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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 620x387, MarcoPierreWhite_2690009b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7728840 No.7728840 [Reply] [Original]

When did Marco lose all his credibility?

Was it when he started shilling for Knorr?

Or perhaps when he stated on national television that the perfect way to cook bacon is to microwave it?

>> No.7728855

Marco is fucking based. He comes from another era where every chef wasn't desperate to become a celebrity.

Taught Ramsey everything he knows and in 2002, Ramsey turns up to MPW's wedding with a camera crew. As Ramsey is so fond of saying

> Where is your respect

The guy cooks very simple, very honest food and he doesn't take shit from bimbos or feminised men:

>> No.7728859

>When did Marco lose all his credibility?
He didn't.
Only you /ck/ retards who know fuck all about food think this.

>> No.7728860


This guy is a fool.

Marco week on Masterchef Australia is the absolute worst. Acts like he's some sort of deity and acts like a child

>> No.7728877

Marco shutting elitist pricks down:


>> No.7728903

LMAO you can't undercook a scallop, you can eat it fucking raw if you want. What a disgusting pleb

>> No.7728914


around 1:56 in
"Don't expect me to sell my heart."
Unless you're Knorr then he'll sell you his soul.

>> No.7728952

>le microwave is inherently bad meme

>> No.7728954

>bacon should be enjoyed tender and without any form of crispiness

>> No.7728961


>> No.7728965


>> No.7728967

Partially correct

>> No.7728969


>> No.7728971

My microwave makes crispy bacon just fine.

>> No.7728973

>bacon shouldn't be crispy

fucking cu/ck/s

>> No.7728976

crispy bacon is for children and the english, who aren't really people.

>> No.7729070

We're gods

>> No.7729073

enjoy rubbery, unchewable strings of fat that get stuck in your teeth

>> No.7729121
File: 48 KB, 400x279, rashers-bacon-7120977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crispy bacon is for the english
Implying you know what you're talking about. The yanks are the ones with crispy bacon idiot. English bacon is like pic related

>> No.7729144

Best bacon.

I hate when it's just the eye because they don't cook well and don't have anywhere near enough flavour. Ideal for me is when that little rasher on the end crisps up just enough but still has some give/elasticity to it.

>> No.7729500

He said Margaret Thatcher was a great person. Cunt

>> No.7729535
File: 766 KB, 1000x728, thisiswhatitsliketobeaslavetoafuckingbasiceatingcuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a cunt
you can tell he already has no respect for the women. which isn't to say they are worthy of it. but fuck he just acts like a complete pig. if you actually want to come off like it's not you thats the asshole, you treat both of them the same and you wait for the girls to break when they can't do shit.

Just having someone like that's scorn for you and being treated that way is a great way to skew results in your favor. but hey, Marco is a fucking chef, he doesn't get paid not to be a ginormous tool I suppose.

for me? he lost all credibility just watching this.

>> No.7729559

Does anyone remember which video for Knorr® Chicken Stock Pot™ that he says something like using powdered gravy is not really cooking?

>> No.7729582

Found the northern dole-scrounger

>> No.7729781 [DELETED] 
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1464467954364.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong. He is setting a tone for the ladies. He lets the girls know he isn't going to be influenced by a pretty face & nice smell. Marco is letting the girls know its about talent and whats on the plate.

>> No.7729798

no dumbass, he's setting the tone that he doesn't fucking respect them, because he let all the men introduce themselves and none of them. You are literally too retarded to breath. It's like you don't understand that making the assumption that the women you are greating are all vapid whores who think looks mean everything to a chef is absolutely fucking insulting as shit and is disrespectful. Inb4 some tryhard comment how all women are like that or whatever the fuck the retarded meme is. Those retards can feel free to reread >>7729535
till their pea sized brain can render the meaning.

>> No.7729839

its that disrespect that lead to one of the girls being in the final on Marco's first HK, and a girl winning Marco's the second HK.

aside from the specifics of this show, I love the way you just to 'he hates women' as an excuse. as if there aren't an unlimited reasons why he might being doing what he is doing. You're equally as offensive as black people who jump to the "They did that cause they racist" excuse right off the top.

The kicker of all your misunderstanding is that as the show progresses all the women have deep respect and admiration for Marco.

>> No.7729899

>crispy bacon is for children and the english
English don't eat crispy bacon like the Americans do.

it's a different cut of pork anyway, the English tend to eat bacon like this picture. >>7729121

>> No.7729937


>recipe calls for cooked scallops
>"lol bro it's all good, scallops can be eaten raw lol"

No anon, you're the pleb

>> No.7730087


>> No.7730102

>shilling for Knorr
Just because you are too retarded to see an obvious simple advertisement as such, doesn't mean he was """shilling""".

>> No.7730143

But you can't cook a scallop. They turn to rubber balls. You'd know this if you'd ever had any, or alternatively, had any sort of taste. "Cooking" a scallop is either searing or lightly poaching the outside, letting the middle remain raw. And as their specific protein structure, like fish, cook at a very low temperature they will always be either cold in the middle or overcooked. Can't have it both warm and nicely cooked.

>> No.7730984

There's definitely a sweet spot that you have unfortunately missed out on it seems.

>> No.7731010

It's reasonable to assume the customer in the video was at fault and not the triple Michelin star chef

>> No.7731013

>durr muh reasons
do you not fucking know what a bias is? he's biased against women and obviously doesn't think they are worth introducing themselves you twat. otherwise he wouldn't masturabate to how he cuts them all off furiously.

>they like it so defiantely makes it okay
you are a fucking retard.
Studies have shown that the more you fucking wreck the shit out of someone the more they will respect you because they want to believe they didn't waste their time. Thats why societies frats and sororities with famously bullshit hazing continue to exist.

the fact that the women went on to disprove the man is fine, but that reflects well on the women, not him. He isn't some master stroke beguiling women into doing all that shit becuase of his skill, he treated them like ass and they stuck with it. That process doesn't magically turn his treatment of them into respectful and fatherly you cunt.

>> No.7731022


>my restaurant is really good because people either like my food or i kick them out

>> No.7731038


4 different tables all had the same complaint

he fucked up

>> No.7731053

Or maybe none of them knew what they were talking about. Look and listen to them, they're all parvenu trash, probably playing up to cameras as well

>> No.7731060


>serve food no one likes
>everyone complains
>act like a giant crybaby bitch clown in public
>throw a temper tantrum
>get your manservant to escort them to the door

jesus what a cunt

>> No.7731105

Maybe you shouldn't have to know what you're talking about to get an enjoyable plate of food.