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File: 302 KB, 1050x687, bone-in-leg-of-lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7759538 No.7759538 [Reply] [Original]

>everything is coated in some kind of super-ballistic aramid fiber that clumps up in your throat, threatening asphyxiation
>actually tastes like rat meat except at least rats are somewhat intelligent thereby conferring some intelligence to the person eating the flesh
>the part without the ballistic vest is still tough as fuck and tastes like dirty socks unless you blast it with strong herbs and an entire container of salt
Remind me why people in developed countries stopped eating lamb? Oh right, because it's shit.

Every time I see a bearded hipster loading up his grocery cart at Whole Foods with lamb that he thinks is real fucking fancy, I laugh my ass off.

Lamb is one of those things where it's considered a mark of good breeding to like it, probably because it says you're supposed to eat it in the bible or some shit, so no one is willing to admit that it's garbage. These animals are only good for their fur, nothing more.

>> No.7759569

How do you know what rat meat tastes like, OP?

>> No.7759571

you're talking about mutton

if you get proper lamb in a real country it's actually good

>> No.7759578 [DELETED] 

Americans need to be rangebanned.

>> No.7759582

Here's a tip-

If you live in the US DO NOT EAT imported lamb from New Zealand or Australia. Get it locally.

Nothing against either country but by the time their lamb gets through customs it is sour and disgusting.

>> No.7759593

>sour and disgusting
Never noticed. I eat lamb somewhat regularly because I can get it fucktardedly cheap. Less than beef, even. I can get lamb's breast for $2.49/lb but beef brisket costs over double that.
I just wish American butchers and/or abatoirs didn't trim so much fat from the lamb. I love me some lamb tallow and since I can't buy it here, I have to make it myself.

You're baiting, of course, but if you don't like lamb or mutton or goat or any other meat, no one who actually matters as a person will look down on you for it. They might look down on you for throwing a tantrum about disliking something but not for your distaste for it itself.
Eat what you like, comforted in the fact that, being in a country with internet access, it's unlikely you'll ever be in a position where you'll have to eat what you don't.

>> No.7759665


The tallow is almost completely trimmed off when it's imported. Which fucks up the preservation.

Legitimate butchers don't pull that shit up you get what you get when it's on import.

>> No.7759704


>> No.7760194

How do you trim tallow from lamb when there's no tallow on lamb to begin with? Do you think tallow is the same thing as lamb fat? You do, don't you?

>> No.7760219

Fuck of ya cunt.

Lamb is fucking delicious, its basically our national meat, look up Australia day lamb adds on youtube.

>> No.7760384


Have you tried lamb with a red wine? What am I saying, of course you didn't.

>> No.7760390

Lamb is great but australians are faggots

>> No.7760394

So you don't know how to cook. That's fine. Stick around, maybe one day you'll pick up some tips if people start making cooking threads again.

>> No.7760406

Those ads were started because lamb sales were dropping, no Australian having ever thought of it as particularly Australian let alone the "national meat." Fortunately for the industry, Australians think what they're told to think.

>> No.7760412

I love me some buffoloed lamb wings

>> No.7760417

I use ground lamb in a lot of recipes, i make a meatloaf with a lamb and veal mixture, and i use lamb with pork and beef in my meatballs.

>> No.7760736

Lamb/sheep have been traditional livestock since like the first fleet, we actually have a pretty strong history with the humble sheep.

I get the adds were marketing, but why argue seriously with the op in a bait thread...im here to shitpost.

Everyone believes what theyre told to believe ya bloody gallah, what are you? American? British? Where the fuck are you from that means you and the rest of your ilk arent swayed by advertising?


>> No.7760847

this, Op obviously doesn't know how to slow cook

>> No.7760856

we get it, your mommy only fed you mild-tasting chicken tendies so any hint of actual meat flavor in your food is gross. i bet you don't like seafood either?

>> No.7760897

>S-stop liking what I don't like!

>> No.7760899

I used to hate meat that wasn't chicken when I was a kid, too

>> No.7760931

I had leg of lamb with a really nice petit sirah a few months ago, really enjoyed it
>rub lamb with salt, pepper, and garlic
>pour wine
>discard lamb
>drink wine
It was a bit expensive but I'll bet if you cut out the lamb parts nobody would even notice

>> No.7760938

Ive had lamb twice. both times med-rare.

tasted like shitty fish.

>> No.7760946

I would say it tastes more like shoes

>> No.7760979

Here's a tip: any food or drink valued by people from Australia is best avoided. Just look at their national beverages: yellow tail wine and Foster's beer

>> No.7760983

B-but, it's Australian for beer!

