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7754178 No.7754178 [Reply] [Original]

>try to quit
>night sweats and depression mixed with anxiety
>even after withdrawal is gone, emptiness persists and I once again start drinking

I'd rather die drunk and young than live a full live sober

>> No.7754184

Do a flip

>> No.7754194

I think you'll have a different perspective when you body begins shutting down at 30

>> No.7754204


this. also when you get so bad you develop wet brain, permanent nerve damage, die a miserable death from your liver shutting down.

>> No.7754213

I've never met anybody that advanced who was anything but committed to continued alcoholism. They have nothing to live for and don't see that ever changing. Even one guy who had children was like this, although the fact he couldn't see them anymore probably had something to do with it.

>> No.7754214

I think you just need to find a balance. You can still love and enjoy alcohol without allowing it to kill you. Don't feel too bad though. My vices are pot and cigarettes and I struggle with the same issues.
>quit weed
>depression, misery, suicidal tendencies
>gradually get better as dependency wears off
>"yo anon, wanna hit this bowl"
And I'm still smoking to this day. Out at the moment though :(((

>> No.7754239

How about you just drink less, fucker. Nobody cares if you "Quit" just don't drink so much that it will make you die.

>> No.7754244

>babby thinks things are this simple
Wow! What are the chances that out of countless alcoholics throughout human history, not a single one has thought of this? Genius!

>> No.7754276

Just how much of a pussy are you?
There certainly are withdrawal symptoms but they're nowhere near as bad as what you described. Weed and alcohol are nothing alike, the later being immensely worse.

>> No.7754285


Seriously, I was a heavy as fuck smoker, then just decided to quit one when I graduated college. Worst was a couple nights of insomnia and mood swings, then never a craving again.

>> No.7754290

Yeah I smoked a shitton too and suddenly quit one day. I had trouble falling asleep for some weeks, felt a little dull and overall uninterested in things but come on, suicidal tendencies? There's no way this comes from weed.

>> No.7754323

When I stopped drinking I was put on benzos, ate that shit like candy, went through terrible withdrawls, drank more anyways, for months on end, had the shakes, grinded my teeth, pissed/shit blood

know what I could go for right now, at 6:36 am, before I go to work? A bunch of vodka.

That's why I don't just ''drink a little''

Quit opie, if I could do it so could you

>> No.7754325

You turn yellow and bloat when your liver goes, and then you die slowly

>> No.7754342
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>I'd rather die drunk and young than live a full live sober

until you kill somebody with your car
then you'll be in a whole new program

>> No.7754343

Switch to beer and wine, no liquor

>> No.7754377

for full on alcoholism all this is gonna do is cost you more money

>> No.7754386

Anyone else have trouble sleeping when they drink?

>> No.7754394

if i want to stay awake i can drink a small amount of alcohol to do it indefinitely

>> No.7754464

Your problems are deeper than weed.

obligitory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5ybPnY1Ehc

>> No.7756226

i quit about 8 months ago after going through really horrible withdrawals and anxiety attacks, nightsweats and all that. but no DTs thank god. I thought I was going to have a heart attack and I ended up in the ER.
I developed a stomach ulcer and had digestive problems for a couple months from pouring so much booze in my gut.

My heartbeat became strange and shallow for a while and that was scary as fuck. Anxiety attacks lingered for a few months after quitting.

But now that I'm past all that, I feel way better. there's no downside to quitting. I miss it sometimes, but i'd much rather have my health and not feel like im about to die.

>> No.7756233

any tips

>> No.7756255

only thing i can say is that it's a decision you have to make for yourself that you want to quit. no one can make you do it but yourself. i knew for a long time that i should cut back, but it wasn't until i was smacked in the face with the physical consequences that i decided i needed to turn it around.

i didnt go to AA or any kind of group, I just stopped and kept on with my life. the anxiety attacks were the hardest part to deal with because they would just happen at random, sometimes at work or on the road driving or whatever. you just have to find somewhere to be alone for a minute, breathe deep and get through it.

it was actually really easy to not drink because the options were to catch a buzz and keep feeding the beast or to stay away and not feel horrible. easy choice, you just have to want to make it.

>> No.7756260

This. Plus you'll gain more weight with beer. I'm trying to quit drinking all together for weight reasons.

>> No.7756271

you need to stay off that shit for like 90 days and get on an antidepressant, that's the only way the emptiness will start to really go away

also fix your life

sounds gay but it's true

find some real stuff to be happy about

>> No.7756305

I need to quit. I took a week off for the first time in years last month and had all the nightsweats, wierd blood pressure and heartbeat problems. Insomnia is the worst though. Does anyone have any tips for getting to sleep better? Melatonin and Benadryl make me sleepy but I still can't sleep at all for the first few nights. I wanna stop tonite but I'm freaking terrified of having a heart attack from lack of sleep/blood pressure wonkiness.

>> No.7756312


you dug yourself into the hole, now you have to get out

you're going to sleep bad for a couple weeks and you're going to have fucked up blood pressure and heartbeat

don't be a pussy, get through it

or go to detox if you're that concerned

>> No.7756321

sucks to be you. if i was that mentally fragile i'd probably kill myself

>> No.7756337

Like a lot of you guys I'm also attempting to quit. Alcohol has fucked up my life pretty bad. Just got my first dui about a month ago and lost my job as a delivery driver because of it. It's going to be so humbling and shitty to be going from making 20-30 dollars an hour doing pizza delivery to going to be a cashier making minimum wage or some shit. (Dropped out of university due to alcohol). I've also had horrible withdrawal, yet I'm back to drinking a pint of vodka every day even though I am squandering the last of my money. My question to you guys is.. Have you noticed any delays or loss of progress in your intellectual thought due to alcohol. I've been drinking heavily since about 17. I'm 22 now. I can honestly say, although I am more experienced, I can't say I have made any true intellectual progress. I might be a bit more educated and have seen more things. But I honestly though I would become naturally smarter since my brain was probably still in development. Have a fucked myself by drinking heavily in my late teens and early 20's? I notice that even when I am sober, sometimes I still stumble over my words or can't articulate a thought. It pisses me off. Also, sorry about the whole spill about my life. After reading some of these alcohol threads it seems that a small few of you cu/cks/ expect people to prove their "credibility" haha

>> No.7756341

I still have a beer or 2 every couple nights, but finally stopped my heavy heavy drinking every night. I forgot how good it feels to wake up and go to work not hungover or going through withdrawal. I miss getting drunk all the time obviously, but it's pretty nice not hating the world whenever I'm sober

>> No.7756357
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What's the most embarrassing/shameful thing you guys have done while drunk?

>> No.7756361

It fucks with your memory capacity. My memory drops in and out more than it used to for sure. Eventually you'll start losing some fine muscle control and get twitch's and stuff when your not drunk. It's brain damage of a sort.

>> No.7756364

For those who need motivation not to drink tonight, watch this if you haven't already


>> No.7756376

I second this guy >>7756361
My short term memory was noticeably worse when I was drinking heavy. Even if I wasn't drunk at the particular time, I could hardly remember where I had gone or what I'd done earlier in the day. It was kinda scary. Also, I've noticed nerve issues. Whenever I go through withdrawals after a long bender my hands get tingly or sometimes nearly completely numb. That was a major sign I was fucking myself up already, and I'm only 23. It's easy to think that the health effects will only catch up to you after being an alcoholic most of your life, but it can fuck you up a lot faster than you think

>> No.7756398

Thank you both for the input. What I have noticed (although I haven't been sober for more than about 3 weeks in this 6 year period of drinking) is that after I get through withdrawal, I have absolutely no motivation. I also can't focus. I also have issues with short term memory, however with that, I'm never sure if it was because I was drunk at the time, or if it because my memory is starting to get fucked. I've also noticed lethargy and depression. Those seem pretty common though. I hear they go away eventually. However, I can't even fathom attempting math. Not even intermediate algebra. That's quite the scary thought. It also seems that I black out a lot more easily than I have in the passed. Because of this I wake up hearing I have done incredibly stupid things. It's not even like I have been on binges. I can drink just about 6 shots and black out. Surely that means my brain is a but fucked? And of course, I have also noticed the while tingly sensation in my legs and arms. I think I already mentioned the difficulty in saying words that are more complex than commonly used words.. Or even a unique sentence...Hmm.. It's such a shame. I can think of several more things that have affected me, but I'll save it. I don't want to make this post too long

>> No.7756412

Thank you both for the input. What I have noticed (although I haven't been sober for more than about 3 weeks in this 6 year period of drinking) is that after I get through withdrawal, I have absolutely no motivation. I also can't focus. I also have issues with short term memory, however with that, I'm never sure if it was because I was drunk at the time, or if it because my memory is starting to get fucked. I've also noticed lethargy and depression. Those seem pretty common though. I hear they go away eventually. However, I can't even fathom attempting math. Not even intermediate algebra. That's quite the scary thought. It also seems that I black out a lot more easily than I have in the passed. Because of this I wake up hearing I have done incredibly stupid things. It's not even like I have been on binges. I can drink just about 6 shots and black out. Surely that means my brain is a but fucked? And of course, I have also noticed the while tingly sensation in my legs and arms. I think I already mentioned the difficulty in saying words that are more complex than commonly used words.. Or even a unique sentence...Hmm.It's such a shame. I can think of several more things that have affected me, but I'll save it. I don't want to make this post too long. Oh and I also go through withdrawals after like 2 days of drinking as opposed to about 2 weeks as I used to be

>> No.7756417

I get it, it's hard coping with living in this realm.

