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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 395 KB, 826x581, iu-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7780640 No.7780640 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7780642

Where do you work?

>> No.7780643

Why would you think anyone would be interested in the "knowledge" and "experience" of a McDonald's employee?

>> No.7780644


>> No.7780646

Many people eat there every day and I'm sure many think about what goes on "behind the scenes."

>> No.7780647

What goes on "behind the scenes"?

>> No.7780650

Ever jizzed in any of the sauces?

>> No.7780651

whats the recipe for the big mac sauce

>> No.7780652

When was the last time anyone ordered a Fillet o' Fish? Veggie burger?

>> No.7780656

memes, 'go 'za, and quinky sauce.

>> No.7780658
File: 105 KB, 700x416, mc_muffer_new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to substitute Big Mac Sauce for cheese in the Double Sausage and Egg McMuffin?

>> No.7780661

Many people actually order the fish, I was actually quite surprised. I didn't know we even had veggie burgers though

>> No.7780662

Where did it all go wrong for you?

>> No.7780664

You can ask for pretty much anything and we'll do it.

>> No.7780665

>I didn't know we even had veggie burgers though

It depends on exactly which country/region you're in.

>> No.7780669

Can I get a big mac with quarterpounder patties on an artisan roll?

>> No.7780677
File: 44 KB, 500x446, bigmac-sauce-mix 500x446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wasn't sure if the Big Mac sauce batch for the day would have been mixed in the kitchen before 10am?

>> No.7780686


>> No.7780693

It probably is, we prepare lunch way in advance before it starts

>> No.7780709

It hasn't

>> No.7780716

Food is made

>> No.7780763

Worst customer experience?

>> No.7780805

Every time.

>> No.7780825

that shit comes in a bag it's already made haha

>> No.7780830

I worked in a McDonald's for three days and then immediently quit.
Now I'm homeless, still don't regret it.

>> No.7780863

What's the best item on the menu?

>> No.7780886

What is the healthiest meal option?

Do you enjoy the food?

>> No.7780887

>I'm such a babby I couldn't even handle a couple of days work in a McDonald's


>> No.7780898

none honestly it's all trash with 30+ ingredients in everything. like you'd think grilled onions were actually grilled onions but it's onions with an added thick dark brown syrup that comes in a bag

>> No.7780906


>> No.7780908

What cardboard box do you live in?

I want to throw nickels at you

>> No.7781204

What happened to "Have it Your Way"?

>> No.7781254


>> No.7781266

When the fuck is the McRib coming back?
Daddy needs his fix.

>> No.7781273


Tell me more about the monopoly game.

>> No.7781282


Not OP but worked at McDicks for a good two years.

The McRib always comes back around fall when pork is at it's cheapest.

>> No.7781284

This is retarded. I don't understand the stigma about working at McDonald's. It's an honest job, and let's be real: do you guys actively judge the employees there that take your order? I know i dont. Not unless they specifically fuck up.

McDonald's is a great job with an incredibly easy success ladder. I mean, I myself wouldn't work there, as I'm too much of a smart mouth, and have been fired/ sued while working at subway and other similar restaurants.

>> No.7781293

Every fall? Because it seems like it's been over a year. This is fucking bullshit.

Does anyone have a copycat recipe?

>> No.7781297


The store I used to work at had it last fall. It may differ for difference regions I guess. Also if you really want one try buying some surplus school lunches or something. Public schools server a molded pork sandwich that is literally the McRib without the onions and pickles. At least in the US

>> No.7781312

Fuck I'm moist already.

>> No.7781319

i need more keptchup.
Why did you stop asking if i want soda and fries with my burger and now instead you asak what soda i want with my meal? do you think you ar going to shame me into paying 50% more for sugar water and potato? i eat at mcdonalds i have no shame

>> No.7781327

Do you sneak fries/nuggets when you get the chance?

>> No.7781340


Some people do some people don't Most of the manager don't care if people do.

>> No.7781359

My dad taught me to never judge a man with a job, but come on man if you're over 18 and work at a McDonald's things must've went wrong for you somewhere.

