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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 500x500, 0007203000161_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7760858 No.7760858 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate a whole box of donut holes for breakfast, nothing like starting the day off feeling like a fat piece of garbage.

What was the last thing your gorged yourself on?

>> No.7760864

Three boxes of donut holes, actually. Last Saturday morning. Not even fat. 183cm/6ft, 80kg/176lbs.

>> No.7760866

3 cm taller than me. 20 kg heavier.
Unless you're seriously big on muscles, you're fat.

>> No.7760868

Impressive. I'm 6'2'' 225 and one box gave me a tummy ache.

>> No.7760869

Whatever skelly

>> No.7760878

I'm not even a skellington. Just around 5% bodyfat and a few muscles here and there.

>> No.7760883

can confirm you're either fat or muscly, so fat

>> No.7760891

Two bowls and a few handfuls of Captain Crunch, last night at 2am, because I have no ciggarettes and I'm stress eating.

>> No.7760895
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>> No.7760910

I have a roll a cookie dough in my freezer, sometimes I take a bite out of it

>> No.7760914

Cookie dough is so much better than cookies why does anyone ever even bake it?

>> No.7760935

Pork sirloin and bean/vegetable stew with toast.
>tfw when eating clean
>yet can't resist the carby carby toast
>face: ;_;

At least 250 kcal in bread. so long cut; at least I'll have muh gainz

>> No.7760950


Fuck off cunt. If youre 6ft and 60kg youre a fucking rake.

>> No.7760953

Pint of B&Js jam core, really need to cut ice cream out of my life.

>> No.7761010
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I got drunk off vodka and ate two "lean" pockets and a pastrami and salami Sammy from my local deli for lunch yesterday

6'1 and 220lbs

>> No.7761016

I finished an entire pizza and a half last Sunday. I don't know why I had the hunger, but it felt do great.

5'6 (Manlet) and 180 pounds. Need to lose some weight.

>> No.7761024

ur moms pussy lmao

>> No.7761033

I drank 16 PBRs on Saturday.

>> No.7761037

I want to pet that cat.

>> No.7761047
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I got baked and went to Wal-Greens, bought two 1lb bags of Gummy Worms and ate them in a sitting.

My stomach felt so bad 3 hours later, no regerts

>> No.7761068



A skinny girl at that height weighs around 60kg.

You're a skinny manboy, and i have sincere doubts that you have any muscles at all.

>> No.7761088

I love being a fat fuck. If there were no health repercussions, I'd probably weigh 500 pounds.

I try to limit my gorging sessions to when I'm visiting my friends upstate. I stay the weekend and basically treat my body like shit for two days straight. Pizza, ice cream, taco dip, chicken wings, and about a dozen other miscellaneous junk foods.

I find I can't handle the sugar anymore. I've lost my sweet tooth since becoming an adult. I once tried to eat a whole package of Oreos and I couldn't. It wasn't because I was full, just that the sugar started to fuck with my system and make me feel sick.

>> No.7761124

I don't have a belly and not really very big on muscle. Certainly not a thin guy but nor am I big in any sense of the word, be it fat or muscle.
Also, I used to be 60kg back in school. I looked like a mantis or stick insect. Much better now, I think.

According to S-M-L standards, I'm at the larger end of small or the smaller end of medium with an EU 49/US 33 trouser size, 47/37 jacket and 39/15,5 shirt (sort of, 38 is a little tight and 39 a tad too big).
It's fucking hell finding suits.

I don't usually binge like that, but they were too fucking good. I actually just got in from grocery shopping and amongst all the good and healthy things I usually buy and eat, I also bought three boxes of donuts during the trip. That'll last about six weeks, I think, unless I fat out again.

Pretty sure I'm neither!

Were they large pizzas? I ate an entire pizza last night, actually. I made it. Instead of tomato sauce, I topped it with mushroom/onion sauce (duxelles) instead of tomato and smoked cheese. Dough made of 75g of flour and 45ml water topped with 3tbsp of sauce and 50ish g or so of cheese.
Was delicious.

>a lot
That's like... two or three slices of bread. How is that a lot? Two hot dog buns are about 250kcal, ffs.

>> No.7761161

I'm >>7760864/>>7761124
I don't usually eat very sweet things, tbqhwyfam, but that morning happened that way for some reason.

Seriously. I hated being so thin due only to difficulties with clothes shopping. I wore a 43EU/27US trouser and it was incredibly difficult to find one with a 86/34 inseam. Thank fuck that I didn't have to wear a suit and tie back then.

>> No.7761164
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Bought this yesterday. Ate the whole thing before going to bed.

It was surprisingly good and I'll probably do it again tonight.

>> No.7761204

Pear bread, now i have the runs

>> No.7761236

It was a while ago. Like three months or so. I think it was 2 bags of M&M's, some ice cream and a 2liter bottle of coke. Then I got my shit together and started changing things. 185lbs. Am 5'10" . Started to change my habits after that.