If you can cope with it without chemical aids, it's better for you, but don't beat yourself up if you can't.

>> No.7756441

I always get a bit slurred talking when I'm drinking, but I also noticed difficulty speaking for a few days following heavy drinking, it's pretty embarrassing

>> No.7756447

I stumbled back to my apartment, or what I thought was my apartment, to pass out after a party. Turns out I walked into my neighbor's place (who are all women) and passed out naked in one of their beds. Woke up to the police there

>> No.7756563


>> No.7756622


>> No.7756647

Damn man. Never been that bad. I was trying to get in my room but I was trying to open my roommates door. I'm just he wasn't home and the door was lock. Lucky for me I had the lights on in my room lol.

>> No.7756693

Upto 5 nights a week I'll buy 2 or so 500ml beers to chill out after work
Maybe twice a week I'll get drunk, which usually takes 7 standard drinks, which lately has been going down to once a week because the hangover is killer, I don't eat much and am an skeletal
Two flatmates have individually come up to me and mentioned something about my drinking
>you guys are always drinking lol, at least I'm not up there with how much you drink etc
>lol.. Should we get a smoke alarm for when you're cooking maybe..?

Legit though, yeah it was 4am, yeah I got a wee oven kiss on my finger rasslin' the fries before putting them back in for 3 more mins
But I had one bottle of wine that night and a beer, are they just been over cautious or am I an alcohol?

>> No.7756745

they're just cunts man.

>> No.7756754

3rd day sober here. I'd drink tonight but I'm broke as shit until my pay goes through aand my boss always pays me late. Been living pay check to pay check for months. Got a text for my bank this morning, credit card just went over this morning when monthly interest was added. I have like $20 to my name and rent due this week. Got to quit drinking and get my debt under control. Went through my bank statements and over the last 6 months I've spent over $1000 a month on booze. Could have cleared my debt if I had just given up drinking for half a year. Or at least not drank so much in that time. Critical point now.

Need to quit. I don't give a fuck about my health. My life is shit. I'm just sick of not having any money.

>> No.7756779

>I developed a stomach ulcer and had digestive problems for a couple months from pouring so much booze in my gut.
What did you experience in terms of this?

How would I know if I have this? I get terrible indigestion sometimes, Like seriously painful. Could this be due to an ulcer or digestive problems?

>> No.7756782

Shit myself and had to barricade myself in the bathroom until everyone either left or went to sleep. Switched phone providers, deactivated facebook and never saw any of those people again.

>> No.7756787

I remember you from a thread on r9k.

Or it might have been here. Pretty sure it was r9k though.

>> No.7756811

I had slipped into a dark hole for the past few months, drinking at least every day. While I didn't always get drunk, I still drank 3 or 4 drinks at least a night.

Luckily, I seem to be over it, and I managed to pull a decent semester out of what seemed to be a surefire bomb. I'm proud of myself for that, and I think I'll keep doing well, but something is bothering me. I still sometimes get cravings for a drink on a weekday, though I've limited myself to just drinking on Fridays and Saturdays, which I have kept up with the past few weeks. Still, I sometimes just feel the urge to have a drink or two in the middle of the week, though knowing me, it'll probably turn into more if I do decide to slip.

For experienced alcoholics in this thread, should I take this as a warning sign? My family has a history of alcoholism and other drug dependency issues, so it'd be nice to get some advice from you guys. Should I continue limiting myself to only weekends?

>> No.7757009

Depends on how impulsive you are (and genetics). Just know the more often you drink, the higher your tolerance increases, just like any other drug.

Unless you're a disciplined person who's strict regiment-like habits can't be broken by your peers (aka being a square), leave drinking for socializing (from parties to chilling with roommates after work). Once you start drinking alone, the amount increases, and pretty soon you're going through a handle in 3 days wondering how you got there. Alcoholism is a rather insidious addiction, but like any other one it'll creep up on you if you're not careful; any these al/ck/ohlics here can testify to that.

I wish my tolerance was low again. Would be way richer, and would get that euphoria instead of social anxiety when I drink.

>> No.7757033

get a hobby. You drink because you're fucking bored

>> No.7757037

what happens to your body?
gimme some reasons to quit

>> No.7757097

Thanks man, to be fair if you leave half your dinner cooling in the pan before boxing it up to freeze it or whatever one of them eats half of it and tells you about how they were eating your dinner, lol it was good!
So that's definitely a shitty person for sure

>> No.7757137

You can drink small amounts regularly, wouldn't drink more than 3 beers a day, and that's with eating. Not just slamming them all on an empty stomach.

Try to use more alcohol for celebrations or as a mind-altering substance occasionally. At most once a week, once a month would be better.

You also need to find something to do. Get a creative outlet. Painting, music, cooking, share your creations with people.

You might need to talk to someone if things are bothering you, sometimes /r9k/ can actually be decent if you don't want to talk to a therapist.

>> No.7757227


>> No.7757532

Personally i found i wasn't interested in one or two drinks, just in getting wasted. Which I did every night for years. Then the day drinking started and it got really bad.

Now i don't drink at all, and it's a lot better.

Did I go to AA? you bet your ass I did, they're a bunch of drunks and they know how to help drunks stop drinking.

Get to a meeting sober, then get to bed sober, and you've been sober that day. One day at a time. That's how they do it.

I do still get tempted by cocaine and mushrooms, but I've had plenty of those and so far I've been able to say no (don't run into them that often these days to tell the truth).

Saying no to alcohol is no issue at this point. Yesterday I was with a bunch of people who all ordered/did shots of vodka and I was actually really glad I didn't have to. Before I would have been all over that shit.

>> No.7758273

>Then the day drinking started and it got really bad

That's when shit goes downhill for me as well. I know it's not good for me, but I can function pretty well just getting drunk at night after work. Sometimes a minor hangover, but no physical dependence. When I start drinking during the day, even if it's just a drink an hour to keep a slight buzz, that's when physical withdrawal starts getting huge

>> No.7758465

I think I have fucking gout.


>> No.7759055

I drink six half litre cans of beer every night, and I'm able to stick to that. It's alright, I get buzzed without getting messed up and I'll probably live into my 50s.

>> No.7759089
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>8-12 beers a day for 10~ years
>Functioning alcoholic

Recently, I've had days where I just cannot drink. Get to 2-3 beers and just feel so bloated and bored that I can't continue, so I end up eating dinner and going to bed sober. The urge to drink was so unavoidable up until about 3 weeks ago, now it seems like a bit of a chore. Should I use this as an opportunity to quit altogether? It feels like if I don't take advantage of this now, the urge might come back.

Also addicted to buying beer in general. I buy it every day, even if I have enough. My fridge is just full of straggler beers.

>> No.7759100

>Should I use this as an opportunity to quit altogether?
if you want to do that then go for it, this seems like a good time
>Also addicted to buying beer in general.
that's just habit, as long as you're aware of it you'll be able to tell yourself that you're just acting because you're used to it, and then stop doing it

>> No.7759110

>get on an anti-depressant

Fuck that shit. It's sobriety or nothing. No sense in replacing one chemical with another, power through that shit like a man.

>> No.7759255

This is cooking related, how?


>> No.7759264

Just smoke weed

>> No.7759268
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>> No.7759305
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How do you guys deal with the anxiety? How about the sleep, or lack thereof resulting in fatigue?

