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7770086 No.7770086 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this even allowed?

>coke, a processed substance with sugar (sorry americans) and a bunch of other ingredients. $2

>water, straight out of the fucking tap somewhere that has been filtered or gone through a reverse osmosis process. $3

>go to a fast food outlet and decide to change the coke in your combo meal to water "oh that's an extra 50c thanks"

Why does this not happen in third world countries where you can't even drink water out of the tap? For example a bottle of water at a convenience store in Indonesia costs 20 cents. It's chilled, straight out of the fridge and tastes fine.

Why do rich countries put up with this shit?

>> No.7770098

People who drink water when there are other options available are pretentious assholes who just want to feel better than other people. They're happy to pay extra, and the rest of us don't care.

>> No.7770099

>Why doesn't the government set the prices?

because not everybody hates freedom

>> No.7770103

>bottled shit is affordable in 3rd world countries where people literally need it to survive
>bottled shit is overpriced at outlet mall vending machines where it's a luxury item for lazy soccer moms who forgot to bring refreshments for the kids, even when there are drinking fountains around the corner

How is this difficult to understand?

>> No.7770105

It's the bottle.

>> No.7770106


>be thirsty
>check vending machine

>sugar water
>sugar water
>sugar water
>sugar water

>sugar water
>sugar water
>actual, thirst quenching water

Such pretentiousness.

>> No.7770110

>look mom, I'm talking about sugar again!

>> No.7770111

Convenience and size, nigger. That water is like 40% larger than the cokes and you're paying for a chilled bottle. It's like how that 2 dollar can is more expensive than getting a 2 liter from the store.

>> No.7770114

You're just proving my point by clearly demonstrating that drinking water makes you feel like you're better than others.

>> No.7770119


I have no clue how you could have possibly gotten that from the post you replied to.

>> No.7770126


>Be mexican
>Government says that you shouldn'r drink tap water
>Still Drinking it
>Nothing happens
>Fuck you Nestle and Coca Cola

>> No.7770128

Difficulty understanding the underlying meaning of messages is a sign of being somewhere on the autism spectrum.

>> No.7770131

2$ for a can of soda where the fuck is this?

>> No.7770134

Not that anon, but water is what you want to drink to rehydrate, not soda. While you could read it as being passive aggressive, it's also factually correct.

>> No.7770137

if you're thirsty you drink water, how can you be pretentious with the logical solution?

Are you retarded?

>> No.7770138

Long term effects not short term you wont see problems till later in life.

>> No.7770147

Maybe, i never tought of long term diseases. Thanks anon.

>> No.7770150


The entire point of that post was about water, not sugar. As in, "I'm thirsty and want something hydrating" - it said nothing positive or negative about consuming sugar.

>> No.7770156

>not drinking coffee all the time
Bunch of fagots, all of you.

>> No.7770162

Australia, everything is more expensive here. That $2 works out to be 1.48 USD.

Keep in mind our minimum wage is about $17.80 per hour.

>> No.7770163

Wow the meme about americans is real. I didn't realise that you consider water after exhausting all other high fructose corn syrup options.

Just wow.

>> No.7770170

Aussie dollars, not US dollars

>> No.7770173


>> No.7770182


>one person

Just wow.

>> No.7770187

What country are you in?
I most of the first world countries, restaurants and food-serving places are legally required to let you have water for free.

>> No.7770203

If you paid attention OP, the water is a bottle and the soda is cans

Cans cost less than bottles

>> No.7770211

But the content of the bottle costs far less than that of the can

Even with the price of the bottle it should still be about 50c, not $3

>> No.7770215

I drink water but I'm better than you for other reasons

>> No.7770249

the cans are 375 ml for 2 $, the water is 600 ml for 3 $. means you still get more water than soda per dollar. nice try, but still weak bait

>> No.7770253

>pretentious assholes who just want to feel better than other people
but i am better than other people?

>> No.7770263

>not believing you're better than other people

>> No.7770266

Your cans are sold in 375ml?

I thought 330ml was standard?