>> No.7781364

How long is your penis when flaccid and erect?

>> No.7781368
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Do you live in the basement of McDonald's with your boss and fellow employees blowing off the kids and babies of the previous boss and employees that got killed with onpurpose drugs overdose and no one gets paid because the boss is a kike and the inspectors on to you

>> No.7781376

you kinda cant, they get really angry and will actually threaten to call the cops.

>> No.7781378

Can I get chicken mcnuggets with big mac sauce for dipping

>> No.7781390

life's not all about money son

some of it's about bigmacs ;^)

>> No.7781392

How hard is it to make a fucking bagel after 11am?

>> No.7781395

all the bagels get made at once in the morning then they sit on a heat rack waiting to be adopted

at 11 they are thrown out and bagel time is OVER fo the day

>> No.7781399

why is the ice cream machine always down

>> No.7781404

Your a dead person
You'll be dead soon

>> No.7781413

Do McDonald's employees eat at McDonald's?

>> No.7781420

ever spit in food or see anyone spit in a customers food

ever see anyone mess with anyones food in general?

>> No.7781424

well a meal comes with a soda and fries you dumb fuck.Just say you're not getting the meal

>> No.7781430

Why is mcdonalds so stingy on the McChicken sauce? They seem to have severely reduced the amount of sauce that comes out of the gun thing meaning you end up with a dry burger

>> No.7781431


Big Mac sauce comes in a big tube, like caulk.

>> No.7781434


>> No.7781445


Yes you can order sides of Mac sauce. They're like 50 cents a cup

>> No.7781451


It's not hard, but they would have to switch their bun toasters settings.

>> No.7781452


The Ice cream machines go down daily every night at midnight so they can be cleaned. You'd be surprised how filthy those machines are. If it's down during the day it's usually due to it being broken, or they just don't want to serve ice cream that day. In my experience the latter is usually true.

>> No.7781468


The mayo guns can easily go out of wack and not dispense as much. It's probable that they either haven't notice or just don't care.

>> No.7781476

i dont need to you retard, saying i want a big mac burger means i want a burger not a meal

>> No.7781479

Your dad didn't teach you what you claim he did
What else are you lying about anon?

>> No.7781483

when you guys first started, what position did you work?

>> No.7781484

Do you watch the clock and time goes super slowly, or does time fly because you have a lot to do?

>> No.7781488


They always start you out on fries, but after a few days they move you to an actual position. I went to drive-thru.

>> No.7781489

Would you eat your own dog food?

>> No.7781490


Always a mixture. I worked overnights so time always went super slow. Especially when you watch the clock. But the busier you are the more time flies.

>> No.7781497

why the fries? how soon do you move to another position?

>> No.7781501

That's Burger King.

>> No.7781503


Fries are simple and really easy to learn, someone who's brain dead can stick a basket under the fry dispenser and put it in some oil.

In my experience it was one or two days. I guess they liked my voice and personality and threw me on drive-thru.

>> No.7781517

average age of employee there? what was your salary? benefits? hours?

>> No.7781525


Average age would probably be around 17-19. A lot of teenagers work during the night time and the older folks work during the day. I started at $7.35 and when I left i was at $7.65. Benefits are nearly nonexistant for crew members so don't expect anything more than an insurance plan. Hours were semi-flexible. If you wanted to work more hours and were decent at your job you'd most likely get them. Unless your GM is a total asshat.

>> No.7781529

no you don't understand

the guy that knows the settings left for the day. he's the breakfast guy that knows how to make the breakfast items. that's why he works in the morning and leaves at 11. i could call him, but he's probably asleep because he wakes up at midnight to get ready for work.

no you don't understand

a hundred customers come in a day and like you none of them want to talk. they just want to walk up, blurt out "BIG MAC" and get exactly their specific order. if you try to question them about what size? what to drink? etc they get upset like you because "JUZ GIMME BIGMAG"

>> No.7781531

Do you honestly believe a robot could take your or your co-workers jobs?