>> No.7759315

Because cooks are degenerate substance abusers. Maybe you should get out, you turbonigger.

>> No.7759316


Well, given that situation I suppose he's just trying to kill himself but doesn't have the stones to do it in one foul swing.

>> No.7759323


Try drinking chamomile and valerian root tea.

The more you stay away from the booze the easier it'll get.

>> No.7759330


Personally I hate having to go and buy booze. I live in a small town and there's so much fucking gossip and judgement surrounding it.

>> No.7759378


i drink to get rid of it

>> No.7759400

Ex daily all day errday smoker here. I'm talking about gram a day minimum. Quit for 6 months to a year and replace it with something else, preferrably multiple things. My choice was cooking/food, weight lifting, work, coding, and TV/movies. Alcohol if the cravings get bad. If you do this and are committed to quitting for the foreseeable future, you will stop having cravings. I did. It helps if you move a thousand miles away where you don't know anyone and can't find any weed.

>> No.7759541

Creature of habit mang, don't know what else to say. Somehow worked the purchase and consumption of alcohol into my daily routine, like brushing teeth or having a fap. I'll give it serious thought, thanks for the reply.

>> No.7759550

>night sweats
whenever I get really drunk i never know if its sweat or pee
it worries me

>> No.7759690

Ignoring the withdrawals and depression I get from trying to quit, I cannot fucking STAND the crippling boredom without booze, man, holy fuck. Nothing interests me when I'm sober. I just want to claw my eyes out from being so bored.

>> No.7759708

Anyone else use Kratom to help stay off the booze? I know replacing one addiction with another isn't healthy, but it seems much better for you than alcohol

>> No.7759843

I know what you mean. Sometimes I wake up in a puddle of water on my bed. Gotta wash the clothes and the sheets or it'll smell. It could be pee though.

>> No.7759927

Not who you were referring to, but thank you for posting this. I've been struggling for a couple years now, very much improved over the last year...but it really helps hearing that encouragement from someone else who lived through this shit.Thank you again.

>> No.7759932

ugh, have this problem too. I get super uncomfortable when I've been drinking. It used to help me get to sleep, but once I went through a blazing alcoholic period for a year, my reaction to it changed. Now, it just keeps me up and irritated. Hate it so much.

>> No.7760094

So I'm quitting for a while, keeping this shit to special occasions instead of... you know... the night before work. Told my wife this yesterday.

>But anon, I invited guy you don't know, cousin, and cousins boyfriend you hate over tomorrow to have a nice drinking party where we watch stupid shit and drink a box of wine. I'm allowed to have friends over! You have to meet guy friend!

So I'm sitting in my room sober with the door closed. Wife stinks like wine when I go out to smoke, everyone sucks and bores the shit out of me. Wife is being extra nice because I called the god damned bluff and I'm pissed.

>> No.7760101


>you have to let me drink with my guy friends

whew enjoy the eventual divorce bro

>> No.7760105

yeeeea, great time to quit drinking rite?

>> No.7760106

>I've spent over $1000 a month on booze
The fuck? What are you drinking that causes you to spend a grand a month on alcohol? Champagne?

>> No.7760111


keep drinking and quit smoking.

>> No.7760114

Tell us a little more anon. Who else was there? Was it a party? Did other people see you shit yourself? Did they noticed you'd locked yourself in the bathroom? What did they say?

>> No.7760120

The fuck of it is that they go hand and hand for me. Normally I only smoke when I drink but I'm pretty sure I'm replacing it with that.

>> No.7760132


i can understand being a drunk. faggots smoking cigs ill never understand the addiction.

>> No.7760138

Can't really say I understand it myself. It's calming in a way, temporary though. I started while drinking, bumming off of people who would offer. You get to a point where you tell yourself you'll only ever bum and you're not a smoker. Then one day something gets you angry and you buy a pack because you want a god damned cigarette.

>> No.7760141

Must be going through a 30 dollar bottle of something every day

>> No.7760144

I never smoke, but I use chewing tobacco when I'm drunk. Being drunk and then having a big nicotine rush on top of it fucks you up pretty good and gives a massive head rush

>> No.7760145


he probably just drinks at bars a lot

i spent $120 last saturday and had to go home and drink some more after. shits a scam but you pay the extra money to not feel like a loser pounding a fifth alone on the couch

>> No.7760149

thank christ I am only mildly addicted to diet coke for the caffeine

>> No.7760150

I'd rather drink alone than be the pathetic guy at the bar who all the bartenders and regulars feel bad for getting shitfaced in public every day

>> No.7760152


>> No.7760160

you are bored because you don't know what to do with yourself besides drink

You are makign excuses for your addiction. You aren't a special snowflake who needs alcohol to not be bored.

>> No.7760164
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Maybe he's trying to get allllll the chicks

>> No.7760548

after some point antidepressants were the only thing that gave me the strength to even begin helping myself. I am not in the perfect place but antidepressants and therapy definitely helped me a ton.

>> No.7760572

First time here?

>> No.7760628

8 days sober after 6 months of 1-3 pints of liquor a day

You can do it lads!

>> No.7760633

Going to the doc today and going to discuss my drinking. This is my first time meeting this guy, as I haven't been to a doctor in years due to lack of health insurance. Do I be actually honest? I'm down from about 12 drinks a day to 3-5. Can this effect my ability to get healthcare in the future I.e like how being open about your smoking can? I'm nervous as fuck and don't want to go.

>> No.7760642
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you are gonna relapse soooo hard

>> No.7760655

>drinking alcohol when you could be shooting smack

>> No.7760674

Fuck off you stupid gay nigger cunt nigger cunt

>> No.7760680

Yes, it will go on your record and increase your insurance premium.

>> No.7760684
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Dude chill out. Maybe have a drink or something.

>> No.7760740

Lol you are not a fucking alcoholic, drinking *almost* every day, not necessarily getting drunk. Gtfo

>> No.7760747

You probably should see a medical professional and get help. Don't you get it?It's not about the alcohol. It's about your mental health.

>> No.7760751


Not him but you are a fucking cunt, I hope you know that.

>> No.7760917

Welp looks like I'm lying to the doc

>> No.7761147

>decide to quit weed after blazing it for three years straight
>an onslaught of anxiety attacks out of nowhere, never happened before
>an entire week of phisically shaking and barely eating
>genuinely thought I was either having a series of heart attacks and dying or going crazy
>later learn some people experience horrible withdrawals
>depressed and dissociating for another half a year
don't smoke weed everyday

>> No.7761217

Even if it goes on your record, I'd be honest. How long were you at 12 drinks a day? If it was for a long time I'd be honest with him so he can do the proper tests to make sure things like your liver health are in check. Even if you don't want to say you used to be at 12 drinks a day, tell him about the 3-5 you're at now and say you're concerned it's affecting your health

>> No.7761238

I quit weed cold turkey after smoking daily and had literally zero withdrawal effects.

>> No.7761254
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just chlorine in the gene pool my friend

>> No.7761261


I stopped after 12 years of constantly smoking hash and oil and I never got that shit. I just didn't really sleep at all for three days and wouldn't stop talking.

>> No.7761295

That's why I said "some" people, I was surprised too, didn't even connect it at first.

>> No.7761299


i smoked daily heavily for 5 years.

after quitting dabs/wax i had crazy withdrawals. nightmares, night sweats, wake up and my sheets are soaked in sweat. anxiety and heart palpitations.

everything in moderation kids

>> No.7761397

This thread was a good read. Been struggling off and on, I go on several day binges (Drinking alone) and then suffer horrible withdrawal. It's the worst that it's ever been, starting to see hallucinations and shit. I haven't drank for a week but have really been craving to do so.

I think I might just really try to teach myself self control and do it only in social situations. At least then there are people around to keep me from being 100% stupid.

>> No.7761457

>quit for over a year
>decided to try moderating
>now I'm in pain all the time, gaining weight again, and am irritable

Fucking booze, I love you and I hate you in equal measure.

>> No.7761556

When you start wondering whether it's your pee or someone elses pee, thats when you should really start to worry.

>> No.7761989

happened to me too. took 2 weeks off work because i couldnt leave my bed. just happens to a small amount of people i suppose

>> No.7762028

Yeah it's almost as if people experience things differently. WHAT A REVELATION

>> No.7762068

nerve damage
puking blood
IBS levels of perpetual ass-lava

>> No.7762114

Holy shit dude, 3 fucking years??? Absolute madman!!

