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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 443x332, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7746824 No.7746824 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7746834

could use some mayonnaise

>> No.7746836 [DELETED] 

classic image.jpg

>> No.7746845

Mobile users master race

>> No.7746844


I don't get it. Who cares what the filename is? I know image.jpg means someone's posting from their phone (and OP's is actually images.jpg, not image.jpg), but... why care about that either?

>> No.7746848

He is probably a 'cagoan

>> No.7746853 [DELETED] 

mobilefags are the cancer killing 4chan

>> No.7746858
File: 224 KB, 1400x1382, ouroboros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty sure 4chan has always been its own cancer, regardless of what devices its users post from.

>> No.7746863

So I take it you don't like cinci chili?

>> No.7746866 [DELETED] 

Chili with cloves is gross. I do like chili on spaghetti, however.

>> No.7746881

Chili goes well with almost anything Ever have a chili pancake? Surprisingly good

>> No.7746897

This isn't chili this is a fucking abomination

>> No.7746900

It's weird, but I'm not against chili in spaghetti. I've had it before, and it's alright. I prefer it on a hotdog or a bed of rice.

One thing I was surprised about is how much that state goes apeshit over that stuff. My boyfriend lives in Ohio, and I saw that stuff sold in the frozen dinner aisles when I went to visit him. It was weird.

>> No.7746905

My wife's son is a native to the area. He has tried to convince me to eat it but it looks vile

>> No.7746910

I ate chili with cornmeal pancakes the other day. It was pretty much the same as chili with cornbread, so it was good.

>> No.7746923

why is there no trigger warning on this thread?

>> No.7746929

It be better if they broiled the cheddar.
Make that bubbly cheese crust.

>> No.7746933

the ole cinci style 'go 'za

>> No.7746945

Fucking love it. Gimme, gimme, gimme!

>> No.7746953

my college's cafeteria ruined this dish for me

>> No.7746964

'Ci' 'li' is the best 'li'

>> No.7746968

I prefer it with the chili on top of the cheese

>> No.7746977
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had it once at a chain joint
not bad, but it helps if you're really hungry or drunk
the 'sta and chili together are a nice touch

>> No.7747057

If I'm going to eat spaghetti with meat I'd rather have some spaghetti bolognese rather than what you posted.

>> No.7747058

A Greek immigrant recreates a pretty trad Greek pasta sauce in the midst of a chili craze, so he sells it as chili. It's obviously spaghetti with meat sauce, but no one could stop him from calling it chili if he wanted to. Where things took a tragic turn was due to the availability of cheese in the US at the time. Pretty much the only cheese you could obtain (legally) for a while during the war was awful yellow American cheese, so that became the topping for the dish. And that's where a kinda interesting Greek-American creation pretty much runs off the rails.

>> No.7747064


>> No.7747066 [DELETED] 

>trad Greek pasta sauce
I stopped reading there. Anyone who is too lazy or too stupid to spell out a simple word like "traditional" has nothing interesting or worthwhile to add to any discussion.

>> No.7747078


>be from texas
>wife from ohio
>thought she would impress me
>used my leftover chili over spaghetti
>wtf is this bullshit
>she cries
>i'm still wtf
>finally apologize to her
>makeup sex

okay, so i lied about the makeup sex

>> No.7747088

Is it due to being a homosexual?

>> No.7747092

It's true, though.
If you think of it as Greek pasta and meat sauce that happens to be called chili because that's what was popular at the time the dish makes more sense.

>> No.7747111

durrrrr hurrrrr le ask your mom about last night reddit tier maymay.

Fuck off you fucking manchild, if you can't see why spaghetti with proper ragu and parmigianno is a thousand times better than literal food for babies you better go and start a Joey thread like the fatfuck you are.

>> No.7747112

goza > flyover chili spag... at least they melt the fkn cheese

>> No.7747121

How much cream do you put in your coffee?

>> No.7747131 [DELETED] 

Why are Cuckistani's so stupid?

>> No.7747134


>> No.7747168

So am I missing something, or is this just spaghetti noodles, meat sauce, onion, and shredded cheese? Because this just looks like spaghetti with too much cheese.

>> No.7747201

That's what it is. But the guy who came up with it worked in chili joints, which were super trendy at the time, so he called it chili.

>> No.7747203
File: 129 KB, 508x384, coneys[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese Coneys are all you need

>> No.7747210 [DELETED] 

It looks like blonde hair

>> No.7747225

Just one more reason to exterminate Ohio and all its inhabitants.

>> No.7747239

>Looks like Donald's hair


>> No.7747241

The highest percentage of shitposts are people on mobile

>> No.7747740

That would be Australians and other assorted non-American trash posting on an American website

>> No.7747871

I went to UC and it was a pretty popular place to go when drunk after a party or a late night in the DAAP studio. Nobody I knew really ate there for lunch, it was purely a late night thing.

>> No.7747903

everything about cincinatti is terrible. I don't hate the midwest, I live in columbus, but cincy is the dirtiest, grimiest, most ghetto shithole of a city i've ever been in. Even the nice parts border on niggerland ghettos and have dilapidated run down vacant houses with heroin addicts squatting in them right next to mansions and nice school districts.

0/10 shit city

>> No.7747910

>nati illy
just put some 'our 'ream on there and 'wah

>> No.7747911

It can be a little grimy, but there is some cool stuff in cincy that other midwest towns don't do as well. Cincy has a decent art, music, and food culture, and OTR is becoming like a miniature Brooklyn.

>> No.7747927

'Ci 'li*

>> No.7748279

Just a heads up to any one who can't find this stuff locally... Wegmans carries it if you are blessed with a wegmans near you.

>> No.7748311

>everything about cincinatti is terrible

I've got four letters for you: W. K. R. P.


>> No.7748392

where are the beans

not chili/10

>> No.7748718

It is chili only in name

>> No.7748725
File: 96 KB, 1556x532, mobile users out REEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7748730

Aside from a little too much cheese, that's just spaghetti bolognese.

>> No.7748737

what do they call that style? upside down? that's the way I make it at home

>> No.7748739

some of us actually leave our houses and don't have access to a desktop all day

>> No.7748752

Sounds awful.

>> No.7748753

'go style

>> No.7748793

that doesn't make sense

>> No.7748803

then please refrain from posting

>> No.7748805

It's ceases to be chili once those queermos put cinnamon in it and dumped it on overcooked spaghetti. The cheap cheese is acceptable.

>> No.7748820

classic 'ti 'li

>> No.7749221

>cincinnati is a terrible city
>thinks Columbus is a real city

>> No.7749256
File: 50 KB, 600x900, 1462421068982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing more flyover than this is ranch dressing.

>> No.7749528 [DELETED] 


>> No.7749558

i could have mistaken that cheese for carrots if it wasn't melting