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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7769704 No.7769704 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good poor people foods?

My dad lost his job and we have no food in the house. I'm tired of eating toast and hot dogs all the time.

>> No.7769710

Toasted hot dogs.

>> No.7769713

Literally started out as peasant food.

>> No.7769716

Beans and rice. Super cheap if you get them dried and tasty and healthy.

>> No.7769718

Ramen. I prefer Maruchan because Top Ramen tastes like shit. But it's the ultimate poor people food and you can dress the hell out of it to your tastes.

>> No.7769719


have you tried toasting the hotdogs?

>> No.7769721

Ramen, lentils, beans, rice.

Get a job yourself. Even if you're 12, you can get a paper route. Start pulling your own weight.

>> No.7769724
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Steamed cabbage

>> No.7769748

>being able to afford bread and hot dogs

>> No.7769764

I'm poor and hungry all the time. I'm so underweight. Why are poor people so fat?

>> No.7769767

Welfare and fast food

>> No.7769772

sell whatever your posting this from. + cancel your wifi

>> No.7769791

This is horrible advice, because all job searches and applications are done on-line, now.

>> No.7769792

Best way to be economic with food is to cook large portions you can eat for a week. For example, red beans and rice. The ingredients would probably come out to $15-20 for everything necessary to make a good 10 or more portions worth. For the sake of calculating, let's say it's 10 portions which you purchased for the sum of $20. Each portion would come out to $2, which is a very good cost.

>> No.7769795

So go to a fucking public library. Virtually all of them have free internet access these days.

>> No.7769806

Stir fried vegetables.

Stir fried oats + fruit.

Fried rice.

>> No.7769811

I guess you never had a job before.

Looking for a job is a full-time job. You can't begin to search and apply for all the opportunities on a free hour allotted by the library.

Also, electronics are so cheap, selling your laptop or computer will only get you a meagre sum--under $200 in today's market, since you can pretty much buy a brand new computer for that.

Think before you post.

>> No.7769815

Chicken and rice. Or potatoes.

>> No.7769818

>sell electronics
>go to library and look for jobs for local restaurants on Craigslist
>skip the email part just find out where the place is go in and apply
>get job

its that simple anon. I've emailed hundreds of those listings never to get a response back but was always able to fill out an application if I just went in

>> No.7769819

Nigger, I have a fucking job, and you know what? I didn't suggest selling whatever it is you assume he's posting on, that was another anon.

You think I don't know what it's like to look for a job? To go to places in person and be referred to online applications?

But do you also think that if he's so fucking poor that he can't afford food, that he needs to be prioritizing the internet over said food? Or that his dad can't get unemployment or welfare if they're so fucking poor?

Think before YOU post, asshole.

>> No.7769822

How long ago was this?

Because nobody has paper applications anymore. Not even McDonald's.

>> No.7769836

The idea is to find a job so that you are taken care of long-term. The internet bill can wait at least a month, and that's time he can use every day to look for and apply for jobs.

Selling his computer would hold him over for a week, at the most. Cancelling his Internet wouldn't give him anything, except a discounted bill next month. Your plan is short-term and disasterous.

You are stupid and should not be giving advice on anything.

>> No.7769846

You're either fucking braindead or you live in a third-world shithole if you think you can't find a job by using the facilities of a place like a public library. And there are still places that take paper applications, or if they don't, they'll often have terminals available for you to apply at. Take Walmart for instance--they have computers in store that you can use to apply for a fucking job. If you found it so fucking difficult, you were being far too picky with the jobs you were looking for.

>> No.7769847

Literally 2-3 weeks ago and yes they all do usually the manager is a lazy shit and won't be bothered to get them either that or they have an in store computer that you can fill it out on.

Also I was talking more about local placed on CL

>> No.7769856

i doubt you guys have jobs worth having

>> No.7769858

At least I have a job. Everyone should be proud to have a job and not be a fucking NEET, a non-contributing piece of shit.

>> No.7769868

jesus christ, of course mega-corporations will have streamlined online applications

you want to look for a non-corporate place if you want in-person applications. I was hired at a restaurant just three months ago after walking in and filling out an application.

>> No.7769899

This anon is right.

>> No.7770096

if your so poor the only food you can afford is hot dogs and bread any job is a job worth having

>> No.7770101

Change things up by not toasting the bread.

>> No.7770702

fuck that, i wish i was neet every single day of my life

work blows and if you enjoy your job you should kill yourself because life is supposed to be misery

>> No.7770714

this is the most underage b& thing I've read this week

Well done

>> No.7770770

Basic advice is this: learn to shop then learn to cook and everything will follow.