>> No.7781536


I understand I worked there. It's a setting and a seperate thing you have to drop the bagels into. It's a hassle changing the settings though and it also changes the temps.

>> No.7781542


I hope it does. McDonalds is a soul sucking worthless existence. People already treat you like a robot.

>> No.7781543

what if you only wanted to work on the weekends?

>> No.7781559


You could probably get those shifts. It all depends on who's already working on the weekends and if they have available spots for the shift.

>> No.7781719

Not sure about actual food prepping, but the touch screen ordering system they're testing in some stores is much better and reduces the chance for errors in the ordering

>> No.7781759
File: 232 KB, 444x390, sausage mcmuffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Hong Kong.

Why is it that we can get sausage McMuffins with Egg all day, but McD's in other countries don't offer it?

>> No.7781768

We have all day mcmuffins in the US

>> No.7781790
File: 298 KB, 1600x1200, DSC04048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which international mcdonalds menu item do you wish was available where you are?

>> No.7781796

how hard is it to make the food? do you have to follow exact measurements? i worked at dominos and had to use a food scale for everything.

>> No.7781834


Everything is pre portioned except for things like pickles onions etc. Two pickes for a burger, one slice of cheese for a cheese burger etc. It's pretty easy.

>> No.7781847

Do you season, or at least, did you season your burger patties? I'd get a plain Double Cheeseburger from McDonalds and it'd always have this salty seasoning on it, at least I thought it did. You didn't ever taste it with the quarter pounder.

>> No.7781851
File: 40 KB, 529x351, 26-mclobster.w529.h352[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From America, always wanted to try a McLobster roll. Also, seaweed shaker fries in asia sound interesting. Finally, I can't believe American mcdonalds' don't sell beer there like a lot of other countries

>> No.7781852

big mcchicken - big mac with mcchicken patties

>> No.7781854

do you guys grill or microwave your burgers?

>> No.7781868

What's the steak made of in the breakfast Steak, Egg and Cheese bagel? And, does that steak come on anything else?

>> No.7781871


>> No.7781877

You could probably ask for that and have them make it for you assuming they sell the McChicken in whatever country you're in

>> No.7781898


Grill, you place six patties of regular meat on the grill select reg meat and press a button. And a top portion of the grill closes down on the meat. It's like a clam shell design. 60 seconds later cooked to moderate edibility.

>> No.7781903

Playing devils advocate

But maybe they work part time as a manager and make enough to survive

Sure there is no big house, no keeping up with trends, no expensive vacations, and no new cars

But is it really worth it to work 40+ weeks just to be able to buy into consumerist trends, only get 2 weeks vacation per year, and have maybe 4-5 hours free time max per work day?

>> No.7781906


They only use a microwave for biscuits and the breakfast burritos.

>> No.7781923

How much does it cost for a mcdouble with big mac sauce and lettuce.

Also, how much does it cost for a mcdouble dressed as a big mac?

Protip:Those are literally the same thing but one costs less.

>> No.7781952


Former McD's employee here, you get a 50% discount on any food you buy before/after your shift. So a lot of people do.

>> No.7781962


Shit 50%? When i worked there we got a free meal after each shift. I worked at a corporate store though. I only ate the McWraps though. Those this were way better then they deserved to be.

>> No.7781963

What did y'all think of Supersize Me With Whiskey?

>> No.7781975

How many cartoon horses do you dream of fucking?

>> No.7781979


>> No.7781989

There's been a reduction for sure, have confirmed it by visiting multiple stores.

I'm comparing to what they used to be like 3 years ago

>> No.7781997


Ah okay. I haven't worked there since 2014.So I'm basing everything on what I knew then.

>> No.7782052

I know this I worked at a pizza place in a not so great area, and I've had a lot of black people come up and say "I want a cheese pizza" when they really mean I want a slice of cheese. I tell them it's going to be about 15 minutes and they become irate because they only wanted a slice

>> No.7782066

But you can't get McDouble meal deals. If you want a fries and coke you'll end up paying extra for your method

>> No.7782083

This is me desu
Part time floor manager is chill except for the angry customers. But it's pretty good and you have a lot of fun and exercise. Good because you'd get fat on the free meals.
But I'm quitting to go start uni, so won't say I am staying forever. Also I've worked in other companies who treat me worse and pay me less, so I guess I will miss it once I become a full wage slave.