>> No.7770270

375ml has always been standard here

>> No.7770275

It costs more to produce the bottle of water than it does the bottle of Coke because of economies of scale and the relationship between supply and demand. Take an Econ class.

>> No.7770276


Are they like Foster's cans?

>> No.7770284

No idea, nobody here drinks fosters. The only one time I've ever drunk it was when I was on holiday in the UK.

But I assume they are 375ml, the majority of other beer sold in cans here are.

>> No.7770366

This is true, but theyre not required to give you brand name bottled water, only tap water. They could technically offer tap water but make you pay for a bottle of a specific brand.

>> No.7770370

Oh, I didn't mean bottled water.
If they have water taps (which all of them do) and cups (which they more than likely will), then they aren't allowed to turn you down.

>> No.7770384


As far as I know here, only places serving alcohol are required to provide free tap water. If you go to a Cafe or restaurant that doesn't sell booze you're shit outta luck and have to pay $4 for a bottle of Mt Franklin

>> No.7770387

However I should add that 90% of restaurants will bring out glass jugs of cold tap water for free a few mins after you sit down.

>> No.7770390
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man children who need a cold sody pop now will pay a premium

>> No.7770397
File: 785 KB, 470x718, cM7ij8L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it triggers me when restaurants give out bitch sized glasses of water.

I am a grown ass man and you can give me a man sized glass of water or you can deal with refilling my water 4 times a night

>> No.7770438

That's weird man, the standard for beers in the UK is 440ml and they're typically sold in 4, 8, 12 or 20 packs.

You can find 500ml cans though.

>> No.7770478

We have some beers in 440ml cans but they aren't very popular. There are bottles that are 330ml and smaller but 95% of tinnies are 375ml.

Bottles and cans are sold in 6 packs or by the carton (24). Nothing in between.

Premix spirits are usually sold in 4 packs, occasionally 6 packs.

>> No.7770481

Very interesting. Do you have any further details to provide? Any tiny piece of information on this subject would be most fascinating.

>> No.7770491

>water is free
naw im just stingy

>> No.7770497

I thought it was the norm for bottled water to be a fucking rip off in first world countries. As opposed to other places where you need to drink bottled water because the local tap water will give you kidney stones or shingles or something, so of course they'd make it cheap, in the West tap water should actually be drinkable so bottled water is a luxury or for people too lazy to fill a water bottle at home.

>> No.7770501

>3 different coke buttons
>not one of them for cherry coke
>those prices

sucks to be australian

>> No.7770648
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No sorry, that's all I've got

We had cherry and vanilla coke here about 10 years ago but I haven't seen it since. Apparently vanilla coke is still available at some weird small little independent supermarkets.

>> No.7770656

Taco cuck here, water is free. but we don't have bottled water, only filtered water. Pro tip: it's usually cheaper to order what you want outside of the combo if you're going to have water or don't want a drink, since it's free.

>> No.7770666

Are you an ozziefag?

>> No.7770713

Yes, have you read any posts in this thread, cuntbag?

Oi cunt giv us ya loita

>> No.7770723

>weird small independent supermarkets

Like fuckin 7/11? Shit's everywhere.

>> No.7770769

>tfw fresh tank water
Everything else tastes gross.

>> No.7770845

Stop memeing you fuck
Water is a million times better than the liquid jew
Taste and health

>> No.7770850

I drink water out of a garden hose

>> No.7770865

Not my 7/11s in my city and none of them sell it. 7/11 is mainstream, I am talking about independents not fucking corporations you cuck

Me too on a hot day. Dat taste m8

>> No.7770871

Not many 7/11s in my city is what I was trying to say

>> No.7770911
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>drink water because I prefer it over soda
>not really interested in sweet/carbonated stuff and it doesn't quench my thirst and couldn't give a rats ass what others drink
>makes me pretentious
What a time to be alive.

>> No.7770918

In a lot of third world countries, soda is easier and cheaper to find than clean water. In America, all water that flows from an indoor tap must be potable unless otherwise marked. I'm not sure you know what you're taking about.

