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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 324 KB, 940x622, Eggs-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7770688 No.7770688 [Reply] [Original]

>eating eggs

why? why eat something you already KNOW is bad for you? you might as well smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day


>> No.7770699

baby boomer pls
eggs aren't bad for you at all

>> No.7770705

>eggs aren't bad for you at all
yea, let's just ignore all of the studies that say otherwise

i dont want to see your fat ass in my thread again

>> No.7770708

Saturated fat 1.6 g
Polyunsaturated fat 0.7 g
Monounsaturated fat 2 g
yeah nah, you're a boomer idiot
go back to eating low fat high sugar shit

>> No.7770719
File: 39 KB, 350x463, 1464314834909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i didnt watch a single video in the OP
>im a know-it-all millennial that unironically uses boomer as an insult

>> No.7770725

I don't need to watch some boomer faggot prattle on for an hour about eggs when the nutrion facts are available freely online and are completely fine.

>> No.7770761

The only time they're unhealthy is if you fry them in butter (oil is fine, the eggs don't absorb it) or make them scrambled

>> No.7770762

Let's keep people thinking they are bad for you....... If they find out the truth the robbing bastards will hike the price up.

>> No.7770830


>butter and oil are bad for you

That's fucking wrong too. You ate Big Sugar's cock for so long that you actually started to believe fat magically makes people fat?

>> No.7770841

Sorry, I already hit my retard cap for the day.

Kindly fuck right off

>> No.7770848

An excess of calories from fat will make you fat.

>> No.7770866

>An excess of calories from fat literally anything will make you fat.

Congratulations, you've discovered the fundamental mechanics of energy balance.

>> No.7770878

Which is more than can be said for op

>> No.7770902
File: 28 KB, 370x310, gtfo_Mike_Tyson_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you might as well smoke 2 packs of cigarettes
>bcoz food is as harmful as carbon monoxide,
>nicotine, and particulate matter

>> No.7770924

Because I want to be Gaston mode

>> No.7771013

you forgot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OZkCXbbEJw

>> No.7772486

>First video is based in a self report research, which is not reliable. Along with more stuff that is dicussed in the comments, with sources.
>Second video is based in a research in people with high consumption of eggs, but there is no information given about what othe things does the subject eat, making it again unrealiable, same as the first one, there is more in the comments.
>All the "sources" are the same guy using unreliable researches with holes. Biased and in most of the time ignoring another investigations that say that eggs if they are taken with control are good.

Nice try veganfag, go take your b12 pills while you die of the lack of cholesterol.

>> No.7772492

Hold up, "Hey Dwayne the Rock Johnson, are eggs bad for me?" He said no then broke my arm.

>> No.7772503

Provide your evidence in the form of text, and I might pay attention. I read a lot faster than those shills talk.

>> No.7772662
File: 2.19 MB, 1600x2560, Screenshot_2015-01-04-17-40-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating eggs every day for 20 years
>nornal cholesterol
Yeah bad for me...

>using real butter forever
>report comes out that margarine is bad for you
>still using real butter and laughing

>> No.7772679
File: 616 KB, 533x538, 1433556643718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scramble eggs in a non-stick pan without additional oil
>this is somehow unhealthier than other methods

>> No.7772700

Dr. Greger is the most desu

do you do his 90 minutes of moderate activity a day?

>> No.7772747
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, Gaston-Screencaps-gaston-23409180-1920-1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want to be roughly the size of a barge
No gains detected

>> No.7772766

yeah u tell those vegans u can be healthy at any size

>> No.7773672

Post this on fit, your bait is pretty weak for a slow board but over there you will have people biting.

Of course there is nothing wrong with eggs. All studies from the past 5 years agree.

>> No.7773682

>not liking eggs

hey guy fieri how bout you go film some diners, drive-ins than die.

>> No.7773760

Studies funded by the egg industry, maybe.

>> No.7774841

You're silly. Everyone does things that they know are bad for them.

>> No.7774871

Hi VeganGains you fucking shitskin

>> No.7774875

Big Egg trying to fuck us

>> No.7774955

>Tottaly removing an ingredient from your diet because you can't control the amount of it that you're eating hence getting a lot of cholesterol
>Next time remove every milk based ingredients because it can cause ostheoposis

>> No.7775085

>still eating food

>> No.7776864

So then all the studies claiming that eggs are bad they are funded by Peta and the rich vegan kids.

