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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7749721 No.7749721 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Unforgivable food sins. I'll start
>Ketchup on eggs

>> No.7749749


You have to admit that Heinz marketing team was TOO good at their job.

>> No.7749753 [DELETED] 

' 'a

>> No.7749763

Ketchup on anything not baked.
Sprinkling salt onto your salad.

>> No.7749770

Fuck you OP, ketchup on eggs is fucking awesome. You know now that i think of it ketchup can truly go on everything including steak.

>> No.7749771

Picking up food with your left hand

>> No.7749772

eating pizza with a fork and knife.

>> No.7749783

Why is it sinful to eat ketchup on eggs exactly? My ex and I had been together a year and we went out to a diner late one night. I thought the bitch was gonna hurl all over the place because this look, a combination of abject disgust and horror, crept up.
Turns out, my ex had never seen anyone put ketchup on scrambled eggs before, never heard of it before, and the thought was just stomach-churning at the time. Fuck her, though. I like my scramble with some 'tchup.

>> No.7749785

eating eggs.

>> No.7749793

>the thought was just stomach-churning

Because it is. It's like putting peanut butter on steak.

>> No.7749808

finally, someone who understands

>> No.7749816
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>> No.7749825

People who eat jawbreakers 2 at a times and swap them around their mouths like testicles


Fuck you you dirty queer.

>> No.7749905

Salt on a steak.

>> No.7749907

>doesn't eat pecel sapi or sate sapi
Why live?

>> No.7749964

Navy cook here. I run our ship's wardroom (where the officers eat) and I see something daily that just baffles me every time it happens.
>Officer loves toast
>Officer butters his toast
>Officer pours a nice dollop of ketchup onto a small plate.
>Officer proceeds to fold his toast in half and dip it in the ketchup.
This is his breakfast. He does it every day.

>> No.7749965

this is still fine. i've seen people adding ketchup into coleslaw

>> No.7749981

>not washing your hands before you eat/prepare food
>brussel sprouts on anything
>not being able to cook
>eating bull scrote

just some i can think of

>> No.7749987

My go to poor meal is some eggs with American cheese and ketchup on a corn tortilla. Not even sorry.

>> No.7749993

pls post more stories

>> No.7749998

You know what? Fuck this thread. I'm gonna scramble me up some eggs and eat it with some 'tchup because fuck you, that's why.

>> No.7750133

lmao I do this too. Try it.

>> No.7750137
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>> No.7750142

The hell is wrong with pb on steak
I enjoy it

>> No.7750143


>muslim detected

go shit up someplace else with your shitty left hand

>> No.7750144

>peanut butter hamburgers
>spicy peanut thai sauce on sliced beef

Like you've got bad taste, but that's okay

>> No.7750146
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Speaking of ketchup.

>> No.7750149

quite disgusting

>> No.7750151
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>> No.7750152

Cook brussels sprouts, chiffonaded, in a sweet balsamic ginger reduction and put on rice. Wa la! No longer a manchild.

>> No.7750156


>> No.7750173

>he thinks pecel is thai!!!
Uncultured swine.

>> No.7750206

You must have never had a peanut curry thai sauce, or you don't understand fusion food/evolution of food, because there's a difference here my guy.

>> No.7750222

>he thinks peanut curry is thai

>> No.7750242
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Literally that pic you stole off wikipedia lists thailand as a main user of satay sauce which has peanuts, you troglodyte. Why are you trying to be superior while being an idiot

>> No.7750258

>he doesn't eat satay

I feel bad for you my man

>> No.7750264

looks like the korean war

>> No.7750285

what pic?
no pic was posted.
are you quite well, anon?
>hurr durr people from X-culture eat lots of Y-food so it must be native to X-culture!!!
guess kebab is german and bolognese is british, then!

>> No.7750306
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>> No.7750317

>not mixing pasta & sauce for a few mins before serving

>> No.7750340

Spaggheti with butter with garlic fried in and taken out and a good white cheese is top tier comfort food. When I was a picky annoying brat it was one of the very few things I would eat so once in a blue moon I still like having it for maximum comfies.

>> No.7750433

Ketchup is integral for fried food

>> No.7750535
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It looks so fucking wrong how moist it still is. Its not even coagulated. Its overused andwasnt even given a chance to gel up

>> No.7750549
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>> No.7750565

everyone i know switches their knife to their right hand when they need to cut something and then switch back to their fork to eat it

>> No.7750570

you fucking retard

>> No.7750571
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>> No.7750583

I cranked in the wardroom for a bit. The officers are the weirdest, man.
>the CO eats BURNT as fuck toast
>our traino special ordered a breakfast sandwich every goddamn day and would purposely drink the main galley coffee which was that horrible black sludge

The perks were the female officers would store their drinks in the refer, this was on a DDG so the wardroom galley is basically a fucking closet with a grill. The few female officers we had were super hot and I would get to talk to them in their workout clothes every day when they came in the galley to get their drinks (and listen to them complain about each other)I also got to see one naked when i walked by her room one day and she just laughed it off.
Later I drunkenly made out with her at an officers party and felt her pussy
>her bf was there
We never talked about it again. Shit was so cash. Thanks for the good navy memory bro.

