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File: 1.03 MB, 1677x2981, 0606161617_HDR-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7755946 No.7755946 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you picked up the greatest soda today?

What'd your favorite?

Millennials and raw-only health nuts need not apply

>> No.7755960

Because I only drink soda if alcohol is in it. I'm thinking Surge would be good with some Bourbon in it.

>> No.7755963

t. soda connoisseur

>> No.7756014

I take pride in that actually. Thats like saying you're proud of eating the same meal over and over like an obsessive autist

>> No.7756020

Are you MLG?

>> No.7756083

Except that millennials had access to Surge before they got rid of it, so I don't really get what you're saying right now, OP.

Also, Surge is overrated. It got pulled in the first place for a reason, but now that it is back, people love it. Gee, I wonder why.
But at least it is better than Sprite and Mountain Dew.

>> No.7756699

>I wonder why
Because it's a citrus soda better than Sprite and Mt. Dew you fucknut.

Because the FUCKING gas stations near me don't FUCKING have it. FUCK

>> No.7756716

I tried it, it's not really different from Mountain Dew, what's with all the hype? The biggest difference I could see was a slight tang.

>> No.7756720

I just bought a case off of ebay a week ago, It wasn't as good tasting as i remembered

>> No.7756725
File: 437 KB, 461x1167, 24oz_bot_blue_moon_mist-SM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the greatest soda tasted like a mix of blue raspberry candy and cotton candy

Strangely, Faygo also makes a blue raspberry soda as well as a cotton candy soda, I haven't tried those but this soda was the tits

>> No.7756727

sup senpai? whoop whoop

>> No.7756732

Why the fuck did this guy's picture get deleted while I was loading it? It wasn't nsfw or shit posting so for what fucking purpose?

>> No.7756749
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Got this super cheap at Kroger's the other day, shockingly really good.

>> No.7756755

Good old fashioned Coca-Cola for me. The GOAT. Why even drink anything else if you're having soda?

Honestly, though, you should treat soda as a treat and just drink tons of water.

>> No.7756770
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>> No.7756798
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Why don't you drink Q soda /ck/?

>> No.7756803

Not a big fan of soda, but I like Dr. Pepper every once in a while

>> No.7756841

I like making drink combinations

>Sierra Mist/Sprite + Lemonade
>Mtn Dew + Dr. Pepper
>Sprite + Orange Juice
>Dr. Pepper + Lime Juice
>Coke + Sunkist/Fanta
>Root Beer + Horchata
>Sprite + Powerade
>7 Up + Milk (Tastes like cream soda)

>> No.7756891

> 7up+milk
Finally someone gets it. Lemon lime soda and dairy is the tits. Try sprite floats instead of root beer. So good

>> No.7756898

>orbitz will never exist again


>> No.7756902

tasted like ass, and I looked like the biggest asshole drinking it, I used to walk around the mall drinking it from a straw

>> No.7756907

I dont think it had anything to do with the drink anon

>> No.7756909
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>"Millenial" meme

>> No.7756934
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Do people in Wisconsin find Sprechers to be overrated? I think it's one of the best root beers I've tasted and a lot of people back me on that statement whenever they try it (they sell them at Sheetz in some parts of the south). Whenever I asked friends in Madison about it they just say it's a soda like any other drink but pricier.

>> No.7757087

715 reporting in
Personally, I love it. Milked the ever loving shitnout if my menarss employee discount to buy hella 4 packs. I think why a lot of people don't like it, it's like with every other Wisconsin product, it is in every single grocery store across the state.

>> No.7757088

My favorite soda is Coney island orange cream hard soda, non-alcoholic sodas are for children

>> No.7757151

is that mexican apple soda?

>> No.7757156

I bought a case out of nostalgia. It was okay but no where near how much amazon is charging for it. Now if they re-release some of the retired MT Dew flavors, I would probably just throw my money at them.

>> No.7757158

The greatest soda is any brand of plain soda water, distantly followed by tonic water.

>> No.7757170
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This. I'd say 90% of my fizzy drink consumption is seltzer water. Sometimes I'll get a craving and stock some sort Coke or root beer in the house. If I'm on vacation to some places, I'll go for the full-on sugared versions of local sodas. Pic related.

>> No.7757173

Had to stop drinking the stuff because baja blast was making me break out bad. Baja blast is the best soda of all time

>> No.7757178
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>whoop whoop

>> No.7757186
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I can't drink surge all day, otherwise I could never sleep. I like to tone it down with a nice glass of refreshing diet soda before bed

>> No.7757189

Because Coke is still breaking Chicago's balls and making us drive to either Kenosha, Champaign or Rockford to get the stuff. Though supposedly there is a liquor store in 847 that has it, now.

Cheerwine is also the shit. Not sure if this is still the case, but you used to be able to find those bottled versions at any Cracker Barrel gift shop. Lately I've been finding them at Jewel, surprisingly.

>> No.7757233
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>mfw retards fall for brand name shilling when all of it tastes exactly the same and Mountain Holler or some other generic is exponentially cheaper
Have a friend pour dew and surge and merro yerro and holler into unlabeled cups and try to pick them out if you don't believe that you have been swindled by ad men

>> No.7757254

vanilla coke

>> No.7757814

I miss pepsi twist. It was just lemon enough to be stronger than pepsi light from back in the day. Pepsi blue is also something I miss, but I get it imported from the philippines once a year.

Also what ever happened to the crystal pepsi comeback? I never remember hearing about anyone ever winning that competition they held, and it was supposed to be the first part of a re-introduction to my knowledge. Was that just a crock of shit?

I tried canada dry's blackberry ginger ale and it was pretty good.

