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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7769830 No.7769830 [Reply] [Original]

I had a ton of conflict with my roommates over all things cooking - like cleaning, shared food, whose was what in the fridge, where the pots/pans/silverware were going, etc. Eventually, in disgust, I just stopped eating at home so I didn't have to be part of the drama.

Now, I eat out/order in nearly every single night, with a few exceptions for the occasional shitty, microwaved meal or something I can eat straight out of the fridge uncooked. It's been this way for two-three years.

I'd like to be more open to cooking, because it's a pain in the ass when I'm at home drunk and the only option is pizza or Chinese.

What are some simple, easy clean up dishes that can be made for one person with like a single pot or pan, and leave minimal to no leftovers? I would also preferably like to not have a ton of ingredients sitting around in my fridge - they will get used.

Even just general ideas about dealing with shitty roommates when it comes to food would help.

>> No.7769834

Become an adult

>> No.7769841

Get better roommates.

>> No.7769879


They're great roommates besides this, and at this point in time, keeping roommates who will actually pay rent on time and not deal drugs out of my house is more important than kicking them out for cooking problems.

>> No.7769908
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You could try vegan food. It's alright. Tofu, beans, mock meat, all that stuff. Your roommates probably wouldn't want to steal it.

Turning it into meals is still tricky if you can't have normal food sitting around. Do they also take rice/potatoes, vegetables, etc?

If you can hide a bottle of salad dressing in the fridge, that and some mixed beans is a quick salad. Have a sandwich with it.

Tofu can be marinated with any sauce you like, again if you can keep that around. Buy weird sauces, stuff from ethnic markets, etc.

I don't know why you can't just talk it out and set up boundaries. It would never occur to me to take other people's food, unless I was dirt poor and starving. But then again I've never had roommates. Are normal people really this difficult to get a long with?

>> No.7769925



Roommate #1: Mostly picky about food but preps his own shit seemingly and is a decent dude. Still, he's a stoner, so when the weed comes out, I don't know what's going on in his head. I smoke from time to time, but this guy is like "420 yolo blaze it" until he's in oblivion. I've seen him do stupid shit like throw away hundreds of dollars of clothes he bought online, so I could see him throwing away a pot because there's a chip in the handle or something.

Roommate #2: More of a jackass, who is just super lazy. He's dirt poor besides what he gives me for rent. He thinks he's entitled to shit. He'd probably eat whatever he could find.

We all agreed to more responsible kitchen treatment but it fell apart shortly after and everyone started pointing fingers at each other. I suspect #2 is at fault for everything, but #1 is just so baked that I can see him completely forgetting everything. I mean, this is a dude who lost his phone under the couch and didn't bother to check, just assumed he lost it and bought a new one.

>> No.7769943

That's sad that weed makes your friend act stupid. Can you please ask him to quit making it harder for the rest of us?

>> No.7769961
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>he thinks he doesn't act stupid when he does the weed

>> No.7769982

Are you just one fag who has literally nothing better to do than shoehorn vegan bullshit into every thread?

>> No.7770115

just buy the tupperware with a lock and keep the key with you at all times. They woudnt dare break it

>> No.7770190

I do not shoehorn. I recommend it when it's appropriate ("what are you eating?", "what should I make?", etc) and only when I can be bothered to.

There's meat in almost every thread and it doesn't bother me (mostly because I'm not vegan), so I don't really understand why my post has upset you.

>> No.7770224

Holy fuck you are. I can't believe it. What an amazing waste of time.

>> No.7770235

Not all vegans are me. And talking about the food I like on a food board doesn't feel like a waste of time.

This right here, this conversation. This is a waste of time.

>> No.7770729

Get a tupperware. Put all your cooking stuff in there. Label it with the 7 curses of the Pharaoh. Cook and clean as you go. Same thing with raw ingredients. Tupperware or ziploc. Label with wards and curses. Done.

>> No.7770737


>> No.7770741


I had a roomate taking my food. Eventually I ended up getting a minifridge for my bedroom to act as my private stash.

>> No.7770767

Time to move. In the meantime, single serve goulash.

>> No.7770772

>Now, I eat out/order in nearly every single night, with a few exceptions for the occasional shitty, microwaved meal or something I can eat straight out of the fridge uncooked. It's been this way for two-three years.
>two-three years

Get your life back in order.

>> No.7770785

Kick them out and get two new female roommates, then get them to give you blowjobs and cook for you in place of paying rent. Problem solved.

>> No.7770821

Why didn't you just get a small fridge for your room?


They don't even cost much, or take much space.

>> No.7770832


>> No.7770875

>a ton of conflict
is that a 1000kg metric tonne,
or a weak-ass 2000lb 'Murikan
"short ton", L0L

>> No.7771529


>> No.7771794
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who is that?

P.S. that's not a fucking street sign Google.

>> No.7771841
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Blue by Raichiyo33

>> No.7772517

That doesn't even sound that bad.

>only female in the house brings on roommate #6, another female
>#6 brings over 3 friends
>the 4 of them raid the kitchen, eating everything in sight
>leave the kitchen a fucking mess
>opened, half eaten this or that left on the countertops
>refuse to pay for any of it
It didn't just happen once. They were practically living there without paying for rent, utilities, or groceries, before we kicked #6 and her three shit friends out.

>> No.7772527
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I mean, I'm pretty sure someone making these is laughing his/her ass off.

>> No.7772573
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>tfw living alone

>> No.7772599

>You could try vegan food.

please fuck off