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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7722377 No.7722377 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about people wearing hats while dining?


>> No.7722415

It's absolutely rude, but I see people do it all the time. We have a generation that's in their 20's now that won't have the traditions and mannerisms that their parents had, though, and it's to be expected that there'll be arbitrary things like not wearing hats indoors or while eating, that'll fade into obscurity.

>> No.7722425

I'm fully ingrained in golf culture, so I wear a flatbill hat everywhere I go.

>> No.7722436

I think it's dumb to wear a hat inside in general

>> No.7722439
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I remember when I was a kid I thought it was rude... must have been raised well.

Now I don't really give a fuck unless I'm somewhere formal. At a "normal" restaurant I'll eat with a hat. If you think about it logically (if that's really possible with customs/manners), then it's pretty dumb.

>> No.7722443

Depends on the type of hat

>> No.7722444

What the fuck is so rude about it

>> No.7722448

hat's shouldn't be worn in doors, it's a sign of respect.
the idea being a hat can obscure your identity, and guests shouldn't be hiding.

>> No.7722453
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yeah that makes perfect sense. lmao.

>> No.7722542

I honestly could not care less.

>> No.7722598

In most circumstances the hat should be removed

>> No.7722724

love the sopranos. i've got the cook book right here "as compiled by Artie Bucco"
and Artie's restaurant Vesuvio is a high class place. Maybe not the tippest toppest, but it's fine dining, and traditional manners apply. Using a napkin, not wearing a hat, maybe even having to know which fork or spoon to use.

>> No.7722750

the idea that a hat is any less important than any other clothing item is a retarded notion

some people feel naked without hats, why should they be uncomfortable because of your archaic hatred of headwear?

>> No.7722766
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>Well, when you're married, you'll understand the importance of fresh produce

What did T mean by this, /ck/?

>> No.7722771

Some people think not having your head covered is offensive. I don't care if someone is wearing a hat or not, if the only reason that it's bothering you is because you keep looking at the person and start seething with rage you have personal issues you need to work on.

>> No.7722806

You'll understand when you're married

>> No.7722829
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>> No.7722838
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>why should they be uncomfortable

because they are usually douche bags who need to learn some manners

>> No.7722840

Ah yes. Satisfy the minority at the expense of the majority. The American way.

>> No.7722879

Always wear one. It keeps loose hairs contained instead of floating around the room and landing in somebody's meal. People who don't wear hats while dining are inconsiderate bastards.

>> No.7722886

What about bald people :^)

>> No.7722900
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I usually cover my entire body like Candlejack be

>> No.7722904

Forcing people to not wear hats has nothing to do with being American

>> No.7722991

Please read before responding.

The janitors that keep deleting threads should also be cracking down on people like you.

>> No.7722998
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you don't wear a hat at the dinner table unless you are a douche bag or the Elephant Man

>> No.7723023

It's a universal sign of respect, an extrapolation of bowing, which is a gesture that is common across all cultures.

Don't feel that strongly when dining unless it's a more high-end place, but in places where you are supposed to show reverence and there's an expectation of behavior, then don't pretend to be ignorant about social norms, and just take it off.

Seeing duck hunt fuckfags with realtree camo baseball caps in chapels just makes me shake my head. (shakes my head, to be honest, family)

>> No.7723030

I read a Dear Abby article basically saying that tradition has gone out the window and it is now socially acceptable.

Still, I don't eat at formal restaurants cause I dont want to show my bald head.

>> No.7723051

>old people autism.
There's nothing rude about it.

>> No.7723062

>manners may may.
Manners make sone sense but hats are hats.

It's arbitrary about hats. I bet you get autisn ragged with elbows on the table.

>> No.7723070

>thank god im outside for this picnic
>oh god i dont want to seem rude on this broght day so i better rempve my hat.
Go to bed grandpa

>> No.7723081

About as dumb as an autist shitposting on the internet.

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.7723086

What in the utter fuck are you talking about? A picnic isn't a respected establishment with expected social customs. It isn't even a fucking establishment.

Go eat some more ramen in front of your computer and masturbate to foreign line drawings.

>> No.7723111

>dat projection
Thanks for sharong that you do sport.
Plus if your autism wasn't acting up the thread is about hats while dinning not dinning at a upscale place you fucking el autismo magnifico.

>> No.7723126

"i want to fuck adriana how dare you be inejceting that marijuana christopher ur killin your family"

>> No.7723136

Manners are for people who aren't rude, and who don't want to seem rude
>they're arbitrary and i don't like them fuck the establishment anarchy in the UK
Okay fine, but you're the one who is going to be looked at funny
>stop it stop pointing out how i'm a unique sheeple snowflake for hating my parents customs god i want to just kill myself to death

>> No.7723196

Sorry for expecting you to be literate and making a distinction between when hats with dining would be expected to be taken off or not cared about. But please, add a "cuck" to your next post to keep it memerific.

>> No.7723205

Why are you so mad about hats while eating?
It's seriously arbitrary and provides no purpose.
Again if im outside eating why should i take ny hat off?
Or are you gonna rage post senior autismo

>> No.7723206

Actual manners is not doing things that has a legitimate reason to bother other people such as chewing with your mouth open, getting triggered over someone wearing a hat is beyond retarded.

>> No.7723208

I be your wife's bull never wears a hat, if you know what I mean. I don't mean one that's worn on the head.

>> No.7723214
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I don't believe in manners.

>> No.7723218

There's no need to take your hat off when eating at a picnic. Most people wouldn't even refer to that as "dining" in the first place.

The only time there might be a question of removing your hat when eating outside is al fresco at a restaurant.

>> No.7723243

I don't like to get rained on so I wear a hat
if a host gets butt blasted about it it doesn't bother me, this old hat keeps rain and hate off my brow just the same

>> No.7723255

If you're outside you shouldn't have to take off your hat. If you spent as much effort into calling me autistic as reading my posts, then maybe you wouldn't be a fucking retard.

>> No.7723260

I mean if you're at a fine dining restaurant with a dress code, sure. But if you get triggered by guys wearing a hat at fucking chili's or waffle house, you literally need to kill yourself.

>> No.7723262

You're taking what I say and make it extreme. Not everything rude is also "triggering". You're being the asshat here who won't obey simple rules and etiqutte. You wouldn't smoke in a no-smoking section, you wouldn't show up in ripped jeans and a tank top to a place that requires jackets, you wouldn't wear a hat to a fine dining establishment
well, you would
but those are against the rules.
trust me, nobody is "triggered" by you. what? are you scared somebody might see your bald spot or something? shave your head, they won't know any better. that's the ONLY reason somebody should wear a hat in modern day society.

>> No.7723300

maximum autism

>> No.7723335

>you should be banned because you don't agree with me

>> No.7723344

Janitors can't ban, dumbass. And you actually did agree with me. You just don't understand what's going on. You probably stopped paying attention at school before third grade.

>> No.7723364
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I didn't agree with you, you just want to be a victim and you're mad that I don't

>> No.7723417

Where is thr line drawn for inside?
But again autismo you're the one going apeshot over hats indoors. Retard