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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.19 MB, 4032x3024, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7728298 No.7728298 [Reply] [Original]

It actually already began, but hey. Started at 20 pounds, trimmed approx 2 pounds.

>> No.7728303 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7728312
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Couple bald spots, not a big deal. Salt and pepper (central texas, fuck off if you don't like it).

>> No.7728328
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Smoking with oak, spritzing with homemade apple juice/apple cider vinegar mix. About 3 hours in.

>> No.7728437


>> No.7728449

4 hours down, 13 to go. Added some more wood, and a quick spritz. After a 6 or so hours of smoking, just gonna let it ride to completion. Ribs will go in in about 3 hours.

>> No.7728462

Cook that shit good,
Eat it for me, enjoy it for me.
Don't get impatient, let it cook for the whole duration.
Savour the wait.

>> No.7728466

I smoke often, the wait is the best part.

>> No.7728471

And you're using oak 8====D~~~~

>> No.7728475

Anything else would be uncivilized.

>> No.7728489

Post progress pics when things heat up daddy

>> No.7728496

35 mins or so and I'll grab another pic.

>> No.7728509

Is this a brisket?

>> No.7728512


>> No.7728516

open it up and tenderise it with your cock

>> No.7728519

Enjoy your hot dogs and microwave fries

>> No.7728521 [DELETED] 

Only if you're circumcised, goy dick ruins the brisket

>> No.7728525
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I usually spread the meaty lips open and sprinkle some seed on it then let my cock pound it

>> No.7728530

I believe you

>> No.7728544

update picupdate picupdate picupdate picupdate picupdate picupdate picupdate picupdate pic

>> No.7728547


>> No.7728580
File: 3.74 MB, 4000x2992, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming along nicely. Refilled the pan, sprayed it down. Nice bark is starting to appear.

>> No.7728590

That looks fkin gross af

>> No.7728598

It's barely a 1/3 of the way done. Once the bark fully takes, I would be surprised if you could still honestly say is looks gross.

>> No.7728599

Don't listen to that cuck, its beautiful

>> No.7728602

Aight. Ill wait and see

>> No.7728610

If you can stand the test of low and slow. 12 hours to go. After the next wetting, I'm just going to leave it be, then start on the ribs. 2 rack of pork, and a rack of beef.

>> No.7728616

Post pics of it all

>> No.7728623
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Thats the plan, heres where we started.

>> No.7728671

Shit looks good, made ribs last night but the pork had no flavour so it just tasted like sauce : ^(

>> No.7728675

Been there. Sucks to put all the work in just to get shitty pig.

>> No.7728676

Hey OP, when you spritz it, are you trying to keep the meat soaked, or just damp? Do you want it to dry out between spritzinks?

Californian here, and this whole process is kind of mysterious to me, but I'm very intrigued

>> No.7728679

It's to help keep it moist and prevent burning. You want the outside to caramelize and not just be dried out.

>> No.7728743
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Gettin there. Last round of smoke, maybe one more.

>> No.7728780


>> No.7728791
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>texas knows how to barbecue meat now

since when

>> No.7728793 [DELETED] 

>goy dick ruins the brisket
oy vey I'm laughing

>> No.7729299

here come the updates

>> No.7729304
File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brisket is looking good. Nice dark bark, slightly moist to the touch. Meat jiggles if you bump it. Moved it to the top shelf to make room for the ribs.

>> No.7729307
File: 3.21 MB, 4032x3024, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef ribs... Not much trimming to do here, just pull the membrane off the back.

>> No.7729313
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Drizzle with olive oil, and coat with a decent layer of salt and pepper. Into the smoker they go.

>> No.7729320
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Next up are the pork spare ribs. Same deal here. But we need to trim it up a bit.

>> No.7729325
File: 3.46 MB, 4032x3024, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the back side, we cut the extra bit off where the burnt ends would come from, and remove the membrane. You'll see there is some membrane left, and thats fine so long as you get the top layer off. Oil it up, and its ready for rub.

>> No.7729328
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>Meat jiggles if you bump it.

Fuuuuuuck I bet it does

>> No.7729331
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This was an off the shelf rub, forget the name. Pretty much the basics, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder. Lay it down a bit thicker than you would with beef and away it goes. I had to cut these in half to fit in the little smoker, but it wont really affect anything.

