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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 1000x571, lastmeal6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7710551 No.7710551 [Reply] [Original]

What would your 3 course last meal be, /ck/?

>> No.7710561

Whatever I decide to cook. Because I'll still be in my kitchen and not in jail since I'm not a degenerate.

Follow the law, people.

>> No.7710571

Opener of sorrel soup.

Roast lamb shashlik served on top of turnip pilaf and carrot pilaf (half the plate is one and half the other) with sides of chili-and-garlic beets with coriander, green beans/string beans/yardlong beans in spiced-and-garlicky tomato sauce and a simple plate of wilted spinach with garlic.

Aftermeal salad made from rapunzel.

>> No.7710572

The same law that gives gay couples the same rights as normal people?
I think not, hombre.

>> No.7710573

It's a hypothetical question that reveals your absolute favourite foods.

There's no need for moral grandstanding.

>> No.7710587

I didn't know they still did firing squad.

>> No.7710594

Would be funny to die on that last meal.

Which meal one should take to make it happen ?

>> No.7710598

20 habaneros
eat all at once, die to heart attack

>> No.7710605

Some kind of small soup to start. Not sure what though.
I think I'd have crab legs with butter and steak. Maybe a side of mashed potatoes and gravy. A side of steamed vegetables.
A slice of pumpkin pie for dessert.
Hot tea to drink, oolong or earl grey probably.

>> No.7710610


>> No.7710612

Yar, you can request it in Utah.

>> No.7710617

>this thread again

OP is a confirmed newfaggot

>> No.7710626

How does that make him a newfag of all things?
We have this thread pretty regularly.

>> No.7710628

A cheeseburger, hot fresh fries, and an ice cold Coca Cola.

>> No.7710648

can I have a not last meal please?

>> No.7710654


>> No.7710662

These threads always devolve into shit flinging about capital punishment, just you wait

I would have an entire wheel of brie, crab legs, and deep fried shrimp

>> No.7710669
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fuck off if you're not going to contribute and just shitpost, it's really easy to hide threads

>> No.7710673
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You are nearly there my friend.
A Quarter Pounder with cheese, hot, fresh fries and an ice cold Coca Cola.

>> No.7710677

>if you're not going to contribute

Fine, then, my last meal would be a sandwich, along with a pop and a bag of chips, which make for a great last midday meal!

>> No.7710684

If you're going to play the game, 50% effort won't have you covered.

>> No.7710686

yup that same one that considers conservatives as sapient beings.

>> No.7710734

They no longer do last meals

But I'd take a bison burger, some McDonalds fries, a warm cinnamon pretzel with icing, and a cold a&w cream soda

I'd probably cry while eating it, knowing it's your last meal ever must be ridiculously overwhelming

>> No.7710767

You can save it for later

>> No.7710793
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Fuck right off ronald

>> No.7710798

says who? I heard an NPR interview last month with a prison cook who cooks these meals

>> No.7710809

A pot of chili (with the works), asparagus, a pot of spaghetti bolognese. Just to give the mortician some fun afterwards.

>> No.7710824

thanks senpai

>> No.7710826

A professor of mine told me, I just looked it up, he was wrong, I should have fact checked, sorry anon, I believed him cause he's a professor

>> No.7710846

>We have this thread pretty regularly.

>> No.7710848


I've read that most people barely even touch their last meal, if at all. Yeah, it proves to be a pretty shitty source of comfort unless the person is really into food.

>> No.7710849

I think they stopped offering it in Texas or something.

>> No.7710850


Surely that would vary from place to place, right? Different states = different laws.

>> No.7710856

>I'd probably cry while eating it, knowing it's your last meal ever must be ridiculously overwhelming

That's because you're a pussy, and you wouldn't ever be on death row in the first place.

A true hardened criminal would be jaded as fuck and grub out, you fucking pussy.

>> No.7710859

> Mcdonalds shit
> not actual burger from real ingredients
> shiggydiggy

>> No.7710866

>I've read that most people barely even touch their last meal, if at all.
Fucking this. Who the fuck could eat knowing you're going to die right after.
Also can you request literally anything or are there limits? Like could I get Kobe beef or something and have them fly it in from Japan?

