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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7718998 No.7718998 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worse injury you've ever sustained in the kitchen?

>> No.7719022


one time in fluke accident I slipped and fell ass first in to a vertical carrot.

>> No.7719032

I grabbed a pan with my bare hand that had been in a 350F oven for 40 minutes and walked a few steps while holding it before feeling any pain. Worst pain I've ever felt once it hit, started sweating from the pain and it didn't subside for a few hours. 1/3 of my hand was covered in blisters.

>> No.7719035

Broke my wrist when my sister charged through the door just as I was reaching to open it. The door handle hit me just right, apparently.

>> No.7719105

i did the same thing man, couldnt type with my right hand for days, but now its 100% callus

>> No.7719114

Ah man, that sucks :( How long has it been?

I guess I'm lucky, I seem to heal fast and was partially using it the next day and don't seem to have any lasting issues.

>> No.7719129

Hit an IED in Fallujah, lost a leg, severely burned arm and side, and lost vision in my right eye.

>inb4 not a kitchen accident

I was opening an MRE at the time.

>> No.7719135
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>> No.7719139
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How does it feel to be a disposable pawn of the military-industrial complex?

>> No.7719142

Spilled pot of boiling water on bare feet.

I was carrying it from the stove to the sink to pour it into a collander

>> No.7719143

On Memorial Day weekend, pretty good senpai.

>> No.7719172

Dumped a boiling (as in rolling boil) pot of turkey innards all over my foot. I had thick socks on but there are still noticeable scars.

>> No.7719257

I was laying down smoking hash off a diaper pin and it melted off and fell on my neck. It did not hurt at first, but when I picked it off all the skin came with it. Technically not cooking...

>> No.7719435

I got a nasty cut across my palm making wiener roasting sticks

7 stitches and it hurt really bad + I ruined the wiener roast

>> No.7720085

I was cooking some eggs and the shower fell through the ceiling and I tried to run away but ended up slipping on all the water spraying everywhere.

I just wanted some fucking eggs.

>> No.7720178

Nearly sliced the corner of my thumb off because I didn't have it tucked back properly while cutting an awkwardly shaped potato. Thankfully my thumbnail slowed the blade before I actually finished the slice and cut it off.

Better the nail than the flesh, but it still didn't feel very good.

>> No.7720344


was cutting sloppy pork butts on the band saw. one really loose pig got sucked through and pulled my thumb into the blade. that bone saw band just chunked a pit into my thumb knuckle before i knew it and before i could do anything.

taped that shit up with electrical tape and went back tah twerk.

>> No.7720358

Nothing because iim not a tard

>> No.7720385

just 3rd degree oil burn, from putting way too much in the pan. I was such a retard.

>> No.7720394

Fell asleep while cooking potatoes in a campfire. Woke up when the bottom of my shoes melted.

>> No.7720478

the faucet was on hot one time

>> No.7720493

i was foolishly cleaning a tray with brownie crust on it with a sharp knife. one spot was particularly hard, and when it gave out the knife bounced off the glass and right through my left index finger. severed my flexor tendon, can pretty much only move it at the knuckle, the rest dont bend really. even with surgery it wont get any better. i fucked up so bad

>> No.7720496

forgot to mention im left handed too, so i fucked up my main hand. dont be like me

>> No.7720506

When I was a teenager I worked in a coffeehouse that had bagels and shit, and I cut a nice beg crescent moon into my thumb. I had a friend hanging out with me at the time, so he finished the order for me. They tipped me $5

I worked as a night baker in a bagelry and got a good half dozen burn marks on my wrists from taking metal trays out of the ovens and the racks.

Most recently I was trying to use the sides on a cheese grater to make cheese slices and cut a huge chunk out of the knuckle on my right thumb.

>> No.7720579

I seared muh dik once while making eggs in the morning

>> No.7720596

Accidentally bumped my elbow into a hot sandwich griddle when I worked in a deli in high school. Didn't realize it until I smelled burning hair. had a pretty good sized 2nd degree burn.

>> No.7720600

cut my thumb with a cheese grater

>> No.7720625

Filleted my index finger with a hatchet. I nearly hit my leg with an ax when chopping wood. And I've had embers from a spitting log land on my hand when removing a pizza from the wood oven.

>> No.7720633

Ripped my hand up with a serrated knife once. Wasn't really that bad of an injury but I was making something to eat before I went to the airport. Had to get on an eight hour flight with a three hour layover with my fucked up hand.

>> No.7720634

Sliced through my index finger whilst opening a microwaveable packet with a knife 2bh. Cut pretty deep. Got blood all over the place.

>> No.7720639
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Did this 3 hours ago, webbing sliced all the way down to palm.

