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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 200 KB, 1024x683, augh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7729125 No.7729125 [Reply] [Original]

Hahaha. This is delicious.

>> No.7729128

Stop putting bubble gum in your soda, Yao Lang.

>> No.7729138

I've been mixing wasabi with my soy sauce in sushi restaurants for 25 years, no fucks given, and aren't about to stop just because /ck/ says it's not authentic.

I'm guessing OP stopped eating bacon and avocados when the internet informed him that they're memes.

>> No.7729157

I have seen japs in japan do this, only autists give a fuck.

>> No.7729165

I don't mess with that stuff. All that fucking salt, probably would make me hate sushi.

>> No.7729166

i hope you're just mixing these and not making a meal of it.

>> No.7729198
File: 239 KB, 1024x683, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about now?

>> No.7729220


>> No.7729222

>sushi traditionalists

I made sushi for many years and traditional methods are very boring and overcomplicated

it's your food, eat it how you like. Just dont expect me to make it how you like. Sushi is an art, not a food. Dont fuck with my art, but your eating habits are up to you.

>> No.7729227

>just dont expect me to make it how you like

actually if it's youre fucking mimimum wage job to make it yes you will

and you can forget about the dollar in your tip jar for the shitty attitude

>> No.7729230

this is the exact reason I no longer make sushi.

>> No.7729231

>do something traditionally wrong
>don't fix it

is not the same as
>stop liking food because it became meme tier


you have shit taste

and it didn't matter if people tell you otherwise (traditionally)

>> No.7729237


In both cases you've been doing something a certain way your entire life, same as everyone around you, same as the people working in the sushi restaurant, and then you're expected to change something that was always enjoyable because the internet tells you to.

If I go to Jiro's, sure, I'll do things the traditional way. But people who let the internet dictate the food they eat for stupid reasons that don't improve the quality of the eating experience are pathetic.

>> No.7729269

Wasabi goes inside the sushi, if it comes on the outside its already crap sushi

>> No.7729379 [DELETED] 

You know it's not real wasabi, right?

>> No.7729387

>for stupid reasons that don't improve the quality of the eating experience are pathetic.

I agree.
But what if the reason isn't stupid, and it's actually an improvement?

>> No.7729405


>what if the reason isn't stupid, and it's actually an improvement

That's called giving advice.

I'll never accept someone's opinion that they think well-done steak is the best way to eat steak, and will tell them that they're wrong and make fun of them for it. It has nothing to do with traditions or memes; they're just doing something that's making their food worse and insisting that that's the way they like it.

>> No.7729417

Actually, we have a menu. Order from the menu, don't go making up your own bullshit rolls.
>This is what I usually get at my favorite restaurant back home!
Yeah, well, you're not at your favorite restaurant back home, you're at our restaurant now.

>> No.7729426

I took a trip to Japan in high school and one of the inns we stayed at had a fancy, traditional dinner the first night (we were usually just provided breakfast and fended for ourselves for lunch and dinner). Anyway, our teacher, a native, explained that it was kind of a faux pas to mix wasabi in your soy sauce, but then she was like, "but I do it anyway haha."

>> No.7729449

holy shit the retardation is off the charts

>> No.7729452

yeah and it's localized in your post

>> No.7729533

looks like diarrhea but is probably supreme tasty

>> No.7729536

In a decent restaurant it is, even here in the UK we have a farmer growing wasabi.

>> No.7729543

It's one of those things that everybody know is supposed to be bad manners, but people do it anyway. The only issue would be if you did it at one of those high-end edomae counter places where the chef wants to control how you eat everything.

>> No.7729547

if its good, then i suggest not wasting the fucking good fish on that shit and buy some shitty murica rolls.

>> No.7729643

I'm not a sushi chef, so I don't care.

Also, there's no rule against mixing horseradish with soy sauce.

>> No.7729960

Both me and my native jap wife do this. Nobody actually cares except weeaboos.

>> No.7730126

i'd really eat that and slurp up the soup too!

>> No.7730131

Is her cunt slanted like her eyes?

>> No.7730142

The wasabi needs to be on the sushi by itself so that the heat aerates and spreads throughout your mouth. When you mix it with soy sauce you get soy sauce that tastes weird and wasabi that isn't as spicy.

>> No.7730148


>> No.7730149

Watch out for cannibal psychos

>> No.7730155


>> No.7730166


>> No.7730169
File: 23 KB, 406x358, 436_original_kREQx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uk grown
Pick one

>> No.7730170

OMG MY SIDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7730175

>you're at mcdonalds now, you want to have it your way go to burger king
All I wanted was a plain cheeseburger without the nasty stuff on it

>> No.7730189

I lel'd

>> No.7730557


Oh shit

Gookwife just got blown the fuck out

>> No.7731473

top kek
>in charge of being funny
top zozzle

>> No.7731478


It's not that funny. You can stop samefagging.

>> No.7731583

>mustard and pickles are nasty
why don't you order the goddamn chicken fingers while you're at it

>> No.7731650

Thanks for the (You) you stupid cunt :^)

I only replied once to my post though

>> No.7731676


enjoy your teens while they last

>> No.7731682

ok, then stop ruining your sushi by making a weird paste with your soy sauce and horseradish. It's worse that way.

