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7764058 No.7764058 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you think some extremists are so obsessed with telling others what to eat and drink?

Sausage-Wielding Extremists Attack Vegan Cafe In Tbilisi:
Waitress assaulted on French Riviera for 'serving alcohol' on first day of holy month of Ramadan

>> No.7764063

Inadequate education

>> No.7764064


>> No.7764067
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the carnivorous diet makes them aggressive and illogical

>> No.7764109

>wasting food

>> No.7764578

Facebook groups have allowed shut-ins to convince themselves that they're a persecuted minority, even when it's completely the opposite, like being a member of the meat eating majority or, say, a white male in a white country

Since they don't go outside, internet theories become more real to them than reality itself

>> No.7764592

Fuck your shitty 21st-century placeholer religion. I just came here to say:

>Sausage-Wielding Extremists Attack Vegan Cafe In Tbilisi
This is one of the most beautiful sentences ever crafted in the English language. What a combination of words!

>> No.7764600

Gross , why do females do this

>> No.7764602

If I cared enough I could find x100 news about vegans attacking/protesting meat eaters. But of course you know this and just want the attention.

>> No.7764623

If you weren't triggered by vegans you would have noticed that the second link has nothing to do with meat.

>> No.7764671

People with absolute ideas about right and wrong can't bear that others might have a different view. And it isn't just extremists. Try saying something positive about Palestine, Communism or even immigration in the US and see how far that gets you.

>> No.7764705
File: 43 KB, 624x414, jrahp6i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As always, there is no better way to illustrate the gravity of the situation than with a picture:

In most American cities, the Kiwi Café would be just another quirky vegan offering among many. In Tblisi, this cafe is an immediately conspicuous intruder, an intentionally provocative assault on the senses. From this image alone, one can discern the motivations behind the meat altercation without knowing anything else about the cafe or its patrons.

>Witnesses writing on social media said that customers at the cafe, who were watching an animated science fiction sitcom called “Rick and Morty

The setting could not be more perfect. Georgian bobos sitting around watching their reddit nerdfeed show, relishing their enjoyment of this hip American cartoon. Suddenly, a booming shout, then a panicked shriek. Men enter—gruff, purposeful men who remind the patrons of why they sought out this globalist oasis in the first place. Men who have probably never even heard of Rick and Morty. Men with meat.

>The Kiwi Café, for its part, said it remained committed to equality for all. “In spite of the situation and everyday negative attitude to us and other people, who visit us, cafe is continuing to work and is ready to accept all costumers regardless of nationality, race, appearance, age, gender, sexual orientation, religious views, etc.,” its Facebook page said. “Equality is the most important thing for us. Animal liberation! Human liberation!”

The owners of the Kiwi Café would like nothing more than for Georgia to treat its citizens as it treats its customers: a cosmopolitan mass, snickering at Rick and Morty reruns atop the ruins of a once-proud city.

>> No.7764753

I have no idea what Rick and Morty is because I do not own a television

Can you explain what it represents so I can understand your post ?

>> No.7764779

holy fuck that muslim story has be pretty angry

THose two guys are never gonna get arrested either since they disappeared into the rundown little Arabia they came from and no one in the community will ever point them out. If the police go in they will face some kind of aggression from that terrible ghettos inhabitants

where the fuck are all the men in France? I'm surprised the story doesn't end in one of the perpetrators being tackled and held until the police arrive

>> No.7764793

>if you like anything new your a globalist piece of shit who wants to destroy all traditional culture

that's why your a subsistence farmer right?

>> No.7764817

You tell us, OP. The name you post under speaks volumes.

>> No.7764818

>a once-proud city
There are a lot worse things than hipster American cartoons.

Getting blackout hammered drunk on rubbing-alcohol-tier vodka before 10 am in the same unwashed tracksuit you've been wearing every day since you can remember, staining your fingers by chain-smoking cigarettes so cheaply made that you're inhaling 50% rat feces. After lunch you'll wander home just in time to have sex with your mother before heading back out to gamble money you don't have with your friends. Later, you'll steal parts out of the neighbors car to pay your gambling debts. Satisfied, you and your friends will head out to a trendy cafe and shout incoherently about immigrants and homosexuals before assaulting the patrons with sausages.

>> No.7764820

What a fedorable little post. Here's an upvote

>> No.7764825

So basically flyover land but with vodka rather than muh craft beer, track suits instead of old navy, and mothers instead of chickens

>> No.7765405

Go on then?

>> No.7765431

Because people are afraid of anything different than what they believe.
I don't like vegans, but I don't give a shit what they eat or don't eat. If someone wants to eat nothing but cow shit, that's their issue, not mine.
People are ignorant, frightened little rats who apparently can't resist the urge to chase off anything that even remotely disturbs their fragile belief systems.

(But, I do think it's pretty funny that they protested a vegan place with sausages)

>> No.7765438

they are powerless to control their own lives, so they try to control others.

>> No.7765578

Yeah, must be why social media is full of everyone except white males whining in an echochamber you pathetic tumblr faggot.

>> No.7765591

>Facebook groups have allowed shut-ins to convince themselves that they're a persecuted minority

You mean SJW's?

>> No.7765606
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>> No.7765626

You know I'm right.

If the internet has allowed anyone to think of themselves as victims completely detatched from reality, it's leftist tumblrinas. "MRA's" or whatever are just a response.

I could post some rainbow hair fat pig to validate this post, but I'm not a retard.

>> No.7765660
File: 62 KB, 704x396, Cover image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is, MRAs are justified in feeling oppressed because of words on the internet, but black people have no cause for feeling oppressed for say, worrying about getting shot in the back by a trigger-happy cop, because to do so is "completely detached from reality"

Looks like we found one.