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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7761202 No.7761202 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about spice.

What's your threshold?
What's your preference?

>> No.7761216

I can handle anything up to habaneros. Love putting them into my chili.

>> No.7761220

I put spiracha on my eggs this morning.
Can I be one of the cool kids?

>> No.7761223

Chocolate habanero is for me the last point where the heat is enjoyable. After that things get a little too painful.

>> No.7761269

What's the obsesion with ultra spicy food? Some hotness is good and all but why go eating habaneros and that shit? It kills the flavour.

>> No.7761270

Idiotic manchildren thinks it makes them "manlier" if they like food that tastes of nothing but heat

Just plebs who can't appreciate adult food and flavours.

>> No.7761275

It's the thrillseeking aspect of it, really.

>I care less about having molten diarrhea that you and I will prove it hurr
I hate people like that

>> No.7761279

Spicy food is OK up to green chillies from New Mexico

>> No.7761281

Franks or Tabasco is about the minimum flavor level I appreciate in my food but I rarely go much over "White people extremely hot at the Indian resturant" so not really anything extreme

>> No.7761282

I honestly dont know the reason i like ultra spicy shit, but i eat it all the time.

>> No.7761318
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I have no threshold. I shit fire every day.

>> No.7761356

Flyovers don't really get exposure to a broad spectrum of flavors. Combined with a pervasive paranoia about their cultural notions of correct gender roles, they tend to overreact to the discovery that food can be made spicy and turn it into some kind of test of masculinity.

>> No.7761357

Eating spicy foods releases endorphins, which make you feel good. This is why lots of people enjoy spicy foods.

>> No.7761359

Threshold is Habeneros, but I prefer the range between Cayenne and Jalepeno.

>> No.7761361
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>Combined with a pervasive paranoia about their cultural notions of correct gender roles

>> No.7761379

Found the sexually repressed flyover

Don't you have some bathroom stalls to be spying on? You know. To make sure they have the expected genitalia

>> No.7761385

This is bait.

>> No.7761403

I like a healthy burn, but if it's way too much what's the point?

>> No.7761407

What is the obsession with "flyovers" on this board? Are coastal americans so insecure about their food situation that they feel the need to pick on "flyovers"? It seems to be synonymous with working class folk

>> No.7761426

Foodies and their fucked up sense of superiority I guess.

>> No.7761435
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I got a bottle of this and its too hot to eat on anything. I was planning on making wings with it but it's actually painful and would be a waste of chicken.

>> No.7761440

Shouldn't you be off prepping Jamal so that your wife can have twins?

>> No.7761462

wtf is this shitting fire deal, I enjoy spicy food erry day and it's happened to me maybe twice when I get absolutely wasted (6shots, 10beers ++) what's wrong with all yall's intestines.
I love the experience. really like that xxx garlic sauce from hooters, i also enjoy Tabasco sauce on my breakfast eggs, as well as spicy Asian food, all of it. I currently have about 9 kinds of hot sauce in my house and 3 or 4 are home made and 3 are habanero based.

>> No.7761509
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My tummy can't handle spicy food all that well.

>> No.7761526

this stuff is 10/10 in tomato soup with some nice italian bread and a little cheese

>> No.7761528

I love spicy food and have a pretty high tolerance due to me being Vietnamese.

I've had to cut down on it because I get stomach ulcers.

>> No.7761530

oh, it's you again. just fyi, chili is actually mostly a central time zone thing. not that reality really matter for you.

>> No.7761541

The spiciest thing I've ever eaten was Tom Yum in Thailand. It really was flavorful and the spice suited the dish, so I didn't mind that my tongue hurt from so much spice.
I hate spice for the sake of spiciness though, even if it's just a little bit, like spicy sushi with chili inside. That's complete garbage.

>> No.7761586

A friend dared me to eat a habanero in one bite for $40. I did it and it wasn't bad at first but then all of a sudden my body did not agree with what I did so I had to go to the bathroom and hurl.

>> No.7761588

They think being swamped with niggers makes them more cultured
Mix it into a bowl of something, don't just smother it on a bit of chicken

>> No.7761626
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Chilli's weird, the capsaicin doesn't taste of anything on its own, but a bit of spice almost works like salt in terms of increasing how strong a whole dish tastes. Some dishes would be bland if you took it out, despite not actually changing the flavour.

Hottest thing I've tried eating was a bird's eye, it was just overpowering to the point that I couldn't even tell what the flesh tasted like.

>> No.7761642

I eat raw habaneros at the grocery store sometimes. Security doesn't mind you taking them when they see you running around the store crying your eyeballs out

>> No.7761664

I ordered capsaicin powder from the Internet years ago and threw a spoonful into a pot of soup at work.