>> No.7776868

What ISN'T bad for you these days?

Literally everything causes cancer, apparently.

>> No.7776956

Everything but an organic free range local ethically sourced heirloom raw vegan diet, prepared without any cultural appropriation, of course.

>> No.7776969

Even then you could just spontaneously develop cancer.

There is some good news: I'm working on a new drug that completed stops all cell division. This will be the definitive cure for all cancers. Admittedly, it will also kill you within roughly a week. In OPs case it may be best he takes it as a preventative measure, though.

>> No.7776973

Most sand-based foods are perfectly healthy to be eaten in a daily basis IF they are prepared without preservatives.

>> No.7777001

I think you accidentally a few words there, anon.

>> No.7777026

T. Absolutely bootyblasted desperate soccer mom paleo memeshitters

>> No.7777036

Name a single one of those studies

Recency bias doesnt override the old nor make itself valid

>> No.7777094

Eggs are a wonderfully healthy food. Eating more than 40 a month may be a little bad.

It is good to eat them soft cooked, so the yolk is runny.

>> No.7777124

I have 6 chickens. I eat eggs every day. Every single day.

>> No.7777136

The FDA forbids the egg industry to refer to their products as nutritious or healthful in any way

>> No.7777140

Who cares?

>> No.7777152

>say it's a wonderfully healthy food

>it's not allowed to even be described as nutritious in any way let alone healthy

Nice one, dumbass

>> No.7777154

I'm critical of eggs myself, but it's a simple fact that eggs have a good micronutrient profile, whether by weight or by calorie. The yolks contain plenty of goodies, certainly more than apples

>> No.7777163

Goodies like pure delicious artery clogging cholesterol

>> No.7777165


Why do you think that dietary cholesterol has anything to do with serum cholesterol?

>> No.7777170

I don't see the disconnect

>> No.7777171

Why don't you? Are you some flat-earther retard too? Do you just disregard years of scientific evidence because your soccer mom blog from last year said cholesterol was PROVEN to be harmless in an obnoxious little slide by slide article?

Of course you do

>> No.7777173

That's not surprising. You're a fucking idiot

>> No.7777175

Doesn't have anything to do with what we're talking about. A food is nutritious if it provides a lot of nutrients in relation to how much of it you consume (weight/calories).

Eggs are a particularly good source of iron, folate, riboflavin, vitamin D, preformed vitamin A, as well as being the best source of choline bar none (choline is essential and required for folate and iron to operate correctly)

Egg protein is also highly digestible, complete and balanced. The fatty acid profile is adequate. Literally the only potential problem with eggs is cholesterol.

Eggs are in fact nutritious

>> No.7777176

>Why don't you?

Simple. Because medical research has found that the cholesterol in one's arteries are created by the liver, and not from dietary sources.

...and also because food one eats is DIGESTED first, it doesn't magically become part of the human body. If you're old enough to post here, you must have taken at least some kind of biology class, right?

>>years of scientific evidence

Pay attention to the research itself, anon. Not what the news outlets tell you. Arterial plaque cholesterol is not from the same source as dietary cholesterol. They're different,.

>> No.7777180

>doesn't have anything to do with what we're talking about

Of course it does. If eggs have that drawback then they aren't as great as you think

>Eggs are in fact nutritious

That is legally a false advertising claim

>best source of choline bar none

Choline from eggs can actually be detrimental to us

>> No.7777184

>Because medical research has found that cholesterol in one's artieries is created by the liver

Known for yeras

>not form dietary sources

Nothing valid to support htis

>it doesn't magically become part of the human body

You are not saying anything witty here

>pay attention to the research itself

I suggest you do the same instead of subscribing to soccer mom anti-vaxxer blogs and actually trace the sources of those researches

>They're different

Feel free to prove an established fact, wrong, at any time. Most "news" bullshit is about stupid shit you're saying nowadays anyways

You haven't actually said anything of any substantial value

>> No.7777197

>Known for yeras

>Nothing valid to support htis

How do you reconcile those two? If you know that serum cholesterol is created by the liver, why are you worried about dietary sources at all? Are you an idiot? Honest question.