>> No.7710878

Only Texas,I live in California where last meals are still a thing

>> No.7710881

>calling me a pussy for not being a jaded hardened criminal

Kek, enjoy your last meal you degenerate :^]

>> No.7710883

Just google it senpai, diff states have diff laws, Virginia only lets you choose based on their rotating 28 day menu, Florida only lets you choose $40 worth of food, and Oklahoma only $15

>> No.7710889

Cheese plate with fruit/cracker/olive side

Big bowl of panang curry with lots of shrimp, tofu and veggies served with jasmine rice

Slice of red velvet cake (or the whole cake)

>> No.7710891

It's traditionally "Any meal within reason".
No 80 pounds of caviar and $5000 bottle of dom. You can probably get a lick of caviar and cheap sparkling wine though, and feel really fancy before they blow your sphincter out with a cocktail of chemicals.
My state (texas woo) has been known to allow the mothers of the convict to cook their last meal, in a few cases.

>> No.7710923

Huge platter of meat and an assortment of good liquor.
Cheese and marmelade for dessert.

>> No.7710931

app: pint of the freshest, juciest IPA available (tired hands, cellarmaker, fieldwork, maybe RR)
main: pulled pork sando with extra coleslaw
dessert: raspberry cheesecake

>> No.7710958

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.7710974

A nice bread with a cream cheese and garlic spread as opener

An entire casserole dish of my own lasagna as the main course.

For the dessert, more of my own lasagna, and cream cheese cake with mandarin oranges my grandma makes.

>> No.7710983

That's some damn good taste right there

>> No.7711405

This guy gets it

>> No.7711435


>> No.7711437

Popeye's 8 piece family meal. Comes with a large side and four biscuits. I'd get mashed potatoes and gravy. Several packets of hot sauce, please.

An ice chest full of the Mexican Coca Cola in the glass bottle with pure cane sugar.

A pint of Praline Pecan ice cream.

>> No.7711454

Appetizer: A bottle of 151.
Main: Ask for a chef to flambe a steak in front of me.
Desert: Use 151 to ignite flambe onto chef's face, pour a ring of fire around the cell... Eat charred chef face as I burn to death.

>> No.7711489


>> No.7711532

idk I'm have to bulk up for the after life.

lobster, steak, bunch of pies&cakes, three 3 liters, pudding, hamburger steak, mac n cheese, tatters, kalua burger from that hawian joint.

>> No.7712251

Damn. That's a lot of fried chicken and tacos.

>> No.7712264

Chicken Parm, Chocolate milkshake, and a grilled cheese, just like how my mom used to make them.

>> No.7712433
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>> No.7712529

>Who the fuck could eat knowing you're going to die right after.

It's not served close to execution. It's a day or two before.

I'm not sure anyone is allowed to eat 24 hours before execution because it just means more shit to clean up.

They've discontinued it in most states though due to one guy ordering shitloads of food and not eating a single thing.

>> No.7712563
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I've given this a lot of though and because I couldn't trust a local restaurant or a prison cook to properly cook a nice steak (ribeye, medium rare) I would probably do what most death row inmates do and order some of my favorite junk food or fast food.

My order
>large pepperoni and mushroom pizza
>bacon wrapped deep dish from little caesars if available
>hot wings
>ice cream

Hard to fuck up. 3 of my favorite foods. Doesn't matter to me where it comes from but preferably pizza hut. Fight me

>> No.7712577

>last meal
>bacon wrapped deep dish from little caesars

Fuck yourself, that is incomprehensibly retarded

>> No.7712580

100 chicken nuggets with fries
Barbecue ribs and two big burgers
An entire white chocolate cheesecake with blueberry jam
And to drink I want coke, fresh green apple juice and a cup of good espresso coffee

>> No.7712581

He might be right in a limited way. I heard but can't cite that the practice was discontinued somewhere in the US

>> No.7712589

30 beers of genesee
30 hot wings
pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni

>> No.7712592

It's sadly humanizing to hear what people chose for their last meal. Even a man on his way to the gallows steps around a puddle to avoid a wet foot

>> No.7712613

They aren't going g to serve you alcohol in prison no matter if it's your last meal

>> No.7712629

You're all alone in the desert

>> No.7712631

i bet you don't even know what kek is you redditor

>> No.7712647

Hard mode you are In Oklahoma where alcohol and tobacco are forbidden and last meal must be under 15 dollars total

>> No.7712657

Peanut butter sandwich, only add allergies.