>> No.7750594

Just keep the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand, retard. No need to juggle them about.

>> No.7750727

>calls something shit without even mentioning brand names
>thinks it's shilling


>> No.7750815

Ketchup on anything but fries should be illegal.

>> No.7750881

This thread motivated me to make some omelet and pour ketchup on it

>> No.7751023


Pretty sure if you need to soak a scary vegetable in sugar your not an adult yet hun

>> No.7751026


Typical nu-male cook tier complaint, fuck off.

>> No.7751037

being this retarded should be illegal

>> No.7751073

what the hell do you think is on pizza you retard

>> No.7751093

>Not liking ketchup on scrambled eggs

I wish death upon you all who do this in a proud manner.

>> No.7751113

Ketchup on fries is gross.

>> No.7751119
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Ranch dressing on Pizza

Taking pickles off of a sandwich

>> No.7751133

Only niggers and faggots like ketchup

>> No.7751175


Eating sushi with a fork.

>> No.7751296

>being in the navy with that much autism

only retards dont like mini cabbages

you are more annoying than 20somethingyear old asian Americans complaining anout panda express not being "authentic chinese cuisine"

and you are wrong aswell lol

>> No.7751301

ruining a sandwich with pickles
putting avocado on sushi
garnishing pizza with basil before you bake it
leaving components of a dish off of the description on the menu

my biggest triggers

>> No.7751309


Certainly not ketchup you lardasses


What a compelling argument.


Not as gross as your fat folds you disgusting piece of shit kill yourself. Mayo on fries is cool though.

>> No.7751323

I do all of this

>> No.7751466

why did you censor your hand? Do you have some easily recoginizable skin condition or something?

>> No.7751488
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eating meat

>> No.7751498

If those frankfurters were cooked then I would eat that

>> No.7751534

A lot more people than just Muslims believe that. Its an old tradition in places all over the old world. People wipe with their left and thought it to be bad despite the invention of soap. The superstition disappeared some years ago, but remember for a long time left handed people were forced right because left handedness was looked down upon.

>> No.7751546
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So is "everyone you know" a two year old child?

Anybody above that age should know table manners

Seriously, are you and the "people you know" either children or mentally deficient?

>> No.7751557

It's the hand you wiped your ass with vis a vis in the dawning before the invention of TP.

>> No.7751587

i'm right handed. i could never wipe my ass with my left hand. it feels unnatural.

>> No.7751594

No, it isn't. But I'm sure you like to think so.

>> No.7751625

I was taught that you were supposed to have the knife in the right hand and fork in the left. I never did, though. Seems pointless.

>> No.7751671

Eating everything but well done steak, steak is made to be well done, if you eat it other wise, you're a fucking dumb ass

>> No.7751682

It's not censored, it's a skin condition.

>> No.7752204

Fried eggs are disgusting tasteless slime, though. You need something like ketchup, salt or vinegar to make it even barely palatable.

>> No.7752214


>> No.7752251
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>calling them frankfurters

what are you my grandmother?

>> No.7752258

It's not my picture. The person who took it had painted fingernails and I thought it might be distracting.

>> No.7752289

Ketchup on egg is fine, not in those quantities though.

>> No.7752305
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Nothing I like better than a hamburger sandwich with a slice of cheese, some some french fried potatoes and a big glass of cold milk. You guys eat what you want, any way you want.

>> No.7752337

satay is a little bit different than PB on a sirloin. preparation matters, if you diluted ketchup with other flavors, maybe something spicy, and used it with eggs sparingly, I think it would be fine.

>> No.7752567

>lemons seperating sashimi piece.

>> No.7752604
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I have a friend who puts Ranch on EVERYTHING.

I can't fucking stand it.

>> No.7752609
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>> No.7752624

i sprinkle salt on pizza

everyone looks at me funny, but it brings out the flavor of the mozz

>> No.7752671


There was one time I got some pepperoni slices from a place, I go to use the shaker for parmesan but it was actually the salt. Everyone looked at me and got significantly more quiet. I still ate it.

>> No.7752693

Haha! Is this something your dad used to do before he left you, your mom & the rest of your shitty family behind?!

>> No.7752783

nothin' wrong with some 'go 'gs to start your day.

>> No.7752809
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Oh look, it's the "eggs are bad" meme guy again.

>> No.7753519

>Taking pickles off of a sandwich
Apparently my autism makes me hate pickles ON anything. BUT I love Claussen pickles on their own. Always been that way, just cannot stand the taste of the shitty pickle chips most places use for sandwiches. Put it on the side and I'll probably eat it.

>> No.7753522

>this was on a DDG
I was on a DDG man, which one were you on?

>> No.7753532

Not him but me too.