>> No.7777200


>> No.7777206

>Ms. Morano has no doubts about how she made it this long: Her elixir for longevity consists of raw eggs, which she has been eating — three per day — since her teens when a doctor recommended them to counter anemia.

>> No.7777207

>How do you reconcile these two

The liver produces cholesterol, this has been known. So does eating cholesterol

How is this hard to comprehend?

Are you an idiot? Serious question, not some passive-aggressive one.

You are denying an established consensus with absolutely verifiable quackery bullshit about "how everyone was wrong!!!!"

Clickbait tier yellow medical "journalism"

>> No.7777208

eggs are okay, if you have a couple a day... that's it.... they're not a miracle super food like broccoli.

>> No.7777219


>Broad studies of hundreds of thousands of people strongly suggest that eggs are bad for you? Never mind that, look at this one person who ate a lot of eggs and lived a long time!

>> No.7777223

really makes me feel like smoking is as bad as eggs.... and eggs are healthy...

>> No.7777227

i fucking love eggs

>> No.7777228

Nice job evaluating the evidence

>> No.7777232

>How is this hard to comprehend?

Because it's not true.
The liver produces cholesterol, yes.
Eating cholesterol does not produce a significant affect of serum cholesterol.

that's why.

>>serious question

Same here. I've had "high cholesterol" for years. I've had many blood tests. My dietary cholesterol had no effect on it., despite many dietary changes. Which makes sense since serum cholesterol comes from the liver and not from food. I could eat five eggs a day, or zero: made no difference in my blood tests at all.

>>You are denying an established consensus

That doesn't exist, except perhaps in the late 80's during which research was limited.

>> No.7777236

eggs are as bad as smoking, means smoking ISN'T REALLY THAT BAD.

>> No.7777239

The FDA considers pizza sauce a vegetable and thinks that brominated vegetable oil is edible, so I'm not sure why anybody cares what the FDA thinks.

>> No.7777242

the bigger issue is that's all form one guy.... i'd like tos ee a few opnions then this guy saying eggs are as bad as a carton a day.

>> No.7777249

>means smoking ISN'T REALLY THAT BAD.

No. means the study is suspect as hell.

>> No.7777258

>because it's not true

Saying something isn't true doesn't make it not true. You are the only one arguing against something universally recognized as law

>does not produce a significant effect

So you go from none to just some, nice job. And that's not true either. You have still yet to provide any sources saying otherwise

>I've had "high cholesterol" for years
Why are you putting this in quotations?

>My dietary cholesterol had no effect on it
Based on what?

>despite many dietary changes
Such as?

>made no difference in my blood tests at all

Anecdotal and obviously entirely unreliable

>that doesn't exist

Except it does, perhaps if you actually decided to research the idiotic thing you are arguing about instead of just confirming your own biases with clickbait headlines, you'd learn something

>research was limited

In what way, doctor?

>> No.7777263

>everyone should cut out their livers to avoid cholesterol

That's basically what you're saying. Nice work.

>> No.7777268

No. That's your stupid conclusion.

It's one guy utilizing many different studies. I'm sure you'll find other people

>> No.7777270

>You have still yet to provide any sources saying otherwise

Neither have you, anon. This isn't the 1990's anymore. the lipid hypothesis has been debunked.

Since you already admit that the cholesterol in the body is made by the liver, why are you worried about dietary cholesterol at all?

>> No.7777272

>That's basically what you're saying

That is not even remotely close to what I'm saying. Nice job at creating such an idiotic fucking conclusion that only someone as dumb and desperate as you could possibly grasp at.

>> No.7777275

>neither have you

The burden of proof is on you to counter what is an actual established fact. Regardless, even if I had to provide something, that doesn't mean you're excluded from doing it either, tu quo quoe is a fallacy

>this isn't the 1990s anymorre
Relevance? In what world does something old mean its bad? That's recency bias. New research doesn't override the old, it just adds to the conversation, it sure as hell doesn't override anything especially since your apparently only source is soccer-mom tier shit which has no base to it especially relative to actual sicnece

>the lipid hypothesis has been debunked

By absolutely no one.

