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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7722413 No.7722413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite pizza joint?

>> No.7722417

Pizza hut

>> No.7722446

Chain? Dominos
Local? Briannos.

>> No.7722488

Little Caesar's

>> No.7722492

Double decker pizza and pats pizza in Pennsylvania

>> No.7722493

Pizzeria uno's, or the weird place in the shithole I can't remember.

>> No.7722584 [DELETED] 
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Jet's Pizza is a fine pizza, having some for din din

>> No.7722668

As far as chains go, Mellow Mushroom. Not even a contest.

>> No.7722679

big chain: Dominoes
chain: Jet's
just here: Dino's (they closed ;_;)

>> No.7722688

>i like bad pizza and memes

Respectable cheap pizza choice. They closed down one near me, and now I cant walk over after work for a fuckin five dollar 'za

Are you aware nobody on /ck/ likes you? Stop posting that memetoy you autist

>> No.7722697

>he said as he typed the meme word for pizza
Flyovers, when will they learn?

>> No.7722700

He eats Jet's so he's better than you wellfare ceasarnigger

>> No.7722706

dominos/papa murphys

>> No.7722709
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Pepperoni Grill in Southport, NC
Village Pizza in Athens, AL
Brixx (chain)

>> No.7722722

Hello, MLP doll guy. I saw you in the Checker's/shit burger thread!

>> No.7722733

Nice Ponka pone toy.

>> No.7722735

>not beig aware of the za inside joke

Okay pal

>> No.7722740

Papa John's master race reporting in.

>> No.7722743

His toy even breaks the rules and he'd get banned on any other board with moderation for it. Do your part and let the authorities know and ignore him. Once he stops getting replies he'll stop posting it, he's like a tripfag.

>> No.7722747

>girlfriend likes pizza hut and dominos
>always wants pizza with white sauce and thoze freeze dried chicken strips on top

Just end me, senpai.

>> No.7722749


yeah i love red sugar paste and plastic cheese

>> No.7722754

Fuck yeah, and awesome beer selection

>> No.7722774

>dominos/papa murphys
Both shit.
I honestly do not understand the hate for Papa J's. It's not too greasy, still tastes great warmed up or cold, and the cheese never strings out and strips half the cheese off the slice in one bite. What is so bad about them?

>> No.7722792

>Both shit.

papa murphys toppings are among the best, only donatos really beats them

>hate for Papa J's

its mainly the sauce, easily the worst

something isn't quite right with their cheese either and i don't know how to explain it

>> No.7722811

>What is so bad about them?

It's not that anything is extremely bad, it's just that nothing is extremely good either. All of the "big three" pizza chains are pretty much McDs/BK tier for pizza, it's fine but there is much better

>> No.7722815

Most local places make better pizza than chains, you just have to know which toppings to avoid at which place. A friend got pepperoni pizza from one, and it was really cheap and greasy pepperoni that gave me indigestion; one of the few times I've actually gotten it. I usually prefer a white pizza with eggplant.

For chain, Domino's actually has good bacon. I usually only eat bacon with breakfast every few months, but I guess because it's so thin it gets really crispy. It's good with onion and mushroom. It's just so salty though, especially since they started putting garlic salt on the crust, but it's the best chain pizza I've had.

>> No.7722852


i've never understood putting bacon on pizza

but i agree, finding good pepperoni is probably one of the biggest challenges

>> No.7722857
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Anything one except Papa John's
not very good
owner is total manlet d-bag (and yes that influences how I spend my money - I don't have to give it to assholes)

>> No.7722859

>i've never understood putting bacon on pizza


>> No.7722861

Pizzeria Luigis in san diego. even has the guy fieri seal of approval

>> No.7722866


i don't know

>> No.7722868

>i've never understood putting bacon on pizza
I usually don't, and would prefer sliced meatball or some other kind of cured meat, but from Domino's it just works because of how thin the bacon is. It's not overpowering and has a good texture.

>> No.7722876

Well, I live in arizona half the year, and albuquerque new mexico the other half. I don't know of any good pizza joints in prescott arizona (shitty college town)

In ABQ there's a place called Fastinos. It's pretty good. Nothing i'd say is magical or better than home-made, but it's good. Real cheese, home made sauce, other good stuff.

>> No.7722890
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I lived in West Virginia for a long time, and you would think that there'd be nothing good in terms of pizza around there, but there's actually a surprisingly large Italian population that's settled the area for a long time. I worked for a few year through high school in a pizza joint run by one of those families. The guy who owned it had the most hilarious stereotypical Jersey accent, to the point where if I didn't know him better I'd think he was faking it. But he was a damn good cook and I fell in love with his pizza recipes.

So if you're ever in Marietta, OH or Parkersburg, WV, swing by The Pizza Place and say hi to Mike for me.

>> No.7723473
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Anyone know a good pizza place in Pasadena? I just moved here and I've finally become financially stable enough to order pizza. Everyone at my job orders from pic related.