>implying habaneros are that hot
>implying eating 19 more will do any difference after the first one

>> No.7712665

As much cheesy polenta and fried pork chops and mustard greens as is can get.

>> No.7712680
File: 2.39 MB, 2800x1620, 87687576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its the mcchicken, the best fast food sandwich

Give me 10 of those and 2 large cokes and I'll die a happy man!!! :D

>> No.7712694

This would be great. Rob the state's joy

>> No.7712700

Yeah I would ask for a ton of eggs, bacon and fries, a coke and some icecream

>> No.7712731

A couple of McRibs and lobster tail with butter n chives.

>> No.7712733

I order a dip dish za and wait until it gets cold, then I hide inside and when they throw it out I escape with the gadbage

>> No.7712746

If its not a 'go 'za it won't have the necessary depth. Make sure to make it clear it needs to be from the 'go

>> No.7712769

If it's a 'go 'za then I request to share it with a couple inmates so we can all escape inside

>> No.7712775

Legitimate kek.
The trojan Chicago 'za.

>> No.7712806

a couple extra cheese and pepperoni/bacon pizzas

>> No.7713040

Yes they do, just not in Texas (and potentially a few other states). It is still the norm.

Anyway, I'd have one of those sprinkles birthday cakes, it's kind of a nice comfort food.

>> No.7713048

A deathday cake?

>> No.7713051

Exactly yes.

>> No.7713685

A six pack and Thanksgiving with family.

>> No.7713725
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>not posting the superior last meal pic

>> No.7713730


>> No.7713739

>get the chair
>Ask for a bucket of popcorn kernels
>And a quart of cooking oil
>Ask for a movie to watch
It's not for me to watch, it's for the guards

>> No.7713742
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a sour lemon.

>> No.7713743

>forgets the butter

>> No.7713763

Texas chili with cheese and onions from Hard Times (no beans)
Baked brie with honey and baguette
Chocolate mousse
A liter of 7-up and a bucket of ice

>> No.7713800

My last meal should be a whole chicken thats made in the oven jucy and cripsy at the same time with a whole bunch of cooked potatoes maybe mashed with brown chicken sause and a bunch of delicious veggies as broccoli and spinach, and a homemade salat with my special onion marinada. And to dessert as if i haden't already eaten enough, i want lavacake with homdemade icecream and chocolat mouse

>> No.7713835

Do I get to pick a movie to watch while I eat too?

>> No.7713838

sure why not

>> No.7713843

Appetizer some creamy soup like pumpkin.

Main course 2 fried eggs and a sausage, fresh tomato, cucumbers, lettuce and cabbage in separate plates.

Dessert would be an apple pie.

>> No.7713844
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A Tina's burrito washed down with a mad dog 20/20

>> No.7713855

Here's my pick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistics_%28film%29

>> No.7713881

Entrée: Half a dozen oysters kilpatrick

Main: Crispy roast pork with crunchy roast potatoes

Dessert: Sticky date pudding drenched in hot caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream

A whole bottle of Makers Mark for the drink

>> No.7713916

>current year
>still this fucking retarded

>> No.7714538

handle of vodka

>> No.7714639

Sweet comeback, bro. You sure showed him with that argument.

>> No.7714642


Glad there's still supreme gentlemen such as ourselves, you sir are a scholar.

>> No.7714701

start with the asshole caesar salad from Spoto's steak joint where they give you a fucking stalk of Romaine and the rest of the salad in containers and you have to make it yourself. Cut up the lettuce, pour on the dressing, drop on the croutons and cheese
main would be, i don't know, a steak, who cares
dessert is strawberry cheesecake, because i'm deathly allergic to strawberry

>> No.7714703

'cago 'za ofc

>> No.7714709

baked potato, extra butter and sour cream with salt and pepper
order of hot wings
2 cans of mountain dew
slice of key lime pie

>> No.7715182

>lotr trilogy

Just give me the bullet right away

>> No.7715189

was probably trying to push it back as long as possible

>> No.7715462

Mexican here, we use the same corn syrup you stupid fuck.