>> No.7720695

was going to pour water off pasta and went to push tap out of the way with the back of my hand, forgetting that the tap was hot, so I winced and splashed half a pot of boiling water over my right hand

had to sleep with it in a bucket of water to stop the itching and some skin came off in the shower, but other than that it was fine

>> No.7720847

I thought I'd see how sharp a knife was by pressing my finger on it. It cut quite deep.

When I worked at a pizza place I accidentally whacked a co worker in the face with a heavy pizza pan. Thankfully it was not hot.

>> No.7720854

depends if you mean in a culinary context or in an actual kitchen.
A bf once slapped me in a kitchen, that's really the worst. or a minor burn on a finger tip or something. Never cut myself.
I once fell back over into a grill as a child, burned like a third of my back.

>> No.7720857

reached over a pan of steaming gyoza to get something out of a pot of oil behind it and steamed my wrist, now I've had a giant scaly red patch on my wrist for 3 months. I should see a doctor

>> No.7720858


>to this day I only occasionally eat MREs

>> No.7720868
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>Working in a kitchen
>Owner hires on dumbass 14 year old son for the summer
>Fat, lazy little shit does not clear sinks at the end of the shift.
>I come in at the start of the lunch rush
>Water is gross I go to open the sink up
Pain shoots my hand, blood starts flitering into the water.
>Water drains to reveal Chef knife.
>Head chef is not impressed, pulls the Owner into the kitchen to show my wounds off. Demands the kid be put somewhere else or removed altogether
>Get a week off with pay

>> No.7721617

>a slap is worse than grilling your entire back

>> No.7721640

Yes but that wasn't in a kitchen, it was in a garden. Hence why it depends on whether it's a culinary or kitchen accident.

>> No.7721662
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The worst I've had was when I dropped a knife on my foot and the tip went in pretty deep.

Pic related isn't too bad but it happened yesterday.

>> No.7721684

>Washing dishes at a supermarket deli
>Reach down into the murky sludge
>Pull out hand and there's blood all over it
>Some fucking retard tossed a giant meat cleaver into the mountain of trays and plates and I had slit my wrist on it
>Make a complaint to management because this person could have sent me to the fucking hospital if the cut had been a little deeper
>Manager straight-up blames me for "not paying attention to what I'm doing" and says that "it's easy to make a mistake and put a knife in the wrong place, it's not their fault"
>Come very close to unloading and losing my job on the spot but don't because I needed money
>End up quitting a week later when I get sliced on the hand in an identical incident
There was a giant laminated sign above the sinks that says KNIVES MUST BE WASHED BY HAND AND RETURNED TO APPROPRIATE BINS, DO *NOT* PLACE KNIVES IN SINK but apparently that's not good enough

>> No.7722976

I know a friend that worked in a kitchen that got his palm deeply sliced with a butterknife.
He was pretending to give it to a coworker and was dicking around and not letting it go. The other guy apparently yanked it out of his hand and sliced it good.

>> No.7722985

Sliced off the tip of my thumb while cutting veggies because I was a fucking idiot and wasn't watching where my fingers were.

I live on my own, so I had to wrap the whole shebang with a towel and drive myself to the ER to get it stitched up. Hurt like a motherfucker and it took me forever to wash the blood out of my carpet from where it seeped out of my makeshift bandages.

>> No.7722996

I got the palm of my hand stuck to the inside of the freezer. Got freezer burn + blisters :(

>> No.7723002

should have called corporate or something man

some other poor fuck probably got their wrist slit cause you didn't report their negligence

>> No.7723014

I got my dick stuck in the meat slicer.

We both lost our jobs.

>> No.7723021
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Standing in my house at the kitchen counter cutting a loaf of bread while I look out the front window as TS Sandy blows past.

All those people in New Jersey complaining about that storm don't know what real suffering is.

>> No.7723054

This. That's unacceptable policy from management.

>> No.7724331

That what you told the doctor when he was elbow deep in your asshole hunting for it?

>> No.7724359
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Burnt the piss out of my arm on a commercial steamer pretty bad. It was pretty shitty, and I even had mitts on.

>> No.7724365


>> No.7724366

I want to pop it with my mouth and see if it tastes like cheese juice

>> No.7724463

I was baking while baked and picked up a 400 degree cast iron pot bare handed. Fun second degree burn over most of my left hand. Healed up nice though.

>> No.7724538

Just the odd nick and burn, I don't think I've ever had a cooking injury that wasn't minor

The worst have to be steam burns though, they happen so fast and they hurt like a bitch

>> No.7724553

My hands are covered in scars from late night frozen pizza/tendies/tots in the oven

>> No.7724563

Thats sexy af.
I love a man who can cook.

>> No.7724628

Leant on the stainless work surface to grab an apple. Put all my weight on my forearm. Didnt know another guy had been plating up there moments before and had had a pan on the side. Entire side of my forearm blistered. Finished my shift and went to the hospital to get it dressed.

I now assume EVERYTHING is hot.