>> No.7760986
File: 171 KB, 600x600, 1432505268378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had some sous vide lamb yesterday. Sealed a stick of rosemary and a pat of buttter inside the bag,

>> No.7760997

lamb is one of my favourite things in the world, it is so. fucking. good.

lamb gravy is literally the best thing in the universe. i use lamb stock in all kinds of shit. i have a fish dish that has quinoa cooked in it. it's incredibly savoury and distinctive.

go to rosthwaite in the lake district, do the short walk to watendlath, get a rock cake, come back and get a herdwick lamb stew with a herb cob from the flock-in tearoom. if you don't like lamb after that then fuck off back to america.

>> No.7761019

I'm not sure what you poofs are eating but lamb is the best meat money can buy. Roast leg of lamb with veggies is goat.

>> No.7761074


>lamb is goat

No, goat is goat

>> No.7761086

>Never noticed
Most people never noticed the vomit smell in chocolate either, that says more about the consumer than about the product

>> No.7761092


that's an intentional aspect of the manufacture of the product, what you're talking about sounds like spoilage. obviously it is possible to get unspoiled meat shipped from australia, it's called the cold chain.

>> No.7761094

this guy knows what's up

>> No.7761197

Ive lived my entire life in australia and ive literally never met anyone who actually fucking drinks fosters. Its all trickery to keep you americans away from the good stuff. Now get the fuck away from my eski and chuck us another snag.

>> No.7761262

You're just like the clappyfats who claim, implausibly, that no one drinks Budweiser

>> No.7761301

>rats are somewhat intelligent thereby conferring some intelligence to the person eating the flesh

>> No.7761489

Lamb isn't being sold spoiled. Spoiled meat has a very distinct smell. The issue is that it's a byproduct of the textile industry. You're literally paying $28/lb for garbage.

>> No.7761505

why do americans have such uncultured palates?

>> No.7761516


sordy what definition of garbage are you using

>> No.7761840

Yeah, OP, stop trying to medium-rare a leg or shank. Cover it up, braise it in a closed container for 4-6 hours, it'll literally fall off the bone tender, and all the tendons and other connective tissues will have broken down. If you're not into the fat, skim it off the braising liquid before serving.

>> No.7761883

are you fucking mental?

what kind of shite grade meat do you have in your country?

lamb = fancy? uhhh...not really but you can think that if you want.

ANY lamb = fancy? well there's your problem mate. fucking retards buying garbage tier meat.

you are an idiot if you think all lamb is rubbish. total idiot. but more power to you if you like chucking your shit out the pram because you see people enjoying something you can't do properly.

go eat your lamb substitute and wash it down with a trough of cats piss.

>> No.7762194
File: 483 KB, 141x141, K5CLi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover it up, braise it in a closed container for 4-6 hours

Fuck yes. tfw everyone else says they don't like the skin

>> No.7764104

I'm gonna agree. I'm an American, and every time I cook locally raised lamb it's been delicate and lamby. Imported lamb is usually gamey or rank. I think it's more about the quality of the lamb. Local farmers here are selling to a niche market, and they're trying to raise the best animals. Sorry to other Americans who've never had good lamb. For everyone else in the world, you have to understand that here cattle is king. It has historically always gotten all the best land and edged sheep out of the market, hence most Americans have never actually had the opportunity to eat good quality lamb.

>> No.7764380

Lamb's just fine. I've eaten lamb kebabs the other day. They were great.

What I like to try though is goat without the bone shards. I've had one goat soup and two goat curries in my lifetime, and they all had bits of bone in them.

>> No.7764441

We used to drink Fosters, before they shifted focus to the international market. It's not like VB is any better.

>> No.7764761

Lamb ≠ mutton

Lambs are slaughtered when they are six to eight months old. They have nothing to do with the textile industry.

>> No.7764780

I dunno, I've eaten my fair share of lamb curries and I always thought it was decent meat.

It's all in how you cook it, mate.

>> No.7764788

"I'm the semantics police woo woo"

>> No.7764805


Tallow is a rendered form of beef or mutton fat, processed from suet. It is solid at room temperature. Unlike suet, tallow can be stored for extended periods without the need for refrigeration to prevent decomposition, provided it is kept in an airtight container to prevent oxidation.

In industry, tallow is not strictly defined as beef or mutton fat. In this context, tallow is animal fat that conforms to certain technical criteria, including its melting point. It is common for commercial tallow to contain fat derived from other animals, such as lard from pigs, or even from plant sources.

>> No.7764827

>i made a mistake!!!
>quick! better wikipedia what tallow is and try to 'educate' the guy who obviously knew more about it than i did!!!

>> No.7764834


do you not see that the guy doing the correcting was wrong?

>> No.7764838

Defining 'tallow' doesn't change the fact that some guy thought tallow was the same thing as raw lamb's fat.

>> No.7764872


it can be derived from lamb's fat and i don't see why you think the guy in question didn't know that. he's obviously more correct than the guy saying it only comes from beef.

>> No.7765008

lrn2fuckingread you goddamn mouthbreathing mongoloid and stop making shit up
nobody said tallow only comes from beef

>> No.7765125

I didn't know children were allowed to drink.

>> No.7765458

I'm old enough to be your dad