>> No.7715507
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>for entrée: bowl of stracctiatella soup
>maybe a boring ol' salad of arugula, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms
>for the main course: two chicken legs, roasted in a clay pot, the way my dad makes them
>roasted potatoes
>red cabbage with apples and stuff
>for dessert: almond semolina pudding with lingonberries

>> No.7715555

I would just get a three-tier almond cake with cream cheese icing/filling and pecans baked in.

>> No.7715575

I would assume the date and time of the execution is fixed, and they simply press play on your film a few hours earlier. Anything else would be silly.

>> No.7716066

Not that guy but thanks for so graciously clearing that up for us.

>> No.7716119

I'll have what he's having

>> No.7716140

This just oozes edgemaster
>"no...it must still have the pit inside. It symbolizes my wicked nature"

>> No.7716146

Pizza, whiskey, and cherry dip vanilla soft serve.

Fuck it, I keep it simple

>> No.7716240

Open with arugula salad with lemon juice and Pecorino Romano flaked on top maybe some toasted pine nuts in there, too. Salmon fillet with basil butter and grilled asparagus, roasted red potatoes with skin on (pretty much all of it drizzled with olive oil) for the main course. And then a pint of blueberry cheesecake ice cream on top of a freshly made waffle cone for dessert. Probably cherry coke somewhere during dinner as well.

>> No.7716242

Solid choice, anon.

>> No.7716268

That's fucking tempting. I would add pickles to the Mchickens as well and halve the amount and replace with as many fries. Coke no question though.

>> No.7716274

supposedly in virginia the only limitation is that the inmate just can't eat anything within the four hour window before the execution

>> No.7716321

chicken tenders with honey bbq sauce
followed by an everything deep-dish pizza
finish the meal with a couple of the styrofoam ice-cream cups

>> No.7716330
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For the unfamiliar

>> No.7716340


Oh hey I remember those

>> No.7716408

Hrrmm... welp let me think

1. Ummm Chocolate
2. Chocolate
and 3 CHOCOLATE I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEE CHOCOLATE NOM NOM NOM anyone who doesn't choose chocolate is just a dumb dumb

>> No.7716765

Not every state is the same. Do you even law?

>> No.7716812

Well he is pretending to be on death row.

>> No.7717175
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I'm going to make sure my overstuffed belly explodes when the start the electric chair

>Honey Soy Chicken Wings with a small Garden Salad

>a classic burger: Beef, Cheese, Pickles, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Ktchup, Mustard and Mayo

>Profiteroles and Tiramisu

>> No.7717375

Spicy as the cook can make em wings
Meatloaf, mashed, corn, gravy,
Im not a desert man, but I guess a bowl of Lucky Charms or something sugary and childish.

>> No.7717384
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>> No.7718003

A big bag of bacon cheeseburgers, a pound of cajun fries and a 2 litre of cherry coke.

>> No.7718014

They stopped it in Texas because some guy ordered food for literally 30 people then they were pissed he didn't eat it, but there was no way anyone alive could have eaten it, it was like 50,000 calories.

>> No.7718108

*tips 'go'za*

>> No.7718120

That's retarded. Why didn't they just limit it to something within reason, like 5,000 calories, before even attempting to fulfill that guy's order?

>> No.7718343
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dumb false-flag femshit poster

>> No.7719654

Mixed green salad with cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese, and balsamic vinaigrette

6 KFC legs (extra crispy), 2 biscuits, small coleslaw, small mac and cheese, 4 sides of honey and Frank's Red Hot Sauce

Pecan pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and 2 Lucky Strike cigarettes

>> No.7720296

Fuck that's metal

>> No.7720342

A disgusting amount of Sesame or Orange chicken, and then some lo mein.

I like the idea of going out with some junk food.

>> No.7721081

apart from the fact he hoped it would make an olive tree grow from his remains and become a symbol of peace

>> No.7722943

It's not THAT metal. There is some evidence that the methods of lethal injection they've used in the past are actually excruciating and the anesthesia only makes you appear calm.

>> No.7722969


pretty cool/smart

>> No.7723241

For my last meal I want a pardon.
Also Coca Cola (TM). I just can't get enough of that delicious, refreshing drink! Buy Coca Cola (TM) today!

>> No.7724278
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That's kinda like what I want done with my own ashes.

>> No.7724305

Big kahuna burger

>> No.7724314