Judgement aside, you're correct. Weed gives weird withdrawals. I was out of town for 4 days and forgot the weed. By the last day, I was actually having REAL emotions. I thought I was going crazy, was driving home with a huge smile on my face, laughing at little things in the music, even got horny off of my own thoughts. That day, I vowed to always bring my weed along.

>> No.7762178

Alcoholism is fucking awful, I've been drinking 6-10 drinks per day for the last five years ever since i picked up a stressful job and then got laid off, I can see the whole picture of me gaining weight and having shitty unstable mood and spending all my time lying in bed but somehow I manage to fuck up every single day and get drunk again

There's like a point between when you've drank too much and when it hits you that everything is fine and you waste entire days trying to achieve it for a short while

>> No.7762220

>puking blood

I've been drinking 750ml of whiskey a day for 5 years. I keep telling myself that once I start puking blood, ill stop....I know I won't stop though

>> No.7762354

I have a coworker who's father just died of alcoholic induced liver failure at 48 years old, he only started puking up blood a couple months prior to his death when it was already too late. I don't know how much he was drinking per day, but it really scared the shit out of me. 48 is so young to die from something that could be prevented

>> No.7762368

I've been drinking 12 beers a day for years and still haven't get hooked

>> No.7762371

Lulz, your 2 percent ultra light beer would require 30 day for a proper buzz

>> No.7762468

You're in that percentage of people who get close to schizophrenia due to pot. It's partially pre-existing conditions, sorry for your shit gene at the lottery.
Take care of that in the future if/when you take medications or drugs. Read risks of secondary effects on your prescriptions and assume doctors are stupid on that point.

Congrats boy. The first week is the hardest, the rest is, well, long and boring, mostly.

I used to drink drank a 1L bottle of vodka per day, about 20€. With slightly higher taxes it's 30$.

>> No.7762471
File: 66 KB, 624x389, phew-obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing too embarrassing as an adult. I can handle my shit, other than being addicted to it at this point. But:

>be 16
>be inexperienced bonybro
>drink fifth of Ice 101 in about two hours
>all goes black
what I'm told I did...
>people are playing Rock Band vidya in the bedroom with the door closed
>kick down the door
>snatch mic out of some poor dude's hand
>start doing death metal growls into the mic
>break tv screen with mic
>punch some chick
>get my manlet ass handed to me by a couple bros
>am put to bed
>wake up next day
>keks are had
>even the chick I punched keks and forgives me

>> No.7762490

Ah the detox shits...

>first comes the moose
>then comes the river from which it was drinking

>> No.7762504

Those are the worst, I've sharted so many times by accident since basically any tiny fart comes with a squirt of sour water

>> No.7762506

You'd think you would have learned your lesson the first time, dumbass.....,kiddo......; back off to leddit.....| summer fag

>> No.7762521


I can see you haven't responded to my comment >>7762506

Safe to say I intellectually checkmated you ;)

>> No.7762760
File: 14 KB, 300x364, 1452674371605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hit me hard. I've been drinking every day for years and this perfectly describes how I feel.

>> No.7762767

me to senpai...I feel great now after 8 shots, will do about 6 more which means I will be crying depressingly in about 2 hours....rinse repeat

>> No.7762774


>> No.7762884

I can't change your life faggot.

>> No.7762919

>get dumped by gf last year
>alcoholism hits hard
>finally start to turn my life around and stop drinking a few months ago
>feeling much better
>ex gf contacts me last month, still in love with her
>get hopes up again
>she drops me again
>back at the bottle

fuck bros

>> No.7762993

I had an episode two years ago at a spring break trip at Panama City Beach. I puked up blood like three times in a row but it was brown and old and looked like chewing tobacco or coffee grounds. Pretty sure when it turns red is when you're fucked

>> No.7763020

I haven't had a drink since last Saturday night. Feels good but I'm afraid of the upcoming weekend. What do you do when all of your friends are drinking around you?

>> No.7763027

Surround yourself with other people that care about you. Sorry to hear that man.

>> No.7763047
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You "I'm a drunk and trying to quit" are the biggest bullshitters

Surely there's a place on Reddit for you

Finishing up my everclear tonight

P.s. this thread is for drunks to come and get drunk and have a good time save your woe is me bullshit for reddit

>> No.7763054

oh lawdy, look at the time dat boi, it's edge'o clock

>> No.7763067
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Drinking heavily and expelling brown, "chunky" coffee ground like vomit is puking blood. In the acidic environment of your stomach the blood gets the chunky texture, and it oxidizes, thus the color.

This is bad, and I have to tell you that you should immediately cease and seek medical attention if this happens, as it may inflame ulcers or fissures, as well as you have to be (non medical term) completely shitfaced since you are likely a male, for this to happen. This is called UGIB, Upper Gastrointestinal bleeding. Rarely will you vomit red blood if drinking heavily, and if you do it is really up to anyone around you to save you since you will likely be beyond drunk. You also are in danger of sepsis, as you may actually be vomiting your own barely digested backed up shit from your GI tract.

t. medical student

>> No.7763079

Because you said medical student, I'm going to upvote you

If you said female here, I'd upvote you twice

This is Reddit isn't it

>> No.7763091


t. medical student

>> No.7763094

I've been drinking 2 bottles of wine a night for the last 8 years. I can hear my own heart beat when I'm sober and see my stomach move up and down when my heart pumps. Just below my right rib cage there isn't any pain but there is an annoyance that feels like an organ is pressing against something. I've shit 7 times today. Pain in various parts of the body when I stop drinking and sometimes I have tingly feelings in my hands or feet. Sometimes I wake up after sleeping and can't move anything, like I'm still sleeping but I'm conscious. I have had sever pain in my left shoulder and heart area for the last 3 months at short intervals when I try to stop while I'm sleeping, sometimes my chest hurts and I cough a lot.

Don't do it kids, I just turned 30 this passed month and my parents don't even know because I manage to hold down a 6 figure job with this bull shit some how. I feel that I will probably be checking out soon, 5 years or less.

>> No.7763111

I quit for 3 months at the start of the year then had family over 1 night at the end of april and thought I could handle drinking one night then resume staying sober.

Ended up drinking a 6pack of 8% every night for a month straight before I ran out of money.

Now im 2 weeks into sobriety again and starting to feel better, but honestly it scares me to think of what my life will be like when I'm fully independant and have enough money to drink till I die.

>> No.7763112

Hopefully you check out in the next 5 months

Implying you didn't get that job through nepotism or rich parents

Drink up fgt

>> No.7763129

You're me in a year apparently.

>> No.7763130


Damn dude your the first person who Ive heard describe that heart feeling thing below your ribs.

I get that as well, or at least something similar. It feels like a heart palpitation except its not where my heart is, its more below it in that little triangle area space below your sternum where your ribs fan out and a little to the left.

I actually had an MRI of my heart and all sorts of tests because I thought I was dying. Any sort of physical activity would make my heart feel really weird. I too started getting it only after like 5+ years of really heavy drinking. I quit drinking for 3 solid months and it all went away thankfully. Maybe yours will go away to if you try quitting for a few months.

One thing though was for the first 2 months nearly every night I thought I was going to die of something because my anxiety was so high. even lost some hair I was so stressed.

>> No.7763135

U looking for sympathy or a hug sweetheart?

Go get a bottle and drink up, stop being a faggot

If u want hugs and bullshit Reddit is that way ---->

>> No.7763138

All I can say is stop now, it just gets worse, even if you manage to quit for like 3 / 4 days, a week, whatever, you are all like "damn I feel good, lets go get drunk" yeah don't do that. Just stop. You probably have a better chance than me.

>> No.7763144

What do you gain from this bruh?

>> No.7763145

>be in 8th grade
>get my hands on about a 5th of gin and a little whiskey
>drink half of it at about 10:30 in the morning
>get absolutely hammered
>message my girlfriend to come see me
>we lay in my backyard and I fondle her tits for a while before puking and passing out
>she was nice enough to bring me some water when I woke up

>> No.7763146

Thanks for the somewhat positive outlook, I am stopping tomorrow, yeah I know we always say "tomorrow," but this is probably my last chance so I am going to give it a very fucking serious go.

>> No.7763148

Dunno, what does anyone gain from posting here

>> No.7763154


Where did i ask for sympathy or anything of the sort faggot? I was just sharing where Im at with alcohol like everyone else in the thread.

