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File: 48 KB, 500x500, 10242013204552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7769407 No.7769407 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more refined and adult version of lunchables? I've been enjoying lunchables as a light snack since I was a child but as an adult I feel I am living below my means.

>> No.7769412

You could eat MREs, the options for 2016+ aren't complete shit

>> No.7769414
File: 440 KB, 429x450, snacking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hillshire snacking if youre too ignorant to eat a lunchable for ur luncheon

>> No.7769418

Looks great, but how good are they really?

>> No.7769425

the genoa one tastes good ive had the italian dry salame but genoa will always be preferred

>> No.7769440
File: 60 KB, 640x496, contemporary-lunch-boxes-and-totes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a 3dpd waifu to prepare you daily snacks in your kawaii, pinku bento box

>> No.7769446

Wow this is de ja vue.

>be me
>at party
>all finger foods
>different section
>this section had many foods
>those artisinal crackers with sesame seeds in them

There is no adult lunchable equivalent that you can just buy but you can make it yourself with italian meats and slicing cheese.

>> No.7769450

>Lunchables was an incredible stroke of marketing genius. Especially when they came up with the idea of making pizza Lunchables. They asked mothers whether they thought their kids would eat this cold pizza that they assembled themselves, and the mothers said, “are you kidding me? That sounds so awful.” But when they turned to the kids and asked, “hey, what do you guys think?” the kids said, “yeah! That sounds really interesting.” They realized that the overwhelming attraction to the Lunchables wasn’t the taste. It’s the empowerment. It’s about letting kids have control and manipulate what they’re eating. They came up with this brilliant Lunchable slogan which was, “All day you have to do what they say, but lunch time is all yours.” That resonated deeply with children and sales just went through the roof. The darker side of Lunchables is that it brought fast food into the grocery store, which has become a real concern given the obesity crisis.

>> No.7769463

>Slicing cheese

Is that like sprinkle cheese you fucking flyover?

>> No.7769506

Never noticed these before. How are the portions?

>> No.7769514

i havent had one in a while but if i remember correctly its 6 of each, and ive seen them go anywhere from 2-3 dollars.

>> No.7769560

Just buy cheese, crackers and salami. You'd probably get a better deal.

>> No.7769579


delicious raw egg white

>> No.7769585

Actually believing a 350 cal lunchable is to blame for obesity.

I remember when they came with the cola. So delicious.

>> No.7769613

It's called a cheese platter

>> No.7769733

Just make sure you get the civilian grade MREs or else you'll be shitting out your stomach for the following week.

>> No.7769749

I love the pizza ones cold.

>> No.7769843

If there's an Asian market near you, see if they have bento.

>> No.7769859

Lunchables are just normie charcuterie.

>> No.7769863


its the exact same shit

>> No.7771115
File: 168 KB, 502x267, Oscar-Mayer-P3-Protein-Packs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still buy lunchables but I guess pic related is a more "adult" version. Bretty gud too.

>> No.7771129

>Is there a more refined and adult version of lunchables?

Yep. It's called cooking at home and packing your own lunch. You might have heard about it before, it's been around for a really long time.

>> No.7771133
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, Ploughmans_lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a box with a Ploughman's in it.
Big Hunks of quality food.
Some pubs in the town center where I work have platters and sandwiches that are pretty similar to that.

>> No.7771144

That is pretty retarded. I can't picture any fat kid having 2 lunchables packs. Fats would have a pack of chopped and shaped sandwich ham slices, a pack of Ritz Crackers and a bag of Babybell to quench his mad hunger.
Fat kids are smarter than spending £2.50 on that.

>> No.7771152


>> No.7771153
File: 92 KB, 780x438, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would enjoy that lunchable.