>> No.7731698


*dabs wasabi on fish*
*dips fish in shoyu*

Holy shit, anon! That makes such a huge difference, I never knew what I was missing!

>> No.7731724
File: 159 KB, 960x960, 1451876724624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are correct.

My gf does this mixing thing. I told her about how it's traditionally bad manners but nobody really gives a shit just as a conversation piece.

I just love a big ol'glob of wasabi on simple salmon roll. I wanna feel it punch my nose out traveling up and around my skull till I feel it in the back of my head

Pic unrelated

>> No.7731747

I had a close friend whose mother took in Asian exchange students.

All of them said they had see people do this before, and didn't really have an opinion against it. They said they were fine with it, even those who didn't do it.

Sometimes I do it - sometimes I don't. Depends what I'm eating. If I can, I have one small dish mixed, and one small dish soy sauce only, with wasabi separate on the plate.

tl;dr? Asians don't give a flying fuck if you do this. Avoiding it to be "authentic" is fucking retarded. Just do what you like. No one fucking cares.

>> No.7731751

Fuck, why did I tl;dr this? Don't drink /ck/.

>> No.7731759


Rich faggots love locally grown shit, they love exclusive shit, they love London ... so yeah, UK is growing Wasabi.

>> No.7731776
File: 69 KB, 413x413, SushiGinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the only thing that triggers me is when people put the ginger on their sushi, like why it completely overpowers the flavor of the fish

>> No.7731778

People who do this are fucked. Ginger is to cleanse your palette.

>> No.7731875

>Ginger is to cleanse your palette.

When will this meme end

>> No.7731942

>literally it's purpose

Are you retarded?

>> No.7731987

It's a behavior that has spread through a population, therefore it's a meme. When will it end?

>> No.7732001

>memes are muh funny internet pictures.

>> No.7732008

Do you think that's really a sensible interpretation of the quoted post?

>> No.7732013
File: 96 KB, 290x291, 1464592910319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys. I'll eat it how I want to, nigger.

>> No.7732030

Do you people actually use that much soy sauce?
I maybe only ever use a couple tablespoons or so. Granted I'm not drenching every single grain of rice in the sauce.

>> No.7732050


Arguing about mixing your green horse radish into your soy sauce is one thing, but putting ginger on your sushi is just pants on head retarded, and makes no sense whatsoever.


It looks like OP got take out and they just filled up a container for him. I'll assume >>7729198
was a joke.

>> No.7732068

They're not lying. It's supposedly grown in top secret too.


>> No.7732584

I tried to tell a chick about this, that the the pickled ginger is ment to eat in between, not as a garnish.

soy and wasabi is a garnish, so i don't see the problem with it.

it's more a faux pas because it looks like liquid dhierra, and disgusting to others at the table, so if you're alone it's fine, or if other people don't care it's fine, just like if no one cares when you burp out loud, IT'S FINE.

>> No.7732588


>> No.7732595

>ginger on sushi doesn't make sense

how about this crazy gem: it tastes good, you fuckin faggot

>> No.7733609

I believe your defining culture. It will never end.

>> No.7733622

>It's supposedly grown in top secret too.

It's not really *that* secret, you can figure it out if you want to. But yeah it's not like they have a map on their website with "THE EXPENSIVE WASABI IS GROWN HERE YO!" on it.

>> No.7733624

Seeing this is the same as seeing someone mix ketchup and mustard together or double-dipping; I don't give a single fuck as long as we don't have to share.

>> No.7733651


Nobody shares soy sauce when eating sushi.

>> No.7734314

Wait what the fuck?

People are saying that putting wasabi in your soy sauce is not OK?

My asian friend introduced me to asian cuisine, how to hold chopsticks, and sushi and shit and she was the one who taught me to put wasabi to the soy sauce

Then another time I west for sushi with some friends and among those friends is one of my asian friends whos basically straight off the boat and I went to put the wasabi in my soy sauce and the dude gave me an ok_hand called me an honorary asian

So why the fuck are there people saying this is taboo?

>> No.7734344


>why the fuck are there people saying this is taboo

They read an article somewhere on the internet about how it was considered bad manners 300 years ago when dining with the emperor.

>> No.7734355


tards on this board take themselves too seriously, don't worry about it

>> No.7734411
File: 422 KB, 268x288, How to get suspended from an American elementary school.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learning about Japanese food and eating customs from non-Japanese Asians

I don't actually care how you choose to eat anything.

>> No.7735659

Literally every food you didn't discover entirely on your own is a meme.

>> No.7735732

It tastes shittier.

>> No.7735770

Honestly, I don't trust Asians with Asian food anyway. I have never felt the need to use soy sauce with my sushi, unless it's grocery store sushi that's been sitting around for a while and the rice isn't as tender. Sometimes with sashimi, but not usually. I never use the wasabi or horseradish.

Same with pho. Why ruin a good broth by using hoisin and sriracha? You don't get to do that and then laugh at Americans dumping ketchup and ranch dressing on everything. Take it easy on the overpowering additions.

Asians also eat loads of things not because of their flavor but because of folk superstitions. A lot of Western food combinations started out that way too, but we ditched the ones that were nasty or pointless and kept the ones that tasted good or were necessary for survival.