>> No.7729337

mmmm, the jiggle, and the deckle quivers.... getting aroused just thinking about it.

>> No.7729347

Back in an hour if the thread is still alive, ribs are gonna go for about 6 hours. Ill grab some shots as I spritz.

>> No.7729362

Post more, brisket is my fetish.

t. Texan.

>> No.7729385

As it comes along. Everything is still in the smoker.

>> No.7729397

Forgot to mention. For the pork were looking at a honey butter glaze. After about 4 hours I'll glaze it, wrap it, and throw it back in for the last hour or so.

>> No.7729418
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Forgot to refill the water pan, so lucky you I had to crack it open again.

>> No.7729420


People who use their counter-tops as cutting boards are some of the trashiest, least classy people in the world. You can slap together whatever incredible brisket you want, the fact you started off by trimming a 20lb slab of meat on your counter completely undercuts your finished product.

This is Kraft Dinner cooking. This is TV-dinner shit. This is Steak-Umms and Hot Pockets.

Fuck off.

>> No.7729428

No, you fuck off.

There's literally nothing wrong with using a non-porous large surface to trim meat.

>> No.7729438

Sounds like someone doesn't clean their counters like a decent human being

>> No.7729439

Kill yourself

>> No.7729451
File: 15 KB, 236x236, dryrub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salt and pepper

do you hate flavor or just too lazy to come up with a good dry rub txfag?

also master race tennessee dry rub brisket reporting in.

>> No.7729454


I see there's a commercial break in the Duck Dynasty marathon. Go ahead you bunch of Cletuses, keep cutting shit on your countertop. And why not use the sink as a big ol mixing bowl? I mean shit, it's so easy to clean!

Hey while we're at it, why don't we steam clams in the dishwasher and use scissors to slice up pizza?

Fucking hicks.

>> No.7729458


b.but his bottom tier, cheap-ass uba tuba granite IS porous.

>> No.7729459

I would agree with you but our counters are sealed and cleanup was done with bleach, then hot soapy water. Clearly care was taken to prevent cross contamination as well as the cleanliness of the counter itself. Not sure why you are so mad though.

>> No.7729461

It's been sealed, dumbass.

It's not just raw granite.

>> No.7729465

Looks good. Would eat.

>> No.7729475


r'ly faggot?


>cleanup was done with bleach, then hot soapy water.

Cleaners can weaken the sealant, so even if you’ve sealed the countertop on schedule, rigorous cleaning (and cleaning agents) could compromise the sealant in spots without you even knowing it, I bet your shit is infested with raw meat jizz.

>> No.7729483

I might agree with you if I never resealed but we do every 6 months. You make a lot of assumptions.

>> No.7729497

>we do every 6 months

this from the guy that bought the cheapest granite on the market....I dont' think so Timmy, that's not how poor people operate.

>> No.7729509

There you go making assumptions again.

>> No.7729519


>be autistic retard
>at a barbecue with friends
>buddy preparing his famous brisket
>finally he brings it out, I can't wait
>go up to get a plate
>it's so fucking tender
>first bite, I'm in heaven
>buddy comes over and asks me how it is this time
>rave to him about the brisket, praise his skills
"Say buddy, I've always wondered, where do you get the space to prepare these huge pieces of meat?"
>"Oh I just clean my countertop and use it, it works great"
>eyes immediately shoot open
"What...what did you just say?"
>"Uh..heh..I said I just use my clean countertop to prepare the meat."
>i feel sick to my fucking stomach
>sit there in awkward silence for a few seconds
>rage is welling up within me
>everybody turns to stare at me
>My face goes beet red
>Friend is speechless
"I uh uh...he-he used his countertop to prepare the brisket!!!"
"How disgusting right guys???"
>sit there speechless for 5 minutes, whole party ruined by these fucking backwards hillbillies
>decide to leave, who else knows what these hicks did to the rest of the food
>storm out muttering stuff about hicks and hillbillies

>> No.7729521


you have cheap countertops thus you are poor. poor people are lazy therefore you do not seal the trailer park counters regularly; these are not assumptions they are facts.

>> No.7729525
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>> No.7729527


Pretty good summation of what this underage autist is doing.

>> No.7729529

Had a hearty chuckle.

>> No.7729530

>these are not assumptions they are facts
Do you work for MSNBC News?