You sound like a fucking tool

>> No.7763163


Not a cool story bro, reported you to gook moot for sexually molesting a minor under the influence

Expect the party van tomorrow or the day after

>> No.7763168

You implied sympathy by posting a woe is me sob story

>> No.7763178

Nigger you can't possibly be this stupid.

>> No.7763181


Are you fucking on drugs? What part of the story was "woe is me"

stop trying so hard to look cool on the internet faggot

>> No.7763193

If u post a woe is me sob story about not controlling how much u drink, don't expect hugs and upvote

If u want girly bullshit hugs fluffy animals u know where to go

>> No.7763194

Preaching the choir here

>> No.7763199


90% of the posts in these threads are about not being able to control how much we drink. No one is asking for sympathy you fucking autist

>> No.7763204

found the 15 year old, underage reported

>> No.7763212


I just picked up a bottle of Brokers gin. Who else here is having a shitty day?

>> No.7763220


>tfw come to these threads
>its ok, im not too bad
>this still hits a little too close to home somehow

>> No.7763224

Ur the fags getting rump roasted nobody has sympathy for your posts

Stop replying to me if ur such non autists

>> No.7763227


Off yourself

>> No.7763230

how fucking stupid are you, no one is asking for sympathy in these threads, ever, they are just telling stories of their drinking. You are not of age to be on this board.

>> No.7763238

Lol I've triggered some drunks who got lost on their way to Reddit

Why don't you fags sober up and bookmark this website called Reddit that way nobody will ever be mean to you

>> No.7763245



>> No.7763350

I have all the same stuff. 9 years straight for me. I stopped 3 days ago. The heart pressure swings and wierd pains, tingles and twitches in my shoulders/feet/abs are bad right now. I thought I was going to die the first night. Had a fever illusion for 1/2 an hour and that was all the "sleep" I could manage. Last night I actually honest to goodness fell asleep for a whole hour. Vivid dreams. Another 1-2 hours of 1/2 awake fever dreaming and the rest just rolling around again. I'm fucking exhausted and almost broke down and drank earlier. But I made it and now I'm gonna go swim in my sheets and role around for a few hours.

>> No.7763372


omg please smash my pussy anon you're such a fucking hero you even used the word reddit twice now I'm really fucking wet

>> No.7763417

Niggers gettin triggered

>> No.7763515

I stopped wanting to drink when I had to remove a body that was decomposed terribly, feet were mumified, skin was coming off under my gloves, blood everywhere and shit. All because the guy died bleeding to death out of his asshole all alone in a trailer because all he did was drank. It eroded the lining of his colon to the point of a fatal GI bleed.

>> No.7763519

What do u get paid to do that shit?

>> No.7763521

vodka and crack go together like peanut butter and jelly

>> No.7763534

Yes, quitting this month. I still drink, but Im nowhere near all of the people in this thread. I would binge drink socially multiple nights a week, sometime every night for days on end. Nothing major, but seeing that shit made me never want to let myself get to that point. Worst part is I turn 21 on monday

>> No.7763541

DUDE, keep going, don't take another sip, go for a walk around town or something instead of getting in your car to go buy alcohol, or walk somewhere else if it's within walking distance; every time I pick it up again I'm like fuck... years later I'm like, what if I had been sober for 5 years? could have been doing amazing things or at the very fucking least not a stupid ass hole. There is this one sign that triggers (not in the stupid internet sense) me that I pass every day that just makes me think about "what if I didn't do this shit to myself" I used to be really good looking now I get stares because of what extended alcohol abuse does to your face and eyes. at least SOME of it WILL Heal if you stop and treat your body correctly with the right diet. All you can do is live with it and get back to the things you used to love doing, or maybe keep on doing some of the things you love doing while you were drunk, but change what you do when you feel the urge.

>> No.7763561

Ive heard about guys like you that do shitty jobs that clean up suicides and shit. Are u willing to disclose what u make doing that nasty work?

>> No.7763566
File: 88 KB, 489x423, 1446007612752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink heavily since 16
>now 21
>work in a fucking liquor store
>employee discount is wholesale + 5%

kill me pls

>> No.7763635

Now this is a woe is me story with a cute frog pic I can get behind

Would u mind buying me a couple bottles of whiskey at your discount price?

Even though the. Chances of u living near me is probably my .01% the chance of me typing further on my Android is 0.0%


>> No.7763726

sure I hook up friends all the time. are you in the Midwest?

>> No.7763751
File: 5 KB, 275x183, doverboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fighting off my depression
>doing okay staying sober
>on shitter
>playing with phone
>app opens photo gallery
>full of pictures
>all of her
that was about 15 minutes ago and now im halfway into this fifth. Feels good, boys.

>> No.7763872
File: 189 KB, 1233x1075, 1458333708336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> accept that i'll never stop drinking
> well fuck might as well make it productive
> start drinking wines
> drinking wine inspires me to make better meals to go with it
> start cooking a lot more
> drinking less and cooking more now
> mfw it all worked out well in the end

>> No.7763900

> going straight to the bottle after seeing some pictures

>> No.7763902

Look up Gary Null's info on supplements to take when quitting alcohol, you pathetic rot-juice puking dizzy dick.

>> No.7763951

what to eat with wine? not cheese or meat

>> No.7763994

sorry but how much do you exactly drink a day? on average?

>> No.7763998

anything depending on the wine

>> No.7764012

6 pack although I drink most of it over 2 or 3 nights and go sober some nights.

>> No.7764047

Well i guess my story is similar to the other full on drunkards here...

29 now. Drank almost everynight for 10 years. Sometimes a little most times a lot. Had 6 figure jobs in various parts of aus, never had any huge issues and if i did i was always well liked enough to get someone to cover for me.

So over the last two years i have been smashing 10-15 beers a night. Tingling in hands started to get really bad, every morning wake up with numb/painful hands... shit blood, pissed blood, chest pains. as we all know we dont get hangovers anymore really so you just wake up and get on with it.

My old man passed away last year. Hit it royally hard then. Must of had an ulcer of some shit coz took a dump and filled the toilet with bright red blood. Had a son and his now 9 months old. Mrs just told me she pregnant again.

Im 7 days sober now. And everytime i want to drink i look at my son... i imagine my next kid as well... and i try to make it one more day so i can stop forever to improve my health and be around for my wife and kids.

Pretty fucken hard tho as a few guys here will understand.

>> No.7764267
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 1452923188340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Yeah, boohoo poor fucking you. Fuck off with your woe is me shit. You've got no fucking will to change, we get it.
Alcoholicfags are the fucking worst.

>> No.7764305

How drunk are you dude?

>> No.7764329

I'm not. I don't drink enough to get shitfaced because I have self-control.

>> No.7764365

Yeah, I remember denial.

>> No.7764376

i'm not an alcoholic, but i want to spend every day drunk. i dislike the sober loneliness that i experience every day

>> No.7764423

Back in the gutter after 4 months sober. Everyone falls back in the end x

>> No.7764455

It ends up being no fun any more as your tolerance increases. It gets to the point where you feel worse than you've ever felt, drinking just to stay alive, until you're completely drunk at which point you feel just about OK for a short while until you pass out. I've been at a point where I couldn't drink fast enough to feel good.

>> No.7764489

I just don't want to stop... 26 years old here and probably have a standard 20 drinks a day, mostly beer. Once it hits 6 o clock I start drinking beer usually playing video games and hanging out with friends until about 11, and then drink water and go to bed. And then drink myself into a stupor on weekends.

I actually switched from weed to alcohol, now I do a little of everything and beer seems less harmful comparatively, but sobriety just bores the hell out of me.

I need to find something productive to devote myself to...

>> No.7764503


>i drink 20 beers in 5 hours every day


>> No.7764510
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>I actually switched from weed to alcohol

>> No.7764514

Ex-booze hound here, I haven't had A drop in month, whenever I had craving I smoked some weed and after a while I stopped thinking about alcohol altogether. Going for short jogs also helped,hope it helps.

>> No.7764518

What if I can't smoke weed?

>> No.7764528

Standard drinks, usually 12 high lifes and a pull or two of whiskey and/or a few g&ts. Sometimes a morning beer or rum chata in a coffee drink, but I'm trying to not drink until at least after work.

I'm not bullshitting, wish it was more around 6 to 10, but I've been logging all of my vices in an excel sheet so I can do a factual analysis of where I'm fucking up the hardest. I usually drink 1/2 to a full can of beer between every round of Call of Duty or World of Tanks. Or have three or four beers in an hour of cooking dinner, etc.