>> No.7761250

I had two eggs
And a latte for breakfast

I'm on a no carb diet and I've already lost 20lbs :^)

>> No.7761259

baked some brownies last night, so I cut myself two fat squares and had that with my coffee this morning.

>> No.7761293

>>a lot
>That's like... two

Two peices of whole grain toast, yes. I'm on a reduced intake diet right now; my whole giant bowl of stew was probably 450kcal, so adding bread ups the count very fast.

that's why no carb diets work, you know- carbs are very calories dense and don't satisfy appetite, so it's ridiculously easy to overeat on them

>> No.7761343

idk what the others say but for a man that's a pretty normal height/weight ratio

>> No.7761387

5'11, 130 pounds

Every meal is a binge.

>> No.7761413

Just ate a whole bag of peanuts and chocolate covered raisins. Just was gonna eat a handful. That plan didn't last.

>> No.7761432

Like 5 slices of Pizza Hut pizza and some breadsticks this weekend

felt good man

>> No.7761436

175 at 6 foot is pretty normal for someone who doesn't lift. You're just puny

>> No.7761439

I ate half a brick of jalapeño cheese just the other day. I couldn't stop.

>> No.7761491

I pity your anus.

>> No.7761524

I don't remember, it's been a while. I'm fat but have very little time to eat with new twins. Been losing weight slowly w/o trying. However my food stamps just skyrocketed so I'll probably gorge myself on something at least once when that kicks in. Suggestions?

>> No.7761650

>Donut holes
you cant eat holes stupid
fucking americans

>> No.7761657

I ate your mom's hole last night

>> No.7761713
File: 66 KB, 499x726, image_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple nights ago my mom made rhubarb coffee cake (sounds strange but it's fucking delicious). Anyway, ate about 25 square inches (that's 2.54x5=z, sqrd(z) square centimeters for you canada cucks) and a bunch of ice cream, it was delicious. Pic not related.

>> No.7761747
File: 71 KB, 1100x733, obese-beagle-kale-chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 2 pound ribeye and a baked potato. I'm fucking exhausted now, anticipating a massive shit later tonight or tomorrow morning. It will probably be in several logs that each come out of the water.

>> No.7761804

>my food stamps just skyrocketed

>> No.7761812
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I can feel the lardasses being jealous of my slender body.

Pretty easy to find good looking clothes for me around here. But it costs. I can imagine it being a pain if you live a place where more than 25% of the population is obese.

>> No.7761821

>5% bodyfat
>not even possible
>not a skelly

>> No.7761842

Finished off a loaf of bread I made 2 days ago, it was probably like a sixth of the entire loaf

>> No.7761850
File: 27 KB, 566x230, body-fat-chart-for-men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is. Keep in mind i'm not 25+ like most people on this board. Anyway i don't want this to turn into a shitfest, so i'll just stop posting.

>> No.7761851

>jealous of my slender body

Are you a qt trap?

>> No.7761885


5% bodyfat is what bodybuilders have when they walk on stage.. it's literally impossible to maintain.

you're most likely a skinnyfat skeleton, probably like 12-15% bodyfat and absolutely no muscle mass whatsoever.

>> No.7761901

No sorry.
My skull wont let me look like one, even if i tried.

I have had it tested by a doctor less than 3 months ago. Say whatever you want to say, it wont make you any less fat.

>> No.7761923

I'm not a girl or twink so no I'm not jealous at all.

>> No.7761929

My roommate bought a box of chocolate cookies for me, so I ate them all while trying to get summoned in ds3.

>> No.7761971
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Tested how, with calipers or are you just a liar?

There is absolutely no way you have 5% bodyfat without being on diuretics and fat burning drugs along with an extremely strict diet. Id say its physically impossible to reach that level without drugs

Also, not fat and i know way more about these things than you do. Pic related

>> No.7762029

Not him, but I'm >>7760864
As said in >>7761124, I used to weigh 60kg at 183cm when I was in school. I never had my BFP tested at the time, but I was really rather scrawny. According to http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmi-m.htm I had a BMI of 17.9 at the time, which is grossly underweight. What do you think my BFP might have been at the time?

>> No.7762039
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>gripping bar
>end of workout
>took supps before workout

you need to shut your mouth

>> No.7762054

I ate a whole thing of hamburger helper by myself

my farts smelled like ground beef all day and I wanted to die

>> No.7762055
File: 29 KB, 505x604, 0c07f3056dc3c89583df2e6616060e34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


impossible to know without seeing pictures.. you really can't tell BFP just by somebody's height and weight.

i'd guess this guy is at about 5%, maybe a little more. more than likely, y'all were/are around 10-12% based on weight.

>> No.7762060 [DELETED] 


that was before curls, fag.. after a set of BB shrugs. i can feel how fat you are from this side of my computer screen, big hoss.

i just take caffeine pills and have been for a while; no need to pay for the pre-workout jew

>> No.7762072


that was before curls and after a set of BB shrugs. i can feel how fat you are from this side of my computer screen, big hoss.

i take caffeine pills and beta-alanine PWO, so i mean i guess you've got me on your last assertion but i fail to see why that matters at all. he called me fat and i've proven that i'm not (which was the only point in me posting that picture since i'm not going to post a shirtless one on a cooking forum).