For example, my dinner last night was corn and smoked chicken in carrot chowder.
Let's calcumuhlate the cost, shall we?

Butter, 1.5tbsp
>1lb of butter costs $2.49, there are 32tbsp in a lb of butter, so about 12¢
Flour, 1.5tbsp
>less than 1¢
Carrot juice, 6oz
>18oz bottle of carrot juice is 99c at Shoprite, so 33¢
Onion, chopped, half of one large
>3lbs of onion costs $1.49, a large one weighs about a half pound, so a quarter pound of onion costs about 12¢
Smoked chicken, about a quarter pound
>1lb costs $1.29 and the coal and chips to smoke 10lbs of it at once costs about $5, so around 45¢
Frozen corn, a handful
>12oz packages cost 95¢ and i used about 2oz, so 16¢
Stock cube, one large
>$1.49 for a pack of six, so 25¢
Milk, 6oz
>skim is $2.89 a gallon, so 14¢
That's $1.58 for a meal-sized portion of the stuff or two starter-sized portions costing about 79¢ per if you intend to have it as part of a larger meal.

If I had it as a starter, I could have served it with some yeast dumplings, which are just flour, egg salt, oil and yeast, costing a total of about 9¢ per serving. How about sides, then? Shit, let's add a pair of veg sides because why the fuck not: cabbage is 50¢/lb normal price and a quarter pound is enough for a serving. Slice up a quarter pound and sauté it in a pan with a chopped up slice of bacon and a little salt and you've got a veg dish with an added cost of only 35¢. Let's add a side of buttered parsnips, too. One quarter pound serving will set you back only 16¢, grand total of $1.39 for dinner. Well fuck me, ya don't like parsnip? Da's okay. Spinach is 99¢/lb. Prepare it with butter and onion and the total cost of the meal increases by only 20¢ over parsnip. Oh, you don't like the idea of eating two greens in one meal. Okay. I gotcha: sautéed mushrooms. Same price per serving as spinach.

$1.59 for dinner can't be beat.

>> No.7770857

Buy lettuce.
Buy black beans.
Green/Red Pepper or any vegetables.
Cook Rice
Saute the peppers, then throw in black beans at the end to warm up. Throw in some soy sauce. Throw in rice.

Peel off some lettuce. Throw some of the shit in the pan into the lettuce. Wrap it up and eat it.

Just search lettuce wrap.

>> No.7770920

Stir fry oats and fruit excuse me what?

>> No.7771001
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>> No.7771008


>> No.7771014

It should be brown rice though.
It's no wonder nips, gooks and chinks are an underdeveloped species.

>> No.7771163

pancakes - you can make caramel syrup with water and sugar.

eggs are reasonably cheap.

Soups and stews are a good way to stretch out meat portions.

pasta - good with butter and herbs, good with tomato and herbs, good with garlic and oil, good with mayonnaise and some veg.

rice and peas - in desperate times, this is a complete protein... it takes up flavours well if you can still afford them. If you can't, take solace in the fact that you're still feeding your body well, and redouble the effort to get out of the situation necessitating rice and peas twice a day.

>> No.7771195


You can do so much shit with them it's amazing.
And they are dirt cheap.

I remember one winter when my family (a family of 6) was going through a rough time and we ate a literal ton (1000kg) of potatoes over the course of 3 months.

>> No.7771725
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It's a thing.


>> No.7771752

dude I make literally only $50k a year and I can still afford to buy all kinds of stuff, quit your bitching

>> No.7771848

I bought some grapes recently, a buck for two pounds. Didn't think to try them before buying. When I got home, washed one off and tasted it, it was sour as fuck. The next two were similarly sour. Well, when life hands you lemons/sour grapes, make lemonade/grape-ade!
Which I did. I weighed them out (the branch takes up weight, too, so I wanted to just weigh the grapes themselves) and put them into the blender with half their weight in water and just a bit of sugar and blitzed smooth, then passed through a sieve to remove the must.
Chilled it.
Drank it.
It was good. Not such a loss after all. Made a little over a litre of grape-ade, roughly five servings.
And that's my lesson to you: learn to use what you have in new ways.
Now, I'm looking for a use for the leftover must. At the moment, it's laying in a thin sheet in my fridge waiting to dry out and concentrate its sweetness but as it's not been in there long, I'm open to suggestions, if you've got any.

>> No.7772984

bean chili
tacos - tiny bit of meat, smear or refried beans in a corn tortilla with chopped onion and hotsauce
homemade pizza
pasta + sauce
split pea and ham soup