In retrospect, it's a worse switch for my health, but I like the high more and it's socially acceptable to have a drink in public. Not to mention that I'm a socially awkward fuck who depends on it to loosen up.

>> No.7764537

>anyone who disagrees with me must be just like me

>> No.7764545

you could always kill yourself

>> No.7764550


>i drink 20 beers and casually make dinner after and play video games

who are you trying to impress buddy? you just sound like a faggot

>> No.7764553

Why can't you smoke exactly ?

>> No.7764577

The fuck are you on about, guy?

Typical day is get off from work, either do a jog/weights or mow the lawn until 6, then I either make dinner while drinking 3-4 beers or (if I have leftovers or someone else is bringing food) usually just hang out or play video games while drinking beers usually interspersed with a little hard alcohol. Then any time between 11:00 and 1:30, I go to sleep. When I tally up the STANDARD DRINKS (maybe that's where you're going off) to log in my spreadsheet, it usually averages about 20.

This isn't some e-peen competition, I'm just trying to get this off my chest.

Anyway, my lunch break's over, maybe I'll keep monitoring after work or on my phone or something.

>> No.7764581


>i drink 20 beers and then accurately record them in my spreadsheet every night before bed

whew this shit keeps getting better and better

>> No.7764582
File: 1.04 MB, 896x1116, not-buffalo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call of Duty or World of Tanks

you are just fucking up in every aspect of your life, huh?

>> No.7764604

There is no way you drink more than one beer every 20 minutes for six hours without getting shitfaced.

>> No.7764614


while just casually playing CoD most of the time and chugging beers between rounds and making a really proper fancy /ck/ dinner

this is the best story ive heard here in a while

>> No.7764619

Sudden onset DP/DR and anxiety after a year or two of heavy use, perhaps a symptom of a deeper mental illness. I can't sit in the same room as someone smoking weed without losing my mind, unless I've had a least a few beers.

Weed isn't as harmless as everyone thinks.

>> No.7764632

Being afraid of losing control isn't the same as having self control.

>> No.7764635

>being afraid of losing control
Anything to try to make anyone seem as weak as you, huh?

>> No.7764637

I've been there too, It used to caused some major panic attacks where i'd stay in bed for hours. Try to find someone who can get you medical grade stuff, chances are the anxiety will stop, of microdose on edibles and see how it makes you feel. I'm not a stoner or anything but I don't think I could have quit without pot, if it doesn't cut it for you drop liquor and try beer for A while and cut down slowly.

>> No.7764639

It's possible for those who are completely ruined. I've seen a guy drink an entire case of beer over the course of a barbecue without showing any signs of drunkenness. I'm not sure exactly what period of time that was, but it wouldn't have been more than six hours.

The flipside is that he's at a point where even when sober he's not entirely right in the head.

>> No.7764646

No, just a basic observation. Very few people who never drink enough to get shitfaced are confident with themselves.

>> No.7764647

Or they just aren't idiots who get shitfaced.

>> No.7764650


unless stimulants are involved even the biggest drunk on earth would be looking glassy eyed and trashed

>> No.7764651

OK. It doesn't matter which you are, you're nobody to me, but the fact that you feel a need to put other people down for drinking does suggest something.

>> No.7764655

He's permanently glassy eyed. I wouldn't say trashed, though.

>> No.7764662

>putting someone down for drinking
No, I'm putting him/you/all the faggots who make these same threads talking about how you tried SOOO HARD to quit and want to circlejerk about how bad you have it. And of course, anyone who calls you out on it has to be some pathetic loser like you.

>> No.7764679


i always encourage them to drink more in the hopes that they will die

>> No.7764680

Alright, I'm petty and have been monitoring this on my phone. I really should be going back to work, but this was my night last night:

>get home from work, start making tomato sauce so I can have it for chicken parmesan I'm making today
>5:30 or 5:45 go outside to where brother and friend are setting up amps outside, have a beer
>It's a nice day, so we go sit out on the porch waiting for a friend, I have a guiness
>Went inside, we're still waiting for a friend, had two beers and played a little cities skylines
>Friend gets there, so we jam a little on guitar/bass/drums and I have three more beers
>At this point eat two tacos that he bought
>Went inside to set up the NBA finals game (switching from PC to ota antenna), had a beer
>It's only the 1st quarter and there's still sunlight, so we go upstairs to do some RC flying
>Other friend comes over, have two slices of pizza, I have three beers in this period of flying and pizza
>Go back inside, watch the second half kind of winding down with 3 beers and a gin & tonic

The game ended at 10:30, at which point I would I usually would take a pull of Wild Turkey 101 (2-3 standard drinks) then go chill out on the couch with a beer or two. Small victory that I instead saw everyone off with a last beer, then watched TV and read a book until midnight.

I don't see how this is so unbelievable, especially when you consider I was "trying" to keep it under what I usually drink. I then log it into the excel sheet when I wake up the next morning.

Weekends are much more, weekdays I told you averages around 20. I'm not trying to sound impressive, because it's actually pathetic, but alright...

>> No.7764778

You really are a shitty poster. Seems that you belong in reddit.

>> No.7765357

Question for my alcoholic brethren.
How long after drinking should you wait to take something with acetaminophen in it to keep from damaging your liver (even further, I should say).
I drink daily, usually a couple bottles of wine, but sometimes a pint of vodka as well. I've only had 2 glasses of wine today, so far.
I get occasional migraines, and I can feel one coming on, but the prescription med the doc gave me has acetaminophen in it. How long should I go without drinking before I take one?

>> No.7765361


Jesus people who drink alcohol are so fucking pathetic.

>> No.7765365


man just avoid it. really bad for you. ive had a few times where ive broken out in hives/rash when i took acetaminophen after binge drinking.

>> No.7765371

Jesus, people who judge others without walking in their shoes are so fucking pathetic (and ignorant ).

>> No.7765378
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>I don't drink
>I consider myself to be above others

>> No.7765382

Stopped abruptly almost a year ago after 20 years smoking everyday.

You sound like a little bitch.

>> No.7765383

Just make sure the alcohol isn't in your system. Give it like 16-24 hours. If acetaminophen killed everyone who took it after drinking, it wouldn't be on the shelf.

Yeah, it's bad, though. Don't pound tylenol while you're blasted drunk all the time.

Ibuprofen is probably a better bet after drinking.

>> No.7765388

>sick of drinking
>want to wait at least an hour or two before i start
>know that would mean i would be sleeping later than normal
>would mean i would be too tired at work tomorrow
>force myself to drink anyway
>not drinking is too scary because bad thoughts will come when i cant sleep at night
>hangovers dont come around anymore, just a sore and beat up body (no headache)

i dont feel myself until 12 and by then i almost need to start drinking for the night. i feel terrible and i know everyone thinks im terrible. i just want love and a secure job. i dont think i would drink as much if i did. but
>dating an alcoholic
doesnt really work

>> No.7765418


>> No.7765429


Better clean and sober, then dependent on poisoning yourself to give you any sort of pleasure.

Enjoy your your bleeding liver.

>> No.7765433


steady functional girlfriend and job and i drink more now than ever

dont even think its an addiction just boredom. if i have something to keep me interested/occupied i wont drink for days/weeks but if i have time off i end up pounding a fifth and passing out.

>> No.7765444

>mfw 30 year old Korean
>mfw allergic to alcohol
>mfw over my life, I've drank <5 beers and took <10 shots of alcohol over my entire life
>mfw every time I was miserable

>> No.7765478

That was so unfunny.

>> No.7765494

>I'd rather die drunk and young than live a full live sober

You may get your wish. Buuut...

Lets see whats behind door number 2??!

Its living the rest of your life with a disease caused by your young hedonistic years.

>> No.7765495

Im on vacation now. Ive been drinking every day and feel like shit. I just wanted to relax but I cant, my bank account sucks, im stressed out about everything all the time and dont have a real reason to not drink. If I werent alone, I would have a reason to be sober. Maybe I should go to the doctor and get put on some kind of anxiety bitch-pills. What medication would make me not care about being alone everyday and not caring about how every girl I meet is a self centered raging whore? Because thats why I drink so much.

>> No.7765510

Benzos are just more sedative hypnotics like alcohol. You want to know the real cure? Self actualization.

