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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7721554 No.7721554 [Reply] [Original]

Post worst food on the planet

>> No.7721561
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>> No.7721565

Sometimes I'm chasing the yellow dragon, OP. I can't help it, I want a Big Mac with fries.

>> No.7721607

I've JUST eat one for the first time. Taste is OK, but I need to vomit now. There is something with the secret sauce or what?

>> No.7721623

Sounds like food poisoning. I've never gotten sick off McDicks before.

>> No.7721629 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7721635

"best food on the planet" are you 10 years old or? Big Mac is shit, kill yourself.

>> No.7721660

-muffled french cursing in the distance-

>> No.7721702

nice reading comprehension

>> No.7721729

How did you pass 3rd grade?

>> No.7721745 [DELETED] 

>falling for it
underage pls go

>> No.7721755

>best food on the planet
Yes, for Jews in Dachau.

>> No.7721853
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The Big Mac is a tasty sandwich, most people think the Big Mac sauce is thousand island dressing but it isn't

>> No.7721858

I want to rape you with your Pinkie Pie doll

>> No.7721863 [DELETED] 

good taste

>> No.7722042

>I was just pretending to be retarded!

>> No.7722058

Girls eating fast food is a major turn off.

>> No.7722076


>> No.7722081


>> No.7722086

You think that's a girl taking pictures of the McDonald's food?

>> No.7722088
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french onion soup is tits. you are wrong.

>> No.7722092

Yeah, you can see her standing right next to it.

>> No.7722098

I assumed due to the girly, doll figure?

>> No.7722103 [DELETED] 

God damn what a newfag

>> No.7722107
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>> No.7722108

He American?

>> No.7722112

OP here.
After 2 BigMacs and fries, I'm thirsty as fuck!
What the fuck is going on?

And they are expensive too. For that money I can buy 1 kilo of fresh fish,salad,bread,1 liter of nice wine, 2 lemons and 1 large beer.


>> No.7722119

Liberal, girly, millennial faggot.
The reason why we won't get Trump as POTUS.

>> No.7722123 [DELETED] 

It's fucking trash. Tastes like a bowl of dishwater with some shitty cheese on top

>> No.7722129

You just ate a ton of salt so no wonder you're thirsty

>> No.7722134


McDonald's in Paris fucked me over for some reason. Just wanted to experience McDonald's with a beer (they do that in mainland Europe) and I got the most awful shits.

>> No.7722140 [DELETED] 

You know they don't call it a quarter pounder there?

>> No.7722152

Of course they fucking don't retard, they have the metric system.
Do you get a prize every time you state the obvious?

>> No.7722159 [DELETED] 

Damn imagine if that's what Jules said

>> No.7722163
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They call it a Royale with cheese.

>> No.7722373

Maybe you've just never had proper French onion soup. Unless of course you don't like onions.

>> No.7722382

Wait, French onion soup is supposed to have cheese on top? What the fuck have I been eating all my life?

>> No.7722403

you start

>> No.7722408

Sounds like you just had a shitty french onion soup anon.

>> No.7722419 [DELETED] 

I've tried it on more than one occasion to see if it was just a one off thing. Had it at a couple nice restaurants too. I like onions and i could finish the soup but i think it's terrible and won't eat it ever again

>> No.7722431

I was raised a vegetarian, recently I quit and tried a quarted pounder with cheese from McD. The garnishes were ok, the patty tasted like greasy bread, the bun was awful dry bread and the cheese was the worst.

>> No.7722438

>the cheese was the worst.

It's pretty standard American processed cheese product slices. So yeah, it is bad, but no worse than literally any other fast food place that uses sliced American processed cheese product.

>> No.7722495


>> No.7722796
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>> No.7722913
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Then why do they serve Pepsi instead of Coca Cola?

>> No.7722923


It's the same damn thing

>> No.7722952


Believe it or not, there are different grades of American cheese. The kind that comes in blocks is breddy gud.

>> No.7722971


Nice writing, are you five years old something?

>> No.7723050

Because fuck you

>> No.7723056
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>> No.7723120

What, why and how

>> No.7723336

Welp, not eating red meat or fastfood for a while now.

>> No.7723345

its ok anon it is clearly a burger from a school cafeteria not McDs

>> No.7723347

probably the Belgian equivalent

>> No.7723929
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>> No.7723942
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>> No.7724049

Fry some ground meat at an absurdly low temperature for an unreasonably long time and this is what happens

>> No.7724065

that's more a what happens when you cook a food service burger, one that's made of soy protein and beef hearts (with accompanying veins)

>> No.7724070
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............wait for it
here come all the weebs
lol, just face it you will never experience japanese high school

>> No.7724109
File: 29 KB, 419x316, _wsb_419x316_okonomiyaki_plateb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In agreement. High school Pseudo-Weeb (spent a year in Japan in high school) girlfriend tried to get me into it and picture related. Japs can't cook for shit.