>> No.7782547
File: 412 KB, 423x602, amerifats5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you spit in someones create your own burger if they ordered some pain in the ass meal that would take forever to make

>> No.7782551

>paying for cut potatoes
>drinking the sugary jew

>> No.7782576

desu there are lots of smaller mom and pop shops that will treat you way worse than mc dicks will

>> No.7782580

Dicked anybody at work yet?

>> No.7782743

What happened to "eat fresh"? Mcdonalds is slipping and that's borderline false advertisement

>> No.7782755


>> No.7782759

People don't actually spit in food at restaurants unless you're in some really ghetto shithole without managers or something. Its astounding how many people think this is common practice when it doesn't actually happen anywhere.

>> No.7782777

I dont think it's like a policy, booze selling licences are just expensive in the US, or so i've heard

>> No.7782778


>> No.7782836

I remember when I worked there like four ? years ago when we had the Angus burgers we had a shaker of seasoning that I think had salt, pepper, garlic salt and something else in it and it was delicious.

As for the small patties I don't remember seasoning them besides just salt, same with Wendy's.

>> No.7782845

yeah when I worked there we got free meals when we worked, 50% off if we came in on a day off.

I worked graveyard so I'd eat some shit like a big salad or a few nuggets at like 3 am, and then ring in my "free meal" when I left at about eight in the morning and got a few burritos and hadhbrowns.

I was 19 so meh

>> No.7782847

Fuckin super brool story co

>> No.7783270

what menu item do you least hope someone orders? (like it's annoying to make or whatever)

>> No.7783275

How old are you?
How many times have you attempted suicide?

>> No.7784806

why didn't you answer my question?

>> No.7784815

This. When I was in school I worked there and made 9.20 an hour that was way more than some of my other friends working at "cooler" places.

>> No.7784824

how's your day been?

>> No.7784842

manager seems pretty chill

would work for/10

>> No.7784845


You forgot to "employee" in McDonald's """employee"""

>> No.7784860

When I come through and ask for a happy meal, do you judge me?

>> No.7784868

two circles of ketchup, one circle mustard.

>> No.7784871

How do I get a fucking job

>> No.7784874

Did they start putting sauce at the counter to prevent everyone from nicking it? The last time I went to McDonalds I couldn't find tomato sauce anywhere unless I asked for it. Shame because I used to nick the sauce all the time.

>> No.7784876

I would like to know this too. One of the two near me always has a "help wanted" sign out. I've applied twice, six weeks apart like suggested, and I didn't even get a "no thanks". I'm fairly sure they're still just hiring minorities and then getting rid of them and hiring new ones, but won't give me a chance.

>> No.7784881

>they want me to apply online
>still nothing after two weeks
I don't even need a job really but I don't know how longer I can go on sitting around having death anxiety panic attacks due to isolation

>> No.7784889

That's every place now. The Subway here has a help wanted sign sticking in the ground outside, so I went in and asked for an application, and she looked at me for a second like I was stupid and then said "you have to go to subway.com".
So I applied on subway.com, gave them my e-mail, and they didn't even reply back at all like most places do. At least Wendy's sent an email back within 30 minutes telling me my application was rejected.

>> No.7784941


>> No.7785333

Mcdonalds Manager here

ask me anything too

>> No.7785345

Weirdest custom order you've ever received

>> No.7785525

I worked there a long time ago. If you had a full shift you could get two free items (though not all items) and a coke. Usually they'd let you have some french fries, too provided you weren't greedy.

You get sick of the food pretty quickly, though the chicken fajitas weren't bad.

>> No.7785537

If I take off that mask

>> No.7785538

If your managers aren't crazy it's pretty good. We did have one who was a cranky bitch for no reason all the time. When I asked for my final paycheck she pretended it was lost as a joke. Not sure why she was like that. Everyone else was nice. The head manager used to give us rides home sometimes if we were closing.