There were no survivors

>> No.7761705

bird's eye is in the range of habaneros, it's just that most of the habaneros you've had are probably specifically bred to be mild

>> No.7761759
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I don't think I've ever actually had a habanero, apart from in the form of pic related, which is obviously going to be milder.

I tend to cook with bird's eyes because they seem to have a pretty neutral taste to me, so you can use it in pretty much any cuisine.

>> No.7761776
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hot peppers and shit hurt my anus more than my mouth

>> No.7761796

Might as well ask here...

Is there any working colon cleanse that ships to europe?

>> No.7761811

This stuff is really good

>> No.7761824

they dont work, toxins are a myth, go see a GP for your bowel problems

>> No.7761827

>What's your threshold?

Something even the least bit spicy turns my nose into a hose

>What's your preference?

As spicy as possible, because demo endorphins

I keep a box of tissues at the kitchen table so I can dab my nose between spoonfulls.

>> No.7761831

Fuck you nigger

Ate fried shtimps n octopus.
Cant get em out.

You dont even know what youre talkin about

>> No.7761846

drink prune juice, take laxatives, give yourself an enema if you want

if that doesnt work go see a gp

>> No.7761858

That one is lovely.
A thick splash on top of a bowl of chili and it burns my orifices just right.

Quite tasty too.

>> No.7761875

Tabasco sauce goes on anything that it tastes good on for me. I pretty much can't eat eggs without it.

Not sure about my threshold, but I also like Marie Sharps from Belize, which has a Habeneros base and I think the Tabasco is actually hotter.

>> No.7761881

It turns eating into a fun challenge.

>> No.7761954

I like the flavour habaneros impart and used to use them liberally when I grew my own.
I have taken wing challenges before that used pepper extracts etc. Never tastes very good and nothing will prepare you for how full you'll feel because your stomach acid is rising, and how badly you'll shake.
If I had finished the wing challenges I would have puked on the spot.
Not pleasent. So that's where I draw the line is at extracts.
Real peppers, I've had a couple Carolina Reapers that I've cooked with and they taste pretty good.

>> No.7762058

These bad boys are both my threshold and preference


They're quite expensive though

>> No.7762082

I used to love really spicy food but nowadays I can't eat anything that's too much spicier than jalapenos because I got ulcerative colitis and it fucking sucks.

>> No.7762160


>> No.7762670

I ate an entire madame jeanette pepper once(on accident), so I can handle a bit of heat, but I feel like too much heat kinda ruins my food

>> No.7762815
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I have a pretty decent tolerance for spicy food, but I usually just order medium heat stuff most of the time.

I really like this ramen and it's super hot, though.

>> No.7763391

I prefer muy caliente. Not to the point that my asshole feels like I stuck the innards of a freshly made hot pocket in my rectum, but spicy enough that I feel like I'm swallowing satans spooge.

>> No.7763421

Threshold: I chopped up 3 dried naga ghost chilis and put them in my sloppy joes. The heat was intense as fuck, but what really got me was powerful physical discomfort I had after eating them. Would love to try a Trinidad Scorpion though.

Preference: I love habaneros. I adore them. I like them fried and put in tacos especially. They're also amazing as a sauce for meat.

>> No.7763497

probably because you burned all your mouth's nerves away with your cigarettes

>> No.7763664

I fucking love Indian food
it fucks me up pretty bad the next day but its always worth it

>> No.7763702

If you drink plenty of water and eat enough fire. You done or barely get fireshits. I love ultra spicy food. I just enjoy the feeling. Probably some latent masacism is there somewhere.

>> No.7763713

It would be insane to use it straight as a marinade or sauce.
The way to make it work is to add it to premade wing sauce to taste so it's the perfect heat for you, then add whatever else you normally would (garlic, molasses, etc.,) marinate for a day.


>> No.7763717

I took a pure capsicum enema bich

>> No.7763860

I drink tons of water though. Also, do you mean masochism?

>> No.7763889




aka repressed homosexuals who yearn for their assholes to burn

>> No.7763891

>yfw you realize that the burning sensation isn't from the spice itself, it's YOUR OWN BODY'S ACID

you were the spice all along

>> No.7763894

Carolina Reaper ... vid related (me)


>> No.7763907

what do you guys do to suppress the heat? milk for me

>> No.7763928

If it's too hot, I stop eating it because life is too short to eat shit

>> No.7763985

Yes. I did a terrible job spelling it.
You might just have a sensitive starfish. And have to suffer if you eat very spicy food.

>> No.7763987


If you feel the need to stop the heat why make it that fucking hot in the first place?