>> No.7765519

>switch from alcohol to opiates
>body thanking me for it, no legal troubles either (caught 3 duis from drinking)

would recommend

>> No.7765520
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Anyone living in CA with a medical rec for dispensaries should try some of this stuff if you're going through alcohol withdrawal.

I was feeling really sick the other day and I took some of this and slept for a good 10 hours after being up for 2 days unable to sleep, woke up and drank a half gallon of purified water the next day...felt like a million bucks. Haven't had any cold sweats or anxiety, no urge to drink.

>> No.7765527


>3 duis
>now i do opiates

yeah.. pieces of trash like you should get the death penalty before you kill someone who isn't a waste of breath

>> No.7765529
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stop trying to get sober and start trying to get honest.

until a drunk gets honest, you going to be standing in the same place for awhile

>> No.7765535
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Das it mane, x1000 times this; if you're not in a medical marijuana state / area, and you have access to insurance and a doctor, a script to klonopin / valium / benzodiazepines work wonders, but aren't as safe as weed. They can be kinda addictive so be careful as not to replace one addiction with another.

>> No.7765545

for my 4th dui after I got out of jail they made me do this course. anyway part of it was we had to add up how much money alcohol has cost us. god that was a wake up call I'd suggest you guys do it as well.

It wasn't jail, house arrest, broken bones, withdrawal etc that me stop it was just realizing how much fucking money I've wasted on this bullshit drug. Anyway taking into account all the cars I've wrote off (5), fines, lost wages due to jail, hospital, hospital fees, the cost of alcohol it's like a proper drug habit etc etc I've lost over 90k AT LEAST on alcohol which is a huge amount of fucking money to me. in that course one guy had lost over 300k (2 expensive cars and he went to jail as well, lost his high paying job)

so maybe you guys who aren't stopping even though you're fucking ruining your life, sit down and really work out how much you've spent on alcohol, and ask yourself if it was worth it. actual money you could have had and done something significant with, you know for your kids or a house or travel or anything really than just drinking yourself to sleep alone what a fucking waste

also I would reccomend to quit you get yourself some valium or k-pis about a weeks worth (say 30mg diazepam a day or mg k-pins) - don't get addicted either it's almost as bad as alcohol just not as fun- and go to the doctor and get a script for disfulrum, and literally just take it every day force yourself to. this will make you have a horrible allergic reaction to alcohol and prevents you from drinking

good luck, and when you quit youll realize just how much it was affecting your sober life, waking up hungover every morning

>> No.7765573

agreed, though i dont think it was meant to be 100% comedy

>> No.7765610

look up cold water extraction. I assume you have opiates and apap it's real easy to separate the two

>> No.7765621

I can buy bars of xanax for $5 but they actually make me want to drink because it triggers the same gaba receptors in the brain as alcohol.

I knew someone that was prescribed klonopin to wean off the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and he killed himself by drinking too much and taking all of his pills at once, he wanted to die though.

>> No.7765685

It's reality co- alcoholics cannot exist

>> No.7765726

try a harm reduction approach if you want to keep drinking. Honestly, just make it a little safer for yourself and minimize the consequences so at least you don't fuck everything, and you don't have to stop-- just manage it seriously anon!!

>> No.7765735

many alcoholics end up managing their alcohol intake on their own, and recovering while still drinking some amount of alcohol. At least as many end up moderating on their own as recover using a program, or becoming abstinent. If not more. You don't have to be brainwashed by twelve step programs.

>> No.7765748

Vomited at the corner of the club. Good news very few people saw. Bad news, all those people knew me.

>> No.7765752
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that's not bad at all tbqh

>> No.7765773

It was on a school trip (age 17) and my first time I was truly wasted, hence why it felt so bad.
You're right thugh, could've gotten a lot worse, a buddy of mine didn't even believe I was wasted that night.

>> No.7765783

Does anyone have any experience switching beer for hard liquor? I love beer and I love being drunk all the time but I hate being a fatass. Apparently hops give you bitchtits too.

>> No.7765839

Does anyone else get anxiety after eating? I'm wondering what the hell is up with me, but I assumed it was because of booze, opiates, or being sedentary after switching to office work.

>> No.7765847

Alcohol has a lot of calories either way, so it's always leaning towards fatassness. Something like vodka and diet soda is a better calorie:alcohol ratio than any beer, but the difference is like 20-30% i think? That may or may not be worth it to you giving up beer. Personally I like to have 1 beer and then drink liquor if I want to get any more of a buzz.

>hops give you bitchtits
almost anything "x gives you bitchtits" is broscience. That's like the #1 bro boogeyman.

>> No.7765862

I was looking up their sedative properties and it said there were estrogen-like compounds in hops

Maybe I'll try one high-proof beer and supplement with vodka. Gotta hit that treadmill either way. Thanks for your input

>> No.7765878

If you just want to be drunk, the trick is to dilute as much as you plan to drink with water or soda water to the approximate strength of beer before you start drinking. Then hide any leftover full strength spirits.

If you start getting in the habit of frequently drinking unmixed spirits to excess, things are going to get bad a lot more quickly.

You're probably always going to be a bit chubby if you don't cut back, however.

>> No.7765898

hey guys, I got sympathy for you drunk fuckers out there, you can quit.

I'm not a drinker, I struggle with severe health anxiety that I learned as a kid. I currently believe that I am dying of brain cancer because I have some ear pain.

Anybody deal with this

>> No.7765899
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holy fucking shit kill yourself faggot


>> No.7765956

hey buddy, these are the tolls you must pay to stop. i lost about two days worth of sleep and i pressed on through i thought i lost my job. i even was like " i'll just kill myself instead of dealing with this shit" but the passing thoughts never took hold. i recommend watching your favorite non intense show ( mine was futurama) back to back to back. and pace for me that made me feel better, then it transitioned into cleaning my house and reciting these words to myself
>"this is a starting point to a better life, I have had many beers shots, and glasses of wine. if i just make it through this i will not have an excuse to reach my full potential".
i was pissing blood and vomiting blood and black stuff.
i was a non functioning alcoholic that changed his life. 8 months ago tomorrow.
I always remember the bad times associated with alcohol, pissed pants, punched in the face for who knows why, and worse of all the fear and easy way out of life is the one of an alcoholic.
you'll be fine after a few days, of course the thoughts and inklings are always there but remember why you quit.
you want to live a normal life, and achieve the greatness you know you have.

>> No.7765979

it really does mess up your memory and nervous system. my advice to you is to really look at yourself and think " i'm a young person who can and will conquer this, i am ready to deal with the problems that come with this." thats whats great about stopping when you're young, neuroplasticity isn't even close to expiring. you have plenty of time to rearrange the bad brain cells and the good ones. you can be the person you want to be, believing alcohol is stopping you is a clear answer to your question. quit drinking and know why you don't anymore.

>> No.7766006

Well, I made it through until now. The first 3 nights were awful. I feel better today. Just took a walk. I'm still tired as hell, but I think I might sleep a bit more tonite.

>> No.7766018

yeah man! thats awesome it'll take time to be 100%. you just gotta keep at it, i recommend that you have a daily routine to distract yourself. you will sleep better everytime youtry to sleep after the first few days. i had awful nightmares and shakes and everyhting man. just have your chin up and make sure you just simply don't drink. remember, alcohol is a tricky mother fucker and will lie to you to get you to drink it " hey man you can have one beer, or dude get a drink and it's fine." ITs never fine and it's a dream to drink like other people, you had plenty of drinks it's time to get better. good luck cu/ck/

>> No.7766188
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6:30pm and I'm at six beers, no food. What do?

Continue drinking?

>> No.7766228
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Was gonna quit when I woke up today at 5pm but my dad came home with a 12 pack for me. Drinking and watching Seinfeld.

>> No.7766235

that sounds nice..how big is your dad's belly : 3

>> No.7766397

I was thinking of becoming an alcoholic. To forget about my life. What do I drink? I was thinking of picking up the biggest bottle of vodka I could find. Or maybe pickup some Rum because it's summer and just take some shots with a chaser.

>> No.7766411


>> No.7766479

Yeah dude, it's a hoot! Just compound that shitty life with physiological addiction to a chemical that will kill your liver, kidneys, nervous and digestive systems.


>> No.7766506

do you get off to this?

>> No.7766510

I don't like you.

>> No.7766515

Yeah, it's so awesome, every day a new adventure!

kill me

>> No.7766523

Take up exercise instead. Go lift weights and run. You will feel better (seriously exercise gives you endorphin rushes) and once you get into exercising you don't think about your problems just the moment.