>why are you worrried about dietary cholesterol at all

Those two aren't mutually exclusive. You know exactly what I mean but you're such a desperate retard at this point you are looking for anything possible to grasp at

>> No.7777284

I hope you realize the liver is an essential organ and you can't just remove it because it produces cholesterol. What you're advocating is tremendously dangerous.

>> No.7777285

he makes fun of a study that uses 8 people in it, then shows a study after about one guy.

it's kinda fucking weird.

>> No.7777287

all cholesterol is bad cholesterol.

there's no such thing as "GOOD cholesterol" because that's what the body makes, not what you EAT. faggot.

>> No.7777298

>In what world does something old mean its bad?

In this one. the fact that we had a cholestrol scare in the 1990's but have since have learned differently ought to be pretty obvious...assuming of course you've been keeping up with the research, as opposed to hearing something and then getting your mind stuck on it,

Scientfic research follows tends, anon. First wee discoved (during the late 80's) that arterial plaque was caused by cholesterol. At the time research was limited so we assumed that dietary cholesterol = serum cholesterol because we simply didn't have enough information to know better.

Now we have done more research, and we now know that the idea of "dietary cholesterol = serum cholesterol" is just as silly as the idea that scabs cause cuts.

>> New research doesn't override the old

Sure it does. In the past we didn't know the exact mechanism, so people (like yourself) jumped to conclusions. Now that we have done more research we know the "Whiy", and that doesn't agree with the previous theory.

>> You know exactly what I mean

No, I don't. that's why I asked you a question, which for some reason you are either unable or unwilling to actually answer. That speaks volumes.

>> No.7777299

>What you're advocating is tremendously dangerous.

That's the whole point, anon. That the other person is recommending something that is patently absurd. In other words, the other person is clueless and inept.

>> No.7777304

Weak mind

>> No.7777310

>but have since learned differently

Here you are still using stupid little clickbait tier headlines with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to support it

There is no reason to take anything you say beyond this point seriously

What have we learned differently? Nothing according to you, yourself

>keeping up with the reserach

Like what?

>was limited

Again, what way?

>we simply didn't have enough information

Information that we have today in what way?

>now that we have done more reserach

That you still haven't linked a single one of

>sure it does

Oh, I see, you're trolling

Feel free to kill yourself anytime now, I didn't mean to hold you up

>> No.7777314

I agree. You are a weak mind.

Nobody is advocating to remove the liver you gigantic fucking retard

>> No.7777317

>Like what?

i don't see you posting any sources either, foolio.

besides you seem to have already admitted that blood cholesterol comes from the liver. so what exactly is your point?

>> No.7777319

Where do you get "dietary cholesterol is bad" to "REMOVE THE LIVER"?

>> No.7777323

Here's (You)r (You), (You) earned it

Now it's night night time forever, anon, time to kill yourself

>> No.7777333


What happened to "everything in moderation?" Eat whatever in moderation with proper exercise, too you obese faggots.

>Inb4 smoking or cyanide in moderation or anything similar

Fuck off faggots you know what I mean you're just being a retard

>> No.7777339

Well what even is moderation in regards to some things? Moderation for eggs should be zero

If you eat something bad "moderately" you will be afflicted moderately

>> No.7777342

You're not nearly as smart as you think. The presumption of this argument is that eggs are healthy therefore the burden of proof is on you. You have no idea what a tu quoque fallacy is. Your whole second paragraph is idiotic, and you should know in the academic world citing studies older than a decade, especially on controversial issues, is not acceptable unless more current studies are built atop it or provide some sort of support.

>> No.7777358

The presumption here is that someone is arguing against established medical consensus. The burden of proof is on that person to argue against that established claim. Regardless, burden of proof applies to both people. The proof is already on my side so it's up to the person to refute actual FACT

>you ahve no idea what a tu quoque fallacy is.

Neither do you apparently

>your whole second paragraph is idiotic

Cool story

>you should know in the academic world, citing older studies is not acceptable

What academic world? Your public speaking class? There is nothing unacceptable about this. Again, that is a recency bias or a sign of a crippled liberal education system

>> No.7777359


Because dietary cholesterol comes from the liver, that's why.

Though I agree it's a leap from "that's bad" to "let's remove it!", as clearly the liver has many positive functions which clearly outweigh the production of dietary cholesterol.

