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7722629 No.7722629 [Reply] [Original]

post your favorite craft beers

i'll start

>> No.7722642 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7722648
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>> No.7722662

I prefer the Leinenkugel version desu.

>> No.7722663


>craft bum hooch

is this a joke?

>> No.7722673

Mah nigga.

>> No.7722674 [DELETED] 

I don't think you understand what this thread is all about sir

>> No.7722767

That and Sam Adams are the beers Europeans should try when they come visit America.

>> No.7722768
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>> No.7722775

Guys, is IPA a meme? It tastes like dog cock 100% of the time. Do hipsters drink that godawful shit for cool points?

>> No.7722783

IPA is like cilantro. You either love it or hate it.

>> No.7722788

I hated cilantro as a kid and love it now

>> No.7722802


IPA is like getting fucked in the ass by a horse. You either hate it or you are a faggot.

>> No.7722863
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Shock top is a shit tier beer. It isn't craft.

Stone pale ale\ arrogant basterd ale is my favorite

>> No.7722916

1. craft
2. shock top

..pick one.

>> No.7722921
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local spot near me. not sure how distributed it is in other states, however.

>> No.7722937

Please never tell any European to ever try Yuengling.
Southerners on here talk about it like its a good beer, then when I finally go to the south and see it I figure I might as well try it. Its just Budweiser with food coloring

>> No.7722961

>craft beers
>shit top

>> No.7722977

It's an American lager, so obviously it's going to taste a bit like an American lager.
But Yuengling is definitely sweeter, with a fuller body, and not as hoppy. Plus a nice toasty aftertaste.

>> No.7722982

Did you not notice that we were 9 posts in before anyone even mentioned a craft beer?

>> No.7722989

Oh fuck, its not as hoppy as Budweiser? Is that even possible?
Yuengling is just another adjunct lager in the realm of Bud, MGD, Coors, PBR, High Life and countless other cheap beers.

Even compared to fake craft beer like Leinies or Blue Moon Yuengling is bad

>> No.7723132

>arrogant bastard

>> No.7723212
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Because Spaten Optimator is a bitch to find

>> No.7723221


pretentious microbrew fags can't into a joke, the chance to post their most obscure ipa is overwhelming.

>> No.7723236

except that most of them clearly got the joke and immediately posted Yuengling and malt liquor

>> No.7723297
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>> No.7723307

God Tier. Leinenkugel Summer Shandy is the true work of a master artisan.

>> No.7723314
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>> No.7723317

mike's hard lemonade is pretty good

>> No.7723340
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Best brewery IMHO. I like or love everything I've tried from them except their Saison.

Arrogant Bastard is fucking fantastic.

>> No.7723358
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>> No.7723624

Big fan of the grapefruit shandy. One of my favorite summer beers of the moment

>> No.7723626

go home ryan scott

>> No.7723640

OP you serious with that beer choice? What a pussy. I eat kids like you for breakfast and shit them out for lunch, then save it in a ziplock bag and freeze it to be eaten semi-defrosted the next morning.

>> No.7723646

Except the reason why people dislike cilantro is because they have a genetic difference, the reason people dislike IPA's is because they aren't massive faggots

>> No.7723648


Motherfucker, it's a Pennsylvania beer

>> No.7723663
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>I hate IPA's

>> No.7723669

>shock top
>craft beer

Pick one and only one

>> No.7723676

Sure, but it pretty much only southerners acting like it is a good beer. People from Pennsylvania generally recognize it as being cheap shit beer
No true northerner would ever suggest Yuengling is anything but a mediocre adjunct lager

>> No.7723726

My nigga. I actually live in Asheville so Highland Brewery is just down the road from me and practically every restaruant in town serves it. I like the mocha stout best.

>> No.7723865
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I love Goose Island's new sour stout line. Not sure why they used the same name as the old stuff though.

>> No.7723872


>> No.7723879


IPA doesn't taste anything like dog cock

>> No.7723881


>I prefer a beer that was invented by the British to market to Pajeet in India

Fucking faggots. =^]

>> No.7723902

The only reason IPA didn't become more popular in england and mainland Europe is that hops were expensive. The average beer drinker could afford a super hoppy beer so they were saved for special voyages

>> No.7724638

If Shocktop is craft beer then we have officially failed at beer.

Up your game man, c'mon.

>> No.7724641

>market to pajeet in India
Might want to check your history, Brains.

>> No.7724649

Utterly wrong. IPA was shit tier beer that had to be overly hopped to survive the journey to the Raj. It was mainly drunk by the Army.

>> No.7724650

I tried that. I'm not picky when it comes to beer but that was hard to drink.

>> No.7724796

Utterly wrong. IPA was regarded as good quality and was consumed by the middle and upper classes, while the forces drank porter.

>> No.7724921

read the thread

>> No.7725059
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>> No.7725216

Is this an artisanal piss bottle?

>> No.7725220 [DELETED] 

No but i have used it as such after finishing its contents

>> No.7725935



How do you like paying the same prices as tourists for everything every day?

>> No.7725948

people taking this bait lol

but really let me just say this and leinenkuegals shandy's are so god-awful. it tastes like powdered lemonade mixed in a budweiser

>> No.7726016
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>> No.7726775

They're very hip.

>> No.7727105

It's not like that if you're smart and avoid the touristy places. I shop at the local Harris Teeter and avoid the Trader Joe's like the plague. I don't fuck with downtown unless it's a special occasion. Good fucking luck parking there.

The restaurants around here are GOAT though. If you're ever in town, I highly recommend the Apollo Flame and Biscuit Head. Apollo Flame is an out-of-the-way Greek place with gyros not even Zeus could resist, and it's cheap. Biscuit Head is a kind of hipstery Southern fusion breakfast place that actually managed to be really fucking good, worth the price and wait.