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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7728290 No.7728290 [Reply] [Original]

Meat is expensive. Trying to avoid Soy in mass produced food items. /fit/ isn't a proactive source for food. I'm trying to eat cheap and effectively with eggs and milk in my diet.

Any tips? It costs two dollars for a head of cabbage/lettuce where I live, which is far from any farmland. Researching bean and rice but there's gotta be a better solution.

Eggs, Rice, Beans, Peanut Butter, Honey, Milk, Bread are my main sources of nutrition. 80 cents a banana is eating into the idea so what am I missing here?

18eggs 2.70
Quart Honey/PButter 9.99 ea
Bread .99c
40lb rice 15.99
15lb beans 12.99
galllon milk 2.89
(500 packets of black tea 11.99/gallon of nesquick 9.99 with a electric tea pot boiling water and using 1/5th milk for choco-drank)

While a banana costs 80 cents for a 1/2 pounder.

>tl;dr I'm missing some cheap ideas for food and need ideas

>> No.7728305


Frozen vegetables and most vegetables in general at my market are pretty cheap too

>> No.7728314

A head of cabbage should last you a week, so that's not too bad. Carrots are usually cheap when bought in bulk. So are onions. Try growing alfalfa on your windowsill.

>> No.7728321


>> No.7728322

>trying to avoid soy
fuck off, soy isn't going to give you titties. go hawk your trapmode aesthetic bullshit somewhere else

go read the DIY soylent recipes and pick one that uses primarily corn flour or whey protein

>> No.7728327


>soy is bad but dairy and eggs are so healthy!!!

>> No.7728331


>dairy and eggs are unhealthy

>> No.7728356


>> No.7728361

Don't you have a Happy Vegan Housewife blog to update?

>> No.7728373

>meat is expensive
buy chicken thighs, bacon ends and pork shoulder/picnics. make pulled pork out of the latter. season well. use any of these 3 things sparingly in dishes with lots of fiber like brown rice and beans.

tada. a hearty ammount of meat without breaking the bank. you could eat a months worth on 20 dollars of meat if you are being liberal with the stuff too.

longer otherwise.

milk, peanut butter, and eggs are all far more expensive comparitively.

>> No.7728376

Don't you have a Fat Aspie Paleo Soccer Mom imageboard to post on?

>> No.7728392

No, I'm a normal person with a normal view of reality. You probably don't even know what you don't know.

>> No.7728395

>I'm a normal person


>normal view of reality

For a retarded person

>You probably don't even know what you don't know

This means nothing. You probably thought you sounded smart typing this and hitting "Post". You didn't. You sound dumber than you already are.

Keep shoveling your disgusting fat face, fatso. Tell me how that works out.

>> No.7728399

Soy is perfectly fine to eat

t. /fit/izen

>> No.7728406

You were credible until you said you were from /fit/

>> No.7728430

Eggs and dairy are the most useless animal foods since they are particularly unhealthy without providing any feasible benefits. Fish is much richer in B12 and D and provide omega-3s, while red meat is rich in iron and zinc. Dairy just gives you hypercalcemia whereas eggs clogg your arteries . Dairy and eggs are expensive per calorie.
Honey is ridiculously expensive per calorie. It's just sugar. You need to learn a lot my man.
If you want protein, load up on legumes. Protein from plants is much cheaper than that from animals and you get free carbs which you need anyway.

>> No.7728513

>free carbs
>needing carbs

>> No.7728567

Sacks of onions, potatoes, and even garlic are cheap (ginger not so much).
Might look into skipping Nesquick and just buying Cocoa Powder + Sugar.
Don't forget about apples.
(Whole wheat) Pasta.

>> No.7728582

>Meat is expensive

It really isn't. Buy meat on sale, buy big.
I live for 3$ per day / food, but could easily cut it in half.

>> No.7728613

No they're not. And when you take into account the bones and skin, thighs come to around the same price as chicken breasts. Unless you're getting the bottom of the barrel cuts from a foreign butcher, no meat is cheap anymore. Milk, peanut butter, and eggs are calorically and nutritionally more bang for your buck than meat. I think even beans and potatoes are desu

>> No.7728629

>$3 a day

t-t-th-thanks Mr hungry skellington

>> No.7728631

not OP, but meat in switzerland is fucking expensive. The cheapest I can find is low quality ground meat at 25/kg
chicken breast is 33/kg, can go down to 25/kg when on sale, turkey is a bit cheaper.
Entrecote is 70/kg
striploin is more than 100/kg

>> No.7728639

>wanting estrogen titties from soy protein

>> No.7728862

Meat is not expensive. Instead of buying beef steaks seperately, buy an entire joint, wrap it in cling film and cut it up into steaks. You can make about a 50% saving. Pork is a great, cheaper alternative to beef.

Chicken and fish can be cheap if you buy in bulk and chop it up.

Are people that fucking lazy these days?