>> No.7729532

Fuck off

>> No.7729578
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> the implications will never be the same

>> No.7729608

>use scissors to slice up pizza
There is nothing wrong with this

>> No.7729628

fuck it's burned :/

>> No.7729647

>Salt and pepper
Not enough.

>> No.7729650

>Nice bark is starting to appear.
>nice bark
It is a bark, it isnt nice though.

>> No.7729687
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ribs ready for wrapping. glazed them with honey butter and added a few squirts of cider vinegar/apple juice.

>> No.7729694

>using scissors to cut pizza
You'll never be as cool as Cobra, though

>use the sink as a big mixing bowl
Okay now that is some ghetto trash shit

Your brisket is looking really good, OP. Nice work. Cant wait to see the finished products. I did some smoking yesterday >>7726572. I don't have a smoker but everything came out better than expected. I currently have a rib hangover, ate too many

>> No.7729700

Damn that looks good. I fucking forgot links... knew I was missing something.

>> No.7729710

>electric smoker


and you call yourself a texan

>> No.7729711

Thanks. Those are Kiolbassa brand, made in San Antonio I think. Fellow Texan here
>this rain

>> No.7729722

I know I know. Patio isnt big enough to fit with I want.

>> No.7729736

What rain, its beautiful out there.

>> No.7729741
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Looking good apart from the electric, OP. But, seriously offsets are difficult to master. I've only been satisfied with maybe 2-3 briskets out of the 2 dozen I've cooked on my offset. Miss the consistency of my WSM and not having to search for quality wood splits. My latest effort.

>> No.7729744

doesnt that black shit taste burnt? like coal or something?

>> No.7729749

I have a UDS which does the job really well for me. However my only complaint is that it is a 30gal drum so it only fits two briskets.

No, it is call bark and it is very tasty.

>> No.7729752


For the most part, no. It just tastes like heavy seasoning. The very end of the brisket (point closest to the fire) usually does get pretty charred/hardened and I throw it out. Protip: the more streamlined your brisket after trimming the less jagged/exposed edges have a chance to become burnt.

>> No.7729754

Well, the MES is good for small stuff, but I don't like halving my rib racks or folding a brisket. It's nice to be able to smoke something with little tending, but offset is the proper deal. I've been eyeing an old country, just havent pulled the trigger due to space concerns.

lol no, thats all the smokey/salty/peppery flavor

>> No.7729932
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Time for a rest

>> No.7729936
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Main event. Ribs pulled back a little more than I wanted, but wiggle/toothpick feel great.

>> No.7729940

yes i'll have a piece thank you

>> No.7730138
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Do it, bro. I've been smoking a couple times per week since getting mine. It's basically managing a fire rather than cooking. I'm learning to waste less wood.


Let's see some slices, OP!

>> No.7730185


holy fucking shit...who is dat thick brown bunny in the top left?

>> No.7730286



>> No.7730292
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Was busy eating. Money shot.

>> No.7730299

>no smoke ring
How did you manage that?

>> No.7730322


godammit....we had to wait all this fucking time to see your dry ass fucking overcooked slab of ruined meat crumble under it's own weight?

you should be sorry.

>> No.7730326

I bet somone has accused you of burning the meat before, right?

I love those people.

>> No.7730332

Looks awesome Op

>> No.7730333


>> No.7730337
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you had one job

>> No.7730338 [DELETED] 

You cocked it up.


>> No.7730345


clearly this guy is from Utah, he wouldn't know good bbq if it had a dick and fucked him in the ass.

>> No.7730362
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Looks okish but as others have said, it appears crumbly. Not a very good pic, though. Would be cool to see slices of the lean. Hardest part is to get that almost fall apart texture but still have some integrity and moisture.

>> No.7730365

Not bad at all, I've certainly seen much worse briskets.

Thanks for sharing OP.

>> No.7730392

why did you burn your meat OP? if you used a lower temperature it would be fine

>> No.7730407


so, out of @20lbs-2 trimming you managed to not fuck up four slices?

>> No.7730414


The post with slices isn't from, OP.

They are from >>7729741

>> No.7730416

So, the take home message here is, OP cant even get a smoke ring on a brisket.

>> No.7730429

Allow me to translate this for my Texan brethren: I'm an enormous faggot from faggot-land and I hate the taste of meat

>> No.7730434


OH, well...maybe you should give OP some lessons.

