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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7738872 No.7738872 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on MSG pretty please

>> No.7738879 [DELETED] 

It's similar to salt, helps make food delicious and a trigger for people like vegans.

>> No.7738892

>classic image.jpg

>> No.7739028

It's basically salt.

>> No.7739090
File: 354 KB, 950x713, lgm-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat it on the reg with this, pretty delicious

>> No.7739098

>a trigger for people like your mom
It gives moms headaches.

>> No.7739122

It's makes food great but people get scared of it because it has a chemical name therefore is the food devil

Also people complain it gives them headaches but they're just after attention

>> No.7739132

There's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.7739134

One shit "study" said it was bad. Now it has a bad rap for no reason.


>> No.7739206

BRUH, THESE ARE GOAT CHILLI SAUCES. Goes great with literally all Chinese food. Puts that kick in dumpling sauces.

>> No.7739240

Apparently it's tied to racial prejudice against Asians back when there was a large influx of asians and Asian restaurants in america

>> No.7740446
File: 26 KB, 370x333, natto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a type of salt and not more unhealthy than salt. It's also naturally occurring in meat, mushrooms, tomato, seaweed and beans, especially fermented beans and their products like soysauce, natto, tempeh or miso.

>> No.7740455

It allows you to mask your shitty cooking and has convinced the world that Chinese food is anything but bottom of the barrel poverty shit that should never be eaten

>> No.7740782

My mom said it gives her headaches. The seasoning mix we've been using FOR YEARS has msg as the first ingredient. Never complains when it's used and she didn't know it had msg in it until I told her.

>> No.7740788

dude this shit is GOAT. too bad I have to travel an hour away to the nearest asian market to get it.

>> No.7741168

>classic faggot.post

>> No.7741349

MSG is gods gift to asian food

make sure to ask for your pho with no MSG, they will pour pounds of it into your soup to spite you, and then you will be the real winner

>> No.7741409
File: 29 KB, 500x375, il_570xN.703382453_m7wu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chemical compound glutimate in salt form. this makes it taste like glutimate, which is a savory taste.
It functions in your body almost identical to salt. there should be almost no side effects related to the msg that could not be replicated through consumption of a nearly equal amount of salt

>> No.7741417

Do you like to eat at fast food? Then they put that shit on everything! Literally, everything. I think we all know this to be true.

>> No.7741445

Bottom of the barrel poverty shit? Like McDonalds or KFC?

The chinese resturants near where you live must suck!!!

>> No.7741489

Make your home cooking taste like fast food.

>> No.7741759

>MSG, or monosodium glutamate, has no taste by itself, but it is used by many professional cooks as a flavor enhancer, improving and enhancing the flavor of almost any food.
I hate this retarded meme

>> No.7741773

He's just another Ameritard who thinks that all 'Chinese' food around the world is exactly like his shitty Americanized suburban flyover takeaway joint.

>> No.7741775

Get outta here MSG shill!

>> No.7741786


It has a pretty bad rap, but is pretty benign. The whole MSG causes headaches thing was caused by people eating American Chinese food which is deep fried and heavily sugared. All those fats, carbs and sugars mixed together into an unholy mess was what caused the supposed "msg headaches" not the ingredient itself.

>> No.7741815

sorta like those tards who think thanksgiving dinner causes them to get sleepy from the turkey's tryptophan, rather than blaming it on the mountains of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, gravy, rolls, and that extra slice of pumkin pie.

>> No.7741894

The Americanized versions taste better. Lots of the real Chinese stuff is fucking weird.
Both have their place but the Americanized stuff is fucking addictive. I say this as someone who avoids it because I could definitely get fat if I ate it everyday, since once you start you can't stop.

>> No.7741993

Alright /ck/,
MSG is nothing but a crystalized version of glutamate in salt form - ie. MonoSodium Glutamate (msg). It is not known to actually make you sick or cause headaches. However, it is known to be extremely fattening. They use MSG to fatten up lab rats before weight loss trials.

>> No.7742005

MSG is an overrated basketball arena that New Yorkers act like people give a shit about.

>> No.7742399

How the fuck is MSG fattening? That makes no sense at all.

>> No.7742443

been eating it my whole life, didn't care or notice. nobody does unless you tell them first
>nocebo effect
>wa la!

it's delicious, though.

>> No.7742446

Its an appetite inducer

>> No.7742458

That doesn't make it fattening, that just makes you want to eat more of other things that may or may not be fattening.

>> No.7742487

The meme is real. Every band that plays there thinks it's special and a lot of them proceed to make basically no money because of the high fee they have to pay to play there. Muh prestige gig

>> No.7742514

>random acts of flyover jealousy

>> No.7742535

It increases umami flavor of anything you're cooking. Also, add it to beef jerky when you make your seasoning for truly awesome jerky.

>> No.7742572

MSG is the sodium salt of glutamic acid. One of the 20 amino acids which form all of the proteins in your body. Everything that you eat either has glutamate in it, or breaks down to glutamate in your digestive system. And even ignoring the glutamate in your diet, even if you weren't eating it, your body is constantly producing its own glutamate naturally.

So the only single concern for MSG is the sodium, and that's only a problem if you've already got too much sodium in your diet.

>> No.7742915

hate it all you want. A fact is a fact.

>> No.7743017


Women are fucking scum

>> No.7743026

>anon's mom is a MSG hypochondriac
>draw the conclusion that women are fucking scum


>> No.7743044

Using MSG is actually a great way to cut down on your sodium intake if you feel you eat too much sodium. MSG has 1/3 the sodium of salt. Just use MSG and a little pinch of salt.

>> No.7743074

He's right, women are fucking scum and liars


>> No.7744578

Ignoring all the fedora posts, MSG is fine and the only problem with it is that it's commonly used to cover up low-quality ingredients.

Which isn't MSG's fault, but if you can taste it in something it should raise the question of how bad would the food your eating taste if there WASN'T MSG there making it taste good.

>> No.7744633


>no taste by itself
story time
>Be me
>invited to Asian friends house cause he wanted to impress some girl
>lets make red velvet cupcakes
>go through recipe
>some salt
>"Oh yeah dude, it's right over.."
>three bowls
>sugar, salt, and msg
>"I can't tell, can you?"
>only one way to find out
>sticks finger in bowl
>tastes it
>instant flavor of savor

Msg tastes like savor. On meat and fries and such you might not notice it there but it's beddy good.