>> No.7723889

mmmMmmm some weirdass pizza slathered in thick creamy cum, my favourite.

>> No.7724026

Big Chain: Papa Johns
Chain: Chanellos
Local: Have yet to experiment enough to find one i like

>> No.7724038

3rd Generation in East Wenatchee is the tits.

>> No.7724126

Mellow Mushroom

>> No.7724149

Domino's. The mom and pop restaurants always close in my town except if it's Asian food.

>> No.7724168

>big chain
Pizza hut

>Local chain

>local place
Pizza dominica

>> No.7724304

>big chain
Papa John's

>Local chain
Lampost Pizza

>local place
Pizza Rock

>> No.7724822
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I can't fucking take this "meme" anymore.

>> No.7724834

>Chi cago sty le piz za

>> No.7724838

Pepperoni Grill is a regional chain, my deluded friend.

>> No.7724854


you're missing 'go

>> No.7724856

I'm actually opening a pizza place in my city next week, I'm calling it "Ago Style 'Za".

>> No.7724863

"Will your order be to 'go or 'ago sir?

>> No.7724887

Should be Ago Yle Za.

Also, you should kill yourself immediately.

>> No.7724895

easy OP. my favorite za joint is Chicago Style Deep Dish Restaurant, right here in the windy city, chitown, 'go. i like to order a 'go style za there, take that bad boy home, and crack open a nice heineken. throw some cha on there and im a happy camper

>> No.7724903


>> No.7724915

I quite like all of them, but I'm partial to Pizza Hut at the moment simply because there's one right on the same street as my neighborhood. Arrives in minutes.

>> No.7724918

Can you please just fucking type out pizza, siracha, and Chicago? Abbreviating it on the internet doesn't save time and it makes you sound like an asshole.

>> No.7724923
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I always top my 'go za with some salty 'vies and fatty 'con

>> No.7724924

Sticchi? maybe, it's not really a joint, just a neapolitan restaurant. nice atmosphere, very italian, might be a front for some mafia organisation.

>> No.7725133

only chain is dominos near me so they win by default. on the way to/from work so convienient

local one in on the other side of town so its a pain in the ass to get to, but worth it

>> No.7725142


pizza pizza

>> No.7725148

That's the joke.

>> No.7725355

That's reason enough to end it

>> No.7725415

what would you order from dominos?

I cant decide if I should order pizza or indian food. I kinda have a pizza craving, but the problem is that dominos tends to be so salty and leave me feeling really dehydrated and bloated etc.

is there any like lower sodium or tastier options there?

>> No.7725692

Honestly, I get the saltiest shit on my pizza and then dip it in that disgusting garlic sauce. I love salt.
You could try tomatoes, onions, and chicken or something I guess

>> No.7725695

I used to hate that garlic sauce but now I love it

I usually just get the pan pizza with pepperoni and onions and 2 dipping sauces

>> No.7725714

Same. It used to be way too much for me. I get banana pepper, green olives, mushrooms, and onions.

>> No.7725879

Anywhere I can get my hands on some ol' cago style 'za with cha on it

>> No.7725893

[Town] Pizza

>> No.7725913
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>> No.7726366

>We have Italians so we have pizza
90% of the Pizza joints in my city are run by people from the middle east. And their shit ain't bad.

>> No.7726508
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>> No.7726520
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>> No.7726532

>inside joke
No, it's an s4s tier meme
Grow up

>> No.7726644

You can't get good local pizza in Arkansas. They are generally too expensive and inconsistent. Whoever is making your pizza decides what "looks right" as far as toppings goes. They need to measure that shit. Chains are better with creating a consistent experience, but not as tasty.

Your best bet is to go with an order of wings and cheese bread with marinara.

Some very decent cheese bread with dipping sauce will run you $3.99 vs. $11.95 for a large cheese pizza. Twice as much dough, cheese, and sauce for 1/3 the price. And if you want toppings, it's going to be a dollar for every topping.

Then grab some wings for $5.69. With the cheesesticks, that's $9.68. Still cheaper than the large cheese pizza.

Also, I'd really like to know how businesses stay open when they hire the absolute dumbest niggers and white trash. We live in a world where having your order fucked up or just plain wrong is the NORM. And these fucks want to raise the minimum wage.

It's really weird we let people cook food that goes into our body and they have zero formal training or certificates.

>> No.7727005
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pizza pizza

i haven't tried any local chains in GTA yet

>> No.7727534

Dam Goode pies and Mellow Mushroom would like to have a word with you.

>> No.7727552

My nigga. Pizza73 when it's too late too m i rite?

>> No.7727575

I worked for a local chain called Jet City Pizza when I was in high school. We had a beer batter pizza crust that was fucking amazing. Place has since closed due to shoddy ownership.

>> No.7727639

'Za Hut

Two guys from Italy, although, that's the only local I've tried, and there's more than a few

>> No.7727642


It's okay but the leftovers make me gag