>> No.7724306

Okonomayaki is a shitty meme food anyway. Even the japs I hanged out with when I lived there don't like it.

>> No.7724310
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This is tonights dinner, and the pop tart on the stand

>> No.7724321

They do call it a quarter pounder in Australia.

>> No.7724662

Weeb fag here sour cream is fucking disgusting on any food. Also as a strong independent weeb I like sashimi

>> No.7724666

I don't eat Zerg burgers

>> No.7724668


The Double cheeseburger is the infinitely better burger. 3 buns and soggy lettuce overrides the yummy big mac sauce

>> No.7724679

All cheese produced in the USA is shit.

>> No.7724680 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7724733

Are you insane

Onion soup is flavour town tier food

>> No.7724736

I hate your dirty shit station

>> No.7725076

french onion soup before a nice medium rare prime rib with a baked potato would be my last meal.

>> No.7725085

miso soup. really any kind of japanese food.

>> No.7725090

you have probably never been to vermont.

>> No.7725102 [DELETED] 

That's because you're a grandma

>> No.7725110
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This. That is literally the worst penmanship I've ever seen. Not even kidding. I know people have been on and on about how penmanship is becoming less prominent and important since computers, tablets, etc.

But fuck.

Have some pride in something.

>> No.7725150
File: 153 KB, 644x365, Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no doubt, that worst food which human race have ever made was fucking tuna subway sandwich.

>> No.7725226

This nigga

>> No.7725272
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>big mac

that's why they have any size fountain drink for a dollar.

>> No.7725390
File: 223 KB, 1600x1067, kaalikääryle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are cabbage rolls. There is meat and cabbage inside and it's rolled in cabbage. And is often eaten with cowberry jam. A lot of people in my country likes it, but the smell and taste makes me gag and almost vomit. Well I once did when I was a kid. And I did taste them again in my adulthood but yeah,still horrible

>> No.7725417

What are you, fucked up or something?

>> No.7725491

damn, the shit after eating that must be incredible.

>> No.7725516

The shit isn't really anything special but you will fart 2 days straight. feels like just one long fart

>> No.7725757

Doesn't sound half bad to be honest family.

>> No.7725809
File: 1.33 MB, 1012x1262, 1464191943040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just face it you will never experience japanese high school
It would suck anyways because everyone would be 3D

>> No.7726907


Anything Philippine

>> No.7726916

Nooo, don't eat granma

>> No.7726933

Try and stop me, Fidel

>> No.7727037

thats a plain quarter pounder dude.

>> No.7727205

>he got the pick 2 for $5 email

>> No.7728081

Implying Pepsi isn't marginally better

>> No.7728093

Baby palate.
Here we call those cabbage cigars. They're great!

>> No.7728098
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I may be in the minority here, but I hate authentic 'go style 'za.

>> No.7728136

Ate at Nation's burgers yesterday, had to pull over and throw up halfway home. I don't think it was food poisoning, I think it was the greasy as shit, miracle whip slathered burger. Even the lettuce leaves were coated in grease. I couldn't finish it. I tried pulling out the greasy bits, didn't work. Never fucking again.

>> No.7728447
File: 115 KB, 600x1037, thanks for the vote fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about that

>> No.7728919

it may be bad for you, but it is god-tier pizza... they must put crack in it or something. i could eat it all day...

>> No.7728951

you're dumb. Cooked cabbage tastes like shit 100% of the time.

>> No.7728966


Fuck off, those are delicious.

>> No.7728972

that's animebro he's a he

>> No.7728986

Is that a delicious 'go 'za?

>> No.7729001

It literally looks like the souls of the damned are trying to claw their way out.

American school dinners ladles and gentlemen

>> No.7729352

good post, good post

>> No.7729363

triggers muh trypophobia

>> No.7729376

kåldolmar med lingon pressad potatis och sås är ju asnice!

>> No.7729383

>cowberry jam

lingonberry jam.

>> No.7729507

I think it's basically mayo mixed with cream cheese and vinegar. Ronald McDonald is probably sending out Hamburglar to take me down as we speak.

>> No.7729513
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>> No.7729520

At least it is better than the god-awful "swiss cheese" they use at Burger King in Malaysia. Taste it once, and you'll never want to again.

