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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7765693 No.7765693 [Reply] [Original]

Do Dennys chefs have a harder job then gourmet chefs?

LIke you go to a nice gourmet place the menu is usually limited. You go to dennys and they have to know how to cook steaks, pancakes and wings etc.... all in one shift.

>> No.7765698

>steaks, pancakes and wings
So three things a machine is now capable of cooking?

>> No.7765702

Obviously they have more, do you want me to list the whole fucking menu?

>> No.7765707

Pizzas, pasta, desserts, hot fries, burgers

They are actually pretty decent chefs.

>> No.7765825

found the denny's chefs. food at dennys is mediocre on a good day

>> No.7765842

Being a short-order cook following corporate standard recipes and using pre-packaged ingredients does not make you a decent chef.

>> No.7765851


There are no chefs at that place. Maybe a lead line cook.

>> No.7765922

You still have to have skills to do that

>> No.7765946

Being a short-order cook at a busy breakfast place takes a bit of experience and concentration, but once you get the hand of it it's a job a monkey could do. Even if there's 200 different items on the menu they're all cooked the same 2-3 ways.

A chef in a real restaurant not only has to know how to create/develop a menu and cook everything, but is above all the manager, expediter, and generally is responsible for over-all quality control, which involves scheduling the right people for the line, sourcing/ordering, cost-control, creating daily specials, keeping up sanitation standards, and generally running a team of BoH losers.

>> No.7765964

You need to have skills to wipe your own ass too.

>> No.7765970

Denny's might have a larger menu, but customer expectation of the quality of the food is really low. Their clientelle are undiscerning.

I think most will agree it's harder to cook a few dishes really well than it is to cook a bunch of stuff on a "passable" or "not terrible" level.

>> No.7765978

epic bait thread

>> No.7765983
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>You still have to have skills to do that

>> No.7766011

Repetition does not equal skill.

>> No.7766163

I'd say the Denny's cook has the harder job. Think of all the niggers that go to Denny's? They bitch & complain about everything & make everyone jump through hoops. Yet are ironically the laziest motherfuckers on the face of the planet.

>> No.7766195

You realize nobody really goes to dennys of their own accord, right?

>> No.7766396

Good point

>> No.7766456

You realise they have stations right? Like there's probably a sandwich guy, a grill guy, the server makes the salads, etc.

>> No.7766473


I've only been to a Denny's maybe once in my life, but would assume it's 90% flat-top, and there's no way in hell the servers are making the salads. At most they'll ladle prepared soup into bowls, if they even serve soup.

>> No.7766487

The salad thing was a guess. I worked at olive garden and us servers made the salads and ladled out the soups. When it was really busy we had a salad lady. I imagine corporate restaurants are all run pretty similarly.

>> No.7766508


I was also guessing, but I've worked pantry at a couple places and wouldn't trust most of the servers to make a salad for themselves without making a complete mess out of my station.

>> No.7766509

That's olive garden dude, where endless soup/salad/breadsticks is a thing, and the waiter usually tosses your leafy butthole tableside.

Have you ever been to a Denny's?

>> No.7766559

Nope, what are they like?

>> No.7766568

Yeah messes were made sometimes. It was pretty easy though, throw in some lettuce, add olives, add toms, etc.

>> No.7766573

...not good.

Unless peak hours, there's usually one cook and maybe one or two servers. Everything is either thrown in the oven, deep fryer, or flat top. But hey, it's open 24 hours, and you're drunk!

>> No.7766583

I was kidding. Your description is pretty good though.

>> No.7766689

Its like comparing the two sides of the same coin. Yes its all about the food, flavor, and pride for both sides. Short order is way more physically demanding as being a gourmet can burn you out mentally.

>> No.7767003

Repetition is the mother of skill.

>> No.7767011

I do and eat their nachos on occasion