>> No.7731383

Not sure where all the hate is coming from, came out juicy, and passed the pull test. People were grabbing slices as I was carving them and I wasnt about to get in the way of that. I will admit the beef ribs didnt come out like I thought they would even though they felt right.

>> No.7731395

I think it's someone shitposting. Looked good to me

>> No.7731961

Damn straight.
If you'd have called it a "dalmation rub" no one would have said anything, but that's all a brisket needs. Ever.
Beef ribs are assholes. Fuck beef ribs.

Looks great. I'm still sous vide and smoking ribs myself. Gotten good feedback from ppl who eat it. Easy to bitch about a photograph.
Don't sweat it, OP.

>> No.7732587
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Dat filename

What smoker are you using op and what features should I look for when I purchase mine in the next few weeks?

>> No.7732605
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What is that?

>honey butter

>> No.7733231

Ugly Drum Smoker. You can either build your own or buy one. I built one initially but after I moved 2k miles I left it behind and just purchased a ready made one as all of my tools and friends with wielders were back home.

>> No.7733256

Looks like absolute shit. Anybody who says otherwise is either being far too nice or has never had a good brisket before. OP, if you're going to keep on destroying perfectly good food, please stop uploading to the internet. You're even shittier than jack, and that's saying something.

>> No.7733382

I feel stupid because I googled it and smoker together and found out what it was. Sucks you had to leave everything behind.
What did you by and do you have any tips? I'm thinking of getting one next week.

>> No.7733389

The one I got for my new place, which is much smaller than my old home is the Pit Barrel Cooker. It works well for my wife and myself and the small parties we have from time to time. Generally I will smoke two chickens a week and use the meat in dishes for that week.

>> No.7733390

Let's see your "good" brisket bro

>> No.7733405

There has been a good brisket posted in this thread:
Now compare it to:
Wow, the above brisket looks like shit and somehow OP fucked up so badly he couldnt even get a smoke ring on it.

>> No.7733423
File: 58 KB, 525x394, franklin bbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salt and pepper


Is that a prime grade beef brisket? Or is it Choice? It will be a big difference. Aaron Franklin uses only Prime.

>> No.7733434
File: 9 KB, 200x266, ehhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those beef ribs

you bought some AWFUL quality ribs. Where did you get those, Walmart? There's practically no meat on them. Shiners must have been everywhere.

Next time get PLATE ribs from a reputable butcher and make sure there is at least a 1 inch thick layer of solid meat + fat on the convex curvature of the ribs. They will be expensive, but it's worth it. What you bough there is dogfood quality.

>> No.7733442

Dont forget that at least two of the ribs are also broken too, which really makes them taste gud!

>> No.7733495

He's using an electric smoker, which smolders the wood and doesn't create the required nitric oxide and carbon monoxide required to lock in the pink. The smoke ring has no influence on flavor.

>> No.7733701


Choose ONE.

>> No.7733703
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>> No.7733710

honey, butter, heat and pour.

Was the first time doing beef ribs, but yeah they didnt come out so well.

>> No.7733723


That's a pretty good looking brisket.

>> No.7733749

>Sous vide and smoking ribs

>> No.7733775

poor lad, i feel bad for you. i had high hopes. you spent a whole day spritzing it and smoking it and everything, i mean that's a lot of work. it was not worth all that work.

>> No.7733970

What are you even on about? Where do you think dough is rolled out? Every scratch-cooking restaurant will have one item that is prepped on the counter, I guarantee. Especially "classier" ones. The secret? They fucking clean the countertops, you absolute retard.

There was no need to post something so inflammatory in a cookalong thread, which is the type of thread that keeps this board alive.

>> No.7734006


>> No.7734264

Not that anon but that's neat. Science!

>> No.7735024

How much was it per lb?

>> No.7735124

2.90 or so

>> No.7735196



Praise be to Yevvon

>> No.7735210

Trim the fat to a 1/4 inch thick next time

>> No.7735224

Thanks Aaron, have any other input for us? Shall we start getting in line at your restaurant now for tomorrow?

>> No.7735256

You can believe that or you can believe arguably the best brisket in Texas.


>> No.7736012


the best quality post. absolutely 10/20 would lol again. comedy central

OP, great thread, just chuffed as hell by the cherry on top that is this comment. instant legend