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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7759340 No.7759340 [Reply] [Original]

As we can see here, there is really no reason to use cast iron

What's your excuse, /ck/?

>> No.7759342

price? heat retention?

>> No.7759372


you can get an anodized aluminum pan for ~$50

>> No.7759392


enjoy your dementia

>> No.7759394
File: 44 KB, 500x294, kronkbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7759398

>He thinks cast iron is bad because it takes longer to heat up

>> No.7759411

1981 called, it wanted its old wive's tales back

>> No.7759436

Cast iron still has a higher volumetric heat capacity.
The same shape of pan will hold 150% of the heat as iron compared to aluminium. It will also be heavier, though.

>> No.7759632

It won't retain heat near as well and has a much higher rate (3x) of thermal expansion.

>> No.7759799


>> No.7759813

Fuck cast iron. It scratches my glass top stove.

>> No.7759818

The thermal conductivity of the metal doesn't mean anything, retention and the conductivity of what your cooking does

>> No.7759852


ding ding ding ding ding ding

>> No.7760535


>> No.7760545

what about the irony taste? mine has it.

>> No.7760547

I use stainless steel with an induction slug on the bottom... mostly because it is easier to clean and care for than cast iron

>> No.7760723
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>> No.7760726
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>glass top stove

>> No.7760745


Thermal conductivity matters for some things, copper is particularly good for anything where you want a fast temperature response and even heating, like sauces, custards, or scrambled eggs. Cast iron's thermal retention is good if you want a pan that can spanking hot for a good sear, but it's slow response (and reactivity) make it bad at some of the things that copper is best at.

>> No.7761007

>copper good for cooking that involves skill
>cast iron good for muh hamboigahs
Explains why so many CI fanbois here

>> No.7761826

Absofuckinglutely. Great for searing, not much else. If you don't treat it like a high maintenance hooker everything will stick like glue. There's better choices for just about everything besides steak.

>> No.7762552

There's much better choices for steak too. The smokiness added by a charcoal or wood burning grill alone makes it the superior choice for steak imo, not to mention they provide a better sear too if you're competent at lighting the fire.

>> No.7762565

You should use silver.

>> No.7762575

Nobody on /ck/ is old enough to remember, but Julia Child fried an egg on a solid gold frying pan specially made for her by Engelgard Industries

She said it was good but too heavy

>> No.7762581

>treat it like a high maintenance hooker

literally season it and don't leave acid in the pan and you can abuse it without stick. wtf are you doing to your pans?

>> No.7762587

enjoy the aluminum absorbing into anything even slightly acidic

>> No.7762601

I'm sure he's talking about the people who think cast iron should be used for eggs

Remember kids, just because you can doesn't mean you should

>> No.7762782

same thing happens with cast iron m8

>> No.7762785

>they don't cook with pure silver

Stay poor

>> No.7762789

>doesnt have a gold skillet


>> No.7762894

But aluminum tastes like shit. And iron is good for you.

>> No.7762929

Can you honestly say you like it when your food tastes like iron?
>iron is good for you
In moderation, sure. Unless you're a vegan you're most likely getting enough iron in your food and don't need to supplement it by eating acidic foods made disgusting by cooking it in cast iron.

>> No.7763399

No I can't. But I'm not one of those cast ironfags who cook in it exclusively. I'll just never understand cooking in aluminum. Basically glass cooktop tier.

>> No.7763427

>cast iron or aluminum?

This topic and many more among those which do not matter one bit in the daily life of a working individual with a life.

>> No.7763911

Aluminum is usually lined with a thin layer of 18/10 stainless, cast iron usually is bare

Why can't poor people understand this?

>> No.7763958


>> No.7763978

Most do, I'd imagine.

>> No.7763980

>it thinks cast iron heats more efficiantely

>> No.7764075

But that's wrong, unless all your cooking is being done inside an oven

Do you even cook?

>> No.7764078

>scrambled eggs take more skill to cook than a steak
lol gordon go home

>> No.7764082

What's this from, anyway?

>> No.7764084

>steak is hard

>> No.7764096
File: 34 KB, 480x480, cfa03a089cc3062620cd35be1520a002ef02e1b93f9e24be738c76a217530fb2_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scrambled eggs (by far the easiest type of egg) are harder to make than a steak

>> No.7764126

There is literally no way to fuck up scrambled eggs if you know how to do them. There is no judgment or skill involved, I can see exactly how well they're cooked and there are no variables you need to worry about.