>> No.7729538

Pepsi is sweeter, and depending what country you buy it from, it's not as rough on your gut. Coke often use too much lemon oil in their mix and you can definitely taste it, which makes it unpleasant (affects a whole batch at a time). Pepsi does something similar, but it's contaminating regular pepsi with aspartme, so you get the same horrible after-taste (rare but does happen). RC Cola is definitely better than either, but it's sweet as fuck, so only tastes good from glass bottles. So far RC never seems to make a bad batch. Vanilla Coke and cherry coke are ok in the countries where you can still get them. Coca Cola in Mexico is better than Pepsi, and it's also better than the US version. In Australia they make it too sour. In Thailand and Vietnam it tastes fine but it's rough as fuck when it hits your stomach. Never have that problem with Pepsi, EST, etc.

>> No.7729544


Big macs are delicious

>> No.7729562

Dear Anon,

You think this is a motherfucking game?


Cancer & Diabetes

>> No.7730066
File: 60 KB, 800x535, _dsc2179_176083326[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macaroni boiled in milk. It is devoured with ketchup.
It's the most bland and pointless food imaginable and it is also beloved by the whole country.

>> No.7730079

>he's afraid of the big bad cancer

>> No.7730084

french fries in milkshake

>> No.7730113
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>> No.7730146
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>> No.7730151

I just melted some cheddar and mozza on rice cakes and put sriracha on it. Tasted pretty good.

>> No.7730252
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Daww look at the little idiot who thinks fast food causes cancer and that eating fast food once every few months causes diabetes

>> No.7730258

Oh fuck, I did this one night, I felt like getting a mcdonalds burger and a burger king burger and comparing them.

So I drove to the local library to test them out and they looked just like this god dammit, It was like 10 fucking dollars. I'm vegetarian now desu

>> No.7730981

if we wanted too we would make your entire country submit to us

keep talking shit behind a computer kid

>> No.7731925

what? who the hell does that? what country?
making macaroni and cheese with this technique is super based though

>> No.7731960

1. It does

2. Nobody eats it "once every few months". They either eat it regularly or not at all.

3. If you regularly eat it and then stop, and then try to return to it a few months later, you will find it disgusting and damn near impossible to choke down.

>> No.7732004

Secret sauce is literally French's mustard and mayonnaise in 1:2 ratio with chopped white onion

>> No.7732033


>> No.7732044


>> No.7732049

le ironic meme face bro
thatll show em

>> No.7732824


>> No.7732854

>one of the best selling items in the most popular kitchens around the world

seems legit.

>> No.7732860


>> No.7732871

I've got a burger looking like that last time i had burger king. Never again

>> No.7732874

Close but all wrong, it is mayo, mustard, vinegar, relish, onion powder, garlic powder, and paprika


>> No.7732915


1. It does, along with almost everything else you eat.
2. Not everyone lives in the city you fuck, i live in the countryside and eat a big mac from maybe once or twice a month, sometimes more often sometimes never, depending on when i get off work.
3. You dont eat McD's because it tastes good. Keyword " FAST FOOD". Youre gonna need atleast an hour if visiting a restaurant, hence if you're in a hurry, McD's works.
I've gone for months without touching bigmac, and i dont mind the taste when i get one.

Oh, one more thing. People like you literally disgust me. Pretentious, unemployed food know-it-alls.

>> No.7733018

My mom used to make those but cook them in tomato sauce instead. Shit was good.

>> No.7733141

Pepsi is for literal children who enjoy overly sweet garbage over soda with actual flavor. Literally all pepsi's sodas are trash
Mountain dew, literally just fucking sugar
Mug Root Bear, Bargs is way better
Sierra Mist, Sprite is better
Schweppes, doesn't even taste like ginger ale, just tastes like lemon lime soda, their carbonated water is ok tho
The only good soda they have is doctor pepper.

>> No.7733262
File: 27 KB, 530x298, bigmac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Pepper is not Pepsi

>> No.7733269

I believe this is what happens when you steam pink slime.

>> No.7733270

College is temporary anon.

>> No.7733312

Your right, both Coca-Cola and Pepsico manufacture it.

>> No.7733375

>good soda
>Dr. Pepper
What the fuck?

>> No.7733400

And in the US neither do, Dr Pepper is it's own company "Dr Pepper Snapple Group"

>> No.7733867


2. I do

Theory disproven

>> No.7735020




>> No.7735026

I haven't had all of the food on the planet, but japanese food is pretty bad.

>> No.7735054 [DELETED] 

Caps won't help your cause.

>> No.7736371


>> No.7736395

Japanese food, much like the Japanese people is incredibly bland.

>> No.7736396

but chicago 'pizza' is garbage. messy as fuck and completely impractical.

>> No.7736835

You don't have trypophobia. No one does. It's a fake thing made up by 4chan, and you're an idiot for believing it. More importantly, you're not funny, and just posting that garbage to talk about yourself.

Same shit senpai.

>> No.7736859

>arguing over whose taste in liquid candy is best

Stick to water, milk, fresh squeezed juices, and booze, you manchild. Your body will thank you for it (barring the booze, of course).

>> No.7736889