>> No.7771060

As you are an American without a passport, I don't think you really know what you're taking about.

>> No.7771073


There's a difference between drinking regular tap water and bottled water.

>> No.7771096


Yeah. A massive difference in price. And perhaps the convenience of having it in a bottle (which is kinda moot since you can always bring your own container to fill from the tap)

The majority of bottled water literally is tap water. In the US the source of the water is required to be on the label by law. The vast majority of them will say something like "Source: Municipal water from X". That's literally tap water. You just pay 4,000% more for it. And in some states the laws regarding the purity of tap water are actually stricter than those for bottled water.

>> No.7771112

>Literally the only healthy thing the body absolutely needs to survive
>Look at those pretentious people mom, they're drinking water and triggering my insecurities

Literally fuck off

>> No.7771113

>why allowed


and Flint Michigan?

>> No.7771120

You're on 4chan. You're better than nobody.

>> No.7771141

you're on earth. you're better than nobody from that perspective as well. but you wont catch human beings thinking that shit. nop. gotta be the best.

>> No.7771154

they have both coke and pepsi with real sugar in america

soda is terrible for you and you should drink fresh iced tea or water tho

>> No.7771926

You're paying for the convenience of having it cold right this second.

They raised their prices and people still paid $2 for a can, so they stayed that way. It's just capitalism.

You shouldn't even be drinking soda anyway.

>> No.7771941

but if your actually thirsty and want water instead of soda cause water actually quenches your thrist.
Not saying no one should ever drink soda but it is kind of a stupid idea if your real thirsty potentially a bit dehydrated to reach for a soda over water

>> No.7772040

no, it's tourists that shouldn't drink tap water. locals are used to it

>i've gotten sick from tap water in fucking Canada.

>> No.7772042

It's 375 in Australia, 330 in Europe, and 355 in the US.

>> No.7772120

Welcome to the New World Order friend.

That guy you think who is "baiting" or "being retarded" in this thread is a NWO shill. You either drink the poisonous Coke or you're a pretentious autist, water is a privilege. You'll see more of them and more of these arguments soon.

>> No.7772147

non of the products on that vending machine contain sugar

>> No.7772218

Some places have better tap water than others. Even if it is just tap water sometimes I don't wanna drink my own. Ever had Florida tap water? Literally tastes like swamp.

>> No.7772267


because according to the machine, the coke is $2 for 375 mL, the water is $3 for 600 mL, that's nearly double the product

>> No.7772461

Soda does quench your thirst. The idea that it dehydrates is a myth.

Caffeinated soda does have a diuretic effect, but the water content far outweighs that. It's been found that even for coffee the water content is enough to provide net positive hydration. Regardless, not every soda is caffeinated and the sugar doesn't dehydrate as you've been told.

>> No.7772671

sugar required Hydrolysis to be processed by your body so it does take some water from your body to process all 60 grams of sugar in the average soft drink.

Plus are you listed there is a diuretic effect that is caused by caffeinated sodas

Which therefore makes water a much more efficient quencher. you drink 12 oz you get 12 oz of water and 0 calories

You sound like a soda industry shill you have no studies to prove your claim yet sit back and say "there is no reason people can't get their daily hydration needs from soda"

>> No.7772906

All of them contain cane sugar except the water you dumb cunt

>> No.7773100

Live in miami it's not half bad senpai idk about you.

>> No.7773107

I like to hydrate myself properly you pretentious ass hat.

>> No.7773128

I can't be bothered to read the 70+ replies, but it's very simple: people who want to be healthy and make healthy choices will pay extra to do so.

The "organic" market noticed this, and exploited it, and now this vending machine company is exploiting it.

>> No.7773137

>there is no reason people can't get their daily hydration needs from soda
but that's objectively true

is water a better choice?
yes, no-one is arguing that

but soda is not fucking seawater, you will not drop dead due to dehydration if you down a bottle of fucking coke because you are thirsty

>> No.7773183


Are you like new to this world senpai?

Bottled water is a necessity in countries with non potable tap water. As opposed to developed countries, where it's a commodity.