>> No.7766540

Vodka is a good start. Orange juice and vodka is a classic. Once you get good at drinking, you can down that vodka without the juice. In my experience, the juice gives bad hangovers due to the sugar content.

>> No.7766546

That's not true, I was out jogging today and at about the halfway mark realized how futile it was and how small and worthless my life is.

>> No.7766580

If I committed suicide properly everybody would be traumatized. Killing myself this way looks more natural to them, and they'll be partly relieved when I finally slip from the agonizing final stages of alcoholism into sweet oblivion.

>> No.7766596

I'm just really pissed off. I hate where I live and I wanna release my anger. I'd rather smoke weed but I don't know any dealers.

>> No.7766610

Not really, more pathetic, sad, and insufferable to see you senselessly kill yourself slowly.

Go take a bus hours away from your home without telling anyone, walk far into the woods, and shoot yourself in the head.

>> No.7767446

Does anyone else have a problem falling asleep when they are drunk?
Idk what it is lately but when I get drunk I end up staying up all night, like literally all night I dont fall asleep until the next day when its proper to go to bed
Can't figure this shit out

>> No.7767465

Righto. I don't have a gun, but I'll slash my wrists and throat instead. Thanks, anon.

>> No.7767785
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3rd week of rehab, 4 months clean. Exit while you're young, those 40+ guys who end up here are seriously retarded and so shockingly stuck in their patterns and habits beyond any type of selfawareness it's ridiculous. And frightening desu. You see every minute what you will end up like if you countinue.

>> No.7767791

Nobody comes near it anymore because nobody likes alkies.

>> No.7767898

>those 40+ guys who end up here are seriously retarded and so shockingly stuck in their patterns and habits beyond any type of selfawareness it's ridiculous
Got any examples?
memory issues
liver failure
lung cancer
mouth cancer
liver cancer

Just a small selection.

>> No.7767929


You don't have to quit drinking, that's just dumb.

You DO have to develop discipline, though.

I went cold turkey and fought through the withdrawal, and after I told myself I wouldn't drink again, but soon realized that was just not reasonable.

Now I largely limit myself to no more than 3 drinks in any one evening. Sometimes it's only 2, sometimes it's 4, and sometimes it's none at all. The bottom line is that I know what's out there if I drink more, and I don't want to put myself through that again.

>> No.7767939

Can't you drink in moderation like a normal person?

>> No.7767948


Nigger, I GROW weed, and blaze every night until I run out, then I grow more.

You know what happens when I run out?

Nothing. Nothing fucking happens. No anxiety. No physical withdrawal symptoms. Nothing. Just get bummed that I didn't grow another plant or two so I wouldn't run out.

Fuck off with your "weed withdrawal" bullshit.

>> No.7767957

Lung cancer? From alcohol?

>> No.7767983

No doctor but I don't see why not.

>> No.7768036

Apparently inhaling alcohol fumes constantly for a long time does increase the chances of it significantly. It's not as prevalent as, say, oesophageal cancer though.

>> No.7768054

Yeah, but I have poor discipline. The first drinks are enough to make me say fuck off to the limits I put when sober.
Not having booze at home and setting the limit to before the first drink makes things easier in the long run, even if it's a pain in the ass sometimes.
That's the problem with drugs : they fuck with your will and discipline needed to stop. It's pretty much how addiction works.
Formulating it the other way around, I want to drink more than I want to not drink, even when I'm fully conscious that I shouldn't. Booze abuse fucked with my brain chemistry to make this desire stronger than it should.

>> No.7768167

I was like that for many years. However, the last year or so, the physical/mental problems have started to mount. The value proposition on wanting to drink vs quitting finally flipped for me. I have to quit or I'd die in a few years, and be really uncomfortable and awful while I did it.

It'd be nice if you could get to that flip point quicker than I did. I've done permanent damage to my life and future. Hopefully I can negate most of that as I move forward.

>> No.7768240

I got a rx for ambien. It's the ONLY thing that has kept me from drinking. Basically i just was honest with my dr. Told him how much i drank and did so mainly because i always had insomnia my entire adult life. He told me I'd get hooked on the ambien but he'd prefer that to drinking. Now it's been a few years and i still take ambien but don't drink. It's a huge comfort knowing I'll be able to sleep great all night. I have so much less stress and anxety now. My blood pressure before was sky high and now it's normal. I lost weight too since ambien only works if you have a totally empty stomach. Really was a lifesaving drug for me.

>> No.7768765
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How many pills did he take and at what mg?

>> No.7769098

I have that pain too. Well, not really pain, but a pressure sensation like you said, in addition to the tingling. I decided to quit again today. Even if it doesn't stick (like it never fucking does,) at least I'll be sober for a while. Last time I had this pressure sensation it went away after I had been quit for two weeks, so hopefully that happens again.

I CAN make it two weeks, can't I? Am I THAT pathetic?

>> No.7769148

You need a support to slap you back up when you get down

It really helps immensely and its almost impossible to help yourself except those with exceptional willpower

>> No.7769185

can you buy "a support" on amazon?

>> No.7769195

try family members ;^)

>> No.7769206

I don't have a problem falling asleep, it's maybe 4 or 5 hours after I pass out and start to sober up when I wake up and can't get back to sleep. I either have to take another couple shots to get back to sleep, or toss and turn the rest of the night if I have shit to do in the morning

>> No.7769210


im on day 2 of my detox. just stop. for real. if you are SUPER hungover today, just have a few tonight. you can do it. you can even get drunk, just DONT GET HUNGOVER. CHUG WATER. then tomorrow nothing and i mean not a fucking sip. pot helps me stay sober. so does 4chan. not b tho, b does not help.

get a hobby. find something you want to learn. maybe a passion you used to have before alcohol completely took over your life and all your passions away from you

also horror movies, for some reason.

>> No.7769216


this guy gets it. thanks man. im on day 2. gonna make it to 3 because of that right there

>> No.7769218


no! drink water and eat food

>> No.7769220
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>pot helps me stay sober
crack helps me stay sober

>> No.7769281

I'm tired of beer everyday. Should I switch to scotch?

>> No.7769390

started drinking again 3 weeks ago, I'm one of those people who can go for months without drinking, but once I start I don't stop.

everything's just funner when drunk even just at home by myself. movies, video games etc.

having been eating much either and just drinking wine and vodka, losing weight pretty fast.


>> No.7769673

folks, been sober for almost 2 and a half months, finally getting cravings again, i'd love to suck down some el cheapo wine or some el cheapo brandy or whiskey, i have a fugging pint of vodka that's been in my closet for months now but it's some of that 4 dollar shit that tastes like fido's ass so i'll stay sober i guess. guess ill just sit around and play nes and fantisize abot drinking all weekend lmao. anyway here's a classic from the glory days of fatman having to do with alcoholism folks


>> No.7770230
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i was cheering you on, happy i was on day two.

iv had

one whiskey coke
two glasses of wine
one gin and tonic
now on a whisky neat

sorry op. i guess we are just cursed. gotta find a way to make money at home i guess.

>> No.7770233


super weird. i gain so much weight drinking and lose so much weight when i stop. probably because i love beer.

>> No.7770234


i lied. im drunk. im a piece of shit. fuck the world. just kill me god.

>> No.7770421

it's on and off with me desu, I've been drinking a shit load of beer before and my abs seem to get tighter and I feel slimmer. feels good tbqh familia

>> No.7770425

>tfw I drank water for 3 years straight, literally just water
>tfw 2 years later I'm drinking vodka everyday


>> No.7770668

>Just below my right rib cage there isn't any pain but there is an annoyance that feels like an organ is pressing against something.
I get this too, but usually it's when I worry way too much about possible liver damage.

I'm not saying you (or I) couldn't have a swollen fatty liver from drinking, but without running medical tests and getting an expert's opinion, it's possible that sensation is just an idiopathic symptom. Or a bad case of gas. Eat a little yoghurt every day so your gut flora survives the alcohol you drink.

>> No.7770892

I get this too, I think because I subconsciously eat less when I'm drinking because I want to get drunk fast so I end up taking in less calories overall

>> No.7771125

It's OK Anon, just start again tomorrow. 2 days is already way better than none.
I dislike counting days because a simple beer would bring a high score in the thousands to 0, it'd be depressing enough to drink more and not give a fuck about starting again.