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File: 121 KB, 640x500, Lobster-and-Shrimp-Pasta-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7760558 No.7760558 [Reply] [Original]

Forgive my first-time gripes, but I have to ask...

What kind of sadistic person leaves the tails on shrimp when putting them in pasta?

Is there some culinary benefit I'm unaware of? I cook pasta with shrimp de-tailed, and on the rare occasion I ask if people want the tails left on, I get looks like I just suggested their kids play Russian roulette with a semi-auto.

It's a minor thing, but the senselessness of it leads me to ask the aficionados. Is there any point to it?

Pic related- tail-on shrimp pasta.

>> No.7760565

I don't leave it in pasta because I assume the people I'm eating with don't like it, but I personally am okay eating the tail of the shrimp. Its not like biting into a chicken bone, it's quite easy to eat.

>> No.7760579

>mussels with the shells still on
fuuuuuuuuck yoooooouuuuuu

>> No.7760611

it's whatever op, sometimes I eat the shell of the steamed shrimp they sell at hooters. taste good. maybe one of 10

>> No.7760679
File: 140 KB, 865x692, Edamame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't know if I should eat the skin

>> No.7760698

Leaving tails on for a pasta comes from either complete lack of know-how or pure laziness. It's one or the other.

>> No.7760706

First I've heard of that usually I use shrimp heads and tails to make a stock. Use stock to make pasta sauce.

>> No.7760722

This concerns me, it happens on some thai places here to. Only reason I can think of is that the tail-shell is there so you can eat the shrimp by hand should you so desire, (perhaps a trend started by tapas restaurants) and now other restaurants leave the tail to look classy even in dishes that no one would eat by hand.

>> No.7760738

Maybe in Thai (and other east Asian cuisines) eating the tails is normal

>> No.7760850

I'd eat the shit out of those tails if they just fried them for a bit so they aren't chewy. the problem with eating shells is you need them to both be thin but not so thin that it's flexible, as that prevents you from actually breaking it down.

>> No.7760904

No, you're supposed to take the beans out with your teeth.
I didn't know this until recently when I made a colossal ass out of my self trying them in a restaurant, buy choking down the pod and saying "not ...bad" when it was obviously very, very bad.

>> No.7760933
File: 108 KB, 610x458, 20130527-clam-pizza-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7761014

Why is /ck/overrun with manchildren lately?

Your parents fucked up bad