>> No.7773189
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>go to convenience store
>fill a cup with ice and water from the little lever on the side of the lemonade button
>they still charge me for the price of a soda

>> No.7773190

Soda companies want you to buy their sodas and become a dehydrated fat sugar addicted slob.

Who would have thought?

Carry a water bottle with you.

>> No.7773242

>buying bottled water
>destroying the environment
>not having a water bottle

good grief


>> No.7773269

post the fanny pack you carry your water bottle in, please.

>> No.7773274

soda does not quench thirst, and it has nothing to do with the caffiene content but the fact that they literally add sodium to it to keep you thirsty. how the fuck would they make money if you were satisfied after drinking it? the companies who make this shit are not your buddy, they will add all kinds of ingredients to confuse your body's chemistry and make you addicted dumbass

the voice of reason itt

>> No.7773283

Not him but I have a 32 oz nalgene I bring most places. I just hold it in my hand if I don't have my backpack with me

>> No.7773285
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>> No.7773296

>all Americans drink soda
>none of us own water bottles
>I even use vending machines


>> No.7773299


>> No.7773310


>> No.7773313

>I don't carry anything.

>People are like, "That guy doesn't have anything with him! He must be unpredictable and spontaneous! He could just go wherever he wants since he's not weighed down by his STUFF!!!"

>"Who might this James Dean-esque character be? He could just hop on his motorcycle and be like, 'Peace out faggots!' And he wouldn't even have a water bottle to worry about while he's doing it!"

>Only squares have things that they might need. I travel light. Never know when I might need to be nowhere particular. I'm a bit of a drifter. A world traveler. I could wake up in Tokyo or Bermuda or Spain tomorrow. Can't have a water bottle holding me back.

>> No.7773346

Isn't capitalism great

>> No.7773446

i get so sick of carrying it
ive resorted to a small backpack like>>7773285
but not tacticool

>> No.7773493

top kek

>> No.7773519

>soda does not quench thirst
Again, a myth. Thoroughly disproven, as you'll find if you take the time to research your preconceptions.

>how the fuck would they make money if you were satisfied after drinking it
A very peculiar question. How do the people selling plain water make money? How do people selling carrots make money? Same thing for soda sales.

>> No.7773538

San Diego here, can confirm that our tap water is shit

>> No.7773946

Are you a fat person?

>> No.7773966

Yes, I am morbidly obese

>> No.7773968

This is the old (and reasonable) logic since the 80's to just a few years ago. That's why it was funny to make fun of over-priced bottled water. Coincidentally or not (not a tinfoil), many municipalities in US cities now have unsafe drinking water.

>> No.7774603

You aren't going to make it with that kind of mentality m80 b80.

>> No.7776329


>> No.7776455

It is actually
So many choices to choose from

>> No.7776981

>middle school field day
>for lunch all the kids are given their choice of a free soda
>if you want water you have to buy a bottle

>> No.7778106


>just American things nobody else would understand


>> No.7778112


>$2 for a coke


>> No.7778122

We don't earn $6 an hour you dumb faggot
Read the rest of the thread and you would know

>> No.7778159

I get the feeling that the people who try to act all smug and superior because they drink water get thiers from a clean source, such as a well. Because I do not see myself drinking city water at all.

>> No.7778258


'Field Day' is the last day of school when all the grading has been done. It's usually treated like an all day recess with games and events and things.

It's weird though, because I don't remember a 'field day' after 5th grade. Anon might have gone to some kind of weird special needs middle school.

>> No.7779128

A coke review

>> No.7779165

Umm.. a lot of well water is shitty. Ours is high in iron, so setting up sprinklers can potentially stain the siding and concrete.

Now I drink delivered Culligan man spring water, which honestly is the best I've tasted. Used to drink Chicagoland tap water in college, but you'd have to fill up a pot and let it sit so the chlorine evaporated off. Cold water is easy enough to gulp down either way.

But what the fuck does this have to do with drinking soda as your primary source of hydration? That just sounds asinine.