>> No.7763995

Some heat builds up as you eat it. And not everything you eat is made yourself.

Milk for me as well.

>> No.7764009

Yeah this is all about repressed homosexuals,
unless youre like me and you enjoy authentic experiences of foreign cuisine, in which case you need to educate yourself to eat spicy food.

>> No.7764010

It hurts my stomach though too. Maybe I'm just a bitch.

>> No.7764037 [DELETED] 

Why do flyovers think that everyone is obsessed with them? Maybe if you stopped broadcasting your inbred retard status, people would stop pointing it out to you.

>> No.7764144

Don't you have some irish stew to bitch about?

>> No.7764151

Everything is improved by red pepper flakes. Everything.

>> No.7764155
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has anyone tried growing their own chiles indoors??

>> No.7764183

>there are people who think spicyness is a flavour

it's as much a flavour as putting poprocks on your food is a flavour.

>> No.7764208
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I think it's because I'm getting old, but my highest threshold is now habenero. I've tried ghost pepper flavored foods like pic, and I get defeated every time, except for the Wendy's ghost pepper flavored stuff. Should have known that a fast food chain would pussy out on the hot stuff.

>> No.7764216
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he doesnt put poprocks on his food...

>> No.7764222

I tried growing them outdoors this summer.

It has been a monumental failure thus far.

>> No.7764228

Blair's Ultra Death is apparently 800,000 and that's the spiciest thing I've had. I use just a drop of it on a sandwich and kind of dilute it with mayo or oil or vinegar.
My favorite sauce is Dave's Insanity Ghost Pepper. It's thinner than regular Dave's Insanity and doesn't have the chemical taste.

>> No.7764232

those Wendy's fries I think are just chopped up jalapenos without the membrane or seeds so it's not actually spicy. it just tasted like a plain pepper

>> No.7764234

The only time I've really tried anything remotely ghostpepper was taco bells ghost pepper sauce.

It definitely wasn't a flavore I cared for. It wasn't overwhelming, it was simply bad tasting.

>> No.7764240
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Easy as fuck

>> No.7764242


>> No.7764278

That's Ina pot. Not indoors.

>> No.7764279

My first major exposure to ghost pepper was this ghost pepper nacho cheese popcorn a few years back. I was able to finish those off, but I let mom try some, and she went for the milk after one kernel.

>> No.7764291

In the context of curries, a phal is the hottest I'll go. I prefer a vindaloo though as it's hot, but not too hot.

>> No.7764422


what the fuck are you even talking about?

he said he tried growing them outdoors and failed.

>> No.7764526

Did you give them a knock?

>> No.7764815


> mfw when you get mad about his views but don't deny that you're a nu-male


>> No.7764906

It doesn't affect us the same way as it does to people who don't eat it as often.

After a while, you burn the nerves on your tongue that feel the pain, and need more in order for it to be spicy.

If I added jalapenos to a dish I wouldn't taste hot to me.

>> No.7764912

I fucking love Dave's Insanity.

I can only handle like 4-5 drops on a plate of pasta or it's too much though. But the flavor is great.

>> No.7764932


Tabasco is pretty much my spicy peak. It's not hot enough to make my food inedible, but it does add some flavor.

>> No.7764938

because i was an idiot teenager and i smoke i can handle pretty much any level of heat just fine. however i have toned it down a lot more recently. i prefer a strong flavour of chilli to a strong burn.

>> No.7764945
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Szeschwan extra spicy hot pot
Sriracha and Lao Gan Ma if appropriate.

>> No.7764951


rub it on your japseye

>> No.7765032


>> No.7765049


>why don't americans have their own food
>why do americans have their own food but its not the same as my food

>> No.7765077

>What's your threshold?
Anything above habanero or scotch bonnet is ridiculous in food. It's just too hot to enjoy
>What's your preference?
I put habanero tabasco on everything but I like most hot sauces. Blair's has some nice ones

>> No.7765112

Hey its the flyover faggot! Are you always on /ck/?

>> No.7765115

Scotch bonnets are about my limit

>> No.7765967

I like very hot beef chili, with a little cheese sprinkled on top
I like a bit of chili in some sauces and other foods
most foods do better without it.

Sriracha isn't hot to me, but that chili paste that same company makes burns really badly

A co worker gave me some ghost peppers he grew in his yard once. I did not try them.

>> No.7765976

>early balding
may be signs of high testosterone

>> No.7765988

Welp, now at least now I know how to describe my brother-in-law.

>> No.7766007

Spicy foods release endorphins. If you aren't very sensitive to the initial pain, then the net effect is pleasurable.