>> No.7762094
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>caffeine pills and new-meme supp
>"I know lots!"
>is shitposting /fit/ on /ck/

gym rat autists are some of the worse people, but hey, if there were an exercise for your jaw maybe it wouldnt be made of glass from all the talking yall seem to do.

>> No.7762121

>no shirtless on /ck/
Then >>>/soc/

>> No.7762124


do you even know what having a glass jaw means? it has nothing to do with talking.. jesus,

you're clearly talking out of your fat, sweaty ass. this dude was trying to VEHEMENTLY defend his claim that he's 5% bodyfat. i said no, he called me fat, and now here we are..

a person who isn't fat, arguing with someone who is confirmed for being fat about whether or not i know anything about /fit/ related things (such as the supplements that this person brought up for no reason).

pls just have a snack, as you seem cranky due to low blood sugar. it's probably also time for your insulin ;^)

>> No.7762140
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>being this stupid
>not equating talking shit to being a pussy
>"you are le fat ;^)"

ya killin me senpai

>> No.7762143

will you be my abusive boyfriend? i like getting my hair pulled and getting fucked hard <3

>> No.7762216


Having a glass jaw has nothing to do with talking shit.. Thats quite the stretch, bud.

>make condescending posts based around meme arrows
>think meme arrows automatically make you right

Lol fatty

>> No.7762239


Yes.. But only if you spam big mac and knorr stock pot threads every hour, on the hour, so i can truly hate fuck you.

>> No.7762262
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A whole bag of chips. It was really late at night, and I paid for it the next day.

>> No.7762266

>tfw off the charts

>> No.7762318

When do you stop being continuously hungry? please tell me it kicks in soon.

>> No.7762328

Indian food. I'm allergic to tomato and pepper, still ate deep-fried peppers and curries with tomato. Had spicy diarrhea for the next 18 hours.

I don't like the taste of raw flour in cookie dough. And the taste of caramelized sugar is nice.

>> No.7762333

Queso fresco and peach jam on toast

>> No.7762339
File: 136 KB, 535x524, Magnum Almond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ate a huge magnum almond. It's 1am.

I'm doing so well with my diet during the day and then I get this craving for something sweet or unhealthy late in the evening, when I should be going to bed.

I'll be fat forever.


>> No.7762346

I usually just eat a small teaspoon of honey or maple syrup with a little glass of milk to drink when I want something sweet. You end up consuming less sugar and calories this way, and it satisfies the sweet craving with less sugar since it's not diluted into flour or cream like in other desserts. I could eat like 4 homemade cookies because the sugar is diluted into flour/butter/bitter chocolate but just a teaspoon of honey is enough.

>> No.7762357

Sometimes I eat a teaspoon of pb, that also works for me. But sometimes the urge to chomp down on that delicious magnum ice cream is just too strong.

>> No.7762372

it's simple
you just remove the ice cream from the house

>> No.7762375

Well, I'm one ice cream closer to that goal.

>> No.7762436

lol i'm being 100% serious. i'll OC any meal /ck/ wants

>> No.7764892

I have problems with donuts. Not garbage-tier mass produced cake donuts (the worst kind of donut), but actual nice bakery donuts.

My favorite is apple fritters, and the bakery down the street makes awesome huge apple fritters.

About once a year I'll get a dozen and them all before noon.

>> No.7764902

Bakery donuts are god tier. Local bakery makes these giant glazed cinnamon rolls. One of those with a giant cup of coffee is orgasmic.

>> No.7764920
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half a bag of these

>> No.7765296
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I'm a sick fuck. The last thing I stuffed my face with was a bowl consisting of the following: hot cheetos, hot fries, takis, dinamitas, flamas, covered in lime juice and Valentina. It was a bag of each one with 2 bags of hit cheetos. I threw up so much and my asshole was raw and I would do it again. Bowl was full with like 3xpic related. I'm obese obviously, I'm 6 feet with wide as fuck shoulders and most people are surprised when I tell them I'm 315 pounds so I guess I carry it well but still, I've broken my fair share of furniture.

>> No.7765315

Your mom had my 25 square inches last night

>> No.7765572

Ben and Jerrys is great but I hate how expensive the stuff is for how fucking little you get.

You should try the cookie dough one.

>> No.7765601

i didn't eat breakfast or lunch yet, so I ordered 10 pc chicken nuggets, 1 big mac, 1 spicy mcchicken, and 1 mcdouble and ate it all

>> No.7765636

I must have a high metabolism or something, but I ate a pint of ben & jerry's "brownie batter core", a large vanilla coke, fries, and a big burger and I am still 5'11 135lbs.
Does anybody else not shit for 3 days and then have a massive bowl filler, or is that just me? I feel like some people poop everyday.

>> No.7765653

What the fuck man, you're supposed to go everyday