>> No.7777364

That's because you're a fat fuck. I'm going to eat eggs cry me a river faggot

>> No.7777366

>established medical consensus.

Kinda like bleeding of humors, right?

>> No.7777373

>dietary cholesterol comes from the liver

That's not dietary then, you retard. That's endogenous

>don't eat cholesterol
>this somehow means get rid of the liver

Jesus fucking christ, you are fucking hopeless

>> No.7777376


>> No.7777378
File: 281 KB, 1600x1067, eggs33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you might as well smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day

actually I do
can I still eat the eggie weggs?

>> No.7777380

I'm not fat sack of shit that doesn't have self-control and can't eat his precious wittle eggs

Enjoy obesity you disgusting fuck

>> No.7777387

>Implying I'm fat because I eat one food you dont like
>Not eating whatever in moderation, eggs once a week for breakfast
>Not getting proper exercise everyday

>> No.7777388

4chan isn't a good source of information. You're flat out wrong.

>> No.7777394

>Implying I'm fat because I don't eat food you like
>Not being a fat fuck and just avoiding unhealthy things
>Implying your quarter reps and morning jogs are proper exercise

Keep in mind you're the one originally bitching about people that don't want to eat eggs, fatso

>> No.7777397

Good argument. Can't wait for your next enlightening post

>> No.7777398

Vegans who don't exercise actually have better general and cardiovascular health markers than meat eaters who exercise regularly

>> No.7777407
File: 2.54 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20160613_141655048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol dude I'm trying to say eat whatever in moderation and you're saying no

>> No.7777414

Christ you are ridiculously insecure and pathetic


I take that back, fucking eat some eggs and burgers, christ mate

>> No.7777415

o shit this guy can prove hes not overweight can you anti eggfag

>> No.7777417

Moderation is ill-defined.

>> No.7777420

I'm not insecure, I just proved that I'm not fat because I had nothing better to do

>> No.7777423
File: 32 KB, 403x501, 497181b9ed73e0dbff907f69212afebc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs are super good for you.
The cholesterol -> CVD brainfart has been disproven long ago.

>> No.7777425

Disproven by flat-earther soccer moms lol

>> No.7777428


>> No.7777431

You are quite insecure considering you took the time to actually prove something utterly inconsequential

For all I know you may be a 122lb twig but have tons of body fat

>> No.7777437

Rather eat eggs than make everything in my house smell like shit and lose all my friends to be honest.

>> No.7777442


Where do you think you are?

>> No.7777445

I meant potential friends.

>> No.7777446

Nah man, you're just saying I'm insecure because you can't do the same, you can't step on a scale and say that it's not over 250 lbs.

Considering I get proper exercise and I am eating correctly to gain body mass, no. Want me to show that to you as well?

>> No.7777449

That's impossible. I'm 152 and I have barely any body fat. Maybe some but tons of body fat would be ridiculous.

>> No.7777452

>you can't step on a scale say that it's not over 250lbs

You're right, I actually have fucking muscle, lol

The rest of your post still reeks with insecurity, take it easy twig, don't want you to snap

>> No.7777453

are you like 5'?

>> No.7777466
File: 31 KB, 507x356, IMG_20160613_143053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, picture related

>> No.7777467
File: 48 KB, 627x626, startsmokingthen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eggs are bad

>> No.7777470


Yes, the same FDA whose standards are so low that it considers pizza a vegetable. Even they don't think eggs contains anything worthy of the label "nutritious".

>> No.7777471

What the fuck


>> No.7777472

>Implying your 250 lbs are muscle
Tbh IDGAF about my being skinny because I can always gain.

>> No.7777475

Established medical consensus is poor b8?

What a world we live in

>> No.7777480

You are 120 pounds at 6ft, I'd hope you be able to fucking gain

In all seriousness that is not a healthy weight to be at for that height

>> No.7777484

It's very easy to gain, last year I was 85. Ive come so far now.

>> No.7777499

I want to know what it looks like to be you post more pics pls

>> No.7777671

That is not an acceptable weight for that height. Please eat.

>> No.7777695
File: 169 KB, 343x400, really-really-bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meta analysis

Stopped watching right there.

Science is not science by democracy. Its science by scientific method.