Donald Cook, or as everyone else called it, Donald Duck

>> No.7753561

They're awfully bitter, I don't blame him.

>> No.7753571

>ketchup can truly go on everything including steak
>ketchup on steak
I hope you aren't wasting any good cuts with ketchup

>> No.7753606

USS Barry here

>> No.7753704


I love Heinz and hate that, but it's unavoidable.

>> No.7754297


I would have left you too

>> No.7754299

My coworker used to bring parmesan (the wood pulp can kind) and ketchup sandwiches to work

>> No.7755952

Is ketchup on tuna salad bad? I never had a problem with it...

>> No.7755970
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>ketchup, *chortles*, I can't believe you plebeians would put such a thing in your mouth

>> No.7755979

Eating cereal with milk

>> No.7756038

Even though Muslims use TP, they still wipe with their left hand even if they're right handed

>> No.7756076

Both mayo and ketchup go good with fries to be honest family.

>> No.7756080

>Trusting toilet paper
>Muslims don't tell lies about cutting corners/being comfy

but for real why don't they just use hand sanitizer fucking stone age retards

>> No.7756084

Trying mayo on fries for the first time after a life time of ketchup only sperging is quite wonderful

>> No.7756085

putting ketchup on a meal someone has prepared for you as a welcoming gift.

Nigger I slaved in YOUR fucking kitchen to produce this marsala, brought you wine and scotch for after dinner, why the FUCK are you putting ketchup on it?

>> No.7756153

Why don't Jews eat pork and shellfish when modern food handling makes them extremely safe?
Tradition can lead to some dumb shit anon.

>> No.7756161

Most working class families don't use anything you'd recognise as proper etiquette beyond not chewing with your mouth open and using please and thank you for requests.

>> No.7756165

See stuff like this puzzles me.
Even if being saved from many parasites/diseases was the result of divine intervention, it should be seen as an insult to their deity reject nutrition sources and the modern knowledge that made it viable. Wastefulness isn't frowned upon?
Especially since I've had muslims trying to use knowledge/science being valued as an actual selling point for their religion.

Choosing to re-enact the suffering of people who had less is just squandering the efforts of those who survived to better the world we live in.

>> No.7756170

What kind of eggs have you been eating? Without seasoning eggs don't taste of much at all.

>> No.7756197

>Without seasoning eggs don't taste of much at all.

>> No.7756204

Presumably, Jews aren't going to go out of their way to raise pigs and catch shellfish in the first place
You can't waste what you never had

>> No.7756212

wut yourself
Eggs are completely overwhelmed by anything they're put in, their versatility stems from their fantastic chemical properties and sheer mildness.

>> No.7756335

Sounds like some heathenry to me.

>> No.7756384

>They're awfully bitter


>> No.7756391

>and felt her pussy

They let 14yo in the navy now?

>> No.7756405

Eating eggs and bacon wrap without tomato sauce and tobasco sauce

>> No.7756683

The biggest mistake in food is to NOT put ketchup on something

>> No.7756881

>this revolting accent

>> No.7756915

I use the fork for holding and just lift stuff with the knife sometimes

>> No.7756925

Because brown sauce goes on eggs, you barbarian... red sauce is sweet, if you want sweet eggs, order crepes

>> No.7756936

The INLY thing that should go on steak is heat otherwise, it's not really steak.

>> No.7756942

Oh, that must be why steak diane, au poivre or any other number of classic steak dishes don't exist, right?

Nothing worse than an idiot who thinks he's smart.

>> No.7756943

Americans kek

>> No.7756966

>taking meat off the grill to "finish" it in the microwave
>tomato ketchup on anything that isn't a potato
>reheating food in the microwave
>having a strong opinion on store bought hot sauces
>pasta/rice anywhere near a pot of chili
>treating cereal as anything but a junk food
>putting your fork into your mouth tines-up

>> No.7756972

Sounds like some sort of frenchery. We don't eat that faggot shit in Texas

>> No.7756976
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>we don't eat that faggot shit in Texas

this is /ck/ now. remember when we used to actually value discussing haute cuisine and high-quality home cooking? now we just meme about pizza and shitty youtubers

>> No.7756977

Putting sugar and/or cinnamon into the eggs instead of salt and pepper when making eggy bread

>> No.7756979


>> No.7756982

>remember when we used to actually value discussing haute cuisine and high-quality home cooking?

No, not at all. I've been here 4 years and that was rarely the case. So how long ago are you referring to?

>> No.7756983

Well Texas is full of pseudo-macho closet homos and liberal transplants, so you can go fuck yourself, Pierre.

>> No.7756984

Me either, but then again, I just found out today that there was more to 4chan than /b/

>> No.7756994

You must be in Austin, the San Francisco of the Midwest... come on out here into the panhandle where we still eat beef freshly dehoofed, you will not regret it pierre.

>> No.7756998

>come up to the part near Oklahoma

Fucking gross

>> No.7757013

Granted Okies are almost as bad as liberals, but we still eat like Texans out here and that was the point.