>> No.7764139

As opposed to steak?
>heat up pan until it's starting to glow
>add steak
Wow steak is hard!

Jack please go back to YouTube

>> No.7764406

Except that would make a terrible steak, you didn't season or add any oil to the pan, you probably got a terrible sear and an undesired doneness

scrambled eggs are literally impossible to fuck up, my 5 year old niece makes her own. steak, on the other hand, has no visible indication of the inside temperature

>> No.7764414

>scrambled eggs are literally impossible to fuck up

Then why I have I been served overcooked-to-hell-and-back scrambled eggs so many times?

>> No.7764452

>ordering scrambled eggs from anywhere
I've gotten a lot of fucked up steaks too, but from the perspective of cooking it yourself eggs are a thousand times easier than a steak

>> No.7764536

>he goes to such terrible restaurants that eggs are a bad choice
Anyone this poor cannot be taken seriously, stay in your golden coral threads

>> No.7764552

>ordering eggs in a nice restaurant
even funnier

See, when I go to a restaurant, I try to get something that would be either difficult or annoying for me to make on my own. I never order eggs because I have eggs at home, I'm at a restaurant to eat chimichanga and fried ice cream, not get scrambled eggs I can make at literally any time.

>> No.7764566

>I try to get something that would be either difficult or annoying for me to make on my own
Given your posts, I suppose that doesn't rule out much :-)

>> No.7764571

it sure as fuck rules out eggs, who can't make their own it's literally one ingredient + S&P

>> No.7764589

So seasoning the pan and buying the meat count as steps for steak, but for eggs not?

Your eggs must taste like ass

>> No.7764599

Cast iron has a higher heat capacity than copper, so it takes more energy to heat a pound of cast iron to a given temperature than a pound of copper. More energy is stored in each pound of the cast iron. Aluminum has a higher heat capacity than iron (it stores more heat per pound) but is much less dense than iron. For a given volume, therefore, cast iron stores more heat than aluminum. Because cast iron pans typically weigh much more and are thicker than the same size pan in another material, they tend to store more energy when heated. This combination of high heat capacity and weight means that cast iron takes a long time to get hot. Once hot, however, a cast iron pan usually contains more thermal energy than other pans at the same temperature — a significant cooking advantage. Cast iron has unparalleled searing power because it has a lot of available thermal energy – and unlike almost any other type of pan, cast iron pans won’t warp when left dry on a burner to heat up. Thick and heavy cast iron will remain flat and true.

Cast iron is slow to heat up, so it’s also slow to cool down. It is a good regulator. It retains its temperature longer than other materials and won’t produce temperature spikes. This behavior can be disconcerting to the uninitiated. Cooking with cast iron is more akin to driving a boat than a car: the pan doesn’t respond instantly to changes in the applied heat.

>> No.7764608

>seasoning the pan
I never said anything about seasoning the pan, I mean using S+P for the steak, which you also have to do for eggs so it's not even worth discussing. I also never said that buying the steak had anything to do with the difficulty of cooking it.

>> No.7764626

>I never posted what I posted
Ok then

>> No.7764633

Please quote the post and specific parts where I said season the pan and buy the meat

>> No.7764644

Man of Steel

>> No.7764656
File: 49 KB, 550x367, busymom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every busy Mom I know, and I know a lot of them, uses cast iron for all their cooking

so you can take your little chart and put it where the Sun don't shine, Mr. Smarty Pants

>> No.7764676

Whats wrong with her shoulder blades?
That looks fucked!

>> No.7764729

>"Buy a cast iron pan it's amazing!"

>oh but don't use soap
>don't use steel wool
>don't soak it in water
>oh yeah you have to season it first too
>don't use anything remotely acidic on it, not even tomatoes
>don't use sauces in it
>make sure after you clean it each time to rub it down with oil
>make sure it's COMPLETELY dry before you put it away

I'll stick with stainless steel thanks
>only store in a cool dry place

>> No.7765249

>there are people RIGHT NOW on /ck/ who think making steak takes any cooking ability at all

>> No.7765270

>it's good for everything!
>what? you cook that? nobody cooks that edge lord, who are you kidding? muh hamboigahs

>> No.7765272

None of those things are true. I put mine in the dishwasher.

>> No.7765331

>not having a solid silver pan

LMAOing at all of your lives