>> No.7777711

Holy shit dude, you're almost the same as I am
I never thought I'd see someone the same weight as me an inch taller

>> No.7777761
File: 164 KB, 600x600, 70272002163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes sense to me

one egg yolk contains over 60% daily cholesterol

remove egg yolk > remove cholesterol

theres a reason this product is a thing

>> No.7777765

>"daily cholesterol"
>believing blanket nutrition guidelines

>> No.7777769

the question is what can you do as a human being who is dying to high cholesterol

not about wellll maybe they got the guidelines wrong *eats eggs*

>> No.7777802

>dying to high cholesterol

Eat less saturated fat. The cholesterol that's in your body does not come from the cholesterol in the food you eat, it comes from your liver, which manufactures it from saturated fat.

>> No.7777813

Please post a picture of yourself anon. :^)

>> No.7777839

i imagine some of it would come from food as well and contribute to the problem

it doesnt just disappear

some people say saturated fat is good other people say its bad
what the fuck is going on im just trying to understand things personally

>> No.7777846


>> No.7777847

>established facts, wrong,
You don't need commas there for that sentence

>> No.7777853

You can get cholesterol from what you eat as well

>> No.7777857

>i imagine some of it would come from food as well

But that's not true. You know what digestion is, right?

>>it doesnt just disappear
some of it gets digested and broken down into its basic chemical components. some of it gets pooped out.

>> is good other people say its bad
There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" when it comes to food/nutrients. The idea is to get enough of the given nutrient but not too much. Too much of any nutrient can kill you. So can too little. The idea that a specific nutrient is "good" or "Bad" is fundamentally flawed.

>> No.7777860

Do you even know what a meta-analysis is? Do you even know what you're actually saying?

>> No.7777875

>There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" when it comes to food/nutrients. The idea is to get enough of the given nutrient but not too much. Too much of any nutrient can kill you. So can too little. The idea that a specific nutrient is "good" or "Bad" is fundamentally flawed.

i understand that but there is a fundamentally preferred diet for human beings atleast skewed in a certain direction and everyone has their own philosophy and beliefs

i can choose to cook with olive oil which is higher in the other fats poly/mono fats or i can choose to cook with higher saturated fat butter or coconut oil

trying to say that you are going to attempt to use different oils every time and have a wide variety diet just incase tells me you are indecisive and dont really understand what route is truly beneficial to the human body

>> No.7777888

>use different oils every time and have a wide variety diet

Not, it tells you that I don't give a crap about optimum nutrition in this particular instance and instead I choose my oils based on what works the best for the food I am cooking at the time.

>> No.7777906

for unhealthy people im saying it does matter

if someone has a chronic condition like high cholesterol he better have done his research on whether or not eggs are healthy if hes eating 10 a day

or someone might not think salt is a factor in their life they believe salt is perfectly healthy all the while its destroying them

>> No.7778228

Because other meat for breakfast makes me sick and theyre quick and easy

>> No.7778279

We are humans not fragile little butterflys quit underestimating your bodies ability to digest food and stay healthy off of something natural filled with good fat seriously bullshit like this is why people are fat
Also if you can't eat eggs and maintain a healthy lifestyle you need to turn off the computer and go for a walk or a run if you can muster up the courage
But this is just silly bait I hope

>> No.7778289

Oh and make sure to hydrate because that shit is something people need to get in there heads aswell

>> No.7778297
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Also i csn make this with kust eggs and cheese

>> No.7779060

(((Michael Greger)))

He is a veganism shill and cherrypicks studies. Fuck off.

>> No.7780904
File: 152 KB, 720x522, 1465241707308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7781887


where you at?

>> No.7782578

>says mr I'm completely wrong while giving no evidence


>> No.7783182


>> No.7783189
File: 560 KB, 960x720, 1460864403652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had three fried eggs for breakfast. With steak fajitas, avocado, grated cheese, and fresh flour tortillas.

I feel like I'm going to live forever.

>> No.7783413

We're all going to die anyway, might as well eat delicious eggs while we're still alive.

>> No.7783421

they taste nice

>> No.7783469
File: 89 KB, 481x700, Giger_HR_fat_bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Avocado video was fucking scary, jesus christ.

Interesting about the red cabbage and broccoli sprouts.

>> No.7783603


is this the new form of 2015's vegan link spam meme?