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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 179 KB, 1600x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7734095 No.7734095 [Reply] [Original]

Any craft soda aficionados around here?

>> No.7734109

>classic image.jpg

>> No.7734110
File: 167 KB, 940x1253, boylansblackcherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just this

>> No.7734111


>Not the holiday turkey or mashed potato select keg batches

>> No.7734117


When did it become a meme to note when someone is posting from an iPhone?

>> No.7734121

When the quality of their posts started declining.

>> No.7734131

When people noticed that mobile users have a high rate of shitposting.

>> No.7734133


It's one person who comes on at the same time every day and floods the board with low quality reposts and just plain lazy shitposting.

>> No.7734209

What is "black" cherry?

>> No.7734213

What a black virgin has, obviously.

>> No.7734215
File: 10 KB, 179x276, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /Pittsburgh/ here?

>> No.7734266
File: 42 KB, 800x800, mrcola-010000_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7734268
File: 32 KB, 420x340, triplecola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7734282

When it is clear that one faggot has a fixation against craft beer and loves false flagging.Pretty clear that this is attempt to garner more (You)s because maybe people have finally stopped replying to the 4 times daily le rebel IPA craft beer lifestyle shitpost.

>> No.7734641
File: 319 KB, 1600x1200, 2346675673457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying Reed/Virgils soda exclusively

I've got bad news for you anons but if you are drinking Jones """soda""" then you might as well be drinking a cocoa cola. There is LITERALLY no difference between them.

You can mix a different combination of shit than the next guy and call your better and craft, but at the end of the day if you are both using shit as your ingredients the end products are the same.

Pro:tip for the /b/ tier fags that comes here for ramen recipes (also the same people that drink Jones). If the list of ingredients has "Flavors, Natural Flavors, or Artificial flavors" it's CRAP. Buy a soda with REAL ingredients plebians.

Pic related, its patrician tier SODA. Notice how it's all REAL ingredients, and they proudly display them on the FRONT, not hide them on the back.

>> No.7734643

boy oh boy do i sure love me some malta

>> No.7734657

got this at a Cracker Barrel nigga.No different from any mass produced black cherry.

>> No.7734667

I love this stuff

makes my tummy feel all nice and warm

>> No.7734675

You don't have to be insecure about it you faggot

>> No.7734809

>Mistaking being insecure
>for being confident and sure of oneself

/r9k/ fag detected.

Taking a break from talking shit about how little allowance your parents give you and how awful women are to figure out how to cook your frozen dinner I take it?

>> No.7734850
File: 808 KB, 207x207, dog arms.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing about Jones soda is the gorgeous colours.

>> No.7734956

I can find both these brands at various supermarket chains. The only difference between these and mainstream brands is hipster labeling.

Actually, mainstream brands are already producing sodas with hipster labeling.

>> No.7734959

Green apple is THE SHIT.

I haven't found any for sale since I moved, and I'm seriously considering ordering a case online.

>> No.7735771


Man, I fucking love Reed's. Stop tainting it with elitist faggotry.

I didn't want to think of your limpdicked pissant opinions about somebody's favorite sugar-water next time I'm slamming delicious ginger goodness directly into my stomach. Now I have to.


>> No.7735784
File: 230 KB, 897x506, website.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7735807
File: 13 KB, 480x360, pounded_yam_ball_also_known_as_fufu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck?

>> No.7735812
File: 623 KB, 945x2953, hancock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it's craft, I don't even know what that means, but this one is quite nice. one of my favorite cocks to suckle on.

>> No.7735845

>he doesn't make his own syrups

Literally boil 4 knobs of peeled and sliced ginger root with one part water one part sugar.

Replace ginger with citrus, berries (adjusting for water/juice content) etc.

>> No.7735864

What store are you finding green apple soda at that isn't just "hipster labeling"?

>> No.7735886
File: 1.58 MB, 1200x870, Pop-Shoppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of a nice bitter soda series.

>> No.7736116

Makes a damn fine Dark n' Stormy...

>> No.7736304
File: 55 KB, 320x320, Former-Premier-Foods-boss-linked-with-Lucozade-sale[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some 'zade for taking off the edg

>> No.7736572

Jones root beer and their orange cream soda are both good. And their plain cream soda I assume.

But the non-cream fruity shit like Green Apple and Strawberry-Lime taste like melted jolly ranchers. Makes me feel sick.

>> No.7736586

who /jarritos/ here?

>> No.7736593
File: 229 KB, 768x1024, fentimans-cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best god damn soft drink I've ever had.

>> No.7736600

This guy gets it.
Too bad it's so expensive where I live

>> No.7736605


>> No.7736610

I like their Dandelion & Burdock

and their Victorian Lemonade is so tart, but great after a few sips

>> No.7736611
File: 12 KB, 425x425, 41Fthy3QT-L._SX425_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please experience this if you care about good craft sodas. Blenheim ginger ale, made by the same family in a tiny-ass part of south carolina (think no stop lights) since the turn of the 20th century.

get the hot kind.

>> No.7736644

>oh there's that fentimans stuff, lets try it out
Real cola is supposed to taste like THIS? Literally every other glassed cola has tasted better, hell I'd even take coke other that crap

>> No.7736652

this one looks so nice I have to assume it's overcompensating

>> No.7736654

i think they're quite good.

try the new pepsi 1893 soda if you want a similar crafty taste with a more mainstream cola basis. they're really good actually

the new mountain dew is kinda a miss though, it doesn't taste different enough from the typical flavored seasonal dews

>> No.7736677

I don't think either is available in my area.

>> No.7736686


It depends on what flavour you get. I'd suggest just sticking to cola. I'll admit I don't care much for the other flavours.


It's good but just a tad bit overpriced.

>> No.7736689

use the product finder on pepsi. google it

1893 really shows that the big players can make a much better soda, and they need to, the days of 20oz bottles are over

>> No.7736701

yeah, not here.
also doubt that statement is really true tbqh

>> No.7736775

Jones Soda can fuck off with its bright colors and over-sweetened meme flavors.

>> No.7736803


idk about all that shit but this stuff makes a mean moscow mule

>> No.7737011

it was good

>> No.7737175

Where can I buy craft sodas? Whole Foods or Fresh Market? I know Target used to carry Jones but they don't seem to anymore.

>> No.7737245

Fuck yeah, some good bourbon and fresh lime. Fuck I cant wait for payday

>> No.7738149

Fun fact, made by the same family that owns South of the Border (yes the shithole fireworks store).

Great drink.

>> No.7739043

They are shitty monopoly phones that require only their products for usage and they are mostly used by the masses which translates to most anons that people who are gonna buy those and post with them here, are fucking faggot normies.

>> No.7739050

>Taking a break from talking shit about how little allowance your parents give you and how awful women are to figure out how to cook your frozen dinner I take it?
motha fuckin rekt.