>> No.7728899

>Meat is expensive.
how is meat expensive? I just bought split chicken breasts for $0.99 a pound, if you want even cheaper I have seen sales recently of chicken leg quarters for like $0.59 a pound, shit that's almost cheaper than beans. If you think meat is expensive you are shopping in the wrong places, look at discount grocery stores or asian markets. Sure the cuts won't be as good but you throw almost any meat into a crockpot and it will still taste great.

>> No.7728926

Right, but not everyone has the space for that type of storage. It's like the people who suggest buying part of a cow. You'll need a whole nother freezer for the shit if you really want to save money on bulk buying meat.
Mmmmm questionable Asian poultry. Id rather just limit my meat intake than be that desperate. Buying locally produced meat is more expensive, but meat should be expensive. It's not supposed to be an every day thing.

>> No.7728937

>Right, but not everyone has the space for that type of storage. It's like the people who suggest buying part of a cow. You'll need a whole nother freezer for the shit if you really want to save money on bulk buying meat.
those niggas are probably paying even more in electricity bills and appliance amortization.

>> No.7728940

you live in america, a country that subsidises its agriculture so much food is dirt cheap.
most people don't.
refer to >>7728631

>> No.7728942
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, beach-cliff-sardines-in-water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Canned sardines are very healthy and VERY cheap. It's basically tuna but cheaper and healthier (since it's not an apex predator like tuna it has no issues with stuff like mercury concentration).

>> No.7728944

>You'll need a whole nother freezer for the shit if you really want to save money on bulk buying meat.
Why do people lie?

>> No.7728946

idk about him, but I for one have no means to conserve any big chunk of meat, and not that long.

>> No.7728979

I'm not lying. The only way my dad could keep all the meat he'd buy was by buying a separate freezer. Because he'd buy parts of cows to save money.

>> No.7729030

Poverty tier here is what I would buy to eat well:

Flour / Bread / Pasta
Frozen corn
Frozen peas

All of these can be had in quite large quantities for pretty cheap.

Those ingredients should be the staples. The best addition you can add to that is tomatoes (even canned) if you can get them at a good price.

Extra meat as budget allows I would get pork loin, chicken thighs, and snapper.

>> No.7729062

I understand that buying half a cow from a legit butcher needs some serious freezer space, but it's still possible to stock up a bit from grocery store sales with the space of a normal freezer. It's the main thing that I use mine for.

Not the dude you were talking to, random drive-by poster.

>> No.7729087

ITT: OP needs to learn how to hunt and fish, if his commie country even allows those activities.

>> No.7729093

For reference, how expensive are other food items?

>> No.7729098

Small doses of generic store brand crunchy peanut butter.

>> No.7729111

Came here to post this
Man the fuck up and eat a cow's heart

>> No.7729344

OP back finally, didn't mean to abandon thread after one post.

I live on 80c a day and eat up to 3lb's of food in that time for a 5'8" 180lb.

Pastas and Oats are in the diet but I find it impossible to eat more than one of these every other day and it makes me feel sickly. Digestion for the oats (fully cooked to expansion) and the noodles that end up as shit clogger constipation.

Corn, Chips and Soy causes me near immediate headaches among whatever else they're doing to me. Corn goes right through me without pause for digestion (don't ask). Peas in cans causes headaches but I'll try the frozen stuff. Maybe it's just canned food in general. I can get tuna for 60c a can but that's usually when I'm sick. Carrots, Onions and Potatoes I get rarely because they're bulk buy and some go to waste or I pay as much as other stuff for small amounts.

Thanks for suggestions. Being in US west sierra mountains prices for canned sardines cost 2 dollars a tin.

>trying not to make every meal a pancake, waffle or toast

>> No.7730327

You got a good recipe for some canned sardines?

Preferably something simple.

>> No.7730344

Fisherman's eggs. Easy and healthy.

>> No.7730393

>soft boil 2-3 eggs
>throw diced onion in buttered pan
>when onion is translucent add sardines, chipotle, minced/crushed garlic, diced tomatoes or tomato paste
>put pepper-jack cheese on top
>when cheese has melted remove from heat
>mix with diced soft boiled eggs
>top with spicy sauce like siracha or chipotle mayo
>Eat as is or make sandwich with arugula

>> No.7731129

Just eat nutrient-dense whole foods ya dingus. You can't utilize protein efficiently without the nutrients in veggies. Eat your greens.

>> No.7731235


>> No.7731325

>avoiding soy
>trapmode aesthetic

You do realize that soy is full of phytoestrogens and trap threads are obsessed with that shit rite?

>> No.7731352

Meat is full of actual estrogen. Phytoestrogens can block receptors from receiving real estrogen.

>> No.7731364

Final step: Don't exhale in public

>> No.7733109

You do realize phytoestrogen does nothing, right?

>> No.7733303

That brings up a good question

Any of you eat the rabbits or other small animals that invade your yard? How are they?