

is there anything other than maruchan available in America?

>> No.7789903

of course you goof

have you not cruised the international isles before?

>> No.7789908

I mean mainland

>> No.7789909

satay is the superior product I believe

>> No.7789912


Everything posted in this thread is available in the US. Try shopping anywhere other than Walmart.

>> No.7789920
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 51S8PMEF8WL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually my fav

>> No.7790648

How about those Korean black noodle things? Forgot its name.

>> No.7791003
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You mean this stuff? I like them well enough, but something about it just comes of as so fake as to be off-putting. I have to be in the right mood to eat them. Though I guess that's true for most instants.

>> No.7791012
File: 145 KB, 546x434, nongshim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god-tier noodles only plz

>> No.7791019
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>> No.7791028
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>> No.7791032

Yeah I've boiled the small ones before, good stuff.

>> No.7791040

It's like eating tar, you know? It's hard to explain, but that's the best I could come up with. Or molasses that's salty instead of sweet.

>> No.7791041
File: 33 KB, 480x434, 13384690_10154980243979768_1210089649_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these.
Add a little green onion, or chives. Sometimes bean sprouts, stir fried.
Couple of fried eggs on top.

Pic is a meal I made a couple weeks back, can't see the noodles cause of the eggs, tho. Also egg roll on the side.

>> No.7791054

>going cold after 30 seconds
...did you microwave it?

>> No.7791058
File: 202 KB, 1250x1250, puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you OP those give you a crook guts and the shits

>> No.7791119
File: 136 KB, 600x425, 117_samyang-seafood-party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seafood party is top tier

Everyone arrives at this conclusion eventually

>> No.7792060
File: 63 KB, 575x355, Maggi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Malaysia, you ask for Maggi at Mamak stalls. If you say ramen, no one knows.

>> No.7792085
File: 105 KB, 350x292, indomierendang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rendang flavor is much better, but Mi Goreng is still pretty solid.

>tfw Asian and been eating instant noodles for over 2 decades
>life changed when I discovered IndoMie's Rendang-flavored noodles

>> No.7792113
File: 58 KB, 500x345, 2013_2_14_982_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep a pack or two of pic related in my freezer. It's the closest you can get to made from scratch ramen. If you have access to a Asian grocery check them out, I highly recommend.

>> No.7792117

They only just started selling them at my Woolworths. I don't eat those noodles anymore except once in a blue moon but I tried them once and they are breddy good.
I bet they'll be taken off the shelves in a couple months like every good product though because the people around here are fucking plebs.

>> No.7792148

In all likelihood you could probably order them online, for much cheaper, too.

>> No.7792395

I personally don't like the rendeng flavor.

I prefer original, hot and spicy, or the bbq chicken.

>> No.7792599
File: 60 KB, 500x380, 51SFj7Fe7QL._SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't tried udon noodles you're missing out op
>this brand is my fav

>> No.7792614

These are just OK. I like the texture of the noodles, but the flavor is pretty awful if you don't boil them a bit first and then drain them before putting them into the water that you want to add the soup base to. And their soup bases are mostly bland, bland, bland. Still, udon is mostly about texture and for an instant package these get it right.

>> No.7792641

>ate 2 packs of indomie for lunch and had the shits ever since

It's because I almost never have instant noodles, and the accompanying shits are the main reason I never have them.

>> No.7793359

You're right on flavor i've tried like 5 different flavors and the one with just soup base tasted just right for me the others as you said were really bland.

>> No.7793391


>> No.7793431

>literally stacking a money box with $2 coins at the top

literally why.

>> No.7793435

I think it might be those one or another of their chickens, but the seasoning powder uses a lot of white pepper and smells awful.

>> No.7793445

I think you meant "me". As in the "me" that is you (poster 7791058). What I'm trying to say is, stop projecting your weak digestive system onto others.

Every time I go home to Mum's there's always a 5 pack of Maggi oriental and chicken in the cupboard. I used to love eating the oriental ones dry and broken up with the seasoning sprinkled on them

>> No.7793456

I know that feeling. They always seem like such a good idea at the time though

>> No.7793779
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could only find a pic of the german market version, but A-One's duck noodles are awesome

>> No.7795748

As an Indonesian, no, no there isn't anything better.

>> No.7795845
File: 77 KB, 400x400, asian mah nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No THE best.

>> No.7796022

Are there any decent instant noodles that I could order from Amazon or Online?

>> No.7796042

I think you can order Shin Ramyun. They're my personal favourite. Poaching an egg in them before eating is top notch.

>> No.7796151

I'll trust you and order some, thank you for your recommendation. Also, I agree with the egg poaching. I feel bad that I used to not eat ramen with eggs.

>> No.7797226

>tfw just bought one and the other 2 flavors

>> No.7797244

is the maruchan yakisoba good or nah

>> No.7797249

Maruchan, nigga.

>> No.7798959
File: 354 KB, 331x480, THE PAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to buy them
>Eat them, pretty underwhelming spice-wise, tasty enough
>Recieve the mother of all burning shits, ass is on fire for a solid 10 minutes afterwards

Yikes. They should really film the challenge a day AFTER they eat the noodles.

>> No.7798968

I'm drunk and I'm about to order a bulk of instant noodles on Amazon

>> No.7798976

You can train your tongue to resist heat, but your asshole can never be trained.