>> No.7785544

Will you put chunks of frozen burger in my sundae?

>> No.7785550

That's true. I worked at a McDonald's in an upper middle class area and no one ever did anything bad to the food. They were very strict about about sanitizing your hands and keeping the food clean.

>> No.7785578

It is, but it varies by state. In California, they also limit the number of licenses sold because they feel that no restrictions are detrimental to the public. Secondary markets will buy up these licenses and then charge whatever the market will bear. When there is a high demand the prices can be outrageous.

>> No.7785581

That's awful

>> No.7785598


>> No.7785599

Why does he wear the mustache?

>> No.7785608

Yeah, those machines get disgusting and that was my least favorite cleaning job when I closed.

>> No.7785609

What is dead may never die.

>> No.7785614

Why would someone lie on the Internet?

>> No.7785621

Well if it's his

>> No.7785622

On my first day they put me on one of the counter registers, but I was also supposed to work the fry station. They trained me during a slow period so I wouldn't have to deal with crowds at first.

>> No.7785624

No you don't understand

>> No.7785635

Nobody will remember what you bought unless you acted like a dick.

>> No.7785655

Counterpoint: Friend worked the seafood department of a grocery store.. apparently he and some other associates did spit in the food of some particular dick customers. Upper middle class area too. (This was food that was fried for customers, presumably since they do that)

>> No.7785686

Can't say I wasn't tempted. Customers can be real cunts to service people sometimes.

>> No.7786233
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>> No.7786252

mclobster is trash

>> No.7786418

Yeh other countries have all day breakfast menus now as well.

But damn the hk sausage mcmuffins are just different in a nice way.

>> No.7787248 [DELETED] 
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>using a waffle as a breakfast sandwich


>> No.7787281


What happened?

>> No.7787300

What's your thought on burger king

>> No.7787374
File: 63 KB, 650x559, art (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of people who come to McDonalds in the middle of the night?

I ask because I go to McDonalds every day at about 2-4am because I walk at night due to being a NEET loser. I always get a Cheeseburger and make the staff employee take exactly 2 fries and place them on the burger like they are hands on a clock set to the current time. Then I look at the cheeseburger and say 'damn, time to eat!' and go and eat in the corner by myself.

I am a good person though. I hate to think they are judging me. Hell, I pay for a small fries every time even though I only get two. I hope you guys don't mind. This is a nice McDonalds with nice white employees in a nice area.

>> No.7787424

they use the microwave for burritos, biscuits, and the square egg patties. everything is frozen. meat is in like pucks and slapped on the "grill"

>> No.7787433

If you actually pay attention, they only use the word "freshly" in their advertisements. because it's actually illegal for them to use the word fresh, since nothing is. and i mean NOTHING. me and my coworkers had a laugh when they came out with a new promo item and the store manager went out and got fresh groceries just to put around the display, never to be used.

>> No.7787449

Make sure you're doing your follow up calls, watch for open interviews

>> No.7787500

jesus christ m8

>> No.7787503

dumb autismposter

>> No.7787587
File: 42 KB, 533x401, 1429317915435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damn, time to eat!

>> No.7789641

are you a weed smoker

>> No.7789645

In CA just having a bar means crazy high liqour licenses fees but restraunts cant get lower fees if the main point of the place is not booze.

Location matters a ton I live in a meme suburb part of town and it seems like every business can sell beer if they want to yet 3 miles away in downtown where there were 8 bars within 3 blocks a buddy's bar shut down since they were not given a liquor license after 8 months of applying for one

>> No.7789649

Unless you look like a brony pedofile I just assume you are getting take out for a kid or something

>> No.7789653

>tfw I applied for a grocery store chain and got rejected
i felt like killing myself desu I was not even good enough to stock shelves

>> No.7791241

What's one (or more) menu item that you would never eat?

>> No.7792139

It's true. i grouted my kitchen with McChicken sauce.