>> No.7758278

any torontofags here?

looking for surge and/or crystal pepsi, are those available in our city?

>> No.7758296

I don't drink soda

>> No.7758299

It doesn't fucking taste like Mtn Dew. Only fags that have never actually had Surge would think that.

>> No.7758302


What does it taste like then? Steak? Coffee?

It certainly doesn't taste identical to Dew, but it's close enough....

>> No.7758322

it tastes like Surge you insufferable cunt

>> No.7758331

love that shit

>> No.7758342

My brother gave me a six pack of those for xmas 2014. I tasted one and poured out the rest of it because I don't hate myself, and my bf had one last year. The remaining four are in the back of the fridge.

>> No.7758353

why not just throw it out you retarded bitch?

>> No.7758371
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>> No.7758378

Oh wow ok haha. How could I have missed that lol oops.

Thanks bro here you go have a (upvote)

>> No.7758464

>stopped drinking soda like eight years ago
>drink cola other night
>shits and overall bloatiness

Is this normal?

>> No.7758682

wasnt crystal pepsi only given out dec. 2015 as a super exclusive promo and never actually sold

>> No.7758700
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Their cola is the best desu

>> No.7758705


>> No.7758706

What is this meme?

>> No.7758709

clowns detected

>> No.7758730
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Beep beep
Best soda NA coming through
Other sodas BTFO

>> No.7758760

I thought the cola was weird, but the dandelion and burdock is pretty good.

>> No.7758952

I tried mixing vanilla coffee creamer with orange soda yesterday. It was really great, basically creamsicle soda.

>> No.7760772

I need to try this

>> No.7760813
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But this is so much better

>> No.7762247
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Some days you just gotta start them off right

>> No.7764496

fat people general

>> No.7764744

Funny, I see no mention of the lavender or cucumber sodas.

>> No.7764748

grow up dude

>> No.7764765

Mexican apple soda
tried this last week
couldn't finish the bottle
fuck off

>> No.7764871
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Do it right

>> No.7765426
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Do the dew

>> No.7765480
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coming through

>> No.7765536
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>Not drinking Jones

Shit taste

>> No.7765592

Millennials = starts with born in 1980s. Are you only looking for responses from 37yrs and up?

I think you mean generation Z there, numbnuts :^)

>> No.7765850

I never touch this shit when home, but while traveling I enjoyed Wostok and Bionade.

>> No.7765865

fucking faggot

>> No.7765869

That shit is the absolute worst. It's the most pleb shit passing itself off as something special.

>> No.7765924
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I can't afford the calories.

A large part of my diet is alcohol and if I had soda on top of that I would lose my girlish figure.

>> No.7766045
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>> No.7766077

You can get these at Sheetz btw

>> No.7766079
File: 25 KB, 355x355, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best IMO.

Anyone else try it?

>> No.7766085

Generic candy flavoring thats way too sweet, they certainly know how to market though.

>> No.7766093
File: 219 KB, 922x1229, virgilsrootbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet, none of you cu/ck/s have posted virgils yet

>> No.7766106

I always end up with a barely carbonated bottle, flavor is okay I guess.

>> No.7766109

Better than dads root beer.
Too fucking sour.
Virgils is just so god damn cozy and smooth

>> No.7766117

I was underwhelmed.

>> No.7766120
File: 393 KB, 600x1185, mexican-coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the best of the best.

>> No.7766656
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Sprecher > Virgil's > Stuart's > IBC > Dads > Anything else

Mexican Coke is good until you realize once you try the canned version they sell within Mexico doesn't taste the same even with regular sugar.

Also just picked this up and oh boy is it strong. Not bad if you're into really gingery carbonated drinks but if you aren't used to them they can make you cough like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.7766680
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Melon cream soda Fanta

This is the best soda I have ever had in my entire life, nothing else compares. It was only available in Japan for a limited run and it happened to be the time I visited there. I have seen looked all over Japanese markets for a similar substitute brand but nothing even comes close

>> No.7766685

>diet Dr Pepper before bed
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7766686

Where can you find those? I love both cola and ginger ale.

>> No.7766696

I've seen it at Walmart, convenience stores probably have it too.

>> No.7766712

Melon soda > melon soda plus vanilla >>> the gross concotion they sell in a can trying to recapture that flavor

>> No.7766722

I picked a couple up from a grocery store on a road trip about a month ago to see if it was like I remembered it.

I think either my taste buds have changed, the formula has changed or both. Surge just isn't the same.

>> No.7766725


I've tried the regular ginger beer, it's alright.

>> No.7766728

Any soda from Japan is already good. It can't be gross.

>> No.7766737
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>> No.7766742

I have had many types of melon soda and crea soda and even one or two melon cream sodas but they don't compare to the Fanta one I had. I would pay big bucks to have that taste again

>> No.7766745

Prove me wrong.

>> No.7766752


Considering they get a lot of the same crap that we have in the states I don't feel that I have to.

>> No.7766759

They have way more variety than we do here. They also use real fruit juice in a lot of their stuff.

>> No.7766795

Pretty much this >>7766696 however they are usually a dollar at Walmart versus up to a $1.40 elsewhere. I should remind you though that this particular one isn't an ale, but a much stronger version of the cola they make which has less ginger. Imagine it as if you were to mix Pepsi and Vernors together.

>> No.7766825

Never had Vernors before, but I get the gist of it.

>> No.7767075
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Crushed melon is god tier

>> No.7767092

>Posting meme soda

>> No.7767794
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Only one can be king

>> No.7767806
File: 2 KB, 160x160, clubsoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why haven't you picked up the greatest soda today?

this is soda
are you talking about pop?